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Rational R1000/400

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⟦d62548b50⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 40960 (0xa000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Abstract_Tree, seg_0464e9


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Lexical, Bounded_String, Text_Io, Simulateur_Tds,
     Simulateur_Itr, Unchecked_Deallocation, Erreur;
with Models, Symbols;

use Lexical, Bounded_String;

package body Abstract_Tree is

    procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Cell, Object);

    procedure Destroy (Node : in out Object) is

        case Node.Kind is

            when Binary_Operator =>
                Destroy (Node.Right_Node);
                Destroy (Node.Left_Node);
                Free (Node);

            when Unary_Operator =>
                Destroy (Node.Down_Node);
                Free (Node);

            when Integer_Data | Boolean_Data | State_Data |
                 Var_Data | Instruction | Player_Entry =>
                Free (Node);

        end case;

    end Destroy;

    function Make_Node
                (Operation : Token; Left, Right : Object) return Object is
        The_Cell : Cell;
        New_Node : Object;
        New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Binary_Operator);

        case Operation is

            when Plus | Moins | Mul | Div =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Integer_Type,
                                 Kind => Binary_Operator,
                                 Binary_Kind => Operation,
                                 Left_Node => Left,
                                 Right_Node => Right);

                if What_Type (Left) /= Integer_Type or
                   What_Type (Right) /= Integer_Type then
                    Erreur.Alerte ("Op Arithmetique: TYPES INCOMPATIBLES (" &
                                   Token'Image (Operation) & ")");
                end if;

            when Equ | Diffr =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Binary_Operator,
                                 Binary_Kind => Operation,
                                 Left_Node => Left,
                                 Right_Node => Right);

                if What_Type (Left) /= What_Type (Right) then
                    Erreur.Alerte ("Op Test: TYPES INCOMPATIBLES (" &
                                   Token'Image (Operation) & ")");
                end if;

            when Inf | Infequ | Sup | Supequ =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Binary_Operator,
                                 Binary_Kind => Operation,
                                 Left_Node => Left,
                                 Right_Node => Right);

                if What_Type (Left) /= Integer_Type or
                   What_Type (Right) /= Integer_Type then
                    Erreur.Alerte ("Op Test: TYPES INCOMPATIBLES (" &
                                   Token'Image (Operation) & ")");
                end if;

            when Et | Ou =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Binary_Operator,
                                 Binary_Kind => Operation,
                                 Left_Node => Left,
                                 Right_Node => Right);

                if (What_Type (Left) /= Boolean_Type and
                    What_Type (Left) /= Entry_Type) or
                   (What_Type (Right) /= Boolean_Type and
                    What_Type (Right) /= Entry_Type) then
                    Erreur.Alerte ("Op Binaire: TYPES INCOMPATIBLES (" &
                                   Token'Image (Operation) & ")");
                end if;

            when others =>

        end case;

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Operation : Token; Down : Object) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Unary_Operator);

        case Operation is

            when Non =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Unary_Operator,
                                 Unary_Kind => Operation,
                                 Down_Node => Down);

                if What_Type (Down) /= Boolean_Type then
                    Erreur.Alerte ("Op Unaire: TYPES INCOMPATIBLES");
                end if;

            when others =>

        end case;

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Value : Integer) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Integer_Data);

        New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Integer_Type,
                         Kind => Integer_Data,
                         Integer_Value => Value);

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Value : Token) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        case Value is

            when Lie | Delie =>

                New_Node := new Cell (State_Data);
                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => State_Type,
                                 Kind => State_Data,
                                 State_Value => Value);

            when Vrai =>

                New_Node := new Cell (Boolean_Data);
                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Boolean_Data,
                                 Boolean_Value => True);

            when Faux =>

                New_Node := new Cell (Boolean_Data);
                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Boolean_Data,
                                 Boolean_Value => False);

            when others =>

        end case;

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Name, Extension : String;
                        Models_Table : Models.Object;
                        Symbols_Table : Symbols.Object) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        The_Name, The_Extension : Variable_String (32);
        Bounded_String.Free (The_Name);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Name, Name);
        Bounded_String.Free (The_Extension);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Extension, Extension);

        if Bounded_String.Length (The_Extension) = 0 then

            if Symbols.Get_Symbol_Type (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name) =
               "ENUMERE" then

