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└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


-- <ADA>

-- <UNIT>        Character_Utilities
-- <DESCRIPTION> This package defines subtypes and operations for working with
--               ASCII characters.
-- <AUTHOR>      David Blanchard and Peter A. Berggren
-- <DATE>        12 July 1989
-- <COMPANY>     Science Applications International Corporation
-- <ADDRESS>     311 Park Place Boulevard, Suite 360
-- <ADDRESS>     Clearwater, Florida 34619
-- <REMARK>      The specification of this package was derived from "Software
--               Components with Ada", by Grady Booch.
--               Developed for the STARS program under task IR20.
-- </ORIGIN>
-- <NOTES>       Dependencies =>
--                 ( Operating_System => None ,
--                   Compiler         => None ,
--                   Device           => None ) ;
--  <copyright notice> 
--      This component was derived from specifications described in the book, 
--      "Software Components with Ada", by Grady Booch.

package Character_Utilities is

  subtype Control_Character   is Character range ASCII.Nul .. ASCII.Us ;
  subtype Graphic_Character   is Character range ' ' .. '~'            ;
  subtype Uppercase_Character is Character range 'A' .. 'Z'            ;
  subtype Lowercase_Character is Character range 'a' .. 'z'            ;
  subtype Digit_Character     is Character range '0' .. '9'            ;
-- These subtypes define the conventional ranges of ASCII character values, as
-- follows:
-- Control_Character   => The first 32 characters in the ASCII set.  These
--                        characters generally invoke some kind
--                        of control operation, rather than producing a graphic
--                        image.
-- Graphic_Character   => The 95 characters of the ASCII set that always produce
--                        a graphic image.
-- Uppercase_Character => The uppercase alphabetic characters.
-- Lowercase_Character => The lowercase alphabetic characters.
-- Digit_Character     => The decimal digits.
-- Note: The subtypes Control_Character and Graphic_Character do not
-- cover the complete range of ASCII characters.  The last character in the set,
-- (ASCII.DEL) is a control character, but cannot be included in
-- the subtype Control_Character because it is not contiguous with the other
-- control characters.

  subtype Digit  is Integer range 0 ..  9 ;
  subtype Letter is Integer range 1 .. 26 ;
-- The subtypes Digit and Letter provide Integer mappings for decimal digit and
-- alphabetic characters, respectively.

  procedure Make_Uppercase ( The_Character : in out Character ) ;
-- <UNIT>        Make_Uppercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> This procedure maps from the lowercase characters to the
--               uppercase characters.
--               If the character given by The_Character is
--               lowercase, it is changed to the equivalent uppercase character.
--               Otherwise, no action is taken.

  procedure Make_Lowercase ( The_Character : in out Character ) ;
-- <UNIT>        Make_Lowercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> This procedure maps from the uppercase characters to the
--               lowercase characters.
--               If the character given by The_Character is
--               uppercase, it is changed to the equivalent lowercase character.
--               Otherwise, no action is taken.

  function Uppercase_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Character ;
-- <UNIT>        Uppercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the uppercase equivalent of the character
--               given by The_Character or, if the given
--               character is not alphabetic, returns the character itself.

  function Lowercase_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Character ;
-- <UNIT>        Lowercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the lowercase equivalent of the character
--               given by The_Character or, if the given
--               character is not alphabetic, returns the character itself.

  function Is_Control ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Control
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is a control character.

  function Is_Graphic ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Graphic
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is a graphic character.

  function Is_Uppercase ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Uppercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is uppercase.

  function Is_Lowercase ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Lowercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is lowercase.

  function Is_Digit ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Digit
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is a decimal digit.

  function Is_Alphabetic ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Alphabetic
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is alphabetic.
--               The set of alphabetic characters is defined as the union of the
--               uppercase and lowercase sets.

  function Is_Alphanumeric ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Alphanumeric
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is alphanumeric.
--               The set of alphanumeric characters is defined as the union of
--               the alphabetic and decimal digit sets.

  function Is_Special ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Special
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by
--               The_Character is special.
--               The set of special characters includes the graphic characters,
--               less the alphanumeric characters.

  function Value_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Digit ;
-- <UNIT>        Value_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the integer value of the decimal digit
--               given by The_Character.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  Lexical_Error =>
--                 The character given by The_Character is not a decimal digit.

  function Image_Of ( The_Digit : in Digit ) return Character ;
-- <UNIT>        Image_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the decimal digit corresponding to the
--               integer value given by The_Digit.

  function Index_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Letter ;
-- <UNIT>        Index_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the position in the alphabet of the
--               character given by The_Character.
--               For example, 'C' and 'c' produce the value 3.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  Lexical_Error =>
--                 The character given by The_Character is not alphabetic.

  function Uppercase_Of ( The_Letter : in Letter ) return Character ;
-- <UNIT>        Uppercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the uppercase character whose position in
--               the alphabet is given by The_Letter.

  function Lowercase_Of ( The_Letter : in Letter ) return Character ;
-- <UNIT>        Lowercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns the lowercase character whose position in
--               the alphabet is given by The_Letter.

  function Is_Equal
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Equal
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the characters given by Left and
--               Right are equal.
--               The parameter Case_Sensitive determines the handling of
--               character case, as follows:
--               True  => The uppercase and lowercase character sets are treated
--                        as distinct sets.
--               False => The lowercase character set is mapped onto the
--                        uppercase character set.

  function Is_Less_Than
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Less_Than
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by Left is
--               less than the character given by Right.
--               The parameter Case_Sensitive determines the handling of
--               character case, as follows:
--               True  => The uppercase and lowercase character sets are treated
--                        as distinct sets.
--               False => The lowercase character set is mapped onto the
--                        uppercase character set.

  function Is_Greater_Than
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean ;
-- <UNIT>        Is_Greater_Than
-- <DESCRIPTION> This function returns True if the character given by Left is
--               greater than the character given by Right.
--               The parameter Case_Sensitive determines the handling of
--               character case, as follows:
--               True  => The uppercase and lowercase character sets are treated
--                        as distinct sets.
--               False => The lowercase character set is mapped onto the
--                        uppercase character set.

