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⟦d10c779b9⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 17408 (0x4400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package V_I_Tasks, seg_0509d2


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

-- Copyright 1986,1987,1988,1991,1993 Verdix Corporation

-- User interface to the ADA tasking extensions
-- Note: earlier releases used the following subtypes defined in v_i_types.
--  subtype v_i_types.a_task_t is system.task_id;\x09
--  subtype v_i_types.a_program_t is system.program_id;\x09
--  subtype v_i_types.user_field_t is integer;
-- The subprograms in this package are backward compatible with the above
-- subtypes.
with System;
use System;
with V_Usr_Conf_I;
package V_I_Tasks is

    pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
    pragma Suppress (Exception_Tables);
    pragma Not_Elaborated;

    -- Gets/sets the user field in the specified task.
    function Get_User_Field (Tsk : Task_Id) return Integer;
    procedure Set_User_Field (Tsk : Task_Id; New_Value : Integer);

    -- Gets/sets the current or static priority of the specified task.
    -- Task scheduling is only re-evaluated if the current priority of the
    -- current task is lowered or if the current priority of any other
    -- task is set.
    -- The current priority is used for all scheduling activities.
    -- The static priority is only used for rendezvous as follows:
    --  rendezvous_start:
    --      if not PRIORITY_INHERITANCE_ENABLED and then
    --         called_task.current_priority < calling_task.static_priority
    --      then
    --          called_task.current_priority := calling_task.static_prioity;
    --      end if;
    --  rendezvous_end:
    --      called_task.current_priority := called_task.static_priority;
    function Get_Current_Priority (Tsk : Task_Id) return Priority;
    procedure Set_Current_Priority (Tsk : Task_Id; New_Value : Priority);

    function Get_Static_Priority (Tsk : Task_Id) return Priority;
    procedure Set_Static_Priority (Tsk : Task_Id; New_Value : Priority);

-- CIFO option
    function Task_Has_Pragma_Priority (Tsk : Task_Id) return Boolean;
-- CIFO option

    -- Gets/sets the current pool (cp) for the current task
    function Get_Pool return System.Address;
    procedure Set_Pool (P : System.Address);

    -- Gets/sets the flag to disable the program from exiting
    function Get_Exit_Disabled_Flag return Boolean;
    procedure Set_Exit_Disabled_Flag (Disabled_Flag : Boolean);

    -- Gets/sets the fast rendezvous enabled flag for the current task.
    -- See FAST_RENDEZVOUS_ENABLED in v_usr_conf.a for details about
    -- the fast rendezvous optimization.
    -- If FAST_RENDEZVOUS_ENABLED was disabled in the configuration table,
    -- then, it can never be enabled.
    -- Normally, fast rendezvous would only need to be disabled for
    -- multi-processor Ada, where the accept body must execute
    -- in the acceptor task that is bound to a processor.
    function Get_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled return Boolean;
    procedure Set_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled (Enabled : Boolean);

-- CIFO option
    -- Gets/sets the private per-task data used by the CIFO.
    procedure Get_Cifo_Tcb (T : Task_Id; P : out System.Address);
    procedure Set_Cifo_Tcb (T : Task_Id; P : in System.Address);

    -- Return the calling task's master task
    function Get_Task_Master return Task_Id;

    -- Returns TRUE if the task is in the current program's list of tasks and
    -- the task has been activated but not yet terminated, abnormal or
    -- completed. Otherwise, returns FALSE.
    -- This subprogram first checks that the "tsk" parameter points to a
    -- valid task control block (tcb) before accessing any field in the tcb.
    -- If the sequence_num >= 0, then, the task's sequence_num must also
    -- match for the task to be valid.
    function Task_Is_Valid
                (Tsk : Task_Id; Sequence_Num : Integer := -1) return Boolean;

    -- Return TRUE if the task is abnormal.  The task should have been
    -- previously checked for validity with 'task_is_valid'.
    function Task_Is_Abnormal (Tsk : Task_Id) return Boolean;

    -- Returns TRUE if the calling task is in rendezvous with a passive
    -- task.
    function In_Passive_Rendezvous return Boolean;

-- CIFO option

    -- Returns the pc of the first instruction of the task.
    function Get_Task_Start_Pc (Tsk : Task_Id) return System.Address;

    -- Returns the task's unique sequence number. The main task has a
    -- sequence number of 1. Each time an Ada task is created, the sequence
    -- number is incremented by 1 and assigned to the task.
    function Get_Task_Sequence_Number (Tsk : Task_Id) return Integer;

    -- Checks if the calling task is already in rendezvous with the
    -- called task. Returns TRUE if in rendezvous.
    function Check_In_Rendezvous
                (Called_Task : Task_Id; Calling_Task : Task_Id) return Boolean;

    -- Returns the Task Control Block (TCB) of the current task.
    -- If executing in a fast rendezvous, returns the acceptor task and
    -- not the caller task that is really executing the rendezvous.
    function Get_Current_Task return Task_Id;

    -- Returns the Task Control Block (TCB) associated with the specified task.
    function Get_Task (Id : System.Task_Id) return Task_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Task);

    -- Gets the configuration table for the current program.
    function Get_Configuration_Table
                return V_Usr_Conf_I.A_Configuration_Table_T;

    -- Calls a procedure in another program
    procedure Inter_Program_Call
                 (Proc_Prg : Program_Id; Proc_Addr : Address; Arg : Address);

-- The following services provide backward compatibility with earlier
-- releases of VADS.
-- The interface to these low kernel services is now provided in
-- ada_krn_i.a. The following routines simply layer upon their
-- counterparts in ada_krn_i.a.

