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Length: 8192 (0x2000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Bous1, seg_03e7ce
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Device_Independent_Io; with System; with Terminal_Specific; with Text_Io; procedure Bous1 is package Dio renames Device_Independent_Io; package Ts renames Terminal_Specific; package Tio renames Text_Io; subtype Bs is System.Byte_String; type Byte is range 0 .. 255; type Tutu is array (0 .. 500) of Byte; Chaine : String (1 .. 500); Nb_Max_Lect : constant Positive := 4; type Message is record Start : Byte := 1; Num_Lect : Positive := Nb_Max_Lect; Check_Sum1 : Byte; Check_Sum2 : Byte; Donnees : Tutu; Type_Donnee : Byte; Fin : Tutu; end record; Msg : Message; F_Out : Ts.File_Type; F_In : Ts.File_Type; X : Positive; Compteur : Natural; B : System.Byte; -- Beep_3 : constant Bs := (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#01#, -- 16#1C#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Beep_4 : constant Bs := (16#01#, 16#04#, 16#00#, 16#01#, -- 16#2C#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Site_00 : constant Bs := (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#04#, 16#27#, -- 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Horloge_00 : constant Bs := (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#04#, 16#23#, -- 16#0E#, 16#10#, 16#04#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Rapport_Site : constant Bs := -- (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#01#, 16#28#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Rapport_Horloge03 : constant Bs := -- (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#01#, 16#24#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); -- Rapport_Horloge04 : constant Bs := -- (16#01#, 16#04#, 16#00#, 16#01#, 16#24#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); Rapport_Evenement : constant Bs := (16#01#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#01#, 16#1D#, 16#F1#, 16#F2#); function Calcul_Check_Sum (Check_Sum1, Check_Sum2 : Byte) return Positive is Mise_En_Forme : String (1 .. 2); begin Mise_En_Forme := Byte'Image (Check_Sum1) & Byte'Image (Check_Sum2); return Positive'Value (Mise_En_Forme); end Calcul_Check_Sum; begin Text_Io.Put_Line ("ce programme ne s'arrete jamais"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("pour le tuer taper Alt G"); Text_Io.New_Line; delay 1.0; Dio.Open (File => F_Out, Mode => Dio.Out_File, Name => "!machine.devices.terminal_16", Form => ""); -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Beep_3); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Beep_4); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Horloge_00); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Site_00); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Rapport_Horloge03); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Rapport_Horloge04); -- delay 1.0; -- Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Rapport_Site); -- delay 1.0; Dio.Write (File => F_Out, Item => Rapport_Evenement); Dio.Close (File => F_Out); Dio.Open (File => F_In, Mode => Dio.In_File, Name => "!machine.devices.terminal_16", Form => ""); Ts.Input.Set_Editing (File => F_In, Mode => "None"); Ts.Input.Set_Echo (File => F_In, Echo => False); -- Ts.Input.Flush (F_In); -- io.terminal_specific.Read (F_In, B); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("valeur de msg.start" & Byte'Image (Byte (Msg.Start))); -- while Natural (B) /= Natural (Msg.Start) loop -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("avant synchro" & Byte'Image (Byte (B))); -- Dio.Read (F_In, B); -- end loop; -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("chaine: " & Chaine (Chaine'Fisrt .. Chaine'Last)); -- Dio.Read (File => F_In, -- Item => Chaine2 (Chaine2'First .. Chaine2'Last), -- Count => Compteur); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("chaine2 bis: " & Chaine (Chaine'Fisrt .. Chaine'Last)); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("compteur: " & Natural'Image (Compteur)); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("chaine2'last: " & Natural'Image (Chaine2'Last)); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("chaine2'first: " & Natural'Image (Chaine2'First)); for I in 1 .. 500 loop Dio.Read (F_In, B); -- Text_Io.Put (To => Chaine, Item => Natural (B), Base => 10); -- Text_Io.Put (); -- Msg.Num_Lect := Natural (B); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("numero lecteur: " & Byte'Image (Byte (B))); -- Msg.Check_Sum1 := 0; -- Msg.Check_Sum2 := 5; -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("toto"); -- X := Calcul_Check_Sum (Msg.Check_Sum1, Msg.Check_Sum2); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("tata"); -- Text_Io.Put (Positive'Image (X)); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("apres synchro " & Byte'Image (Byte (B))); -- Text_Io.Put_Line ("cnt =>" & Natural'Image (Natural (B))); end loop; Dio.Close (File => F_In); end Bous1;
nblk1=7 nid=7 hdr6=c [0x00] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=074 [0x01] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=076 [0x02] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=000 [0x03] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=016 [0x04] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=022 [0x05] rec0=04 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=000 [0x06] rec0=fb rec1=88 rec2=00 rec3=029 tail 0x21537818086008513f8e4 0x42a00088462060003 Free Block Chain: 0x7: 0000 00 00 00 3e 80 3b 20 20 20 42 65 65 70 5f 33 20 ┆ > ; Beep_3 ┆