Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

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⟦d4477d1b5⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 22528 (0x5800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Expense_Report, seg_0046b8


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Time_Utilities;
with Spreadsheet_Generic;
with Text_Io;
with Io;
with Library;
with Common;
with Editor;
with Calendar;
procedure Expense_Report (Mileage_Rate  : String := "1.82"; -- us: 0.0075 ?
                          Currency_Rate : String := "1.0";  
                          Directory     : String := "$";
                          Load_File     : String := "") is
    type Col  is (Category, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesd,
                  Thursd, Friday, Saturd, A_Total, B_Total);
    type Line is (Days, Dates, Mileage, Mil_Allw, Plane, Car_Rent, Loc_Trns,
                  Lodging, Brkfst, Lunch, Dinner, Biz_Conf, T_Phone, Misc_1,
                  Misc_2, Totals, Adv_1, Adv_2, Due_Emp, Due_Rational);

    package Grid is new Spreadsheet_Generic
                           (Line, Col, "Expense_Report", "2.0");
    package Tools renames Grid.Tool_Set;  
    function "*" (Width : Natural; C : Character) return String
        renames Tools."*";

    subtype Week         is Col range Sunday .. Saturd;
    subtype Items_To_Add is Line range Mil_Allw .. Misc_2;
    Mil_Rate    : constant Line := Due_Emp;
    Cur_Rate    : constant Line := Due_Rational;
    Param       : constant Col  := Sunday;
    Week_Ending : String (1 .. 5);

    type Pos is
            L : Line;
            C : Col;
        end record;

    type Money is new Float;
    A : array (Mileage .. Due_Rational, Sunday .. B_Total) of Money;

    Mileage_Reimbursement_Rate : Money renames A (Mil_Rate, Param);
    Current_Currency_Rate      : Money renames A (Cur_Rate, Param);

    type Astring is access String;
    Formula : array (Line, Col) of Astring;

    package Money_Io is new Text_Io.Float_Io (Money);
    package Int_Io   is new Text_Io.Integer_Io (Integer);

    function Is_Modifiable (L : Line; C : Col) return Boolean is
        return ((L in Dates .. Mileage or L in Plane .. Misc_2) and
                (C in Week)) or Pos'(L, C) = (Mil_Rate, Param) or
               Pos'(L, C) = (Cur_Rate, Param) or
               Pos'(L, C) = (Adv_1, A_Total) or Pos'(L, C) = (Adv_2, A_Total);
    end Is_Modifiable;

    procedure Set (Li : Line; Co : Col; Amount : Money; Aft : Natural := 2) is
        A (Li, Co) := Amount;  
        Grid.Set (Li, Co, Tools.Image
                             (Float (Amount), Grid.Width (Co), Aft,
                              Blank_If_Zero => Is_Modifiable (Li, Co)));
    end Set;

    procedure Compute is
        procedure Mileage_Allowance is
            Miles : Money := 0.0;
            for Day in Week loop
                Miles := Miles + A (Mileage, Day);
                Set (Mil_Allw, Day,
                     Money (Mileage_Reimbursement_Rate * A (Mileage, Day)));
                if A (Mileage, Day) = 0.0 then
                    Grid.Set (Mil_Allw, Day, Grid.Width (Day) * ' ');
                end if;
            end loop;
            Set (Mileage, A_Total, Miles);
        end Mileage_Allowance;

        procedure Total_Line is
            Tot : Money := 0.0;
            for Day in Week loop
                Tot := 0.0;
                for Item in Items_To_Add loop
                    Tot := Tot + A (Item, Day);
                end loop;  
                Set (Totals, Day, Tot);
            end loop;
        end Total_Line;

        procedure A_Col_Total is
            Tot, Grand_Tot : Money := 0.0;
            for Item in Items_To_Add loop
                Tot := 0.0;
                for Day in Week loop
                    Tot := Tot + A (Item, Day);
                end loop;  
                Set (Item, A_Total, Tot);
                Grand_Tot := Grand_Tot + Tot;
            end loop;  
            Set (Totals, A_Total, Grand_Tot);
        end A_Col_Total;

        procedure B_Col_Total is
            Tot : Money := 0.0;
            for Item in Mil_Allw .. Loc_Trns loop
                Set (Item, B_Total, A (Item, A_Total));
            end loop;  
            for Item in Lodging .. Dinner loop
                Tot := Tot + A (Item, A_Total);
            end loop;  
            Set (Dinner, B_Total, Tot);
            for Item in Biz_Conf .. Misc_2 loop
                Set (Item, B_Total, A (Item, A_Total));
            end loop;
            Set (Totals, B_Total, A (Totals, A_Total));
        end B_Col_Total;