  Lexical_Error : exception ;
-- The exception Lexical_Error is raised by functions Value_Of
-- and Index_Of, if the given character is not a decimal digit or an alphabetic
-- character, respectively.

end Character_Utilities ;

-- </ADA>
-- <ADA>

-- <UNIT>        Character_Utilities
-- <DESCRIPTION> This package defines subtypes and operations for working with
--               ASCII characters.
-- <AUTHOR>      David Blanchard and Peter A. Berggren
-- <DATE>        12 July 1989
-- <COMPANY>     Science Applications International Corporation
-- <ADDRESS>     311 Park Place Boulevard, Suite 360
-- <ADDRESS>     Clearwater, Florida 34619
-- <REMARK>      The specification of this package was derived from "Software
--               Components with Ada", by Grady Booch.
--               Developed for the STARS program under task IR20.
-- </ORIGIN>
-- <NOTES>       Dependencies =>
--                 ( Operating_System => None ,
--                   Compiler         => None ,
--                   Device           => None ) ;
--  <copyright notice> 
--      This component was derived from specifications described in the book, 
--      "Software Components with Ada", by Grady Booch.

package body Character_Utilities is

  The_Case_Offset : constant := Character'Pos ( 'a' ) - Character'Pos ( 'A' ) ;
-- The constant The_Case_Offset defines the offset from the uppercase character
-- set to the lowercase character set.

  procedure Make_Uppercase ( The_Character : in out Character ) is
-- <UNIT>        Make_Uppercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Make_Uppercase
    The_Character := Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => The_Character ) ;
  end Make_Uppercase ;

  procedure Make_Lowercase ( The_Character : in out Character ) is
-- <UNIT>        Make_Lowercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Make_Lowercase
    The_Character := Lowercase_Of ( The_Character => The_Character ) ;
  end Make_Lowercase ;

  function Uppercase_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Character is
-- <UNIT>        Uppercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Uppercase_Of
    if Is_Lowercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) then
        Character'Val ( Character'Pos ( The_Character ) - The_Case_Offset ) ;
      return The_Character ;
    end if ;
  end Uppercase_Of ;
  function Lowercase_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Character is
-- <UNIT>        Lowercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Lowercase_Of
    if Is_Uppercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) then
        Character'Val  ( Character'Pos ( The_Character ) + The_Case_Offset ) ;
      return The_Character ;
    end if ;
  end Lowercase_Of ;

  function Is_Control ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Control
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Control 
    return The_Character in Control_Character ;
  end Is_Control ;

  function Is_Graphic ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Graphic
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Graphic
    return The_Character in Graphic_Character ;
  end Is_Graphic ;

  function Is_Uppercase ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Uppercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Uppercase
    return The_Character in Uppercase_Character ;
  end Is_Uppercase ;

  function Is_Lowercase ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Lowercase
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Lowercase
    return The_Character in Lowercase_Character ;
  end Is_Lowercase ;

  function Is_Digit ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Digit
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Digit
    return The_Character in Digit_Character ;
  end Is_Digit ;

  function Is_Alphabetic ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Alphabetic
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Alphabetic 
    return Is_Uppercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) or else
           Is_Lowercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) ;
  end Is_Alphabetic ;

  function Is_Alphanumeric ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Alphanumeric
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Alphanumeric
    return Is_Alphabetic ( The_Character => The_Character ) or else
           Is_Digit      ( The_Character => The_Character ) ;
  end Is_Alphanumeric ;

  function Is_Special ( The_Character : in Character ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Special
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Special
    return Is_Graphic      ( The_Character => The_Character ) and then
       not Is_Alphanumeric ( The_Character => The_Character ) ;
  end Is_Special ;

  function Value_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Digit is
-- <UNIT>        Value_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Value_Of
    if Is_Digit ( The_Character => The_Character ) then
      return Character'Pos ( The_Character ) - Character'Pos ( '0' ) ;
      raise Lexical_Error ;
    end if ;
  end Value_Of ;

  function Image_Of ( The_Digit : in Digit ) return Character is
-- <UNIT>        Image_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Image_Of
    return Character'Val ( Character'Pos ( '0' ) + The_Digit ) ;
  end Image_Of ;

  function Index_Of ( The_Character : in Character ) return Letter is
-- <UNIT>        Index_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Index_Of
    if    Is_Uppercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) then
      return Character'Pos ( The_Character ) - Character'Pos ( 'A' ) + 1 ;
    elsif Is_Lowercase ( The_Character => The_Character ) then
      return Character'Pos ( The_Character ) - Character'Pos ( 'a' ) + 1 ;
      raise Lexical_Error ;
    end if ;
  end Index_Of ;

  function Uppercase_Of ( The_Letter : in Letter ) return Character is
-- <UNIT>        Uppercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Uppercase_Of
    return Character'Val ( Character'Pos ( 'A' ) + The_Letter - 1 ) ;
  end Uppercase_Of ;

  function Lowercase_Of ( The_Letter : in Letter ) return Character is
-- <UNIT>        Lowercase_Of
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Lowercase_Of
    return Character'Val ( Character'Pos ( 'a' ) + The_Letter - 1 ) ;
  end Lowercase_Of ;

  function Is_Equal
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Equal
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Equal
    if Case_Sensitive then
      return Left = Right ;
      return Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Left  ) =
             Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Right ) ;
    end if ;
  end Is_Equal ;

  function Is_Less_Than
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Less_Than
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Less_Than
    if Case_Sensitive then
      return Left < Right ;
      return Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Left  ) <
             Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Right ) ;
    end if ;
  end Is_Less_Than ;

  function Is_Greater_Than
    ( Left           : in Character         ;
      Right          : in Character         ;
      Case_Sensitive : in Boolean   := True ) return Boolean is
-- <UNIT>        Is_Greater_Than
-- <DESCRIPTION> For a complete description of this subprogram see the
--               specification of this package.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  For a complete description of the exceptions raised by this
--               subprogram see the specification of this package.
  begin -- Is_Greater_Than
    if Case_Sensitive then
      return Left > Right ;
      return Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Left  ) >
             Uppercase_Of ( The_Character => Right ) ;
    end if ;
  end Is_Greater_Than ;

end Character_Utilities ;

