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Rational R1000/400

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⟦d5c94bc0b⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 35840 (0x8c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Traduction_Scenario, seg_0499fe, seg_049e4e


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Variables;
with Nos_Piles;
with Error;
with Interface_Structure;
with Text_Io;

package body Traduction_Scenario is

    Null_Access : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction := null;
    package Save_Cellule is new Nos_Piles
                                   (P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction, Null_Access);
    package Save_Liste is new Nos_Piles
                                 (P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction, Null_Access);
    package Save_Head is new Nos_Piles
                                (P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction, Null_Access);
    Buffer_Liste : Save_Liste.Objet;
    Buffer_Cell : Save_Cellule.Objet;
    Buffer_Head : Save_Head.Objet;
    Current_List : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction;
    Current_Cell : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction;

    Is_Start_List : Boolean;

    -- arbre d'evaluation des expressions
    Current_Condition_Tree : Condition.P_Node;
    Current_Fonction_Tree : Expression_Fonction.P_Node;

    -- variables necessaires a la construction d'un antecedant
    Parameter_Tab : Condition.T_Tab_Of_Parameter;
    Parameter_Tab1 : Condition.T_Tab_Of_Parameter;
    Comparateur : Condition.T_Comparateur;
    Tab2_Is_Use : Boolean;
    Action : Boolean;

    Expression_Courante : Condition.T_Expression;

    -- variables necessaires a la gestion des generiques
    Level : Integer := 0;
    Number_Of_Condition : Integer := 1;
    Generic_Control : Variables.Generic_Control := (others => 0);
    Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level : Integer := 0;

    -- index dans les tableaux de parameters
    Index : Positive;
    Index1 : Positive;

----- tue les variables generiques d un niveau passe en parametre -----

    procedure Kill_Generic (L : Integer) is
        for I in Variables.T_Generic loop
            if Generic_Control (I) = L then
                Generic_Control (I) := 0;
            end if;
        end loop;
        if Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level = L then
            Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level := 0;
        end if;
    end Kill_Generic;

--------- construction d'un bloc de regles ou instruction -------------

    procedure Ajouter_Current_Cell is

        if Current_List /= null then
            Current_List.Suivant := Current_Cell;
            Current_List := Current_List.Suivant;
            Current_List := Current_Cell;
        end if;
    end Ajouter_Current_Cell;

    procedure Make_Regle is
        Level := Level + 1;
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("level is now: " & Integer'Image (Level));
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");
        Number_Of_Condition := 0;
        Index := 1;
        Tab2_Is_Use := False;
        if not Is_Start_List then
        end if;
        Save_Liste.Add (Buffer_Liste, Current_List);
        Current_Cell := new Cellule_Regle_Instruction (Type_Regle);
        if Is_Start_List then
            Save_Head.Add (Buffer_Head, Current_Cell);
            Is_Start_List := False;
        end if;
        Save_Cellule.Add (Buffer_Cell, Current_Cell);
        Current_List := null;
        Is_Start_List := True;
    end Make_Regle;

    procedure Make_Instruction is
        if not Is_Start_List then
        end if;
        Current_Cell := new Cellule_Regle_Instruction (Type_Instruction);
        if Is_Start_List then
            Save_Head.Add (Buffer_Head, Current_Cell);
            Is_Start_List := False;
        end if;

    end Make_Instruction;

    procedure Break_Alors is
    end Break_Alors;

    procedure Break_Sinon is
        Head : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction;
        Save_Cellule.Delete (Buffer_Cell, Current_Cell);
        Save_Head.Delete (Buffer_Head, Head);
        Current_Cell.Si_Condition := Head;
        Current_List := null;
        Is_Start_List := True;
        Save_Cellule.Add (Buffer_Cell, Current_Cell);
    end Break_Sinon;

    procedure Break_Finsi is
        Head : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction;
        Save_Head.Delete (Buffer_Head, Head);
        Save_Cellule.Delete (Buffer_Cell, Current_Cell);
        if Current_Cell.Si_Condition /= null then
            Current_Cell.Sinon := Head;
            Current_Cell.Si_Condition := Head;
        end if;

