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Length: 16384 (0x4000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Binary_Trees_Pkg, seg_043330, seg_043666
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
generic type Value_Type is private; --| Type of values stored in the tree. with function Difference (P, Q : Value_Type) return Integer is <>; --| Must return a value > 0 if P > Q, 0 if P = Q, and less than --| zero otherwise. package Binary_Trees_Pkg is --| Efficient implementation of binary trees. --| OVERVIEW --| This package is an efficient implementation of unbalanced binary trees. --| These trees have the following properties: --|- --| 1. Inserting a value is cheap (log n Differences per insertion). --| 2. Finding a value is cheap (log n Differences per querey). --| 3. Can iterate over the values in sorted order in linear time. --| 4. Space overhead is moderate (2 "pointers" per value stored). --|+ --| They are thus useful both for sorting sequences of indeterminate size --| and for lookup tables. --| --| OPERATIONS --| --|-The following operations are provided: --| --| Insert\x09\x09Insert a node into a tree --| Insert_if_not_Found\x09Insert a node into a tree if not there already --| Replace_if_Found\x09Replace a node if duplicate exists, else insert. --| Destroy\x09\x09Destroy a tree --| Destroy_Deep*\x09Destroy a tree and its contents --| Balanced_Tree*\x09Create a balanced tree from values supplied in order --| Copy*\x09\x09Copy a tree. The copy is balanced. --| --| Queries: --| Is_Empty\x09\x09Return TRUE iff a tree is empty. --| Find\x09\x09Search tree for a node --| Is_Found\x09\x09Return TRUE iff tree contains specified value. --| Size\x09\x09Return number of nodes in the tree. --| --| Iterators: --| Visit*\x09\x09Apply a procedure to every node in specified order --| Make_Iter\x09\x09Create an iterator for ordered scan --| More\x09\x09Test for exhausted iterator --| Next\x09\x09Bump an iterator to the next element --| --| * Indicates generic subprogram --| --| USAGE --| --| The following example shows how to use this package where nodes in --| the tree are labeled with a String_Type value (for which a natural --| Difference function is not available). --|- --| package SP renames String_Pkg; --| --| type my_Value is record --| label: SP.string_type; --| value: integer; --| end record; --| --| function differ_label(P, Q: SP.string_type) return integer is --| begin --| if SP."<"(P, Q) then return -1; --| elsif SP."<"(Q, P) then return 1; --| else return 0; --| end if; --| end differ_label; --| --| package my_Tree is new Binary_Trees_pkg(my_Value, differ_Label); --| --| Note that the required Difference function may be easily written in terms --| of "<" if that is available, but that frequently two comparisons must --| be done for each Difference. However, both comparisons would have --| to be done internally by this package for every instantiation if the --| generic parameter were "<" instead of Difference. --| --| PERFORMANCE --| --| Every node can be visited in the tree in linear time. The cost --| of creating an iterator is small and independent of the size --| of the tree. --| --| Recognizing that comparing values can be expensive, this package --| takes a Difference function as a generic parameter. If it took --| a comparison function such as "<", then two comparisons would be --| made per node visited during a search of the tree. Of course this --| is more costly when "<" is a trivial operation, but in those cases, --| Difference can be bound to "-" and the overhead in negligable. --| --| Two different kinds of iterators are provided. The first is the --| commonly used set of functions Make_Iter, More, and Next. The second --| is a generic procedure called Visit. The generic parameter to Visit is --| a procedure which is called once for each value in the tree. Visit --| is more difficult to use and results in code that is not quite as clear, --| but its overhead is about 20% of the More/Next style iterator. It --| is therefore recommended for use only in time critical inner loops. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exceptions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duplicate_Value : exception; --| Raised on attempt to insert a duplicate node into a tree. Not_Found : exception; --| Raised on attempt to find a node that is not in a tree. No_More : exception; --| Raised on attempt to bump an iterator that has already scanned the --| entire tree. Out_Of_Order : exception; --| Raised if a problem in the ordering of a tree is detected. Invalid_Tree : exception; --| Value is not a tree or was not properly initialized. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Scan_Kind is (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder); --| Used to specify the order in which values should be scanned from a tree: --|- --| inorder: Left, Node, Right (nodes visited in increasing order) --| preorder: Node, Left, Right (top down) --| postorder: Left, Right, Node (bottom up) type Tree is private; type Iterator is private; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operations -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create --| Return an empty tree. return Tree; --| Effects: Create and return an empty tree. Note that this allocates --| a small amount of storage which can only be reclaimed through --| a call to Destroy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Insert ( --| Insert a value into a tree. V : Value_Type; --| Value to be inserted T : Tree --| Tree to contain the new value ); --| Raises: Duplicate_Value, Invalid_Tree. --| Effects: Insert V into T in the proper place. If a value equal --| to V (according to the Difference function) is already contained --| in the tree, the exception Duplicate_Value is raised. --| Caution: Since this package does not attempt to balance trees as --| values are inserted, it is important to remember that inserting --| values in sorted order will create a degenerate tree, where search --| and insertion is proportional to the N instead of to Log N. If --| this pattern is common, use the Balanced_Tree function below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Insert_If_Not_Found ( --| Insert a value into a tree, provided a duplicate value is not already there V : Value_Type; --| Value