-- </ADA>
package Bounded_String is

    subtype String_Length is Natural;

    type Variable_String (Maximum_Length : String_Length) is private;
    -- initialized to have a length of 0

    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String);
    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String);
    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character);

    procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String;
                    Source : in out Variable_String);

    function Image (V : Variable_String) return String;

    -- Value function with maximum length = current length
    function Value (S : String) return Variable_String;

    -- Value function with specified maximum length
    function Value (S : String; Max_Length : Natural) return Variable_String;
    pragma Inline (Image);

    procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String);

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      Source :        Variable_String);

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String);

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character);

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      Source :        Character;
                      Count  :        Natural);

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Variable_String);

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        String);

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Character);

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Character;
                      Count  :        Natural);

    procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Count  :        Natural := 1);

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Character);

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Character;
                       Count  :        Natural);

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        String);

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Variable_String);

    -- Truncate or extend with fill
    procedure Set_Length (Target     : in out Variable_String;
                          New_Length :        Natural;
                          Fill_With  :        Character := ' ');

    -- Get information about or contents of a string
    function Length  (Source : Variable_String) return Natural;
    function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive)
                     return Character;

    function Extract (Source    : Variable_String;
                      Start_Pos : Positive;
                      End_Pos   : Natural) return String;

    -- get the allocated length of the string
    function Max_Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural;
    pragma Inline (Length);
    pragma Inline (Char_At);
    pragma Inline (Max_Length);
    type Variable_String (Maximum_Length : String_Length) is
            Length   : String_Length := 0;
            Contents : String (1 .. Maximum_Length);
        end record;

end Bounded_String;
package body Bounded_String is
    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String;
                    Source :        Variable_String) is
        Target.Contents (1 .. Source.Length) :=
           Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length);
        Target.Length                        := Source.Length;
    end Copy;

    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is
        Target.Contents (1 .. Source'Length) := Source;
        Target.Length                        := Source'Length;
    end Copy;

    procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is
        Target.Contents (1) := Source;
        Target.Length       := 1;
    end Copy;

    procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String;
                    Source : in out Variable_String) is
        Target.Contents (1 .. Source.Length) :=
           Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length);
        Target.Length                        := Source.Length;
        Source.Length                        := 0;
    end Move;

    function Image (V : Variable_String) return String is
        return V.Contents (1 .. V.Length);
    end Image;

    function Value (S : String; Max_Length : Natural) return Variable_String is
        String_Value : String (1 .. Max_Length);
        String_Value (1 .. S'Length) := S;
        return Variable_String'(Maximum_Length => Max_Length,
                                Length         => S'Length,
                                Contents       => String_Value);
    end Value;

    function Value (S : String) return Variable_String is
        return Variable_String'(Maximum_Length => S'Length,
                                Length         => S'Length,
                                Contents       => S);

    end Value;

    procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String) is
        V.Length := 0;
    end Free;

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is
        Len : Natural := Target.Length + Source'Length;
        Target.Contents (Target.Length + 1 .. Len) := Source;
        Target.Length := Len;
    end Append;

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      Source :        Variable_String) is
        Append (Target, Image (Source));
    end Append;

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is
        Len : Natural := Target.Length + 1;
        Target.Contents (Len) := Source;
        Target.Length         := Len;
    end Append;

    procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      Source :        Character;
                      Count  :        Natural) is
        Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source);
        Append (Target, Value_String);
    end Append;

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        String) is
        if At_Pos = Target.Length + 1 then
            Append (Target, Source);
        elsif At_Pos <= Target.Length then
                Len : Natural := Target.Length + Source'Length;
                Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) :=
                   Source & Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Target.Length);
                Target.Length                   := Len;
            raise Constraint_Error;
        end if;
    end Insert;

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Variable_String) is
        Insert (Target, At_Pos, Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length));
    end Insert;

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Character) is
        New_Len : Natural := Target.Length + 1;
        if At_Pos = New_Len then
            Append (Target, Source);
        elsif At_Pos > New_Len then
            raise Constraint_Error;
            Target.Contents (At_Pos + 1 .. New_Len) :=
               Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Target.Length);
            Target.Contents (At_Pos) := Source;
            Target.Length := New_Len;
        end if;
    end Insert;

    procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Source :        Character;
                      Count  :        Natural) is
        Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source);
        Insert (Target, At_Pos, Value_String);
    end Insert;

    procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String;
                      At_Pos :        Positive;
                      Count  :        Natural := 1) is
        Len : Natural := Target.Length - Count;
        if At_Pos - 1 > Len then
            raise Constraint_Error;
        end if;
        if At_Pos <= Len then
            Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) :=
               Target.Contents (At_Pos + Count .. Target.Length);
        end if;
        Target.Length := Len;
    end Delete;

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Character) is
        if At_Pos > Target.Length then
            raise Constraint_Error;
            Target.Contents (At_Pos) := Source;
        end if;
    end Replace;

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        String) is
        End_Pos : constant Positive := At_Pos + Source'Length - 1;
        if End_Pos > Target.Length then
            raise Constraint_Error;
            Target.Contents (At_Pos .. End_Pos) := Source;
        end if;
    end Replace;

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Character;
                       Count  :        Natural) is
        Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source);
        Replace (Target, At_Pos, Value_String);
    end Replace;

    procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String;
                       At_Pos :        Positive;
                       Source :        Variable_String) is
        Replace (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source));
    end Replace;

    procedure Set_Length (Target     : in out Variable_String;
                          New_Length :        Natural;
                          Fill_With  :        Character := ' ') is
        Current_Length : Natural := Target.Length;
        for I in Current_Length + 1 .. New_Length loop
            Target.Contents (I) := Fill_With;
        end loop;
        Target.Length := New_Length;
    end Set_Length;

    function Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural is
        return Source.Length;
    end Length;

    function Max_Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural is
        return Source.Maximum_Length;
    end Max_Length;

    function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive)
                     return Character is
        if At_Pos > Source.Length then
            raise Constraint_Error;
            return Source.Contents (At_Pos);
        end if;
    end Char_At;

    function Extract (Source    : Variable_String;
                      Start_Pos : Positive;
                      End_Pos   : Natural) return String is
        if End_Pos > Source.Length then
            raise Constraint_Error;
            return Source.Contents (Start_Pos .. End_Pos);
        end if;
    end Extract;

end Bounded_String;

      type ItemType is private;  --| This is the data being manipulated.
      with function Equal ( X,Y: in ItemType) return boolean is "=";

package Lists is

--| This package provides singly linked lists with elements of type
--| ItemType, where ItemType is specified by a generic parameter.