        Save_Liste.Delete (Buffer_Liste, Current_List);

        Kill_Generic (Level);
        Level := Level - 1;
    end Break_Finsi;

    procedure Test_The_Bloc (L : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction);
    procedure Break_End_Of_Bloc (L : in out P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction) is
        Head : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction;
        Save_Head.Delete (Buffer_Head, Head);
        L := Head;
    end Break_End_Of_Bloc;

    procedure Start_Bloc is
        Current_Cell := Null_Access;
        Current_List := Null_Access;
        Is_Start_List := True;
    end Start_Bloc;

    ------------- construction expression numerique ----------------------

    procedure New_Numeric_Function (Nom : Nos_Chaines.String_Text) is
        use Expression_Fonction;
        Tmp : T_Instruction (Type_Variable);
        if Wich_Type (Nom) /= Compteur then
            Error.Semantic (Error.Affectation_Incorrecte);
        end if;
        Nos_Chaines.Copy (Tmp.Name, Nom);
        Current_Cell.Instruction := Tmp;
    end New_Numeric_Function;

    procedure Add_The_New_Numeric_Function
                 (P : Expression_Fonction.T_Numeric_Function) is
        Current_Cell.Instruction.Tree_To_Evalue := P;
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("------------------------------------------");
        Text_Io.Put (" go to modifie " &
                        (Current_Cell.Instruction.Typ) & " ");
        Nos_Chaines.Print_Line (Current_Cell.Instruction.Name);
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("------------------------------------------");
    end Add_The_New_Numeric_Function;
    ----------  construction fonction predefinie ------------------------

    procedure Name_Of_Function (Nom : Nos_Chaines.String_Text) is
        use Expression_Fonction;
        Tmp : T_Instruction (Type_Function);
        Index := 1;
        Current_Cell.Instruction := Tmp;
        Nos_Chaines.Copy (Current_Cell.Instruction.Name, Nom);
    end Name_Of_Function;

    procedure Add_Function_Parameter
                 (P : Nos_Chaines.String_Text; Is_Text : Boolean := False) is
        use Expression_Fonction;
        Current_Typ : T_Parameter;
        if Is_Text then
            Current_Typ := Texte;
            Current_Typ := Wich_Type (P);
            if Current_Typ = Unknown then
                if Index > 1 then
                    if Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (Index - 1).Typ =
                       Etat then
                        Current_Typ := Texte;
                        Error.Semantic (Error.Variable_Non_Definie);
                    end if;
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Variable_Non_Definie);
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if Index > 1 then
            if not Compatible
                      (Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (Index - 1).Typ,
                       Current_Typ) then
                if not (Is_Text and Nos_Chaines.Equal
                                           ("modifierdescription"))) then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Incompatibilite_Condition);
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if Variables.Is_Generic (P) then
            if Generic_Control (Variables.Get_Index (P)) > Level then
                Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Non_Visible);
                -- le generique n'est pas visible
            end if;
        end if;
        if Current_Typ = Sortie then
            if Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level = 0 or
               Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level > Level then
                Error.Semantic (Error.Sortie_Non_Visible);
            end if;
        end if;
        Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (Index).Typ := Current_Typ;
        Nos_Chaines.Copy (Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (Index).Value, P);
        Index := Index + 1;
    end Add_Function_Parameter;

    procedure End_Of_Function is
        I : Integer := 1;
        Current_Cell.Instruction.Number_Of_Parameters := Index - 1;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");
        Text_Io.Put ("LEVEL " & Integer'Image (Level) & " ");
        Nos_Chaines.Print (Current_Cell.Instruction.Name);
            Nos_Chaines.Print (Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (I).Value);
                   (Current_Cell.Instruction.Parameters (I).Typ) & " ");
            I := I + 1;
            exit when I > Current_Cell.Instruction.Number_Of_Parameters;
        end loop;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");
    end End_Of_Function;

--------------------  construction d'un antecedent ----------------------

    function Make_New_Action return Condition.T_Expression is
        use Condition;
        New_Action : T_Expression (Type_Action);
        I : Integer := 1;
        Copy_Tab (New_Action.Parameters, Parameter_Tab);
        New_Action.Number_Of_Parameters := Index - 1;

