Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦ee21dc0f4⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5431 (0x1537)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


  PROCESSOR               SWITCH                       TYPE            VALUE  

        Ftp . Account                        : String               := ""
*    Format . Alignment_Threshold            : Line_Range           := 25
   R1000_Cg . Asm_Listing                    : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Asm_Source                     : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Auto_Download                  : Boolean              := True
        Ftp . Auto_Login                     : Boolean              := False
   R1000_Cg . Check_Compatibility            : Boolean              := True
  Semantics . Closed_Private_Part            : Boolean              := False
     Format . Comment_Column                 : Line_Range           := 1
     Parser . Configuration                  : Switch_Set           := ()
     Format . Consistent_Breaking            : Integer              := 1
  Directory . Create_Internal_Links          : Boolean              := True
  Directory . Create_Subprogram_Specs        : Boolean              := True
   Cross_Cg . Debugging_Level                : Debug_Level          := Full
   R1000_Cg . Delta1_Code_View_Compatibility : Boolean              := False
   R1000_Cg . Elab_Order_Listing             : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Enable_Code_Pooling            : Boolean              := False
   R1000_Cg . Enable_Deallocation            : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Flag_Inevitable_Exceptions     : Boolean              := False
   R1000_Cg . Full_Debugging                 : Boolean              := False
     Format . Id_Case                        : Letter_Case          := Capitalized
  Semantics . Ignore_Interface_Pragmas       : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Ignore_Invalid_Rep_Specs       : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Ignore_Minor_Errors            : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Ignore_Unsupported_Rep_Specs   : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Inlining_Level                 : Inlining_Level       := Inter_Unit
     Format . Keyword_Case                   : Letter_Case          := Lower
     Format . Line_Length                    : Line_Range           := 80
*  Cross_Cg . Linker_Command_File            : String               := "!X11.X_Library.Rev6_Hpux_Working.Units.Foreign.Cdf_Hpux_68k.Cdf_Linker_Commands"
   Cross_Cg . Linker_Cross_Reference         : Boolean              := False
*  Cross_Cg . Linker_Eliminate_Dead_Code     : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Linker_Pool_Code               : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Linker_Pool_Literals           : Boolean              := True
   Cross_Cg . Listing                        : Boolean              := False
     Format . Major_Indentation              : Indent_Range         := 4
     Format . Minor_Indentation              : Indent_Range         := 4
     Format . Number_Case                    : Letter_Case          := Upper
*  Cross_Cg . Optimization_Level             : Integer range 0 .. 3 := 0
     Design . Options                        : String               := ""
  Publisher . Options                        : String               := ""
   R1000_Cg . Package_Integration            : Boolean              := False
   R1000_Cg . Page_Limit                     : Integer              := 8000
*       Ftp . Password                       : String               := "xlib-port"
*    Design . Phase                          : Design_Phases        := <None>
        Ftp . Prompt_For_Account             : Boolean              := False
        Ftp . Prompt_For_Password            : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Reject_Bad_Lrm_Pragmas         : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Reject_Bad_Rational_Pragmas    : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Reject_Inevitable_Exceptions   : Boolean              := False
  Semantics . Reject_Undefined_Pragmas       : Boolean              := False
*       Ftp . Remote_Directory               : String               := "/src/X/xlib/rev6-hpux"
*       Ftp . Remote_Machine                 : String               := "pip"
        Ftp . Remote_Roof                    : String               := ""
        Ftp . Remote_Type                    : String               := ""
  Directory . Require_Internal_Links         : Boolean              := True
   R1000_Cg . Retain_Delta1_Compatibility    : Boolean              := True
   R1000_Cg . Seg_Listing                    : Boolean              := False
        Ftp . Send_Port_Enabled              : Boolean              := True
     Format . Statement_Indentation          : Indent_Range         := 3
     Format . Statement_Length               : Line_Range           := 35
  Semantics . Subsystem_Interface            : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Suppress_All_Checks            : Boolean              := False
   Cross_Cg . Target_Linker_Script           : String               := ""
   R1000_Cg . Terminal_Echo                  : Boolean              := False
        Ftp . Transfer_Mode                  : Mode_Code            := Nil
        Ftp . Transfer_Structure             : Structure_Code       := Nil
        Ftp . Transfer_Type                  : Type_Code            := Nil
*       Ftp . Username                       : String               := "xlib"
     Format . Wrap_Indentation               : Line_Range           := 1