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Rational R1000/400

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⟦e0bf913c7⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 26624 (0x6800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Bounds_Utilities, seg_004618


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Io;
with Lrm_Utilities;
with Sizing_Parameters;
use Sizing_Parameters;
with Declarations;
package body Bounds_Utilities is

    package Decls renames Declarations;
    package Exprs renames Names_And_Expressions;
    package Ada   renames Ada_Program;
    package Types renames Type_Information;

    function Static_Value
                (Expression : Ada_Program.Expression) return Long_Integer
        renames Lrm_Utilities.Static_Value;

    function Static_Value (Expression : Ada_Program.Expression) return Float
        renames Lrm_Utilities.Static_Value;

    function "=" (A, B : Types.Range_Kinds) return Boolean renames Types."=";

    function Actual_Delta
                (Of_Fixed_Point_Constraint : Types.Fixed_Type_Definition)
                return Float is
        Fixed_Accuracy_Definition : Types.Expression;
        Specified_Delta : Float;
        Integer_Floor : Long_Integer;
        One : constant Float := 1.00_00_00;

        Integer_Size : Natural;

        Fixed_Accuracy_Definition :=
           Types.Delta_Accuracy_Definition (Of_Fixed_Point_Constraint);

        Specified_Delta := Names_And_Expressions.Static_Value

        if Specified_Delta < One then
            Integer_Floor := Long_Integer ((1.0 / Specified_Delta) - 0.5);
            Integer_Size  := Natural (Integer_Type_Size (0, Integer_Floor - 1));
            return 1.0 / Float (2 ** Integer_Size);
            Integer_Floor := Long_Integer (Specified_Delta - 0.5);
            Integer_Size  := Natural (Integer_Type_Size (0, Integer_Floor - 1));
            return Float (2 ** Integer_Size);
        end if;

    end Actual_Delta;
    -- function Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Image
    --             (Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint) return String is
    --     Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
    --     Lbound, Ubound : Long_Integer;
    --     Static : Boolean;
    -- begin
    --     Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Bounds
    --        (Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
    --     if Static then
    --         return Image (Lbound) & " .. " & Image (Ubound);
    --     else
    --         Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
    --         if Ada.Is_Nil (Lower) then
    --             return Not_Static;
    --         else
    --             return Ada.Image (Lower) & " .. " & Ada.Image (Upper);
    --         end if;
    --     end if;
    -- end Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Image;
    -- function Integer_Range_Constraint_Image
    --             (Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint) return String is
    --     Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
    --     Lbound, Ubound : Long_Integer;
    --     Static : Boolean;
    -- begin
    --     Integer_Range_Constraint_Bounds (Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
    --     if Static then
    --         return Image (Lbound) & " .. " & Image (Ubound);
    --     else
    --         if Ada.Is_Nil (Lower) then
    --             return Not_Static;
    --         else
    --             Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
    --             return Ada.Image (Lower) & " .. " & Ada.Image (Upper);
    --         end if;
    --     end if;
    -- end Integer_Range_Constraint_Image;
    -- function Float_Range_Constraint_Image
    --             (Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint) return String is
    --     Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
    --     Lbound, Ubound : Float;
    --     Static : Boolean;
    -- begin
    --     case Types.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
    --         when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
    --             Float_Range_Constraint_Bounds
    --                (Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
    --             if Static then
    --                 return Float_Image (Lbound) & " .. " & Float_Image (Ubound);
    --             else
    --                 Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
    --                 if Ada.Is_Nil (Lower) then
    --                     return Not_Static;
    --                 else
    --                     return Ada.Image (Lower) & " .. " & Ada.Image (Upper);
    --                 end if;
    --             end if;
    --         when Types.A_Range_Attribute =>
    --             return Ada.Image (Constraint);
    --         when others =>
    --             return Not_Static;
    --     end case;
    -- exception
    --     when others =>
    --         return Ada.Image (Simple_Range (Constraint));
    -- end Float_Range_Constraint_Image;
    -- function Fixed_Range_Constraint_Image
    --             (Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint) return String is
    --     Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
    --     Static : Boolean;
    -- begin
    --     case Types.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
    --         when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
    --             Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
    --             if Ada.Is_Nil (Lower) then
    --                 return Not_Static;
    --             else
    --                 return Ada.Image (Lower) & " .. " & Ada.Image (Upper);
    --             end if;
    --         when Types.A_Range_Attribute =>
    --             return Ada.Image (Constraint);
    --         when others =>
    --             return Not_Static;
    --     end case;
    -- exception
    --     when others =>
    --         return Ada.Image (Simple_Range (Constraint));
    -- end Fixed_Range_Constraint_Image;