        Text_Io.Put ("ACTION : ");
            Nos_Chaines.Print (New_Action.Parameters (I).Value);
               (Condition.T_Parameter'Image (New_Action.Parameters (I).Typ) &
                " ");
            I := I + 1;
            exit when I > New_Action.Number_Of_Parameters;
        end loop;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");

        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");

        return New_Action;
    end Make_New_Action;

    function Make_New_Recherche return Condition.T_Expression is
        use Condition;
        New_Recherche : T_Expression (Type_Recherche);
        I : Integer := 1;
        Copy_Tab (New_Recherche.Parameters, Parameter_Tab);
        New_Recherche.Number_Of_Parameters := Index - 1;
        Text_Io.Put ("RECHERCHE : ");
            Nos_Chaines.Print (New_Recherche.Parameters (I).Value);
               (Condition.T_Parameter'Image (New_Recherche.Parameters (I).Typ) &
                " ");

            I := I + 1;
            exit when I > New_Recherche.Number_Of_Parameters;
        end loop;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");

        return New_Recherche;
    end Make_New_Recherche;

    function Make_New_Egalite return Condition.T_Expression is
        use Condition;
        New_Egalite : T_Expression (Type_Egalite);
        I : Integer := 1;
        Copy_Tab (New_Egalite.Member1, Parameter_Tab1);
        Copy_Tab (New_Egalite.Member2, Parameter_Tab);
        New_Egalite.Size_Of_Member1 := Index1 - 1;
        New_Egalite.Size_Of_Member2 := Index - 1;
        if Index1 = Index then
            if Parameter_Tab1 (Index - 1).Typ = Condition.Position then
                if Parameter_Tab (Index - 1).Typ /= Condition.Position then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Incompatibilite_Egalite);
                end if;   -- on peut comparer les positions de deux variables de type
                Index := 1;
                while Index < Index1 loop
                    if Parameter_Tab1 (Index).Typ /=
                       Parameter_Tab (Index).Typ then
                        Error.Semantic (Error.Incompatibilite_Egalite);
                    end if;-- type de variables et type d'attributs doivent etre iden
                    Index := Index + 1;
                end loop;
            end if;
            if Parameter_Tab1 (Index1 - 1).Typ /= Condition.Position and
               Parameter_Tab (1).Typ /= Condition.Lieu then
                Error.Semantic (Error.Incompatibilite_Egalite);
            end if;
        end if;
        I := 1;
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("EGALITE : ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("MEMBRE1 :");

            Nos_Chaines.Print (New_Egalite.Member1 (I).Value);
               (Condition.T_Parameter'Image (New_Egalite.Member1 (I).Typ) &
                " ");

            I := I + 1;
            exit when I > New_Egalite.Size_Of_Member1;
        end loop;
        I := 1;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("MEMBRE2 :");
            Nos_Chaines.Print (New_Egalite.Member2 (I).Value);
               (Condition.T_Parameter'Image (New_Egalite.Member2 (I).Typ) &
                " ");

            I := I + 1;
            exit when I > New_Egalite.Size_Of_Member2;
        end loop;
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");

        return New_Egalite;
    end Make_New_Egalite;

    function Make_New_Comparaison return Condition.T_Expression is
        use Condition;
        New_Comparaison : T_Expression (Type_Comparaison);
        New_Comparaison.Id := Parameter_Tab1 (1).Value;
        New_Comparaison.Operator := Comparateur;
        New_Comparaison.Value := Integer'Value
                                        (Parameter_Tab (1).Value));
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("COMPARAISON :");
        Nos_Chaines.Print (New_Comparaison.Id);
        Text_Io.Put (Condition.T_Comparateur'Image (New_Comparaison.Operator));
        Text_Io.Put ("  " & Integer'Image (New_Comparaison.Value));
        Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");

        return New_Comparaison;
    end Make_New_Comparaison;

    procedure Add_Condition_Parameter
                 (P : Nos_Chaines.String_Text; Is_Number : Boolean := False) is
        use Condition;
        use Variables;
        Current_Typ : T_Parameter;
        One_Generic_Yet : Boolean;

