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Rational R1000/400

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⟦f1caada3a⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 38912 (0x9800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Build, seg_0211f5, separate Extensions_Support


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

separate (Extensions_Support)

package body Build is

    procedure Create_Program_Library (Host_View : String;
                                      Remote_Directory : String;
                                      Remote_Program_Library : String;
                                      Remote_Machine : String;
                                      Remote_Connection : Rci.Context;
                                      Status : in out Ss.Condition;
                                      Trace_Command : Boolean) is

        Family_Directory : constant String :=
           Get_Family_Name (Du.Get_View (Host_View, Profile.Get),

        -- Build_Adalib_Command : constant String :=
        --    "ada l\(" & Family_Directory & "\).n " &
        --       Remote_Directory & "/adalib";
        Build_Adalib_Command : constant String :=
           "ada lib_manager\(" & Family_Directory &
              "\).new " & Remote_Directory & "/adalib";

        -- Full_Build_Adalib_Command : constant String :=
        --    "ada l(" & Family_Directory &
        --       "\).n " & Remote_Directory &
        --       -- This Unix command wlll be too long if the directory names are
        --       -- long.  We will attempt to solve this problem by eliminating
        --       -- the annotation.  We could alternatively truncate the
        --       -- annotation when necessary, but that makes it pretty useless.
        --       -- Note that we can't avoid the problem if the directory names
        --       -- are REALLY long.
        --       "/adalib " & "a=RCI_LIB::" & Remote_Directory;
        Full_Build_Adalib_Command : constant String :=
           "ada lib_manager\(" & Family_Directory &
              "\).new " & Remote_Directory &
              -- This Unix command wlll be too long if the directory names are
              -- long.  We will attempt to solve this problem by eliminating
              -- the annotation.  We could alternatively truncate the
              -- annotation when necessary, but that makes it pretty useless.
              -- Note that we can't avoid the problem if the directory names
              -- are REALLY long.
              "/adalib " & "annotate=RCI_LIB::" & Remote_Directory;

        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "#~Create_Program_Library (Host_View" &
                                Qt (Host_View) & ", Remote_Directory" &
                                Qt (Remote_Directory) &
                                ", Remote_Program_Library" &
                                Qt (Remote_Program_Library) &
                                ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ")",
                          Kind    => Profile.Sharp_Msg);
        end if;

        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating remote program library " &
                                    Quot (Remote_Program_Library),
                      Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);

        -- Create the program library REMOTE_DIRECTORY/adalib.

        if Full_Build_Adalib_Command'Length > Max_Command_Length then
            -- Note that the build command may still be too long.
            if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
                Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                            Quot (Build_Adalib_Command),
                              Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
            end if;

            Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line      => Build_Adalib_Command,
                                 Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                                 Status            => Status,
                                 Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

            if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
                Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                            Quot (Full_Build_Adalib_Command),
                              Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
            end if;

            Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line      => Full_Build_Adalib_Command,
                                 Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                                 Status            => Status,
                                 Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);
        end if;

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't create a remote ada library in " &
                          Quot (Remote_Directory) & ".  " & Ss.Message (Status),

            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "Creation of the remote Ada library failed",
                          Kind    => Profile.Error_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Possible causes of this failure include:",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "     - Invalid Username & Password " &
                                        "from Session Switches or ",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "         remote passwords file",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
               (Message =>
                   "     - Remote machine is not accessible via the network",
                Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "     - Invalid permissions on the target",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "     - Remote directory name is too long",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "After resolving this problem, " &
                                "use Rci.Build_Remote_Library " &
                                "to create the Ada library on the target",
                          Kind    => Profile.Negative_Msg);

        end if;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Create_Program_Library");
    end Create_Program_Library;

    procedure Build_Libraries (View_Obj : Directory.Object;
                               Remote_Machine : String;
                               Remote_Directory : String;
                               Remote_Program_Library : String;
                               Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition;
                               Trace_Command : Boolean) is

        View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_Obj);

        Family_Directory : constant String :=
           Get_Family_Name (View_Obj, Remote_Directory);

        Machine_Result     : constant Li.String_Result :=
           Li.Remote_Machine (View => View_Name);
        Old_Remote_Machine : constant String           := Machine_Result.Result;

        Remote_Directory_Result : constant Li.String_Result :=
           Li.Remote_Directory (View => View_Name);
        Old_Remote_Directory    : constant String           :=
           Su.Lower_Case (Remote_Directory_Result.Result
                             (1 .. Remote_Directory_Result.Size));

        Ada_Family : constant String := Family_Directory & "/adafamily.add";

        -- Build_Family_Command : constant String :=
        --    "ada f.n f=" & Family_Directory;
        Build_Family_Command : constant String :=
           "ada family=" & Family_Directory;