--| Overview
--| When this package is instantiated, it provides a linked list type for
--| lists of objects of type ItemType, which can be any desired type.  A
--| complete set of operations for manipulation, and releasing
--| those lists is also provided.  For instance, to make lists of strings,
--| all that is necessary is:
--| type StringType is string(1..10);
--| package Str_List is new Lists(StringType); use Str_List;
--|    L:List;
--|    S:StringType;
--| Then to add a string S, to the list L, all that is necessary is
--|    L := Create;
--|    Attach(S,L);
--| This package provides basic list operations.
--| Attach          append an object to an object, an object to a list,
--|                 or a list to an object, or a list to a list.

--| Copy            copy a list using := on elements
--| CopyDeep        copy a list by copying the elements using a copy
--|                 operation provided by the user
--| Create          Creates an empty list
--| DeleteHead      removes the head of a list
--| DeleteItem      delete the first occurrence of an element from a list
--| DeleteItems     delete all occurrences of an element from a list
--| Destroy         remove a list
--| DestroyDeep     destroy a list as well as the elements in that list
--| Equal           are two lists equal
--| FirstValue      get the information from the first element of a list
--| Forward         advances an iterator
--| IsInList        determines whether a given element is in a given list
--| IsEmpty         returns true if the list is empty
--| LastValue       return the last value of a list
--| Length          Returns the length of a list 
--| MakeList        this takes a single element and returns a list
--| MakeListIter    prepares for an iteration over a list
--| More            are there any more items in the list
--| Next            get the next item in a list
--| ReplaceHead     replace the information at the head of the list
--| ReplaceTail     replace the tail of a list with a new list
--| Tail            get the tail of a list
--| CellValue       this takes an iterator and returns the value of the element
--|                 whose position the iterator holds

--| N/A: Effects, Requires, Modifies, and Raises.

--| Notes
--| Programmer Buddy Altus

--|                           Types
--|                           -----

          type List       is private;
          type ListIter   is private;

--|                           Exceptions
--|                           ----------

    CircularList     :exception;     --| Raised if an attemp is made to
                                     --| create a circular list.  This
                                     --| results when a list is attempted
                                     --| to be attached to itself.
    EmptyList        :exception;     --| Raised if an attemp is made to
                                     --| manipulate an empty list.
    ItemNotPresent   :exception;     --| Raised if an attempt is made to
                                     --| remove an element from a list in
                                     --| which it does not exist.
    NoMore           :exception;     --| Raised if an attemp is made to
                                     --| get the next element from a list
				     --| after iteration is complete.

--|                           Operations
--|                           ---------- 


procedure Attach(                  --| appends List2 to List1
          List1:     in out List;  --| The list being appended to.
          List2:     in     List   --| The list being appended.

--| Raises
--| CircularList

--| Effects
--| Appends List1 to List2.  This makes the next field of the last element
--| of List1 refer to List2.  This can possibly change the value of List1
--| if List1 is an empty list.  This causes sharing of lists.  Thus if
--| user Destroys List1 then List2 will be a dangling reference.
--| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2.  If it is 
--| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and 
--| attach the copy.

--| Modifies
--| Changes the next field of the last element in List1 to be List2.


function Attach(                 --| Creates a new list containing the two
                                 --| Elements.
         Element1: in ItemType;  --| This will be first element in list.
         Element2: in ItemType   --| This will be second element in list.
) return List;

--| Effects
--| This creates a list containing the two elements in the order
--| specified.

procedure Attach(                   --| List L is appended with Element.
         L:       in out List;      --| List being appended to.
         Element: in     ItemType   --| This will be last element in l    ist.

--| Effects
--| Appends Element onto the end of the list L.  If L is empty then this
--| may change the value of L.
--| Modifies
--| This appends List L with Element by changing the next field in List.

procedure Attach(                   --| Makes Element first item in list L.
         Element: in      ItemType; --| This will be the first element in list.
         L:       in  out List      --| The List which Element is being
                                    --| prepended to.

--| Effects
--| This prepends list L with Element.
--| Modifies
--| This modifies the list L.


function Attach (                      --| attaches two lists
         List1: in     List;           --| first list
         List2: in     List            --| second list
) return List;

--| Raises
--| CircularList

--| Effects
--| This returns a list which is List1 attached to List2.  If it is desired
--| to make List1 be the new attached list the following ada code should be
--| used.
--| List1 := Attach (List1, List2);
--| This procedure raises CircularList if List1 equals List2.  If it is 
--| necessary to Attach a list to itself first make a copy of the list and 
--| attach the copy.


function Attach (                   --| prepends an element onto a list
         Element: in    ItemType;   --| element being prepended to list
         L:       in    List        --| List which element is being added
                                    --| to
) return List;

--| Effects
--| Returns a new list which is headed by Element and followed by L.


function Attach (                  --| Adds an element to the end of a list
         L: in          List;      --| The list which element is being added to.
         Element: in    ItemType   --| The element being added to the end of
                                   --| the list.
) return List;

--| Effects
--| Returns a new list which is L followed by Element.


function Copy(          --| returns a copy of list1 
       L: in List       --| list being copied
) return List;

--| Effects
--| Returns a copy of L.


        with function Copy(I: in     ItemType) return ItemType;

function CopyDeep(      --| returns a copy of list using a user supplied
                        --| copy function.  This is helpful if the type
			--| of a list is an abstract data type.
         L: in     List --| List being copied.
) return List;
--| Effects
--| This produces a new list whose elements have been duplicated using
--| the Copy function provided by the user.


function Create           --| Returns an empty List

return List;


procedure DeleteHead(            --| Remove the head element from a list.
          L: in out List         --| The list whose head is being removed.