        -------------  TYPE DU PARAMETERE ------------------------------

        if Is_Number then
            Current_Typ := Number;
            Current_Typ := Wich_Type (P);
            if Current_Typ = Unknown then
                if not Is_Comparateur (P) then
                    if Index > 1 then
                        if Parameter_Tab (Index - 1).Typ = Etat then
                            Current_Typ := Texte;
                            Error.Semantic (Error.Variable_Non_Definie);
                        end if;
                        Error.Semantic (Error.Variable_Non_Definie);
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        ------------- INSTANCIATION DE LA VARIABLE SORTIE ? -----------------

        if Current_Typ = Reliea or Current_Typ = Dans or
           Current_Typ = Sortie then
            Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level := Level;
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");
            Text_Io.Put (" Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level");
            Text_Io.Put (Integer'Image (Can_Use_Sortie_At_Level));
            Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("----------------------------------------");

        end if;

        ----------------------------- GESTION DES GENERIQUES --------------------
        if Is_Generic (P) then
            if Generic_Control (Get_Index (P)) = 0 then
                -- la variable n'a pas ete declaree
                One_Generic_Yet := False;
                for I in Generic_Control'Range loop
                    if Generic_Control (I) > 0 then
                        One_Generic_Yet := True;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if One_Generic_Yet then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Double);
                    if Number_Of_Condition = 0 then
                        -- on est au premier antecedant
                        if Parameter_Tab (1).Typ = Verbe then
                            -- on a bien une action
                            Generic_Control (Get_Index (P)) := Level;
                            Text_Io.Put ("GENERIQUE:" &
                                         T_Generic'Image (Get_Index (P)) &
                                         " is declare at level " &
                                         Integer'Image (Level));
                            Text_Io.Put_Line (" ");
                            Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Mal_Declare);
                        end if;
                        Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Mal_Declare);
                        -- on ne peut declarer un generique que dans le premier antecedant de type action
                    end if;
                end if;
                if Generic_Control (Get_Index (P)) > Level then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Non_Visible);
                    -- le generique n'est pas visible
                end if;
                if Number_Of_Condition = 0 then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Generique_Double);
                    -- un generique est deja utilise
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        if Is_Comparateur (P) then

            -------------------- MISE EN FORME POUR LES EVALUATIONS -----------------
            Comparateur := To_Type_Comparateur (P);
            Copy_Tab (Parameter_Tab1, Parameter_Tab);
            Tab2_Is_Use := True;
            Index1 := Index;
            Index := 1;
            -------------------- VERIFICATION DE LA COMPATIBILITE ET SAUVEGARDE -----
            if Index > 1 then
                if not Compatible
                          (Parameter_Tab (Index - 1).Typ, Current_Typ) then
                    Error.Semantic (Error.Incompatibilite_Instruction);
                end if;
                if Current_Typ = Verbe then
                    Action := True;
                    Action := False;
                end if;
            end if;
            if Current_Typ = Verbe or Current_Typ = Preposition then
                Nos_Chaines.Copy (Parameter_Tab (Index).Value,
                                  Interface_Structure.Get_Signification (P));
                Nos_Chaines.Copy (Parameter_Tab (Index).Value, P);
            end if;
            Parameter_Tab (Index).Typ := Current_Typ;
            Index := Index + 1;
        end if;
    end Add_Condition_Parameter;

    procedure End_Condition_Parameter is
        use Condition;
        Number_Of_Condition := Number_Of_Condition + 1;
        if Action then
            Expression_Courante := Make_New_Action;
        elsif Tab2_Is_Use then
            if Parameter_Tab1 (1).Typ = Compteur then
                Expression_Courante := Make_New_Comparaison;
                Expression_Courante := Make_New_Egalite;
            end if;
            Expression_Courante := Make_New_Recherche;
        end if;
        Index := 1;
        Tab2_Is_Use := False;
    end End_Condition_Parameter;

    function Get_Condition return Condition.T_Expression is
        return Expression_Courante;
    end Get_Condition;

    procedure Add_The_New_Condition (P : Condition.T_Condition) is
        Current_Cell.Condition_A_Realiser := P;
    end Add_The_New_Condition;