                New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Integer_Data);
                New_Node.all :=
                   (Return_Type => Enumeration_Type,
                    Kind => Integer_Data,
                    Integer_Value =>
                          (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name, Name));


                if Symbols.Get_Symbol_Type (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name) =
                   "STRUCTURE" then

                    New_Node := new Cell (Var_Data);
                    New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Struct_Type,
                                     Kind => Var_Data,
                                     Var_Name => The_Name,
                                     Var_Extension => The_Extension);


                    Erreur.Alerte ("Manque Extension !!!");

                end if;
            end if;


            New_Node := new Cell (Var_Data);
            New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Other_Type,
                             Kind => Var_Data,
                             Var_Name => The_Name,
                             Var_Extension => The_Extension);

            if Symbols.Get_Symbol_Type
                  (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name, Extension) = "ENTIER" then
                New_Node.Return_Type := Integer_Type;
                if Symbols.Get_Symbol_Type
                      (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name, Extension) =
                   "BOOLEEN" then
                    New_Node.Return_Type := Boolean_Type;
                    if Symbols.Get_Symbol_Type
                          (Symbols_Table, Models_Table, Name, Extension) =
                       "ENUMERE" then
                        New_Node.Return_Type := Enumeration_Type;
                           ("Uniquement des Entiers/Booleens/Enumeres dans les expressions!!!");
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Name : Token; Param1, Param2 : String) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        The_Param1, The_Param2 : Variable_String (32);
        New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Instruction);

        Bounded_String.Free (The_Param1);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Param1, Param1);
        Bounded_String.Free (The_Param2);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Param2, Param2);

        case Name is

            when Existe_Connexion | Existe_Lien =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Boolean_Type,
                                 Kind => Instruction,
                                 Instruction_Name => Name,
                                 Param1 => The_Param1,
                                 Param2 => The_Param2);

            when Etat_Connexion | Etat_Lien =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => State_Type,
                                 Kind => Instruction,
                                 Instruction_Name => Name,
                                 Param1 => The_Param1,
                                 Param2 => The_Param2);

            when Destination_Connexion =>

                New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Struct_Type,
                                 Kind => Instruction,
                                 Instruction_Name => Name,
                                 Param1 => The_Param1,
                                 Param2 => The_Param2);

            when others =>

        end case;

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Make_Node (Entry1, Entry2, Entry3 : String) return Object is
        New_Node : Object;
        Entry_Count : Integer;
        The_Entry1, The_Entry2, The_Entry3 : Variable_String (32);
        New_Node := new Cell (Kind => Player_Entry);

        Bounded_String.Free (The_Entry1);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Entry1, Entry1);
        Bounded_String.Free (The_Entry2);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Entry2, Entry2);
        Bounded_String.Free (The_Entry3);
        Bounded_String.Copy (The_Entry3, Entry3);

        Entry_Count := 0;
        if Bounded_String.Length (The_Entry1) > 0 then
            Entry_Count := 1;
            if Bounded_String.Length (The_Entry2) > 0 then
                Entry_Count := 2;
                if Bounded_String.Length (The_Entry3) > 0 then
                    Entry_Count := 3;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        New_Node.all := (Return_Type => Entry_Type,
                         Kind => Player_Entry,
                         Nb_Param => Entry_Count,
                         Entry1 => The_Entry1,
                         Entry2 => The_Entry2,
                         Entry3 => The_Entry3);

        return New_Node;
    end Make_Node;

    function Evaluate_Node (Node : Object;
                            Models_Table : Models.Object;
                            Symbols_Table : Symbols.Object) return Integer is
        The_Integer : Integer;

        if Node.Return_Type /= Integer_Type and
           Node.Return_Type /= Enumeration_Type then
            raise Bad_Type;
        end if;

        case Node.Kind is

            when Binary_Operator =>

                case Node.Binary_Kind is

                    when Plus =>
                        return Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                              Symbols_Table) +
                               Evaluate_Node (Node.Right_Node,
                                              Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                    when Moins =>
                        return Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                              Symbols_Table) -
                               Evaluate_Node (Node.Right_Node,
                                              Models_Table, Symbols_Table);
                   when Mul =>
                        return Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                              Symbols_Table) *
                               Evaluate_Node (Node.Right_Node,
                                              Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                    when Div =>
                        return Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                              Symbols_Table) /
                               Evaluate_Node (Node.Right_Node,
                                              Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                    when others =>