    procedure Find_Range (The_Range : Type_Information.Discrete_Range;
                          Lbound, Ubound : in out Long_Integer;
                          Static : out Boolean;
                          Non_Static_Lbound, Non_Static_Ubound : out
                             Names_And_Expressions.Expression) is
        Type_Mark_Spec : Types.Type_Definition;
        Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint;
        Lower_Expression, Upper_Expression : Types.Expression;

        procedure Process_Expressions is
            case Types.Range_Kind (Constraint) is
                -- **** WORK AROUND FOR BUG FIX ****
                when Types.A_Range_Attribute =>
                    Static := False;
                when others =>
                    Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower_Expression,

            end case;

            Lbound := Static_Value (Lower_Expression);
            Ubound := Static_Value (Upper_Expression);
            Static := True;
            when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
                Static            := False;
                Non_Static_Lbound := Lower_Expression;
                Non_Static_Ubound := Upper_Expression;
        end Process_Expressions;
        Static := True;

        if Types.Range_Kind (The_Range) = Types.A_Subtype_Indication then

            Constraint := Types.Constraint (The_Range);
            if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then

                -- The constraint is a subtype indication with no bounds,
                --  so we'll use the bounds of the subtype indication ...
                Type_Mark_Spec :=
                      (Ada.Definition (Types.Type_Mark (The_Range)));
                    case Types.Kind (Type_Mark_Spec) is
                        when Types.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                            -- must have a constraint now ...
                            Constraint := Types.Constraint (Type_Mark_Spec);
                        when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                            Enumeration_Range (Type_Mark_Spec, Lbound, Ubound);

                            Static := Ubound >= Lbound;
                        when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
                            Constraint := Types.Integer_Constraint
                        when Types.A_Derived_Type_Definition =>
                            -- look past any non-constraining subtyping ...
                            Type_Mark_Spec :=
                               Types.Derived_From (Type_Mark_Spec);
                        when others =>
                            raise Program_Error; -- can't happen.
                    end case;

                end loop;
                Constraint := Types.Constraint (The_Range);

            end if;
            Constraint := The_Range;
        end if;
    end Find_Range;


    procedure Enumeration_Range (Enum_Type_Def  : Ada_Program.Type_Definition;
                                 Lbound, Ubound : in out Long_Integer) is
        Enum_Elements : Ada.Element_Iterator;
        Enum_Elements := Types.Enumeration_Literals (Enum_Type_Def);
        Lbound        := 0;
        Ubound        := Lbound - 1;
        while not Ada.Done (Enum_Elements) loop
            Ubound := Ubound + 1;
            Ada.Next (Enum_Elements);
        end loop;
    end Enumeration_Range;

    procedure Integer_Range_Constraint_Bounds
                 (Constraint     :        Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                  Lbound, Ubound : in out Long_Integer;
                  Static         : out    Boolean) is
        Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
        if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then
            Static := False;
            Lbound := 0;
            Ubound := 0;
        end if;

        case Types.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
            when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
                Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);

                Lbound := Static_Value (Lower);
                Ubound := Static_Value (Upper);
                Static := True;

            when others =>
                Lbound := 0;
                Ubound := 0;
                Static := False;
        end case;

        when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
            Lbound := 0;
            Ubound := 0;
            Static := False;
    end Integer_Range_Constraint_Bounds;

    procedure Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Bounds
                 (Constraint     :        Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                  Lbound, Ubound : in out Long_Integer;
                  Static         : out    Boolean) is
        Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
        case Types.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
            when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
                Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
                Lbound := Static_Value (Lower);
                Ubound := Static_Value (Upper);
                Static := True;
            when others =>
                Lbound := 0;
                Ubound := 0;
                Static := False;
        end case;
        when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
            Lbound := 0;
            Ubound := 0;
            Static := False;
    end Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Bounds;

    procedure Determine_Model_Number_Range
                 (Lower_Bound, Upper_Bound, Delta_Accuracy : Float;
                  Lower_Model, Upper_Model : out Long_Integer) is
        -- Check LRM and make reference to appropriate section.
        Lower_Model := Long_Integer ((Lower_Bound / Delta_Accuracy) - 0.5);
        Upper_Model := Long_Integer ((Upper_Bound / Delta_Accuracy) - 0.5);
    end Determine_Model_Number_Range;

    procedure Fixed_Range_Constraint_Bounds
                 (Fixed_Type_Definition :
                  Range_Constraint : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                  Lower_Model, Upper_Model : in out Long_Integer;
                  Static : out Boolean) is
        Lower, Upper   : Types.Expression;
        Lbound, Ubound : Float;
        if Ada.Is_Nil (Range_Constraint) or else
           Ada.Is_Nil (Fixed_Type_Definition) then
            Static      := False;
            Lower_Model := 0;
            Upper_Model := 0;
        end if;

        case Types.Range_Kind (Range_Constraint) is
            when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
                Types.Bounds (Range_Constraint, Lower, Upper);