    procedure Test_The_Bloc (L : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction) is
        List : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction := L;
        while List /= null loop
            Text_Io.Put (Selecteur_Regle_Instruction'Image (List.Typ));
            case List.Typ is
                when Type_Instruction =>
                       ("  " & Expression_Fonction.Selecteur_Instruction'Image
                                  (List.Instruction.Typ) & "  ");
                    Nos_Chaines.Print_Line (List.Instruction.Name);
                when Type_Regle =>
                    Text_Io.Put_Line ("  ");
                    Text_Io.Put_Line ("if  condition");
                    Test_The_Bloc (List.Si_Condition);
                    Text_Io.Put_Line ("else");
                    Test_The_Bloc (List.Sinon);
                    Text_Io.Put_Line ("fin si");
            end case;
            List := List.Suivant;
        end loop;
    end Test_The_Bloc;
---------------- parcours d'un bloc de regles et instruction --------------------

    procedure Do_The (L : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction) is
        Tmp : Integer;
        List : P_Cellule_Regle_Instruction := L;
        while List /= null loop
            case List.Typ is
                when Type_Instruction =>
                    case List.Instruction.Typ is
                        when Expression_Fonction.Type_Function =>
                        when Expression_Fonction.Type_Variable =>
                            Tmp := Expression_Fonction.Evaluate
                               (List.Instruction.Name, Tmp);
                    end case;
                when Type_Regle =>
                    if Condition.Evaluate (List.Condition_A_Realiser) then
                        Do_The (List.Si_Condition);
                        Do_The (List.Sinon);
                    end if;
            end case;
            List := List.Suivant;
        end loop;
    end Do_The;

end Traduction_Scenario;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=052
        [0x01] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=036
        [0x02] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=072
        [0x03] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=00e
        [0x04] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=056
        [0x05] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=058
        [0x06] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=01c
        [0x07] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=032
        [0x08] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=018
        [0x09] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=086
        [0x0a] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=012
        [0x0b] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=024
        [0x0c] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=072
        [0x0d] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=006
        [0x0e] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=02e
        [0x0f] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=012
        [0x10] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=014
        [0x11] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=010
        [0x12] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=03c
        [0x13] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=076
        [0x14] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=018
        [0x15] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=040
        [0x16] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=006
        [0x17] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=000
        [0x18] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=000
        [0x19] rec0=0d rec1=00 rec2=22 rec3=000
        [0x1a] rec0=07 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=06e
        [0x1b] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=054
        [0x1c] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=02a
        [0x1d] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=01c
        [0x1e] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=00e
        [0x1f] rec0=09 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=000
        [0x20] rec0=8c rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000
        [0x21] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=3c rec3=785
    tail 0x21547136c86606afd1bad 0x42a00088462060003
Free Block Chain:
  0x22: 0000  00 0f 03 fc 00 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆     0          ┆
  0xf: 0000  00 09 00 17 80 14 5f 69 6f 2e 70 75 74 5f 6c 69  ┆      _io.put_li┆
  0x9: 0000  00 17 03 fc 80 0b 28 49 29 2e 56 61 6c 75 65 29  ┆      (I).Value)┆
  0x17: 0000  00 03 03 fc 80 01 3b 01 00 00 00 00 46 20 20 20  ┆      ;     F   ┆
  0x3: 0000  00 1b 00 04 80 01 20 01 6f 6e 2e 53 65 6c 65 63  ┆        on.Selec┆
  0x1b: 0000  00 0a 00 4c 80 23 20 20 20 54 65 78 74 5f 49 6f  ┆   L #   Text_Io┆
  0xa: 0000  00 06 00 1e 80 10 20 41 66 66 69 63 68 65 20 28  ┆       Affiche (┆
  0x6: 0000  00 20 03 fc 80 13 67 6c 65 5f 49 6e 73 74 72 75  ┆      gle_Instru┆
  0x20: 0000  00 21 00 12 80 0f 65 61 6b 5f 45 6e 64 5f 4f 66  ┆ !    eak_End_Of┆
  0x21: 0000  00 00 00 0b 80 08 65 61 64 2c 20 48 65 61 08 00  ┆      ead, Hea  ┆