--| EmptyList
--| This will return the space occupied by the first element in the list
--| to the heap.  If sharing exists between lists this procedure
--| could leave a dangling reference.  If L is empty EmptyList will be
--| raised.


procedure DeleteItem(           --| remove the first occurrence of Element
                                --| from L
      L:       in out List;     --| list element is being  removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed

--| Removes the first element of the list equal to Element.  If there is
--| not an element equal to Element than ItemNotPresent is raised.

--| This operation is destructive, it returns the storage occupied by
--| the elements being deleted.


function DeleteItem(            --| remove the first occurrence of Element
                                --| from L
      L:       in     List;     --| list element is being  removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed
) return List;

--| This returns the List L with the first occurrence of Element removed.


function DeleteItems (          --| remove all occurrences of Element
                                --| from  L.
      L:       in     List;     --| The List element is being removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed
) return List;

--| This function returns a copy of the list L which has all elements which
--| have value Element removed.


procedure DeleteItems (         --| remove all occurrences of Element
                                --| from  L.
      L:       in out List;     --| The List element is being removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed

--| This procedure removes all occurrences of Element from the List L.  This
--| is a destructive procedure.

procedure Destroy (           --| removes the list
          L: in out List      --| the list being removed

--| Effects
--| This returns to the heap all the storage that a list occupies.  Keep in
--| mind if there exists sharing between lists then this operation can leave
--| dangling references.

    with procedure Dispose (I :in out ItemType); 

procedure DestroyDeep (  --| Destroy a list as well as all objects which
                         --| comprise an element of the list.
    L :in out List

--| This procedure is used to destroy a list and all the objects contained
--| in an element of the list.  For example if L is a list of lists
--| then destroy L does not destroy the lists which are elements of L.
--| DestroyDeep will now destroy L and all the objects in the elements of L.
--| The produce Dispose is a procedure which will destroy the objects which
--| comprise an element of a list.  For example if package  L was  a list
--| of lists then Dispose for L would be the Destroy of list type package L was
--| instantiated with.

--| This procedure requires no sharing  between elements of lists. 
--| For example if L_int is a list of integers and L_of_L_int is a list 
--| of lists of integers and two elements of L_of_L_int have the same value
--| then doing a DestroyDeep will cause an access violation to be raised.  
--| The best way to avoid this is not to have sharing between list elements
--| or use copy functions when adding to the list of lists.


function FirstValue(      --| returns the contents of the first record of the 
                          --| list
         L: in List       --| the list whose first element is being
			  --| returned

) return ItemType;

--| Raises
--| EmptyList
--| Effects
--| This returns the Item in the first position in the list.  If the list
--| is empty EmptyList is raised.


procedure Forward (            --| Advances the iterator.
          I :in out ListIter   --| The iterator.

--| This procedure can be used in conjunction with Cell to iterate over a list.
--| This is in addition to Next.  Instead of writing
--|  I :ListIter;
--|  L :List;
--|  V :List_Element_Type;
--|  I := MakeListIter(L);
--|  while More(I) loop
--|      Next (I, V);
--|      Print (V);
--|  end loop;
--| One can write
--| I := MakeListIter(L);
--| while More (I) loop
--|     Print (Cell (I));
--|     Forward (I);
--| end loop;


function IsEmpty(            --| Checks if a list is empty.
         L: in     List      --| List being checked.
) return boolean;


function IsInList(                 --| Checks if element is an element of
                                   --| list.
         L:       in     List;     --| list being scanned for element
         Element: in     ItemType  --| element being searched for
) return boolean;

--| Effects
--| Walks down the list L looking for an element whose value is Element.


function LastValue(       --| Returns the contents of the last record of
                          --| the list.
         L: in List       --| The list whose first element is being
                          --| returned.
) return ItemType;

--| Raises
--| EmptyList
--| Effects
--| Returns the last element in a list.  If the list is empty EmptyList is
--| raised.


function Length(         --| count the number of elements on a list
         L: in List      --| list whose length is being computed
) return integer;


function MakeList (   --| This takes in an element and returns a List.
       E :in     ItemType
) return List;


function MakeListIter(          --| Sets a variable to point to  the head
                                --| of the list.  This will be used to
                                --| prepare for iteration over a list.
         L: in List             --| The list being iterated over.
) return ListIter;

--| This prepares a user for iteration operation over a list.  The iterater is
--| an operation which returns successive elements of the list on successive
--| calls to the iterator.  There needs to be a mechanism which marks the
--| position in the list, so on successive calls to the Next operation the
--| next item in the list can be returned.  This is the function of the
--| MakeListIter and the type ListIter.  MakeIter just sets the Iter to the
--| the beginning  of the list. On subsequent calls to Next the Iter
--| is updated with each call.


function More(           --| Returns true if there are more elements in
                         --| the and false if there aren't any more
                         --| the in the list.
         L: in ListIter  --| List being checked for elements.
) return boolean;


procedure Next(                 --| This is the iterator operation.  Given
                                --| a ListIter in the list it returns the
                                --| current item and updates the ListIter.
                                --| If ListIter is at the end of the list,
                                --| More returns false otherwise it
                                --| returns true.
    Place:    in out ListIter;  --| The Iter which marks the position in
                                --| the list.
    Info:        out ItemType   --| The element being returned.


--| The iterators subprograms MakeListIter, More, and Next should be used
--| in the following way:
--|         L:        List;
--|         Place:    ListIter;
--|         Info:     SomeType;
--|         Place := MakeListIter(L);
--|         while ( More(Place) ) loop
--|               Next(Place, Info);
--|               process each element of list L;
--|               end loop;


procedure ReplaceHead(     --| Replace the Item at the head of the list
                           --| with the parameter Item.
     L:    in out List;    --| The list being modified.
     Info: in     ItemType --| The information being entered.
--| Raises 
--| EmptyList

--| Effects
--| Replaces the information in the first element in the list.  Raises
--| EmptyList if the list is empty.


procedure ReplaceTail(           --| Replace the Tail of a list
                                 --| with a new list.
          L:       in out List;  --| List whose Tail is replaced.
          NewTail: in     List   --| The list which will become the
				 --| tail of Oldlist.
--| Raises
--| EmptyList
--| Effects
--| Replaces the tail of a list with a new list.  If the list whose tail
--| is being replaced is null EmptyList is raised.


function Tail(           --| returns the tail of a list L
         L: in List      --| the list whose tail is being returned
) return List;