        Remote_Program_Lib : constant String := Remote_Directory & "/adalib";

        Remote_Connection : Rci.Context;
        Dir_Exists        : Boolean := False;

        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "#~Build_Libraries (View_Obj => " & View_Name &
                                ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) &
                                ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) &
                                ", Remote_Program_Library" &
                                Qt (Remote_Program_Library) & ")",
                          Kind    => Profile.Sharp_Msg);
        end if;

        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Entering Build_Libraries",
                      Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);

        if Problem (Machine_Result.Condition, Trace_Command) then
            Set_Status ("Can't get Remote_Machine switch for view " & View_Name,


        elsif Problem (Remote_Directory_Result.Condition, Trace_Command) then
               ("Can't get Remote_Directory switch for view " & View_Name,

        end if;

        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            if Old_Remote_Machine'Length /= 0 or else
               Old_Remote_Directory'Length /= 0 then
                Log.Put_Line ("#~Old switch values: Remote_Machine " &
                              Qt (Old_Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory " &
                              Qt (Old_Remote_Directory), Profile.Note_Msg);
            end if;
        end if;

        -- Don't try to build a family if we can't derive its name from the
        -- specified Remote_Directory.
        if Family_Directory'Length = 0 then
            Set_Status ("Can't derive a family name from the remote pathname " &
                        Quot (Remote_Directory), Status);

        end if;

        Rci.Acquire (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                     Status            => Status,
                     Target_Key        => Target_Key,
                     Remote_Machine    => Remote_Machine,
                     Trace_Command     => Debugging or else Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
               ("Can't acquire a connection to " & Remote_Machine, Status);

        end if;

        -- The remote family may already exist.  If so, we don't need to build
        -- it.
        Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line      => "test -f " & Ada_Family,
                             Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                             Status            => Status,
                             Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if not Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
            if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
                -- Use the existing Ada family on the remote machine.
                Log.Put_Line ("#~Reusing the existing Alsys family """ &
                              Family_Directory & """", Profile.Note_Msg);
            end if;

            if Debugging then
                Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~" & Ss.Message (Status),
                              Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);
            end if;

            if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
                Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                                 "#~The remote file " &
                                    Quot (Ada_Family) & " does not exist",
                              Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);
            end if;

            -- The Alsys family doesn't exist, but maybe the remote family
            -- directory does.  If so, we would need to remove it before we
            -- could create a new Ada family in it, which would also remove any
            -- subdirectories of the family, including the specified
            -- Remote_Directory.  Instead of removing it, we will treat this
            -- situation as an error, i.e., a family can only be created in a
            -- virgin (nonexistent) directory.

            Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Family_Directory,
                              Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                              Status            => Status,
                              Exists            => Dir_Exists,
                              Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

            if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
            end if;

            if Dir_Exists then
                   ("An Alsys family can only be created " &
                    "in a new directory, but the remote directory " &
                    Quot (Family_Directory) & " already exists", Status);

            end if;

                Base_Directory : constant String :=
                   Get_Enclosing_Directory (Family_Directory);
                -- Check for the existence of the enclosing directory.  If it
                -- doesn't exist then create it.  (If Remote_Directory is
                -- /a/b/c/d/e/fam_f/g/h/dir and only /a/b/c exists, we need to
                -- build the directory that will enclose the /fam_f directory.)
                Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Base_Directory,
                                  Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                                  Status            => Status,
                                  Exists            => Dir_Exists,
                                  Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

                if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
                end if;

                if not Dir_Exists then
                    Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                                     "Creating the new remote directory " &
                                        Quot (Base_Directory),                                 Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

                       (Remote_Directory  => Base_Directory,
                        Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                        Status            => Status,
                        Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

                    if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
                    end if;
                end if;

            -- The family doesn't now exist, so we will build it.

            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating remote family library " &
                                        Quot (Family_Directory),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);

            if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
                Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                            Quot (Build_Family_Command),
                              Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
            end if;

            Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line      => Build_Family_Command,
                                 Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                                 Status            => Status,
                                 Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

            if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
                Log.Put_Line ("Can't create the remote ada family in " &
                              Quot (Family_Directory) &
                              ".  " & Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Error_Msg);

            end if;
        end if;

        if Old_Remote_Machine'Length /= 0 and then
           not Su.Equal (Remote_Machine, Old_Remote_Machine) then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "Building new library on different machine " &
                                Quot (Remote_Machine) & ". Old library " &
                                Quot (Old_Remote_Directory) &
                                " is on machine " & Quot (Old_Remote_Machine),
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);

        elsif Old_Remote_Directory'Length /= 0 then
            -- Does the old remote directory still exist?
            Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Old_Remote_Directory,
                              Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                              Status            => Status,
                              Exists            => Dir_Exists,
                              Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

            if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
            end if;

            if Dir_Exists then
                Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                                 "The old Remote_Directory " &
                                    Quot (Old_Remote_Directory) &
                                    " still exists on " & Remote_Machine,
                              Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);
            end if;
        end if;

