Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦e692fb983⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 19456 (0x4c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Display_Environment, package body Visual_System_2, seg_04bb9a


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

package body Visual_System_2 is

    Max_X : Integer := 12;
    Min_X : Integer := 1;
    Max_Y : Integer := 6;
    Min_Y : Integer := 1;

    The_Model_Marker, The_Selected_Block_Marker, The_Top_Block_Marker,
    The_Top_Copied_Model_Marker, The_On_Table_Marker :
       Marker := Marker'(Position => Positions'(X => Min_X, Y => Min_Y));

    The_Markers : array (Marker_Ids) of Marker :=
       (Model_Marker_Id            => The_Model_Marker,
        Selected_Block_Marker_Id   => The_Selected_Block_Marker,
        Top_Block_Marker_Id        => The_Top_Block_Marker,
        Top_Copied_Model_Marker_Id => The_Top_Copied_Model_Marker,
        On_Table_Marker_Id         => The_On_Table_Marker);

    type States                 is (Protected, Free);
    type The_Environment_Labels is
       array (Min_X .. Max_X, Min_Y .. Max_Y) of Labels;
    type The_Environment_States is
       array (Min_X .. Max_X, Min_Y .. Max_Y) of States;

    type Environments is
            The_Label : The_Environment_Labels;
            The_State : The_Environment_States;
        end record;

    Environment : Environments;

    procedure Protect_Column (Marker_Id_In_Column : in Marker_Ids) is
        for J in Min_Y .. Max_Y loop
               ((The_Markers (Marker_Id_In_Column).Position.X), J) := Protected;
        end loop;
    end Protect_Column;

    procedure Unprotect_Column (Marker_Id_In_Column : in Marker_Ids) is
        for J in Min_Y .. Max_Y loop
               ((The_Markers (Marker_Id_In_Column).Position.X), J) := Free;
        end loop;
    end Unprotect_Column;

    function Get_Label_In_Position (I, J : Integer) return Labels is
        return (Environment.The_Label (I, J));
    end Get_Label_In_Position;

    package Display_Environment is
        procedure Initialize;
        procedure Print_All;
        procedure Print_One_Block (X, Y : Integer; What_Label : Labels);
    end Display_Environment;

    package body Display_Environment is separate;

    procedure Put_Label_In_Position
                 (What_Label : Labels; X : Integer; Y : Integer) is
        Environment.The_Label (X, Y) := What_Label;
        Display_Environment.Print_One_Block (X, Y, What_Label);
    end Put_Label_In_Position;

    function Move (What_Id : in Marker_Ids; In_Direction : in Directions)
                  return Boolean is
        case In_Direction is
            when Right =>
                if The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X = Max_X then
                    return (False);
                    The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X :=
                       The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X + 1;
                end if;
            when Left =>
                if The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X = Min_X then
                    return (False);
                    The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X :=
                       The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X - 1;
                end if;
            when Up =>
                if The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y = Max_Y then
                    return (False);
                    The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y :=
                       The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y + 1;
                end if;
            when Down =>
                if The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y = Min_Y then
                    return (False);
                    The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y :=
                       The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y - 1;
                end if;
        end case;
        return (True);
    end Move;

    function Get_Label (The_Marker_Id : in Marker_Ids) return Labels is
        return (Get_Label_In_Position (The_Markers (The_Marker_Id).Position.X,
                                       The_Markers (The_Marker_Id).Position.Y));
    end Get_Label;

    function Is_Same (One_Marker_Id   : in Marker_Ids;
                      Other_Marker_Id : in Marker_Ids) return Boolean is
        return ((The_Markers (One_Marker_Id).Position.X =
                 The_Markers (Other_Marker_Id).Position.X) and
                (The_Markers (One_Marker_Id).Position.Y =
                 The_Markers (Other_Marker_Id).Position.Y));
    end Is_Same;

    function Find (What_Label : in Labels; The_Marker_Id : in Marker_Ids)
                  return Boolean is
        for I in Min_X .. Max_X loop
            for J in Min_Y .. Max_Y loop  
                if Environment.The_State (I, J) /= Protected then
                    if (Get_Label_In_Position (I, J) = What_Label) then
                        The_Markers (The_Marker_Id).Position.X := I;
                        The_Markers (The_Marker_Id).Position.Y := J;
                        return True;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end loop;
        end loop;  
        return False;
    end Find;