--| Raises
--| EmptyList
--| Effects
--| Returns a list which is the tail of the list L.  Raises EmptyList if
--| L is empty.  If L only has one element then Tail returns the Empty
--| list.


function CellValue (	--| Return the value of the element where the iterator is
			--| positioned.
         I :in     ListIter
) return ItemType;

--| This returns the value of the element at the position of the iterator.
--| This is used in conjunction with Forward.


function Equal(            --| compares list1 and list2 for equality
         List1: in List;   --| first list
         List2: in List    --| second list
 )  return boolean;

--| Effects
--| Returns true if for all elements of List1 the corresponding element
--| of List2 has the same value.  This function uses the Equal operation
--| provided by the user.  If one is not provided then = is used.

    type Cell;
    type List is access Cell;      --| pointer added by this package
                                   --| in order to make a list
    type Cell is                   --| Cell for the lists being created
              Info: ItemType;
              Next: List;
         end record;

    type ListIter is new List;     --| This prevents Lists being assigned to
                                   --| iterators and vice versa
end Lists;

with unchecked_deallocation;

package body Lists is

    procedure Free is new unchecked_deallocation (Cell, List);


   function Last (L: in     List) return List is

       Place_In_L:        List;
       Temp_Place_In_L:   List;

   --|  Link down the list L and return the pointer to the last element
   --| of L.  If L is null raise the EmptyList exception.

       if L = null then
           raise EmptyList;

           --|  Link down L saving the pointer to the previous element in 
           --|  Temp_Place_In_L.  After the last iteration Temp_Place_In_L
           --|  points to the last element in the list.

           Place_In_L := L;
           while Place_In_L /= null loop
               Temp_Place_In_L := Place_In_L;
               Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;
           end loop;
           return Temp_Place_In_L;
       end if;
    end Last;

    procedure Attach (List1: in out List;
                      List2: in     List ) is
        EndOfList1: List;

    --| Attach List2 to List1. 
    --| If List1 is null return List2
    --| If List1 equals List2 then raise CircularList
    --| Otherwise get the pointer to the last element of List1 and change
    --| its Next field to be List2.

        if List1 = null then
	    List1 := List2;
        elsif List1 = List2 then
            raise CircularList;
            EndOfList1 := Last (List1);
            EndOfList1.Next := List2;
        end if;
    end Attach;


   procedure Attach (L:       in out List;
                     Element: in     ItemType ) is

       NewEnd:    List;

   --| Create a list containing Element and attach it to the end of L

       NewEnd := new Cell'(Info => Element, Next => null);
       Attach (L, NewEnd);


   function Attach (Element1: in   ItemType;
                    Element2: in   ItemType ) return List is
       NewList: List;

   --| Create a new list containing the information in Element1 and
   --| attach Element2 to that list.

       NewList := new Cell'(Info => Element1, Next => null);
       Attach (NewList, Element2);
       return NewList;


   procedure Attach (Element: in     ItemType;
                     L:       in out List      ) is

   --|  Create a new cell whose information is Element and whose Next
   --|  field is the list L.  This prepends Element to the List L.

       L := new Cell'(Info => Element, Next => L);


   function Attach ( List1: in    List;
                     List2: in    List   ) return List is

   Last_Of_List1: List;

       if List1 = null then
           return List2;
       elsif List1 = List2 then
           raise CircularList;
           Last_Of_List1 := Last (List1);
           Last_Of_List1.Next := List2;
           return List1;   
       end if;
   end  Attach;


   function Attach( L:       in     List;
                    Element: in     ItemType ) return List is
   NewEnd: List;
   Last_Of_L: List;

   --| Create a list called NewEnd and attach it to the end of L.
   --| If L is null return NewEnd 
   --| Otherwise get the last element in L and make its Next field
   --| NewEnd.

       NewEnd := new Cell'(Info => Element, Next => null);
       if L = null then
           return NewEnd;
           Last_Of_L := Last (L);
           Last_Of_L.Next := NewEnd;
           return L;
       end if;
   end Attach;


   function Attach (Element: in     ItemType;
                    L:       in     List        ) return List is

       return (new Cell'(Info => Element, Next => L));
   end Attach;


   function Copy (L: in     List) return List is
   --| If L is null return null
   --| Otherwise recursively copy the list by first copying the information
   --| at the head of the list and then making the Next field point to 
   --| a copy of the tail of the list.

       if L = null then
	   return null;
	   return new Cell'(Info => L.Info, Next => Copy (L.Next));
       end if;
   end Copy;


   function CopyDeep (L: in List) return List is
   --|  If L is null then return null.
   --|  Otherwise copy the first element of the list into the head of the
   --|  new list and copy the tail of the list recursively using CopyDeep.
       if L = null then
	   return null;
	   return new Cell'( Info => Copy (L.Info), Next => CopyDeep(L.Next));
       end if;
   end CopyDeep;

    function Create return List is

    --| Return the empty list.

        return null;
    end Create;
   procedure DeleteHead (L: in out List) is

       TempList: List;

   --| Remove the element of the head of the list and return it to the heap.
   --| If L is null EmptyList.
   --| Otherwise save the Next field of the first element, remove the first
   --| element and then assign to L the Next field of the first element.

       if L = null then
           raise EmptyList;
           TempList := L.Next;
           Free (L);
           L := TempList;
       end if;
   end DeleteHead;


function DeleteItem(            --| remove the first occurrence of Element
                                --| from L
      L:       in     List;     --| list element is being  removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed
) return List is
    I       :List;
    Result  :List;
    Found   :boolean := false;
    --| Attach all elements of L to Result except the first element in L
    --| whose value is Element.  If the current element pointed to by I
    --| is not equal to element or the element being skipped was found
    --| then attach the current element to Result.

    I := L;
    while (I /= null) loop
        if (not Equal (I.Info, Element)) or (Found) then
            Attach (Result, I.Info);
           Found := true;
        end if;
        I := I.Next;
    end loop;
    return Result;
end DeleteItem;

function DeleteItems (          --| remove all occurrences of Element
                                --| from  L.
      L:       in     List;     --| The List element is being removed from
      Element: in     ItemType  --| element being removed
) return List is
    I       :List;
    Result  :List;
    --| Walk over the list L and if the current element does not equal 
    --| Element then attach it to the list to be returned.

