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Length: 11264 (0x2c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Unit_Error_Recording, seg_0046a4
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
--| @SUMMARY This package is used for recording the instance of errors --| in a log file and generating reports of those errors. --| --| @DESCRIPTION Error descriptions can be created and written to either --| a Polymorphic_Sequential file or a pipe. Error descriptions include --| the user that created the error, date that the error occurred, unit --| and line number in which the error occured, and two labels. One label --| is specified by one of the enumerated values used to instantiated the --| generic. The other label is a severity label such as Error, Warning, --| etc. The generation of reports from files containing error entries --| is also provided. --| --| @INDICES (Error_Handling, Logging) --| with Io; with Pipe; with System_Utilities; with List_Generic; with Bounded_String; with Time_Utilities; with String_Map_Generic; with Polymorphic_Sequential_Io; generic type Item is (<>); with function Image (I : Item) return String; package Unit_Error_Recording is package Pio renames Polymorphic_Sequential_Io; type Error_Data is private; type Error_Kind is (Error, Warning, Batch_Error, Batch_Warning, Stop_Recording); --| @DESCRIPTION Constructs error data which can then be written --| to a PIO file. The error data also contains the name of the --| user that created it and a timestamp. --| function Make (Label : Item; Kind : Error_Kind := Error; In_Unit : String; Line_Number : Natural) return Error_Data; function Kind (Of_Data : Error_Data) return Error_Kind; --| @PARAMETERS To_File should be open --| procedure Write (To_File : Pio.File_Type; D : Error_Data); --| @PARAMETERS From_File should be open --| procedure Read (From_File : Pio.File_Type; D : out Error_Data); --| @PARAMETERS To_File should be open --| @SPECIAL_NOTES If the Wait duration expires, no data is written --| and no indication is given. --| procedure Write (To_Pipe : in out Pipe.Handle; D : Error_Data; Wait : Duration); --| @PARAMETERS From_Pipe should be open --| @SPECIAL_NOTES If the Wait_Duration expires, the Timeout_Expired --| boolean will be set to True and the returned Error_Data will --| be null. --| procedure Read (From_Pipe : Pipe.Handle; Wait : Duration; D : out Error_Data; Timeout_Expired : out Boolean); --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Provided to allow alternative processing of log entries --| type Entry_Iterator is private; --| @DESCRIPTION Fills the iterator with error_data values --| recorded in the specified files. If From_Files does not resolve --| to any files, then a done iterator is returned. Locked files --| (those currently being written to) are also ignored. procedure Init (From_Files : String; Iter : in out Entry_Iterator); function Done (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return Boolean; procedure Next (Iter : in out Entry_Iterator); function User_Name (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return String; function Date (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return Time_Utilities.Time; function Label (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return Item; function Kind (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return Error_Kind; function Unit (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return String; function Line_Number (Iter : Entry_Iterator) return Natural; --| @SPECIAL_NOTES columns that can be selected to construct a report. type Column_Name is (User, Date, Incompatibility, Error_Designation, Unit_Name, Line_Number); type Column_List is array (Natural range <>) of Column_Name; --| @DESCRIPTION Constructs a report listing the Error_Data entries --| located in the specified set of files. --| @INDICES (Report_Generation) generic --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Specifies what items should be included in the --| report. The order of the columns also implies sort order. Included_Columns : Column_List; --| @SUMMARY The following functions are provided to --| filter error data items. For each Error_Data item in the --| list, the user name, data, label, kind, and unit_name is --| checked to see if it should be included in the report. --| If any of the functions return False, the entire Error_Data --| entry is excluded. with function Include (User : String) return Boolean; with function Include (Date : Time_Utilities.Time) return Boolean; with function Include (Label : Item) return Boolean; with function Include (Kind : Error_Kind) return Boolean; with function Include_Unit (Unit : String) return Boolean; procedure Generate_Report (From_Files : String; To_File : Io.File_Type := Io.Standard_Output); --| @DESCRIPTION Displays a summary table, collecting totals by --| Error_Kind and by label. It also computes the average numer --| of errors per user, per day, and per unit. --| procedure Display_Summary (Of_Entries : in out Entry_Iterator; To_File : Io.File_Type); private --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Largest pathnames possible Name_Length : constant := 256; subtype Name is Bounded_String.Variable_String (Name_Length); type Error_Data is record Label : Item; Kind : Error_Kind; Date : Time_Utilities.Time := Time_Utilities.Get_Time; User : Name := Bounded_String.Value (System_Utilities.User_Name, Name_Length); Unit : Name; Line_Number : Natural; end record; package Data_List is new List_Generic (Error_Data); type Entry_Iterator is record List_Iter : Data_List.Iterator; Current_Data : Error_Data; end record; --| @DESCRIPTION collects and display summary data package Summary is type Item_Count is array (Item) of Natural; type Error_Count is array (Error_Kind) of Natural; package Name_Map is new String_Map_Generic (1000, Natural); type Summary_Data is record Total_Count : Natural; Item_Counts : Item_Count; Error_Counts : Error_Count; Unit_Map : Name_Map.Map; User_Map : Name_Map.Map; Date_Map : Name_Map.Map; end record; procedure Initialize (Summary : in out Summary_Data); --| @DESCRIPTION Totals all entries, each item, and --| each error kind. Also adds the unit to the unit map, user --| to the user map, and Date to the Date_Map. --| procedure Add (D : Error_Data; To_Summary : in out Summary_Data); procedure Display (Summary : Summary_Data; To : Io.File_Type); end Summary; end Unit_Error_Recording;
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