to be inserted T : Tree; --| Tree to contain the new value Found : out Boolean; --| Becomes True iff V already in tree Duplicate : out Value_Type --| the duplicate value, if there is one ); --| Raises: Invalid_Tree. --| Effects: Insert V into T in the proper place. If a value equal --| to V (according to the Difference function) is already contained --| in the tree, Found will be True and Duplicate will be the duplicate --| value. This might be a sequence of values with the same key, and --| V can then be added to the sequence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Replace_If_Found ( --| Replace a value if label exists, otherwise insert it. V : Value_Type; --| Value to be inserted T : Tree; --| Tree to contain the new value Found : out Boolean; --| Becomes True iff L already in tree Old_Value : out Value_Type --| the duplicate value, if there is one ); --| Raises: Invalid_Tree. --| Effects: Search for V in T. If found, replace the old value with V, --| and return Found => True, Old_Value => the old value. Otherwise, --| simply insert V into T and return Found => False. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Destroy ( --| Free space allocated to a tree. T : in out Tree --| The tree to be reclaimed. ); --| Effects: The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The space occupied by --| the values stored in T is not however, recovered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with procedure Free_Value (V : in out Value_Type) is <>; procedure Destroy_Deep ( --| Free all space allocated to a tree. T : in out Tree --| The tree to be reclaimed. ); --| Effects: The space allocated to T is reclaimed. The values stored --| in T are reclaimed using Free_Value, and the tree nodes themselves --| are then reclaimed (in a single walk of the tree). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with function Next_Value return Value_Type is <>; --| Each call to this procedure should return the next value to be --| inserted into the balanced tree being created. If necessary, --| this function should check that each value is greater than the --| previous one, and raise Out_of_Order if necessary. If values --| are not returned in strictly increasing order, the results are --| unpredictable. function Balanced_Tree (Count : Natural) return Tree; --| Effects: Create a balanced tree by calling next_Value Count times. --| Each time Next_Value is called, it must return a value that compares --| greater than the preceeding value. This function is useful for balancing --| an existing tree (next_Value iterates over the unbalanced tree) or --| for creating a balanced tree when reading data from a file which is --| already sorted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with function Copy_Value (V : Value_Type) return Value_Type is <>; --| This function is called to copy a value from the old tree to the --| new tree. function Copy_Tree (T : Tree) return Tree; --| Raises Invalid_Tree. --| Effects: Create a balanced tree that is a copy of the tree T. --| The exception Invalid_Tree is raised if T is not a valid tree. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Empty ( --| Check for an empty tree. T : Tree) return Boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff T is an empty tree or if T was not initialized. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Find ( --| Search a tree for a value. V : Value_Type; --| Value to be located T : Tree --| Tree to be searched ) return Value_Type; --| Raises: Not_Found, Invalid_Tree. --| Effects: Search T for a value that matches V. The matching value is --| returned. If no matching value is found, the exception Not_Found --| is raised. procedure Find ( --| Search a tree for a value. V : Value_Type; --| Value to be located T : Tree; --| Tree to be searched Found : out Boolean; --| TRUE iff a match was found Match : out Value_Type --| Matching value found in the tree ); --| Raises: Invalid_Tree; --| Effects: Search T for a value that matches V. On return, if Found is --| TRUE then the matching value is returned in Match. Otherwise, Found --| is FALSE and Match is undefined. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Found ( --| Check a tree for a value. V : Value_Type; --| Value to be located T : Tree --| Tree to be searched ) return Boolean; --| Raises: Invalid_Tree; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff V is found in T. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Size ( --| Return the count of values in T. T : Tree --| a tree ) return Natural; --| Effects: Return the number of values stored in T. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic with procedure Process (V : Value_Type) is <>; procedure Visit (T : Tree; Order : Scan_Kind); --| Raises: Invalid_Tree; --| Effects: Invoke Process(V) for each value V in T. The nodes are visited --| in the order specified by Order. Although more limited than using --| an iterator, this function is also much faster. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Make_Iter ( --| Create an iterator over a tree T : Tree) return Iterator; --| Raises: Invalid_Tree; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function More ( --| Test for exhausted iterator I : Iterator --| The iterator to be tested ) return Boolean; --| Effects: Return TRUE iff unscanned nodes remain in the tree being --| scanned by I. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Next ( --| Scan the next value in I I : in out Iterator; --| an active iterator V : out Value_Type --| Next value scanned ); --| Raises: No_More. --| Effects: Return the next value in the tree being scanned by I. --| The exception No_More is raised if there are no more values to scan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- private type Node; type Node_Ptr is access Node; type Node is record Value : Value_Type; Less : Node_Ptr; More : Node_Ptr; end record; type Tree_Header is record Count : Natural := 0; Root : Node_Ptr := null; end record; type Tree is access Tree_Header; type Iter_State is (Left, Middle, Right, Done); type Iterator_Record; type Iterator is access Iterator_Record; type Iterator_Record is record State : Iter_State; Parent : Iterator; Subtree : Node_Ptr; end record; end Binary_Trees_Pkg;
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