    I := L;
    while I /= null loop
        if not Equal (I.Info, Element) then
            Attach (Result, I.Info);
        end if;
        I := I.Next;
    end loop;
    return Result;
end DeleteItems;


   procedure DeleteItem (L:       in out List;
                         Element: in     ItemType ) is

       Temp_L  :List;

   --| Remove the first element in the list with the value Element.
   --| If the first element of the list is equal to element then
   --| remove it.  Otherwise, recurse on the tail of the list.

       if Equal(L.Info, Element) then
           DeleteItem(L.Next, Element);
       end if; 
   end DeleteItem;


   procedure DeleteItems (L:       in out List;
                          Element: in     ItemType ) is

       Place_In_L       :List;     --| Current place in L.
       Last_Place_In_L  :List;     --| Last place in L.
       Temp_Place_In_L  :List;     --| Holds a place in L to be removed.

   --| Walk over the list removing all elements with the value Element.

       Place_In_L := L;
       Last_Place_In_L := null;
       while (Place_In_L /= null) loop
           --| Found an element equal to Element
           if Equal(Place_In_L.Info, Element) then
                --| If Last_Place_In_L is null then we are at first element
                --| in L.
                if Last_Place_In_L = null then
                     Temp_Place_In_L := Place_In_L;
                     L := Place_In_L.Next;
                     Temp_Place_In_L := Place_In_L;
                     --| Relink the list Last's Next gets Place's Next

                     Last_Place_In_L.Next := Place_In_L.Next;
                end if;

                --| Move Place_In_L to the next position in the list.
                --| Free the element.
                --| Do not update the last element in the list it remains the
                --| same. 

                Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;                       
                Free (Temp_Place_In_L);
                --| Update the last place in L and the place in L.

                Last_Place_In_L := Place_In_L;
                Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;                       
           end if;    
       end loop;

   --| If we have not found an element raise an exception.

   end DeleteItems;

   procedure Destroy (L: in out List) is

       Place_In_L:  List;
       HoldPlace:   List;

   --| Walk down the list removing all the elements and set the list to
   --| the empty list. 

       Place_In_L := L;
       while Place_In_L /= null loop
           HoldPlace := Place_In_L;
           Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;
           Free (HoldPlace);
       end loop;
       L := null;
   end Destroy;


   procedure DestroyDeep (L: in out List) is

       Place_In_L:  List;
       HoldPlace:   List;

   --| Walk down the list removing all the elements and set the list to
   --| the empty list. 

       Place_In_L := L;
       while Place_In_L /= null loop
           HoldPlace := Place_In_L;
           Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;
           Dispose (HoldPlace.Info);
           Free (HoldPlace);
       end loop;
       L := null;
   end DestroyDeep;


   function FirstValue (L: in    List) return ItemType is

   --| Return the first value in the list.

       if L = null then
	   raise EmptyList;
           return (L.Info);
       end if;
   end FirstValue;

   procedure Forward (I: in out ListIter) is

   --| Return the pointer to the next member of the list.

       if I = null then 
           raise NoMore;
           I := ListIter (I.Next);
       end if;
   end Forward;

   function IsInList (L:       in    List; 
                      Element: in    ItemType  ) return boolean is

   Place_In_L: List;
   --| Check if Element is in L.  If it is return true otherwise return false.

       Place_In_L := L;
       while Place_In_L /= null loop
	   if Equal(Place_In_L.Info, Element) then
	       return true;
	   end if;
           Place_In_L := Place_In_L.Next;
	end loop;
	return false;
   end IsInList;


    function IsEmpty (L: in     List) return boolean is
    --| Is the list L empty.

	return (L = null);
    end IsEmpty;

   function LastValue (L: in     List) return ItemType is
       LastElement: List;

   --| Return the value of the last element of the list. Get the pointer
   --| to the last element of L and then return its information.

       LastElement := Last (L);
       return LastElement.Info;
   end LastValue;

   function Length (L: in     List) return integer is

   --| Recursively compute the length of L.  The length of a list is
   --| 0 if it is null or  1 + the length of the tail.

       if L = null then
           return (0);
           return (1 + Length (Tail (L)));
       end if;
   end Length;


   function MakeList (
          E :in     ItemType
   ) return List is

       return new Cell ' (Info => E, Next => null);

   function MakeListIter (L: in     List) return ListIter is
   --| Start an iteration operation on the list L.  Do a type conversion
   --| from List to ListIter.
       return ListIter (L);
   end MakeListIter;


   function More (L: in     ListIter) return boolean is

   --| This is a test to see whether an iteration is complete.
       return L /= null;


   procedure Next (Place:   in out ListIter;
                   Info:       out ItemType ) is
       PlaceInList: List;
   --| This procedure gets the information at the current place in the List
   --| and moves the ListIter to the next postion in the list.
   --| If we are at the end of a list then exception NoMore is raised.

       if Place = null then
	  raise NoMore;
          PlaceInList := List(Place);  
          Info := PlaceInList.Info;
          Place := ListIter(PlaceInList.Next);
       end if;
   end Next;


   procedure ReplaceHead (L:    in out  List;
                          Info: in      ItemType ) is

   --| This procedure replaces the information at the head of a list
   --| with the given information. If the list is empty the exception
   --| EmptyList is raised.
       if L = null then
	   raise EmptyList;
           L.Info := Info;
       end if;
   end ReplaceHead;


   procedure ReplaceTail (L:        in out List;
                          NewTail:  in     List  ) is
       Temp_L: List;
   --| This destroys the tail of a list and replaces the tail with
   --| NewTail.  If L is empty EmptyList is raised.