        -- Check for the existence of the Remote_Directory.  If it doesn't
        -- exist, create a new remote directory.
        Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Remote_Directory,
                          Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                          Status            => Status,
                          Exists            => Dir_Exists,
                          Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
        end if;

        if Dir_Exists then
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Directory " & Quot (Remote_Directory) &
                                        " already exists",
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Using an existing directory",
                          Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating the new remote directory " &
                                        Quot (Remote_Directory),
                          Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

            Create_Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory  => Remote_Directory,
                                     Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                                     Status            => Status,
                                     Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

            if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
            end if;
        end if;

        -- Check for an Ada program library in our remote directory.
        Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Remote_Program_Lib,
                          Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                          Status            => Status,
                          Exists            => Dir_Exists,
                          Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
        end if;

        if Dir_Exists then
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "A program library already exists in " &
                                        Quot (Remote_Program_Lib),
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "The existing program library will be used",
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);

            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "Creating the new remote program library " &
                                Quot (Remote_Program_Lib),
                          Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

               (Host_View              => View_Name,
                Remote_Machine         => Remote_Machine,
                Remote_Program_Library => Remote_Program_Lib,
                Remote_Directory       => Remote_Directory,
                Remote_Connection      => Remote_Connection,
                Status                 => Status,
                Trace_Command          => Trace_Command);

            if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
                Set_Status ("Can't build remote program library " &
                            Quot (Remote_Program_Lib), Status);
            end if;

            -- Update the Rci.Remote_Directory switch.
            Li.Set_Remote_Directory (View      => View_Name,
                                     Value     => Remote_Directory,
                                     Condition => Status,
                                     Response  => Profile.Get);
        end if;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Build_Libraries");
    end Build_Libraries;

    procedure Destroy_Library
                 (Host_View         :        Directory.Object;
                  Remote_Directory  :        String;  
                  Remote_Connection :        Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status            : in out Simple_Status.Condition;
                  Trace_Command     :        Boolean) is

        View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (Host_View);

        Family : constant String := Get_Family_Name
                                       (Host_View, Remote_Directory);
        Exists : Boolean         := False;
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Destroy_Library (Host_View" &
                                        Qt (View_Name) & ", Remote_Directory" &
                                        Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")",
                          Kind    => Profile.Sharp_Msg);
        end if;

        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Executing Destroy_Library",
                      Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);

        -- Don't continue if we can't derive a family name from the specified
        -- Remote_Directory.
        if Family'Length = 0 then
            Set_Status ("Can't derive a family name from the remote pathname " &
                        Quot (Remote_Directory), Status);

        end if;

        -- How do we determine whether to destroy the family?
        -- (For now we'll leave family destruction to the user, and we won't
        -- even try to destroy a family).

        -- Make sure that the remote Ada program library exists.
        Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Remote_Directory & "/adalib",
                          Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                          Status            => Status,
                          Exists            => Exists,
                          Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
        end if;

        if not Exists then
            -- The program library should exist, but it doesn't.
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "Remote directory " & Remote_Directory &
                                " doesn't contain an Ada program library" &
                                ", so it can't be destroyed",
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);
        end if;

        -- Delete the view's Ada library from its family, and then remove the
        -- view directory and everything contained therein.
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                Quot ("ada lib_manager\(" & Family &
                                      "\).erase libraries=" &
                                      Remote_Directory & "/adalib confirm=no"),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
        end if;

        Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                         "Erasing remote library " & Quot (Remote_Directory),
                      Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);

           -- (Command_Line      => "ada l(" & Family &
           --                          "\).e l=" &
           --                          Remote_Directory & "/adalib c=n",
           (Command_Line      => "ada lib_manager\(" & Family &
                                    "\).erase libraries=" &
                                    Remote_Directory & "/adalib confirm=no",
            Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
            Status            => Status,
            Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't erase the Ada library in " &
                          Quot (Remote_Directory) & ".  " & Ss.Message (Status),

        end if;

        -- Destroy the view's Download_Times and Remote_Links files.
        Delete_Links_Files (Host_View);

        -- Make sure that the remote directory exists.
        Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory  => Remote_Directory,
                          Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                          Status            => Status,
                          Exists            => Exists,
                          Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Ss.Error (Status, Ss.Problem) then
        end if;

        if not Exists then
            -- The Remote_Directory should exist, but it doesn't.
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "Remote directory " & Remote_Directory &
                                        " doesn't exist for view " & View_Name &
                                        ", so it can't be destroyed",
                          Kind    => Profile.Warning_Msg);
        end if;

