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Length: 22528 (0x5800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Type_Information, pragma Module_Name 4 3577, pragma Subsystem Design_Facility, seg_028ae6
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Ada_Program; package Type_Information is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- Local Renaming: subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Identifier_Reference is Ada_Program.Identifier_Reference; subtype Statement is Ada_Program.Statement; subtype Task_Specification is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; subtype Choice_Iterator is Ada_Program.Choice_Iterator; subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is Ada_Program. Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; subtype Name_Iterator is Ada_Program.Name_Iterator; --------------------------------------------------------------- type Type_Definition_Kinds is (A_Subtype_Indication, An_Enumeration_Type_Definition, An_Integer_Type_Definition, A_Float_Type_Definition, A_Fixed_Type_Definition, An_Array_Type_Definition, A_Record_Type_Definition, An_Access_Type_Definition, A_Derived_Type_Definition, A_Task_Type_Definition, A_Private_Type_Definition, A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition, Not_A_Type_Definition); function Kind (A_Type_Definition : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition_Kinds; function Parent_Declaration (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration associated with the type definition, if -- any is available. Anonymous types for example have no associated -- declaration. function Base_Type (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the base type of the specified type definition as per LRM 3.3. -- All subtypes are constraints applied to some base type. This function -- returns that base type. function Type_Structure (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the type structure from which the specified type definition has -- been derived. This function will unwind recursive derivations until the -- type definition derives a new representation or is no longer derived. -- This function is different from GROUND_TYPE only for enumerations or -- records that have derivations with rep specs. function Ground_Type (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- This function recursively unwinds all type derivations and subtyping -- to arrive at a type definition which is neither a derived type or a -- subtype. function Last_Constraint (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- This function recursively unwinds subtyping to arrive at a type -- definition which is either the base_type or imposes constraints. function Is_Predefined (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Boolean; -- returns true if the type definition is one of: -- Boolean, Character, String, Integer, Natural, Positive, Float function Is_Universal (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Boolean; -- returns true if the type definition is a universal integer, -- universal fixed or universal float. subtype Subtype_Indication is Type_Definition; subtype Enumeration_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Integer_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Float_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Fixed_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Array_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Record_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Access_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Derived_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Task_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE CONSTRAINTS: subtype Type_Constraint is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Discrete_Range_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; subtype Discriminant_Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; type Type_Constraint_Kinds is (A_Simple_Range, A_Range_Attribute, A_Floating_Point_Constraint, A_Fixed_Point_Constraint, An_Index_Constraint, A_Discriminant_Constraint, Not_A_Constraint); function Constraint_Kind (A_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Type_Constraint_Kinds; function Discrete_Ranges (Of_Index_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Discrete_Range_Iterator; -- Returns the list of Discrete_Range components of an Index_Constraint function Discriminant_Associations (Of_Discriminant_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Discriminant_Association_Iterator; -- Returns the list of discriminant associations of -- a Discriminant_Constraint. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DISCRETE RANGES: subtype Discrete_Range is Ada_Program.Element; -- LRM 3.6 type Range_Kinds is (A_Simple_Range, A_Range_Attribute, A_Subtype_Indication, Not_A_Range); function Range_Kind (A_Discrete_Range : Discrete_Range) return Range_Kinds; subtype Range_Info is Ada_Program.Element; procedure Bounds (A_Range : Range_Info; Lower, Upper : out Expression); -- This procedure returns the simple expression for the -- upper and lower bounds of a range if one is present -- NIL_ELEMENTs otherwise. -- Note that range attributes are expressions and can be analyzed -- by using the attribute operations in NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHOICES: subtype Choice is Ada_Program.Element; type Choice_Kinds is (A_Simple_Expression, A_Discrete_Range, Others_Choice, An_Identifier_Reference, Not_A_Choice); function Choice_Kind (A_Choice : Choice) return Choice_Kinds; function Choice_Expression (A_Choice : Choice) return Expression; function Choice_Range (A_Choice : Choice) return Discrete_Range; function Choice_Identifier (A_Choice : Choice) return Identifier_Reference; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- SUBTYPE_INDICATIONS & TYPE_MARKS - LRM 3.3.2 function Type_Mark (A_Subtype_Indication : Subtype_Indication) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the type mark of a subtype indication. -- The NAMES_AND_EXPRESSION package provides selectors to do further -- decomposition. function Constraint (A_Subtype_Indication : Subtype_Indication) return Type_Constraint; -- Returns the constraint applied to the subtype indication. A nil -- element is returned if no constraint is present. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENUMERATION TYPES - LRM 3.5.1 function Enumeration_Literals (Enumeration_Type : Enumeration_Type_Definition) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the literals declared an enumeration type -- declaration. Each of these elements has a Name. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- INTEGER TYPES - LRM 3.5.4 function Integer_Constraint (Integer_Type : Integer_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint on the integer type declaration. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- REAL TYPES - LRM 3.5.6 function Digits_Accuracy_Definition (Floating_Point_Type : Float_Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the digits accuracy definition of a floating point type -- definition or floating point constraint. function Floating_Point_Constraint (Floating_Point_Type : Float_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint of a floating point type declaration. function Delta_Accuracy_Definition (Fixed_Point_Type : Fixed_Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the delta accuracy definition of a fixed point type definition -- or fixed point constraint. function Fixed_Point_Constraint (Fixed_Point_Type : Fixed_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint of the fixed point type definition. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ARRAY TYPES - LRM 3.6 function Is_Constrained_Array (Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Boolean; function Index_Constraints (Constrained_Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Discrete_Range_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the discrete range constraints for an -- constrained array type declaration. function Index_Subtype_Definitions (Unconstrained_Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the Index_Subtypes (Type_Marks) for an -- unconstrained array type declaration. function Component_Type (Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the specification of the array component type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- DISCRIMINANTS - LRM 3.7.1 subtype Type_Definition_Or_Declaration is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Discriminant_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Is_Discriminated (A_Type : Type_Definition_Or_Declaration) return Boolean; -- This function applies to private, limited private, incomplete or -- record types. It returns True if this type has discriminants. -- It may be applied to type declaration to handle the case of -- incomplete types. function Discriminants (A_Type : Type_Definition_Or_Declaration) return Discriminant_Iterator; -- Returns a list of discriminants of the type. These elements may -- then be manipulated with the functions provided in package -- Declarations. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- RECORD TYPES - LRM 3.7 subtype Record_Component is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; subtype Variant is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Variant_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Record_Components (Record_Type : Record_Type_Definition) return Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the record components of the record declaration. type Component_Kinds is (A_Null_Component, A_Variable_Component, A_Variant_Part_Component, Not_A_Component); -- A component can be a Variable, NULL or Variant_Part. -- A Null_Component is a NIL_ELEMENT. -- The operations on Variables can be used to decompose Variable_Components. function Component_Kind (Component : Record_Component) return Component_Kinds; function Associated_Discriminant (Variant_Part : Record_Component) return Identifier_Reference; function Variant_Item_List (Variant_Part : Record_Component) return Variant_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of variants that make up the record component. function Variant_Choices (Variant_Item : Variant) return Choice_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the 'WHEN <choice> | <choice>' choices. -- Use the above CHOICES queries to extract further information. function Inner_Record_Components (Variant_Item : Variant) return Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the record components of the inner record declaration. -- Use Component_Kind to analyze further. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ACCESS TYPES - LRM 3.8 function Access_To (Access_Type : Access_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the subtype indication associated with the access type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- DERIVED TYPES - LRM 3.4 function Derived_From (Derived_Type : Derived_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the subtype indication associated with the derived type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- TASK TYPE DEFINITIONS -- LRM Chapter 9 function Task_Components (Task_Spec : Task_Specification) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of entry declarations, representation clauses -- and pragmas in a task specification. The list is in order of appearance. -- The operations on subprogram declarations can be used to -- decompose task entries. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3577); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Type_Information;
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