                end case;

            when Integer_Data =>
                return Node.Integer_Value;

            when Var_Data =>
                The_Integer := Symbols.Get_Symbol_Value
                                  (Symbols_Table, Models_Table,
                                   Image (Node.Var_Name),
                                   Image (Node.Var_Extension));
                return The_Integer;

            when others =>

        end case;
    end Evaluate_Node;

    function Compare_Strings (A, B : String) return Boolean is
        return A = B;
    end Compare_Strings;

    function Evaluate_Node (Node : Object;
                            Models_Table : Models.Object;
                            Symbols_Table : Symbols.Object) return Boolean is
        The_Bool1, The_Bool2 : Boolean;
        The_Integer1, The_Integer2 : Integer;

        if Node.Return_Type /= Boolean_Type and
           Node.Return_Type /= Entry_Type then
            raise Bad_Type;
        end if;

        case Node.Kind is

            when Binary_Operator =>

                case Node.Left_Node.Return_Type is

                    when Boolean_Type =>

                        The_Bool1 := Evaluate_Node
                                        (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                        The_Bool2 := Evaluate_Node
                                         Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                        case Node.Binary_Kind is

                            when Equ =>
                                return The_Bool1 = The_Bool2;

                            when Diffr =>
                                return The_Bool1 /= The_Bool2;

                            when Et =>
                                return The_Bool1 and The_Bool2;

                            when Ou =>
                                return The_Bool1 or The_Bool2;

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    when Integer_Type =>

                        The_Integer1 :=
                           Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                        The_Integer2 := Evaluate_Node
                                            Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                        case Node.Binary_Kind is

                            when Equ =>
                                return The_Integer1 = The_Integer2;

                            when Diffr =>
                                return The_Integer1 /= The_Integer2;

                            when Inf =>
                                return The_Integer1 < The_Integer2;

                            when Infequ =>
                                return The_Integer1 <= The_Integer2;

                            when Sup =>
                                return The_Integer1 > The_Integer2;

                            when Supequ =>
                                return The_Integer1 >= The_Integer2;

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    when Enumeration_Type =>

                        The_Integer1 :=
                           Evaluate_Node (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                        The_Integer2 := Evaluate_Node
                                            Models_Table, Symbols_Table);

                        case Node.Binary_Kind is

                            when Equ =>
                                return The_Integer1 = The_Integer2;

                            when Diffr =>
                                return The_Integer1 /= The_Integer2;

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    when State_Type | Struct_Type =>

                        case Node.Binary_Kind is

                            when Equ =>
                                return Compare_Strings
                                              (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                              (Node.Right_Node, Models_Table,

                            when Diffr =>
                                return not Compare_Strings
                                                  (Node.Left_Node, Models_Table,
                                               Evaluate_Node (Node.Right_Node,

                            when others =>

                        end case;

                    when others =>

                end case;

            when Unary_Operator =>

                case Node.Unary_Kind is

                    when Non =>
                        return not Evaluate_Node (Node.Down_Node, Models_Table,

                    when others =>

                end case;

            when Boolean_Data =>
                return Node.Boolean_Value;

            when Var_Data =>
                The_Bool1 := Symbols.Get_Symbol_Value
                                (Symbols_Table, Models_Table,
                                 Image (Node.Var_Name),
                                 Image (Node.Var_Extension));
                return The_Bool1;

            when Instruction =>
                case Node.Instruction_Name is
                    when Existe_Connexion =>
                        return True;

                        --   if Image(Node.Param1) = "COMP" then
                        --      return Set_Of_Connections.Exist(Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Image(Node.Param2),Connect);
                        --   else
                        --      if Image(Node.Param2) = "COMP" then
                        --         return Set_Of_Connections.Exist(Image(Node.Param1),Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Connect);
                        --      end if;
                        --   end if;
                        --   return Set_Of_Connections.Exist(Image(Node.Param1),Image(Node.Param2),Connect);

                    when Existe_Lien =>
                        return True;

