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Length: 14336 (0x3800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Ioctl, seg_04ba66
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Ioctl_Fmt; use Ioctl_Fmt; with System; with Os_Files; with Tty; with Tty_Sizes; package Ioctl is -- -- Ioctl definitions -- -- -- Ioctl's have the command encoded in the lower word, -- and the size of any in or out parameters in the upper -- word. The high 2 bits of the upper word are used -- to encode the in/out status of the parameter; for now -- we restrict parameters to at most 128 bytes. -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tty ioctl commands Tiocgetd : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 0, Integer'Size / 8); -- get line discipline Tiocsetd : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 1, Integer'Size / 8); -- set line discipline Tiochpcl : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 2); -- hang up on last close Tiocmodg : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 3, Integer'Size / 8); -- get modem cntrl state Tiocmods : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 4, Integer'Size / 8); -- set modem cntrl state Tiocm_Le : constant Integer := 8#0001#; -- line enable Tiocm_Dtr : constant Integer := 8#0002#; -- data terminal ready Tiocm_Rts : constant Integer := 8#0004#; -- request to send Tiocm_St : constant Integer := 8#0010#; -- secondary transmit Tiocm_Sr : constant Integer := 8#0020#; -- secondary receive Tiocm_Cts : constant Integer := 8#0040#; -- clear to send Tiocm_Car : constant Integer := 8#0100#; -- carrier detect Tiocm_Cd : constant Integer := Tiocm_Car; Tiocm_Rng : constant Integer := 8#0200#; -- ring Tiocm_Ri : constant Integer := Tiocm_Rng; Tiocm_Dsr : constant Integer := 8#0400#; -- data set ready Tiocgetp : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 8, Tty_Sizes.Sgttyb_Size);-- get parameters Tiocsetp : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 9, Tty_Sizes.Sgttyb_Size);-- set parameters Tiocsetn : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 10, Tty_Sizes. Sgttyb_Size);-- as above, but no flushtty Tiocexcl : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 13); -- set exclusive use of tty Tiocnxcl : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 14); -- reset exclusive use of tty Tiocflush : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 16, Integer'Size / 8); -- flush buffers Tiocsetc : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 17, Tty_Sizes.Tchars_Size);-- set special chars Tiocgetc : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 18, Tty_Sizes.Tchars_Size);-- get special chars Tandem : constant Integer := 16#00000001#; -- send stopc on out q full Cbreak : constant Integer := 16#00000002#; -- half-cooked mode Lcase : constant Integer := 16#00000004#; -- simulate lower case Echo : constant Integer := 16#00000008#; -- echo input Crmod : constant Integer := 16#00000010#; -- map \r to \r\n on output Raw : constant Integer := 16#00000020#; -- no i/o processing Oddp : constant Integer := 16#00000040#; -- get/send odd parity Evenp : constant Integer := 16#00000080#; -- get/send even parity Anyp : constant Integer := 16#000000C0#; -- get any parity/send none Nldelay : constant Integer := 16#0000C000#; -- \n delay Nl0 : constant Integer := 16#00000000#; Nl1 : constant Integer := 16#00004000#; -- tty 37 Nl2 : constant Integer := 16#00008000#; -- vt05 Nl3 : constant Integer := 16#0000C000#; Tbdelay : constant Integer := 16#00000C00#; -- horizontal tab delay Tab0 : constant Integer := 16#00000000#; Tab1 : constant Integer := 16#00000400#; -- tty 37 Tab2 : constant Integer := 16#00000800#; Xtabs : constant Integer := 16#00000C00#; -- expand tabs on output Crdelay : constant Integer := 16#00000300#; -- \r delay Cr0 : constant Integer := 16#00000000#; Cr1 : constant Integer := 16#00000100#; -- tn 300 Cr2 : constant Integer := 16#00000200#; -- tty 37 Cr3 : constant Integer := 16#00000300#; -- concept 100 Vtdelay : constant Integer := 16#00002000#; -- vertical tab delay Ff0 : constant Integer := 16#00000000#; Ff1 : constant Integer := 16#00002000#; -- tty 37 Bsdelay : constant Integer := 16#00001000#; -- \b delay Bs0 : constant Integer := 16#00000000#; Bs1 : constant Integer := 16#00001000#; Alldelay : constant Integer := (Nldelay + Tbdelay + Crdelay + Vtdelay + Bsdelay); Tostop : constant Integer := 16#00010000#; -- SIGSTOP on background output Prtera : constant Integer := 16#00020000#; -- \ ... / erase Crtera : constant Integer := 16#00040000#; -- " \b " to wipe out char Tilde : constant Integer := 16#00080000#; -- hazeltine tilde kludge Flusho : constant Integer := 16#00100000#; -- flush output to terminal Litout : constant Integer := 16#00200000#; -- literal output Crtbs : constant Integer := 16#00400000#; -- do backspacing for crt Mdmbuf : constant Integer := 16#00800000#; -- start/stop output on carrier intr Nohang : constant Integer := 16#01000000#; -- no SIGHUP on carrier drop L001000 : constant Integer := 16#02000000#; Crtkil : constant Integer := 16#04000000#; -- kill line with " \b " Pass8 : constant Integer := 16#08000000#; Ctlech : constant Integer := 16#10000000#; -- echo control chars as ^X Pendin : constant Integer := 16#20000000#; -- tp->t_rawq needs reread Decctq : constant Integer := 16#40000000#; -- only ^Q starts after ^S Noflsh : constant Integer := -16#7FFFFFFF# - 1; -- no output flush on signal -- locals, from 127 down Tioclbis : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 127, Integer'Size / 8); -- bis local mode bits Tioclbic : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 126, Integer'Size / 8); -- bic local mode bits Tioclset : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 