        procedure Total_Total is
            Adv : Money := A (Adv_1, A_Total) + A (Adv_2, A_Total);
            Tot : Money renames A (Totals, A_Total);
            if Adv < Tot then
                Set (Due_Emp, A_Total, Tot - Adv);
                Set (Due_Rational, A_Total, 0.0);
                Set (Due_Rational, A_Total, Adv - Tot);
                Set (Due_Emp, A_Total, 0.0);
            end if;
        end Total_Total;
    end Compute;

    function Save_File_Name return String is
        File_Name : constant String := "Expenses_Week_Ending_" & Week_Ending;
        Library.Context (Directory, Response => "<quiet>");
        if Week_Ending = "     " then
            Tools.Beep ("Date not set up in report");
            return Grid.No_File_Name; -- do not get default
            return File_Name;
        end if;
    end Save_File_Name;

    function Load_File_Name return String is
        return Tools.Ask_For ("File to load :");
    end Load_File_Name;

    procedure Put (L : Line; C : Col; S : String; Valid : out Boolean) is
        M, Last      : Integer;  
        Temp, Amount : Money := 0.0;
        package Tu renames Time_Utilities;

        procedure Date_Input (S : String) is
            Date      : Tu.Time := (Tu.Value (S));
            Now       : Tu.Time := Tu.Get_Time;
            Cal_Date  : Calendar.Time;
            Right_Day : Integer;  
            use Calendar;
            -- time_utilities does not take a data such as  5/26
            -- it thinks that this is an hour: 5:26 am !!
            -- so we have to add the year in front, and recompute Date
            if Tu.Image (Date, Tu.Ada, Tu.Short, Tu.Time_Only) /=
               Tu.Image (Now, Tu.Ada, Tu.Short, Tu.Time_Only) then
                Date := Tu.Value (Tu.Years'Image (Now.Year) & "/" & S);
                if Tu.Convert_Time (Now) + (6 * Tu.Day) <
                   Tu.Convert_Time (Date) then
                    Date := Tu.Value (Tu.Years'Image (Tu."-" (Now.Year, 1)) &
                                      "/" & S);
                    Tools.Alert ("I assumed you meant last year :" &
                                 Tu.Image (Date, Contents => Tu.Date_Only) &
                                 ". If not, please enter year.", 1);
                end if;
            end if;
            Cal_Date  := Tu.Convert_Time (Date);
            Right_Day := Integer (Tu.Day_Of_Week (Cal_Date)) mod 7 +
                            Col'Pos (Sunday);
            if Right_Day /= Col'Pos (C) then
                   ("Note that " & Tu.Image (Date, Contents => Tu.Date_Only) &
                    " is a " & Tu.Image (Tu.Day_Of_Week (Date)) & " !", 1);
            end if;
            for X in Week loop  
                Date := Tu.Convert_Time (Cal_Date +
                                         (Col'Pos (X) - Right_Day) * Tu.Day);
                   (Dates, X, "   " &
                                 Tu.Image (Date,
                                           Date_Style => Tu.Month_Day_Year,
                                           Contents => Tu.Date_Only) (1 .. 5));
            end loop;
            -- here Dae contains the date for saturday, last day of the week
            -- in the US (Have not they read the Bible over there ?)
            Week_Ending :=
               Tu.Image (Date, Tu.Ada, Tu.Ada, Tu.Date_Only) (4 .. 8);
        end Date_Input;

        if L = Dates then
            Date_Input (S);
        elsif S (1) = '=' and then (L in Mileage .. Misc_2 and
                                    C in Monday .. Saturd) then
            Set (L, C, A (L, Col'Pred (C)));
            Amount := Money (Tools.Float_Value (S));
            if C in Week and L in Items_To_Add then
                Set (L, C, Amount * Current_Currency_Rate);
                if Current_Currency_Rate = 1.0 then
                    Formula (L, C) := new String'(S);
                    Formula (L, C) := new String'("(" & S & ")*" &
                                                  Grid.Get (Cur_Rate, Param));
                end if;
                Formula (L, C) := new String'(S);
                if C = Param and then L in Mil_Rate .. Cur_Rate then
                    Set (L, C, Amount, Aft => 4);  
                    Set (L, C, Amount);  
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        Valid := True;  
        when others =>
            Valid := False;
    end Put;