        -- Get Host_View's referencers, and erase all of its links in the
        -- referencer views.  Also erase all of its copied import libraries (in
        -- other families).
            Referencers : constant Import_Interface.Unit_List :=
               Import_Interface.Get_Referencers (Host_View);

            View_Obj : Directory.Object;

            if Ss.Error (Referencers.Condition) then
                Status := Referencers.Condition;
            end if;

            for Index in Referencers.Data'First .. Referencers.Data'Last loop  
                    Ref_View_Obj : Directory.Object := Referencers.Data (Index);

                    Ref_View_Name : constant String :=
                       Naming.Get_Full_Name (Ref_View_Obj);

                    Ref_Remote_Result    : constant Li.String_Result :=
                       Li.Remote_Directory (Ref_View_Name);
                    Ref_Remote_Directory : constant String           :=
                    if Problem (Ref_Remote_Result.Condition, Trace_Command) then
                           ("Can't get remote directory name " &
                            "for imported view " & Ref_View_Name, Status);

                    end if;

                    if Debugging then
                        -- Print the name of the referencer.
                        Log.Put_Line ("#~  Referencer" & Integer'Image (Index) &
                                      ": " & Ref_View_Name, Profile.Note_Msg);
                    end if;

                    -- Remove Host_View (and all links to its units) as a
                    -- remote import into the referencer view.  Host_View will
                    -- remain as an R1000 import.
                       (View_To_Remove => Host_View,
                        From_View => Ref_View_Name,
                        Remote_Machine => "",           -- This won't be used.
                        Remote_Directory => Ref_Remote_Directory,
                        Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                        Destroying_Library => True,
                        Status => Status,
                        Trace_Command => Trace_Command);

                    if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
                        Log.Put_Line ("Can't remove remote import for " &
                                      View_Name & " from " & Ref_View_Name &
                                      ".  " & Ss.Message (Status),
                    end if;
            end loop;

        -- Now we can destroy the Remote_Directory.  First make sure that it
        -- isn't protected.
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                Quot ("cd;chmod -R 777 " & Remote_Directory),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
        end if;

           (Command_Line      => "cd;chmod -R 777 " & Remote_Directory,
            Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
            Status            => Status,
            Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't change protections.  " & Ss.Message (Status),

        end if;

        -- Open the protections for the Remote_Directory itself.
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                        Quot ("chmod 777 " & Remote_Directory),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
        end if;

        Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line => "chmod 777 " & Remote_Directory,
                             Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                             Status => Status,
                             Trace_Command => Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't change protections.  " & Ss.Message (Status),

        end if;

        -- Go to the directory which encloses our Remote_Directory.  (Unix
        -- won't let us remove the directory that we are in.)
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                             "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                Quot ("cd " & Remote_Directory & ";cd .."),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
        end if;

           (Command_Line      => "cd " & Remote_Directory & ";cd ..",
            Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
            Status            => Status,
            Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't go to the enclosing directory for " &
                          Remote_Directory & ".  " & Ss.Message (Status),

        end if;

        -- Now we should be able to destroy the Remote_Directory.
        if Debugging or else Trace_Command then
            Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Executing remote command: " &
                                        Quot ("rm -r " & Remote_Directory),
                          Kind    => Profile.Position_Msg);
        end if;

        Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line      => "rm -r " & Remote_Directory,
                             Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection,
                             Status            => Status,
                             Trace_Command     => Trace_Command);

        if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then
            Log.Put_Line ("Can't remove the contents of " &
                          Quot (Remote_Directory) & ".  " & Ss.Message (Status),
        end if;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Destroy_Library");
    end Destroy_Library;

end Build;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=032
        [0x01] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=080
        [0x02] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=08a
        [0x03] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=02c
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        [0x07] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=25 rec3=038
        [0x08] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=018
        [0x09] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=02a
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        [0x0c] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=06e
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        [0x0e] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=002
        [0x0f] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=090
        [0x10] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=070
        [0x11] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=020
        [0x12] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=010
        [0x13] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=06a
        [0x14] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=038
        [0x15] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=038
        [0x16] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=078
        [0x17] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=23 rec3=008
        [0x18] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=032
        [0x19] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=088
        [0x1a] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=070
        [0x1b] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=06e
        [0x1c] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=02c
        [0x1d] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=058
        [0x1e] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=22 rec3=01a
        [0x1f] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=01a
        [0x20] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=020
        [0x21] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=030
        [0x22] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=004
        [0x23] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=001
        [0x24] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=00c
    tail 0x2171d5890838d6b322f02 0x42a00088462065003
Free Block Chain:
  0x24: 0000  00 00 00 17 80 05 20 74 68 65 6e 05 00 0c 20 20  ┆       then     ┆