       L.Next := NewTail; 
       when constraint_error =>
           raise EmptyList;
   end ReplaceTail;


    function Tail (L: in    List) return List is

    --| This returns the list which is the tail of L.  If L is null 
    --| EmptyList is raised.

	if L = null then
	    raise EmptyList;
	    return L.Next;
	end if;
    end Tail;


    function CellValue (     
           I :in ListIter
    ) return ItemType is
        L :List;
          -- Convert I to a List type and then return the value it points to.
        L := List(I);
        return L.Info;
    end CellValue;

    function Equal (List1: in    List;
                    List2: in    List ) return boolean is

        PlaceInList1: List;
        PlaceInList2: LIst;
	Contents1:    ItemType;
	Contents2:    ItemType;
        PlaceInList1 := List1;
        PlaceInList2 := List2;
        while   (PlaceInList1 /= null) and (PlaceInList2 /= null) loop
            if not Equal (PlaceInList1.Info, PlaceInList2.Info) then
                return false;
            end if;
	    PlaceInList1 := PlaceInList1.Next;
	    PlaceInList2 := PlaceInList2.Next;
        end loop;
        return ((PlaceInList1 = null) and (PlaceInList2 = null) );
    end Equal;
end Lists;

-- <UNIT>        Token_Pkg
-- <DESCRIPTION>  This package defines types and operations for working
--                with tokens.
-- <AUTHOR>       Barthe Raphael, Beck Didier, Kempe Laurent
-- <VERSION>      1.0
-- <DATE>         05-Jan-95
-- <MODIFY>       05-Jan-95
-- <PKG USED>     
package Token_Pkg is

   type token is (T_Vrai, T_Faux,
                  T_Mais, T_Peut, T_Etre, T_Constitue, T_De, T_Dans, T_La, T_Piece, T_Est,
                  T_Ou, T_Et, T_Non,
                  T_Si, T_Alors, T_Fin_si, T_Vaut,
                  T_Dire, T_Jeu_Termine,
                  T_Directions, T_Pieces, T_Objets, T_Liens, T_Pnjs, T_Hero, T_Actions,
                  T_Scenario, T_Generales, T_Locales, T_Pseudo_generales,
                  T_Piece_courante, T_Objet, T_Pnj, T_Direction, T_Lien,

                  T_Add, T_Sub, T_Mul, T_Div, T_Quote, T_Comma, T_Colon, T_Ident,
                  T_Eof, T_unk, T_verbes, T_END

   function IsKeyWord   (word : in STRING) return BOOLEAN;
   function To_Token    (word : in STRING) return token;

end Token_Pkg;

package body Token_Pkg is

   type keywords is (VRAI, FAUX,
                     MAIS, PEUT, ETRE, CONSTITUE, DE, DANS, LA, PIECE, EST,
                     OU, ET, NON,
                     SI, ALORS, FIN_SI, VAUT,
                     DIRE, JEU_TERMINE,

   function  IsKeyWord     (word : in STRING) return BOOLEAN is
-- <UNIT>        IsKeyWord
-- <DESCRIPTION> check if the string in input is a keyword of the langage.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  Nothing
      k : keywords;
      -- Mettre la chaine word en MAJUSCULE
      k := keywords'VALUE(word);
      return TRUE;
         when CONSTRAINT_ERROR => return FALSE;
   end IsKeyWord;

   function To_Token    (word : in STRING) return token is
-- <UNIT>        To_Token
-- <DESCRIPTION> convert a string to a token.
-- <EXCEPTIONS>  Nothing
      return( token'VAL(keywords'POS(keywords'VALUE(word))) );
   end To_Token;

end Token_Pkg;

Package INT_LEX is

  SubType I_String is BOUNDED_STRING.Variable_String(32);
  type Int_State is (ST_Start, ST_Word, ST_sep, ST_unk);
  Type Give_up_Words is (le,la,un,une,dans,sur,avec,a);
  L_UND : Constant CHARACTER := '_';
  L_SEP : Constant CHARACTER := ' ';

  PROCEDURE Get (Command : in STRING; max : in Natural; pos : in out Natural; result : in out I_String);


Package Body INT_LEX is

  PROCEDURE Get (Command : in STRING; max : in natural; pos : in out Natural; result : in out I_String) is
  index : natural:=1;
  state : Int_state:=ST_START;
  current : CHARACTER;
  Found, Stop : Boolean := FALSE;
    while (Not(Stop) and (pos<=max)) loop
     current := command(pos);
     case State is
      when ST_START => if current in Character_Utilities.Lowercase_Character then
                         state := ST_WORD;
                       elsif current = L_SEP then
                         State := ST_SEP;
                         State := ST_UNK;
                         Stop := True;
                       end if;
      when ST_WORD  => if (current in Character_Utilities.Lowercase_Character
                           current = L_UND) then
                         pos := pos + 1;
                       end if;
      when ST_SEP   => if current = L_SEP then
                         pos := pos + 1;
                         State := ST_START;
                       end if;
      when ST_UNK   => Stop := True;
     end case;
   end loop;
  end Get;


with Token_Pkg,BOUNDED_STRING,INT_LEX,Lists;

Package INT_LIB is

   SubType I_String is BOUNDED_STRING.Variable_String(10);
   Nothing : Constant Natural := 0;
   FUNCTION Egal (left,right : in I_String) Return Boolean;
   Package Int_List is new Lists(
                       ItemType => I_String,
                       ) ;
   Type I_Table is Array (Positive range <>) of I_String; --INT_LIST.List;

   FUNCTION Find(In_The_Table : in I_Table;
                 The_String : in I_String) return Natural;
   PROCEDURE Parse_Verb( In_String : in String ;
                        Size : in Natural;
                        At_pos : in out Natural;
                        In_Table : in I_Table;
                        Verb_Index : out Natural );

end INT_LIB;

Package body INT_LIB is
FUNCTION Find(In_The_Table : in I_Table ;
              The_String : in I_String ) return Natural is
   For i in In_The_Table'RANGE
     If Int_List.IsInList(In_The_Table(i),The_String) then
      return NATURAL'VAL(i);
     End if;
    End loop;
   Return Nothing;
End Find;
FUNCTION Egal (left,right : in I_String) return Boolean is
  Return BOUNDED_STRING.Image(left) = BOUNDED_STRING.Image(Right);
End Egal;

PROCEDURE Parse_Verb( In_String : in String ;
                      Size : in Natural;
                      At_pos : in out Natural;
                      In_Table : in I_Table;
                      Verb_Index : out Natural) is
Extracted_string : I_String;
Index : Natural := Nothing;
  Verb_Index := FIND(In_Table,Extracted_String);
End Parse_verb;