    -- Returns the Program Control Block (PCB) of the current program.
    function Get_Current_Program return Program_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Current_Program);

    -- Returns the specified task's Program Control Block (PCB)
    function Get_Program (Tsk : Task_Id) return Program_Id;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Program);

    -- Terminates the specified Ada program
    procedure Terminate_Program (Status : Integer;  -- exit status
                                 Prg : Program_Id := Get_Current_Program);
    pragma Inline_Only (Terminate_Program);

    -- Gets the user defined key for the specified program.
    function Get_Program_Key
                (Prg : Program_Id := Get_Current_Program) return System.Address;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Program_Key);

    -- Suspends/resumes the specified task.
    -- The VADS_MICRO always returns TRUE. If not layered upon
    -- VADS_MICRO, then, check ada_krn_i's task_suspend or task_resume.
    function Suspend_Task (Tsk : Task_Id) return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Suspend_Task);
    function Resume_Task (Tsk : Task_Id) return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Resume_Task);

    -- Gets/sets the time slice interval for the specified task.
    -- Time slicing for a task is disabled by setting it to 0.0 seconds
    function Get_Time_Slice (Tsk : Task_Id) return Duration;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Time_Slice);
    procedure Set_Time_Slice (Tsk : Task_Id; New_Time_Slice : Duration);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Time_Slice);

    -- Gets/sets the global time slicing enabled configuration parameter
    function Get_Time_Slicing return Boolean;
    pragma Inline_Only (Get_Time_Slicing);
    procedure Set_Time_Slicing (Enabled : Boolean);
    pragma Inline_Only (Set_Time_Slicing);

    -- Disables/enables task preemption
    -- Shouldn't be called from an ISR. disable_preemption doesn't
    -- disable interrupts.
    procedure Disable_Preemption;
    pragma Inline_Only (Disable_Preemption);
    procedure Enable_Preemption;
    pragma Inline_Only (Enable_Preemption);

    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_User_Field);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_User_Field, "__GET_USER_FIELD");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_User_Field);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_User_Field, "__SET_USER_FIELD");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Current_Priority);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Current_Priority, "__GET_CURRENT_PRIORITY");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Current_Priority);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Current_Priority, "__SET_CURRENT_PRIORITY");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Static_Priority);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Static_Priority, "__GET_STATIC_PRIORITY");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Static_Priority);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Static_Priority, "__SET_STATIC_PRIORITY");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Pool);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Pool, "__GET_POOL");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Pool);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Pool, "__SET_POOL");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Exit_Disabled_Flag);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Exit_Disabled_Flag, "__GET_EXIT_DISABLED_FLAG");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Exit_Disabled_Flag);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Exit_Disabled_Flag, "__SET_EXIT_DISABLED_FLAG");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled,
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Fast_Rendezvous_Enabled,

-- CIFO option
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Cifo_Tcb);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Cifo_Tcb, "__GET_CIFO_TCB");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Set_Cifo_Tcb);
    pragma Interface_Name (Set_Cifo_Tcb, "__SET_CIFO_TCB");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Task_Master);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Task_Master, "__GET_TASK_MASTER");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Task_Is_Valid);
    pragma Interface_Name (Task_Is_Valid, "__TASK_IS_VALID");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Task_Is_Abnormal);
    pragma Interface_Name (Task_Is_Abnormal, "__TASK_IS_ABNORMAL");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Task_Has_Pragma_Priority);
    pragma Interface_Name (Task_Has_Pragma_Priority,
    pragma Interface (Ada, In_Passive_Rendezvous);
    pragma Interface_Name (In_Passive_Rendezvous, "__IN_PASSIVE_RENDEZVOUS");
-- CIFO option
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Task_Start_Pc);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Task_Start_Pc, "__GET_TASK_START_PC");
    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Task_Sequence_Number);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Task_Sequence_Number,
    pragma Interface (Ada, Check_In_Rendezvous);
    pragma Interface_Name (Check_In_Rendezvous, "__CHECK_IN_RENDEZVOUS");

    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Current_Task);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Current_Task, "TS_TID");

    pragma Interface (Ada, Get_Configuration_Table);
    pragma Interface_Name (Get_Configuration_Table,

    pragma Interface (Ada, Inter_Program_Call);
    pragma Interface_Name (Inter_Program_Call, "__INTER_PROGRAM_CALL");
end V_I_Tasks;

E3 Meta Data

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    tail 0x2154af6de878e7a210a61 0x42a00088462060003