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Length: 15360 (0x3c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Hierarchy, seg_010776
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Asa_Definitions; with Asaopen; with Job_Segment; with Logger; with Remote_Operations; with Simple_Status; with Time_Utilities; with Unix_Definitions; package body Hierarchy is package Ro renames Remote_Operations; package Ss renames Simple_Status; -- ---------- -- ( ) Naming -- ---------- Hierarchy : constant String := Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".HIERARCHY"; function Ada_Name (S : in String) return String is Offset : constant := Character'Pos ('A') - Character'Pos ('a'); Result : String (S'Range); Next : Natural := S'First; begin for I in S'Range loop case S (I) is when 'A' .. 'Z' => Result (Next) := S (I); Next := Next + 1; when 'a' .. 'z' => Result (Next) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (S (I)) + Offset); Next := Next + 1; when '0' .. '9' => if Next = S'First then -- An Ada name cannot start with a digit. null; else Result (Next) := S (I); Next := Next + 1; end if; when others => if Next = S'First then -- An Ada name cannot start with an underscore. null; elsif Result (Next - 1) = '_' then -- An Ada name cannot have two consecutive -- underscores. null; else Result (Next) := '_'; Next := Next + 1; end if; end case; end loop; if Next > S'First and then Result (Next - 1) = '_' then -- An Ada name cannot end with an underscore. return Result (S'First .. Next - 2); else return Result (S'First .. Next - 1); end if; end Ada_Name; --[bug] -- Due to a bug in asaopen, the requirements arrive here with -- underscores instead of blanks. They must be converted back. -- function Underlines_To_Spaces (S : in String) return String is Result : String (S'Range); begin for I in S'Range loop if S (I) = '_' then Result (I) := ' '; else Result (I) := S (I); end if; end loop; return Result; end Underlines_To_Spaces; -- ---------------------------------- -- ( ) Bodies of external subprograms -- ---------------------------------- procedure Build (Model : in String; Host : in String; Root : out Module; Build_Time : out Calendar.Time) is C : Ro.Context; S : Simple_Status.Condition; begin -- -- Acquire a connection. -- Ro.Acquire (A_Context => C, Status => S, Machine => Host, Instance => Asa_Definitions.Asa); Logger.Status (S); -- -- Do the actual build. -- Build (Model => Model, In_Context => C, Root => Root, Build_Time => Build_Time); -- -- Release the connection. -- Ro.Release (A_Context => C, Status => S); Logger.Status (S); end Build; procedure Build (Model : in String; In_Context : in Remote_Operations.Context; Root : out Module; Build_Time : out Calendar.Time) is S : Ss.Condition; type Line_Kind is (Identifier, Node, Comment, Requirement_1, Requirement_2, Requirement_3, Requirement_4, Requirement_5, Requirement_6, Requirement_7, Requirement_8, Requirement_9, Children); type State_Record is record Current : Module; Expected : Line_Kind; end record; My_State : State_Record := (Current => null, Expected => Identifier); procedure Process (State : in out State_Record; Line : in String) is New_Module : Module; Nb_Of_Children : Natural; begin case State.Expected is when Identifier => if State.Current /= null then New_Module := new Module_Record' (Identifier => new String'(Line), Node_Number => null, Comment => null, Requirements => (others => null), Parent => State.Current, First_Child => null, Next_Sibling => State.Current.First_Child, Remaining_Children => 0); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); State.Current.Remaining_Children := State.Current.Remaining_Children - 1; State.Current.First_Child := New_Module; State.Current := New_Module; else State.Current := new Module_Record'(Identifier => new String'(Line), Node_Number => null, Comment => null, Requirements => (others => null), Parent => null, First_Child => null, Next_Sibling => null, Remaining_Children => 0); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); end if; when Node => State.Current.Node_Number := new String'(Line); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); when Comment => -- -- Asaopen says "(null)" if there is no comment. -- if Line = "(null)" then State.Current.Comment := new String'(""); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); else State.Current.Comment := new String'(Line); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); end if; when Requirement_1 .. Requirement_9 => if Line /= "" then State.Current.Requirements (Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number (Line_Kind'Pos (State.Expected) - Line_Kind'Pos (Line_Kind'Pred (Requirement_1)))) := new String'(Underlines_To_Spaces (Line)); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); end if; when Children => Nb_Of_Children := Natural'Value (Line); case Nb_Of_Children is when 0 => while State.Current.Remaining_Children = 0 and then State.Current.Parent /= null loop State.Current := State.Current.Parent; end loop; when Positive => State.Current.Remaining_Children := Nb_Of_Children; end case; end case; if State.Expected = Line_Kind'Last then State.Expected := Line_Kind'First; else State.Expected := Line_Kind'Succ (State.Expected); end if; end Process; procedure Execute_Script is new Asaopen.Execute (State_Record => State_Record, Process => Process); begin -- -- Get the remote model's update time. -- Ro.Update_Time (Of_File => Model, In_Context => In_Context, Result => Build_Time, Status => S); if Ss.Error (S) then Logger.Error ("Unable to open remote model " & Model, Raise_Error => False); Logger.Status (S); end if; -- -- Execute the script to extract the hierarchy information. -- Execute_Script (In_Context => In_Context, Model => Model, Template_Name => Hierarchy, State => My_State, Status => S); Logger.Status (S); Root := My_State.Current; end Build; function Make (Identifier : in String) return Module is begin return new Module_Record'(Identifier => new String'(Identifier), Node_Number => new String'("M"), Comment => new String'(""), Requirements => (others => null), Parent => null, First_Child => null, Next_Sibling => null, Remaining_Children => 0); pragma Heap (Job_Segment.Get); end Make; function Children_Of (M : in Module) return Module_Iterator is begin return Module_Iterator (M.First_Child); end Children_Of; function Parent_Of (M : in Module) return Module is begin return M.Parent; end Parent_Of; function Identifier (M : in Module) return String is begin return M.Identifier.all; end Identifier; function Simple_Name (M : in Module) return String is begin return Ada_Name (M.Identifier.all); end Simple_Name; function Full_Name (M : in Module) return String is begin if M.Parent = null then return Ada_Name (M.Identifier.all); else return Full_Name (M.Parent) & '.' & Ada_Name (M.Identifier.all); end if; end Full_Name; function Node_Number (M : in Module) return String is begin return M.Node_Number.all; end Node_Number; function Comment (M : in Module) return String is begin return M.Comment.all; end Comment; function Requirement (M : in Module; Number : in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number) return String is begin if M.Requirements (Number) = null then return ""; else return M.Requirements (Number).all; end if; end Requirement; function Done (M : in Module_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return M = null; end Done; function Value (M : in Module_Iterator) return Module is begin return Module (M); end Value; procedure Next (M : in out Module_Iterator) is begin M := Module_Iterator (M.Next_Sibling); end Next; function Size (M : in Module_Iterator) return Natural is Iter : Module_Iterator := M; Result : Natural := 0; begin while Iter /= null loop Result := Result + 1; Iter := Module_Iterator (Iter.Next_Sibling); end loop; return Result; end Size; function Make (M : in Module) return Module_Iterator is begin return Module_Iterator (M); end Make; end Hierarchy;
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