125, Integer'Size / 8); -- set entire local mode word Tioclget : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 124, Integer'Size / 8); -- get local modes Lcrtbs : constant Integer := (Crtbs / (2 ** 16)); Lprtera : constant Integer := (Prtera / (2 ** 16)); Lcrtera : constant Integer := (Crtera / (2 ** 16)); Ltilde : constant Integer := (Tilde / (2 ** 16)); Lmdmbuf : constant Integer := (Mdmbuf / (2 ** 16)); Llitout : constant Integer := (Litout / (2 ** 16)); Ltostop : constant Integer := (Tostop / (2 ** 16)); Lflusho : constant Integer := (Flusho / (2 ** 16)); Lnohang : constant Integer := (Nohang / (2 ** 16)); Lcrtkil : constant Integer := (Crtkil / (2 ** 16)); Lpass8 : constant Integer := (Pass8 / (2 ** 16)); Lctlech : constant Integer := (Ctlech / (2 ** 16)); Lpendin : constant Integer := (Pendin / (2 ** 16)); Ldecctq : constant Integer := (Decctq / (2 ** 16)); Lnoflsh : constant Integer := (Noflsh / (2 ** 16)); Tiocsbrk : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 123); -- set break bit Tioccbrk : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 122); -- clear break bit Tiocsdtr : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 121); -- set data terminal ready Tioccdtr : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 120); -- clear data terminal ready Tiocgpgrp : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 119, Integer'Size / 8); -- get pgrp of tty Tiocspgrp : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 118, Integer'Size / 8); -- set pgrp of tty Tiocsltc : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 117, Tty_Sizes. Ltchars_Size);-- set local special chars Tiocgltc : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 116, Tty_Sizes. Ltchars_Size);-- get local special chars Tiocoutq : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 115, Integer'Size / 8); -- output queue size Tiocsti : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 114, Character'Size / 8); -- simulate terminal input Tiocnotty : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 113); -- void tty association Tiocpkt : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 112, Integer'Size / 8); --pty: set/clear packet mode Tiocpkt_Data : constant Integer := 16#00#; -- data packet Tiocpkt_Flushread : constant Integer := 16#01#; -- flush packet Tiocpkt_Flushwrite : constant Integer := 16#02#; -- flush packet Tiocpkt_Stop : constant Integer := 16#04#; -- stop output Tiocpkt_Start : constant Integer := 16#08#; -- start output Tiocpkt_Nostop : constant Integer := 16#10#; -- no more ^S, ^Q Tiocpkt_Dostop : constant Integer := 16#20#; -- now do ^S ^Q Tiocstop : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 111); -- stop output, like ^S Tiocstart : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('t', 110); -- start output, like ^Q Tiocmset : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 109, Integer'Size / 8); -- set all modem bits Tiocmbis : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 108, Integer'Size / 8); -- bis modem bits Tiocmbic : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 107, Integer'Size / 8); -- bic modem bits Tiocmget : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 106, Integer'Size / 8); -- get all modem bits Tiocremote : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 105, Integer'Size / 8); -- remote input editing Tiocgwinsz : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('t', 104, Tty_Sizes.Winsize_Size); -- get window size Tiocswinsz : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 103, Tty_Sizes.Winsize_Size); -- set window size Tiocucntl : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('t', 102, Integer'Size / 8); -- pty: set/clr usr cntl mode Ottydisc : constant Integer := 0; -- old, v7 std tty driver Netldisc : constant Integer := 1; -- line discip for berk net Nttydisc : constant Integer := 2; -- new tty discipline Tabldisc : constant Integer := 3; -- tablet discipline Slipdisc : constant Integer := 4; -- serial IP discipline Fioclex : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('f', 1); -- set exclusive use on fd Fionclex : constant Integer := Fmt_Io_Cnst ('f', 2); -- remove exclusive use -- another local Fionread : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('f', 127, Integer'Size / 8); -- get # bytes to read Fionbio : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('f', 126, Integer'Size / 8); -- set/clear non-blocking io Fioasync : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('f', 125, Integer'Size / 8); -- set/clear async i/o Fiosetown : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('f', 124, Integer'Size / 8); -- set owner Fiogetown : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('f', 123, Integer'Size / 8); -- get owner -- socket i/o controls Siocshiwat : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('s', 0, Integer'Size / 8); -- set high watermark Siocghiwat : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('s', 1, Integer'Size / 8); -- get high watermark Siocslowat : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('s', 2, Integer'Size / 8); -- set low watermark Siocglowat : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('s', 3, Integer'Size / 8); -- get low watermark Siocatmark : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('s', 7, Integer'Size / 8); -- at oob mark? Siocspgrp : constant Integer := Fmt_Iow_Cnst ('s', 8, Integer'Size / 8); -- set process group Siocgpgrp : constant Integer := Fmt_Ior_Cnst ('s', 9, Integer'Size / 8); -- get process group function Ioctl (Fd : Os_Files.File_Descriptor; Action : Integer; Result : System.Address) return Integer; pragma Interface (C, Ioctl); end Ioctl;
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