    function Edit (L : Line; C : Col) return String is
        if Formula (L, C) /= null then
            return Formula (L, C).all;
            return Grid.Get (L, C);
        end if;
    end Edit;

    procedure Initialize is
        Ok : Boolean;
        A           := (Mileage .. Due_Rational => (Sunday .. B_Total => 0.0));
        Week_Ending := "     ";
        for Li in Line range Adv_1 .. Line'Last loop
            Grid.Set (Li, B_Total, Tools.Left_Align (' ' & Line'Image (Li),
                                                     Grid.Width (B_Total)));
            Grid.Set (Li, Col'First, String'
                                        (1 .. Grid.Width (Col'First) => ' '));
        end loop;  
        Grid.Set (Mil_Rate, Col'First, Tools.Left_Align
                                          ("Mil Rate", Grid.Width (Col'First)));
        Grid.Set (Cur_Rate, Col'First, Tools.Left_Align
                                          ("Cur Rate", Grid.Width (Col'First)));
        Put (Mil_Rate, Param, Mileage_Rate, Ok);
        Put (Cur_Rate, Param, Currency_Rate, Ok);
    end Initialize;

    function Definition (L : Line; C : Col) return String is
        if Formula (L, C) /= null then
            Tools.Echo_Line (Formula (L, C).all);
        end if;
        case L is
            when Days =>
                return "Move to any item an press 'definition'";
            when Dates =>
                   "Enter 1 date in any form: 89/5/22  5-22-89  may 5,1989 ...";
            when Mileage =>
                return "Miles or kilometers driven for company business";
            when Mil_Allw =>
                return "Product Mileage * Mileage_Reimbursement_Rate";
            when Plane =>
                   "Transportation by plane, train or bus only (what about boat ?)";
            when Car_Rent =>
                return "Rental car (unless paid directly by Rational)";
            when Loc_Trns =>
                   "Local transportation, Taxis, Tolls, Parking, Camels, etc";
            when Lodging | Brkfst | Lunch | Dinner =>
                return "Meals and lodging. Also includes per diem charge.";
            when Biz_Conf =>
                return "Good food and entertainment at low cost";
            when T_Phone =>
                return "Telephone, Telex, Telefax, Pigeon, Smoke signals";
            when Misc_1 | Misc_2 =>
                return "Any other charge: pens and pencils, aspirin,...";
            when Adv_1 | Adv_2 =>
                return "Enter amount of any advances from Rational";
            when Due_Emp =>
                if C in Category .. Sunday then
                    return "Mileage reimbursement rate (per mile or per km)";
                elsif C in A_Total .. B_Total then
                    return "Amount due to employee by Rational";
                    return "";
                end if;
            when Due_Rational =>
                if C in Category .. Sunday then
                       "Currency exchange rate to MULTIPLY subsequent entries.";
                elsif C in A_Total .. B_Total then
                    return "Amount due to Rational by employee";
                    return "";
                end if;
            when others =>
                return "";
        end case;
    end Definition;

    function Help return String is
        function "+" (A, B : String) return String is
            return A & Ascii.Lf & B;
        end "+";
        return --
           "Computes an expense report according to Rational rules." +
              "Entries can be done with numeric keypad, and can be any" +
              "   simple arithmetic expression. Spaces or commas are between" +
              "   numbers are understood as + . Entries are multiplied by" +
              "   current exchange rate at the time entry is committed." +
              "Press [compute] to actually perform computations." +
              "Press [save] to save report to a file" +
              "Press [load] or give file name as proc. param. to modify" +
              "   previously saved report" +
              "Press [show] to see cells to be filled in";
    end Help;

    procedure Run is new Grid.Engine (Compute => Compute,
                                      Feed => Put,
                                      Initialize => Initialize,
                                      Column_Width => Grid.All_Columns_Equal,
                                      Home_Position => Grid.Upper_Left_Corner,
                                      Is_Modifiable => Is_Modifiable,
                                      Is_Selected => Is_Modifiable,
                                      Edit_Prompt => Edit,
                                      Definition => Definition,  
                                      Command => Grid.Noop,
                                      Help => Help,  
                                      Diagnosis => Grid.No_Message,
                                      Save_File_Name => Save_File_Name,
                                      Load_File_Name => Load_File_Name,
                                      Moving_Cursor_Also_Commits => True,
                                      Committing_Also_Computes => False,
                                      Computing_Also_Reformats => True);

    Run (Initial_File_To_Load => Load_File);
end Expense_Report;
pragma Main;

E3 Meta Data

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