    procedure Make_Coincided (What_Id      : in Marker_Ids;
                              With_What_Id : in Marker_Ids) is
        The_Markers (What_Id).Position.X :=
           The_Markers (With_What_Id).Position.X;
        The_Markers (What_Id).Position.Y :=
           The_Markers (With_What_Id).Position.Y;
    end Make_Coincided;

    procedure Put_Block (Block_Marked_With_Id    : in Marker_Ids;
                         On_Marked_Place_With_Id : in Marker_Ids) is
        The_Label : Labels;
        The_Label := Get_Label_In_Position
                        (The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.X,
                         The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.Y);
        Put_Label_In_Position (Null_Label,
                               The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.X,
                               The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.Y);
           (The_Label, The_Markers (On_Marked_Place_With_Id).Position.X,
            The_Markers (On_Marked_Place_With_Id).Position.Y);

        The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.X :=
           The_Markers (On_Marked_Place_With_Id).Position.X;
        The_Markers (Block_Marked_With_Id).Position.Y :=
           The_Markers (On_Marked_Place_With_Id).Position.Y;

    end Put_Block;

    procedure Load_Initial is

        for I in Min_X .. Max_X loop
            for J in Min_Y .. Max_Y loop
                Environment.The_Label (I, J) := Null_Label;  
                Environment.The_State (I, J) := Free;
            end loop;
        end loop;

        --The Model to Copy
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y)     := 'U';
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y + 1) := 'O';
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y + 2) := 'C';
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y + 3) := 'U';
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y + 4) := 'O';
        Environment.The_Label (Max_X, Min_Y + 5) := 'C';

        -- les cubes disponibles
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 1, Min_Y)      := 'T';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 1, Min_Y + 1)  := 'U';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 2, Min_Y)      := 'O';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 2, Min_Y + 1)  := 'P';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 2, Min_Y + 2)  := 'A';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 2, Min_Y + 3)  := 'R';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 2, Min_Y + 1)  := 'E';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 3, Min_Y)      := 'T';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 3, Min_Y + 1)  := 'B';       Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 3, Min_Y + 2)  := 'C';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 3, Min_Y + 3)  := 'O';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y)      := 'E';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y + 1)  := 'U';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y + 2)  := 'G';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y + 3)  := 'C';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y + 4)  := 'N';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 4, Min_Y + 5)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 5, Min_Y)      := 'V';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 5, Min_Y + 1)  := 'F';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 5, Min_Y + 2)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 6, Min_Y)      := 'R';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 6, Min_Y + 1)  := 'K';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 6, Min_Y + 2)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 7, Min_Y)      := 'B';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 7, Min_Y + 1)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 8, Min_Y)      := 'S';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 8, Min_Y + 1)  := 'L';  
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 8, Min_Y + 2)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 9, Min_Y)      := 'Y';  
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 9, Min_Y + 1)  := 'M';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 9, Min_Y + 2)  := 'X';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 10, Min_Y)     := 'U';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 10, Min_Y + 1) := 'W';
        Environment.The_Label (Min_X + 10, Min_Y + 2) := 'Z';
    end Load_Initial;


end Visual_System_2;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=026
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    tail 0x21750dcee86846fdf47e6 0x42a00088462063c03
Free Block Chain:
  0x4: 0000  00 0f 02 e6 00 3d 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 45 6e  ┆     =        En┆
  0xf: 0000  00 10 00 04 80 01 2d 01 73 03 00 0e 20 20 20 20  ┆      - s       ┆
  0x10: 0000  00 0c 03 fc 80 15 20 20 39 20 20 20 20 31 30 20  ┆        9    10 ┆
  0xc: 0000  00 0d 03 fc 80 1f 20 20 20 66 6f 72 20 49 20 69  ┆         for I i┆
  0xd: 0000  00 11 00 09 80 06 20 20 20 20 20 20 06 22 2c 20  ┆             ", ┆
  0x11: 0000  00 06 00 43 80 06 6e 2e 58 20 3a 3d 06 00 37 20  ┆   C  n.X :=  7 ┆
  0x6: 0000  00 00 00 8d 80 41 6f 76 65 5f 42 6c 6f 63 6b 20  ┆     Aove_Block ┆