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⟦f1ce7e5f9⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8134 (0x1fc6)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


-- Copyright 1988, 1992 Verdix Corporation

-- User interface to the mailbox data structures and subprograms
-- Provides backward compatibility with earlier releases of VADS.
-- The interface to ALL the low kernel services is now provided in
-- ada_krn_i.a. Types used by these services is defined in ada_krn_defs.a.
-- This package simply layers upon the mailbox data structures and
-- subprograms found in ada_krn_defs.a and ada_krn_i.a.
-- Differences from earlier releases:
--  [1] The intr_flag and intr_status are only applicable to the
--  [2] For the delete() service, if the conditional_delete_flag is TRUE,
--      the mailbox might not be deleted even though no tasks are
--      waiting to read. This caveat isn't applicable to the VADS_MICRO RTS.
--  [3] For mailbox write, only the DO_NOT_WAIT option is supported.
--      Earlier releases also supported timed and WAIT_FOREVER
--		write options.
with system;
with ada_krn_defs;
with ada_krn_i;
package v_i_mbox is

    pragma suppress(ALL_CHECKS);
    pragma suppress(EXCEPTION_TABLES);
    pragma not_elaborated;

    type intr_status_t is new ada_krn_defs.intr_status_t;
--    DISABLE_INTR_STATUS	: constant intr_status_t :=
--		intr_status_t(ada_krn_defs.DISABLE_INTR_STATUS);
	function DISABLE_INTR_STATUS return intr_status_t;
	  pragma inline_only(DISABLE_INTR_STATUS);
	-- Predefined wait_time values
	WAIT_FOREVER: constant duration := -1.0;
	DO_NOT_WAIT:  constant duration := 0.0;

    -- "read_write" function parameter types
    type access_t is (READ_A, WRITE_A);
	for access_t use (READ_A => 1, WRITE_A => 2);
	for access_t'size use integer'size;

    -- The following types are used to define the mailbox data structure

    type mbox_record_t is new ada_krn_defs.mailbox_t;
    type a_mbox_t is new ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t;

    -- Create a new mailbox. A mailbox consists of n fixed length slots.
    -- The slot_len parameter specifies the length in units of
    -- system.storage_unit (normally bytes).
    -- Normally, a mailbox's critical region is protected by a
    -- semaphore.
	-- However, if the intr_flag is TRUE, then,
    -- its critical region is protected by disabling interrupts. This
    -- allows the mailbox to be accessed from an ISR.
    -- STORAGE_ERROR exception is raised if not enough memory for mailbox.
	-- Use of the intr_flag and intr_status fields is only applicable
	-- to the VADS_MICRO.
    function create(slots_cnt: positive;
        slot_len: natural;
        intr_flag: boolean := FALSE;
        intr_status: intr_status_t := DISABLE_INTR_STATUS
    ) return a_mbox_t;
	  pragma inline_only(create);

    -- Deletes a previously created mailbox. Returns TRUE if mailbox
    -- was successfully deleted.
    -- If conditional_delete_flag parameter is TRUE, then, mailbox
    -- is not deleted if any of the following are TRUE:
    --  - task is waiting to read/write
    --  - unread messages
    -- Otherwise, mailbox is always deleted, and tasks waiting to read/write
    -- are resumed.
	-- Note: if the conditional_delete_flag is TRUE, the mailbox might not
	-- be deleted even though no tasks are waiting to read. This caveat isn't
	-- applicable to the VADS_MICRO.
    function delete(mbox: a_mbox_t; conditional_delete_flag: boolean)
        return boolean;
	  pragma inline_only(delete);

    -- Reads/writes a message from/to a mailbox. The access_type parameter
    -- indicates the type of access. Returns TRUE if message was
    -- successfully read/written.
    -- If no message is available for reading, or if no slot is available
    -- for writing, then, returns according to the wait_time parameter:
    --  < 0.0           - returns when message was successfully read/written.
    --                    This may necessitate suspension of current task
    --                    until another task does mailbox write/read.
    --  = 0.0           - returns FALSE immediately if unable to do
    --                    mailbox operation
    --  > 0.0           - if the mailbox operation cannot be completed
    --                    within "wait_time" amount of time, returns FALSE.
    -- Note: returns FALSE for any wait_time, if mailbox was deleted.
	-- For mailbox write, only the DO_NOT_WAIT option is supported.
	-- In earlier releases, also supported timed and WAIT_FOREVER
	-- write options.
    function read_write(access_type: access_t; mbox: a_mbox_t;
        msg_addr: system.address; msg_len: natural; wait_time: duration)
		return boolean;
	  pragma inline_only(read_write);

    -- Returns number of unread messages in mailbox
    function get_message_count(mbox: a_mbox_t) return natural;
	  pragma inline_only(get_message_count);
end v_i_mbox;

with system;
with ada_krn_defs;
with ada_krn_i;
with unchecked_deallocation;
package body v_i_mbox is

    pragma suppress(ALL_CHECKS);
    pragma suppress(EXCEPTION_TABLES);

    function create(slots_cnt: positive;
        slot_len: natural;
        intr_flag: boolean := FALSE;
        intr_status: intr_status_t := DISABLE_INTR_STATUS
    ) return a_mbox_t
		m: ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t := new ada_krn_defs.mailbox_t;
		if intr_flag then
				attr_rec: ada_krn_defs.mailbox_attr_t;
				if not ada_krn_i.mailbox_init(m, slots_cnt, slot_len,
					raise STORAGE_ERROR;
				end if;
			if not ada_krn_i.mailbox_init(m, slots_cnt, slot_len,
				raise STORAGE_ERROR;
			end if;
		end if;
		return a_mbox_t(m);

	procedure free is new unchecked_deallocation(

    function delete(mbox: a_mbox_t; conditional_delete_flag: boolean)
        return boolean
		m: ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t :=
		if conditional_delete_flag and then
			(ada_krn_i.mailbox_get_in_use(m) or else
			 (ada_krn_i.mailbox_get_count(m) > 0))
			return FALSE;
		end if;
		return TRUE;

    function read_write(access_type: access_t; mbox: a_mbox_t;
        msg_addr: system.address; msg_len: natural; wait_time: duration)
		return boolean
		case access_type is
		when READ_A =>
			return ada_krn_i.mailbox_read(
				ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t(mbox), msg_addr, wait_time);
		when WRITE_A =>
			return ada_krn_i.mailbox_write(
				ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t(mbox), msg_addr);
		end case;

    function get_message_count(mbox: a_mbox_t) return natural
		return ada_krn_i.mailbox_get_count(ada_krn_defs.a_mailbox_t(mbox));

	function DISABLE_INTR_STATUS return intr_status_t is
		return intr_status_t(ada_krn_defs.DISABLE_INTR_STATUS);
end v_i_mbox