                Ubound := Static_Value (Upper);
                Lbound := Static_Value (Lower);

                   (Lbound, Ubound, Actual_Delta (Fixed_Type_Definition),
                    Lower_Model, Upper_Model);

                Static := True;
            when others =>
                Lower_Model := 0;
                Upper_Model := 0;
                Static      := False;
        end case;
        when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
            Lower_Model := 0;
            Upper_Model := 0;
            Static      := False;
    end Fixed_Range_Constraint_Bounds;

    procedure Float_Range_Constraint_Bounds
                 (Constraint     :        Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                  Lbound, Ubound : in out Float;
                  Static         : out    Boolean) is
        Lower, Upper : Types.Expression;
        if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then
            Lbound := Float'First;
            Ubound := Float'Last;
            Static := True;           return;
        end if;
        case Types.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
            when Types.A_Simple_Range =>
                Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);
                Lbound := Static_Value (Lower);
                Ubound := Static_Value (Upper);
                Static := True;
            when others =>
                Lbound := 0.0;
                Ubound := 0.0;
                Static := False;
        end case;
        when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
            Lbound := 0.0;
            Ubound := 0.0;
            Static := False;
    end Float_Range_Constraint_Bounds;


    -- function Range_Image (Ref_Id : Ada.Identifier_Reference := Ada.Nil_Element;
    --                       Original : Types.Type_Definition;
    --                       Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint;
    --                       Analyze_Private_Types : Boolean) return String is
    --     Ground : Types.Type_Definition := Types.Ground_Type (Original);
    --     Constraints : Ada.Element_Iterator;
    --     Range_Constraint, Garbage : Types.Type_Constraint;
    --     Lbound, Ubound : Long_Integer;
    -- begin
    --     case Types.Kind (Ground) is
    --         when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
    --             return Enumeration_Range_Constraint_Image (Constraint);
    --         when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
    --             return Integer_Range_Constraint_Image (Constraint);
    --         when Types.A_Fixed_Type_Definition =>
    --             Find_Fixed_Constraints (Ref_Id => Ref_Id,
    --                                     Root => Original,
    --                                     First => Constraint,
    --                                     Range_Constraint => Range_Constraint,
    --                                     Delta_Constraint => Garbage);
    --             return Fixed_Range_Constraint_Image (Range_Constraint);
    --         when Types.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
    --             Find_Float_Constraints (Ref_Id => Ref_Id,
    --                                     Root => Original,
    --                                     First => Constraint,
    --                                     Range_Constraint => Range_Constraint,
    --                                     Digits_Constraint => Garbage);
    --             return Float_Range_Constraint_Image (Range_Constraint);
    --         when Types.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
    --             return Index_Constraints_Image
    --                       (Types.Discrete_Ranges (Constraint));
    --         when others =>
    --             -- Can't happen ...
    --             return Internal_Error;
    --     end case;
    -- end Range_Image;

    procedure Get_Constraints (Discrete_Type_Def : Ada_Program.Type_Definition;
                               Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos : in out Long_Integer;
                               Static : out Boolean) is
        Constrained_Subtype : Ada.Element;
        Lower, Upper : Ada.Element;
        Ground_Type_Def : Ada.Element := Types.Ground_Type (Discrete_Type_Def);
        Constrained_Subtype := Types.Last_Constraint (Discrete_Type_Def);
        case Types.Kind (Constrained_Subtype) is
            when Types.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                case Types.Kind (Ground_Type_Def) is
                    when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                           (Types.Constraint (Constrained_Subtype),
                            Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos, Static);
                    when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
                           (Types.Constraint (Constrained_Subtype),
                            Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos, Static);
                    when others =>
                        raise Program_Error;
                end case;

            when Types.A_Derived_Type_Definition =>
                Get_Constraints (Types.Derived_From (Discrete_Type_Def),
                                 Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos, Static);
            when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                   (Ground_Type_Def, Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos);

                Static := True;
            when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
                   (Types.Integer_Constraint (Constrained_Subtype),
                    Lower_Pos, Upper_Pos, Static, Lower, Upper);

            when others =>
                raise Ada.Inappropriate_Program_Element;
        end case;

    end Get_Constraints;

end Bounds_Utilities;

E3 Meta Data

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