                        --   if Image(Node.Param1) = "COMP" then
                        --      return Set_Of_Links.Exist(Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Image(Node.Param2),Links);
                        --   else
                        --      if Image(Node.Param2) = "COMP" then
                        --         return Set_Of_Links.Exist(Image(Node.Param1),Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Links);
                        --      end if;
                        --   end if;
                        --   return Set_Of_Links.Exist(Image(Node.Param1),Image(Node.Param2),Links);

                    when others =>
                end case;

            when Player_Entry =>
                if Simulateur_Itr.Number_Of_Entries = Node.Nb_Param then
                    return Simulateur_Itr.Is_Entry
                              (Image (Node.Entry1), Image (Node.Entry2),
                               Image (Node.Entry3));
                    return False;
                end if;

            when others =>

        end case;
    end Evaluate_Node;

    function Evaluate_Node (Node : Object;
                            Models_Table : Models.Object;
                            Symbols_Table : Symbols.Object) return String is
        if Node.Return_Type /= Struct_Type and
           Node.Return_Type /= State_Type then
            raise Bad_Type;
        end if;

        case Node.Return_Type is
            when Struct_Type =>
                case Node.Kind is
                    when Instruction =>
                        return "CUISINE"; -- A modifier

                        --   if Image(Node.Param1) = "COMP" then
                        --      return  Set_Of_Connections.What_Destination(Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Image(Node.Param2),Connect);
                        --   else
                        --      if Image(Node.Param2) = "COMP" then
                        --         return  Set_Of_Connections.What_Destination(Image(Node.Param1),Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),connect);
                        --      end if;
                        --   end if;
                        --   return Set_Of_Connections.What_Destination(Image(Node.Param1),Image(Node.Param2),Connect);

                    when Var_Data =>
                        if Symbols.Is_Pointer (Symbols_Table,
                                               Image (Node.Var_Name)) then
                            return Symbols.Get_Pointer_Reference
                                      (Symbols_Table, Image (Node.Var_Name));
                            return Image (Node.Var_Name);
                        end if;
                    when others =>
                end case;

            when State_Type =>
                case Node.Kind is
                    when Instruction =>
                        case Node.Instruction_Name is
                            when Etat_Connexion =>
                                return "LIE";

                                --   if Image(Node.Param1) = "COMP" then
                                --      if Set_Of_Connections.What_State(Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Image(Node.Param2),Connect) = Set_Of_Connections.Linked then
                                --        return "LIE";
                                --     else
                                --        return "DELIE";
                                --     end if;
                                --   else
                                --      if Image(Node.Param2) = "COMP" then
                                --         if Set_Of_Connections.What_State(Image(Node.Param1),Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Connect) = Set_Of_Connections.Linked then
                                --           return "LIE";
                                --        else
                                --           return "DELIE";
                                --        end if;
                                --      end if;
                                --   end if;
                                --   if Set_Of_Connections.What_State(Image(Node.Param1),Image(Node.Param2),Connect) = Set_Of_Connections.Linked then
                                --      return "LIE";
                                --   else
                                --      return "DELIE";
                                --   end if;

                            when Etat_Lien =>
                                return "LIE";

                                --   if Image(Node.Param1) = "COMP" then
                                --      if Set_Of_Links.What_State(Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Image(Node.Param2),Links) = Set_Of_Links.Linked then
                                --        return "LIE";
                                --     else
                                --        return "DELIE";
                                --     end if;
                                --   else
                                --      if Image(Node.Param2) = "COMP" then
                                --         if Set_Of_Links.What_State(Image(Node.Param1),Itr.First_Comp_Value(Comp),Links) = Set_Of_Links.Linked then
                                --           return "LIE";
                                --        else
                                --           return "DELIE";
                                --        end if;
                                --      end if;
                                --   end if;
                                --   if Set_Of_Links.What_State(Image(Node.Param1),Image(Node.Param2),Links) = Set_Of_Links.Linked then
                                --      return "LIE";
                                --   else
                                --      return "DELIE";
                                --   end if;

                            when others =>
                        end case;
                    when State_Data =>
                        return Token'Image (Node.State_Value);
                    when others =>
                end case;
            when others =>
        end case;

    end Evaluate_Node;

    procedure Dump_Spaces (Nb : Integer) is
        for I in 1 .. Nb loop
            Text_Io.Put (" ");
        end loop;
    end Dump_Spaces;

    procedure Dump_Struct (Nb : Integer; Node : Object) is
        case Node.Kind is

            when Binary_Operator =>

                Dump_Struct (Nb + 2, Node.Left_Node);
                Dump_Spaces (Nb);

                case Node.Binary_Kind is

                    when Plus =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("+");
                    when Moins =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("-");
                    when Mul =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("*");
                    when Div =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("/");
                    when Equ =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("=");
                    when Diffr =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("<>");
                    when Inf =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("<");
                    when Sup =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line (">");
                    when Infequ =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("<=");
                    when Supequ =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line (">=");
                    when Et =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("ET");
                    when Ou =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("OU");
                    when others =>

                end case;

                Dump_Struct (Nb + 2, Node.Right_Node);

            when Unary_Operator =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put_Line ("NON");
                Dump_Struct (Nb + 2, Node.Down_Node);

            when Integer_Data =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put_Line (Integer'Image (Node.Integer_Value) & " (" &
                                  Node_Type'Image (Node.Return_Type) & ")");

            when Boolean_Data =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put_Line (Boolean'Image (Node.Boolean_Value));

            when Var_Data =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                if Bounded_String.Length (Node.Var_Extension) = 0 then
                    Text_Io.Put (Image (Node.Var_Name));
                    Text_Io.Put (Image (Node.Var_Name) & "." &
                                 Image (Node.Var_Extension));
                end if;
                Text_Io.Put_Line (" (" &
                                  Node_Type'Image (Node.Return_Type) & ")");

            when State_Data =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put_Line (Token'Image (Node.State_Value));

            when Instruction =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put (Token'Image (Node.Instruction_Name) & "(");
                Text_Io.Put (Image (Node.Param1) & ",");
                Text_Io.Put_Line (Image (Node.Param2) & ")");

            when Player_Entry =>

                Dump_Spaces (Nb);
                Text_Io.Put ("[" & Image (Node.Entry1));
                Text_Io.Put (" " & Image (Node.Entry2));
                Text_Io.Put_Line (" " & Image (Node.Entry3) & "]");

        end case;
    end Dump_Struct;

    procedure Dump (Node : Object) is
        Dump_Struct (0, Node);
    end Dump;

    function What_Type (Node : Object) return Node_Type is
        return Node.Return_Type;
    end What_Type;

end Abstract_Tree;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=26 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=00a
        [0x01] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=23 rec3=022
        [0x02] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=02c
        [0x03] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=012
        [0x04] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=01c
        [0x05] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=008
        [0x06] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=044
        [0x07] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=080
        [0x08] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=012
        [0x09] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=04e
        [0x0a] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=018
        [0x0b] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=026
        [0x0c] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=046
        [0x0d] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=002
        [0x0e] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=24 rec3=03e
        [0x0f] rec0=23 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=040
        [0x10] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=25 rec3=05a
        [0x11] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=040
        [0x12] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=048
        [0x13] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=01c
        [0x14] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=010
        [0x15] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=030
        [0x16] rec0=04 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=03c
        [0x17] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=0dc
        [0x18] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=22 rec3=024
        [0x19] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=04c
        [0x1a] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=034
        [0x1b] rec0=04 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=044
        [0x1c] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=02c
        [0x1d] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=00c
        [0x1e] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=014
        [0x1f] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=014
        [0x20] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=022
        [0x21] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=04c
        [0x22] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=024
        [0x23] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=000
        [0x24] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=000
        [0x25] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=000
        [0x26] rec0=80 rec1=80 rec2=80 rec3=404
    tail 0x21748c698865050420983 0x42a00088462060003
Free Block Chain:
  0x7: 0000  00 26 02 24 80 02 70 65 02 00 4a 20 20 20 20 20  ┆ & $  pe  J     ┆
  0x26: 0000  00 27 03 fc 80 12 6c 65 2c 20 4e 61 6d 65 2c 20  ┆ '    le, Name, ┆
  0x27: 0000  00 00 00 08 80 05 61 6d 65 29 2c 05 00 00 00 00  ┆      ame),     ┆