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Length: 18432 (0x4800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Little_Orb, seg_05706a
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Transport_Defs; with Communication; with Message; with Our_Constantes; use Our_Constantes; with Our_String; with Text_Io; with Run; package body Little_Orb is The_Host_Machine : Transport_Defs.Host_Id (1 .. 4) := (0, 0, 0, 0); The_Socket_Machine : Transport_Defs.Socket_Id (1 .. 2) := (0, 0); The_Id_Machine : Id_Object.Type_Id := 0; The_Connection_Machine : Connection_Data; Is_The_End : Boolean := False; Exist_A_Machine : Boolean := False; -- ======================== task Is_Publication_Ok is entry Publication_Ok; end Is_Publication_Ok; -- ********************************************* procedure Registration (The_Id : out Id_Object.Type_Id) is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; --The_Connection : Connection_Data; begin if not Exist_A_Machine then Text_Io.Put_Line ("envoi une demade de registration a l'orb"); The_Message.The_Command := The_Registration; Communication.Open_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); -- recuperation des parametres -- =========================== The_Host_Machine := The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Send; The_Socket_Machine := The_Message.The_Socket_Send; Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Receive := The_Host_Machine; The_Message.The_Socket_Receive := The_Socket_Machine; The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Send := The_Orb.The_Host; The_Message.The_Socket_Send := The_Orb.The_Socket; -- reception de l'Identificateur de machine -- ======================================== Text_Io.Put ("attente acquittement de l'orb"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); The_Id_Machine := The_Message.The_Id_User_Send; The_Id := The_Message.The_Id_User_Send; Exist_A_Machine := True; end if; end Registration; -- ********************************************* procedure Unregistration (The_Id : Id_Object.Type_Id; Is_Ok : out Boolean) is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; The_Connection : Connection_Data; begin The_Message.The_Command := The_Unregistration; The_Message.The_Id_User_Send := The_Id; The_Message.The_Socket_Send := (0, 0); -- envoi de la commande a l'orb -- ============================ Text_Io.Put_Line ("envoi d'une demande d'unregistration de l'object "); Text_Io.Put (Natural'Image (Natural (The_Id))); Text_Io.Put_Line (" a l'orb"); Communication.Open_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Receive := The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Send; The_Message.The_Socket_Receive := The_Message.The_Socket_Send; -- attente reponse de l'orb -- ======================== Text_Io.Put ("attente acquittement de l'orb"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); Communication.Close (The_Connection); if The_Message.Command_Is_Ok then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Ok"); else Text_Io.Put_Line ("Erreur"); end if; Is_Ok := The_Message.Command_Is_Ok; end Unregistration; -- ********************************************* procedure Publication (The_Name : String; The_Id : Id_Object.Type_Id; Is_Ok : out Boolean) is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; The_Connection : Connection_Data; begin The_Message.The_Command := The_Publication; The_Message.Data := Our_String.Value (The_Name); The_Message.The_Id_User_Send := The_Id; The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Send := The_Host_Machine; The_Message.The_Socket_Send := The_Socket_Machine; Text_Io.Put_Line ("envoi d'une demande a l'orb de publication de "); Text_Io.Put (The_Name); Text_Io.Put (" sur l'object "); Text_Io.Put (Natural'Image (Natural (The_Id))); Text_Io.New_Line; Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); -- acquittement -- ============ Text_Io.Put ("attente acquittement de l'orb"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); if The_Message.Command_Is_Ok then Text_Io.Put_Line ("publication ok"); end if; Is_Ok := The_Message.Command_Is_Ok; end Publication; -- *************************************** procedure End_Of_Publication is begin Is_Publication_Ok.Publication_Ok; end End_Of_Publication; -- ********************************************* procedure Unpublication (Is_Ok : out Boolean; The_Name : String; The_Id : Id_Object.Type_Id := 0) is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; The_Connection : Connection_Data; begin The_Message.The_Command := The_Unpublication; The_Message.Data := Our_String.Value (The_Name); The_Message.The_Id_User_Send := The_Id; The_Message.The_Socket_Send := (0, 0); Text_Io.Put_Line ("envoi d'une demande a l'orb d'unpublication de "); Text_Io.Put (The_Name); Text_Io.Put (" sur l'object "); Text_Io.Put (Natural'Image (Natural (The_Id))); Text_Io.New_Line; Communication.Open_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); -- acquittement -- ============ Text_Io.Put ("attente acquittement de l'orb"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); Communication.Close (The_Connection); Is_Ok := The_Message.Command_Is_Ok; end Unpublication; -- ********************************************* procedure Request (The_Answer : out String; Is_Ok : out Boolean; The_Name : String; The_Id : Id_Object.Type_Id := 0) is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; Do_Exist_Command : Boolean := False; The_Connection : Connection_Data; --The_Return_Answer : String (1 .. Our_Constantes.Length_Of_A_Line); begin if not Exist_A_Machine then Text_Io.Put ("envoi d'une demande de request sur la fonction "); Text_Io.Put (The_Name); Text_Io.New_Line; Communication.Open_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); The_Message.Data := Our_String.Value (The_Name); The_Message.The_Id_User_Receive := The_Id; The_Message.The_Command := The_Request; Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); -- acquittement -- ============ Text_Io.Put ("attente acquittement de l'orb"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection); Communication.Close (The_Connection); Do_Exist_Command := The_Message.Command_Is_Ok; if Do_Exist_Command then Text_Io.Put ("la fonction "); Text_Io.Put (The_Name); Text_Io.Put_Line (" existe"); The_Answer := Our_String.Image (The_Message.Data) (The_Answer'First .. The_Answer'Last); else -- Reponse nulle Text_Io.Put ("la fonction "); Text_Io.Put (The_Name); Text_Io.Put_Line (" n'existe pas"); for I in The_Answer'First .. The_Answer'Last loop The_Answer (I) := '_'; end loop; end if; Is_Ok := Do_Exist_Command; end if; end Request; -- ======================== task Return_Task is entry Ok_Return (A_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; A_Answer : Our_String.Variable_String); entry Ok_End; end Return_Task; -- ============================= task Run_Task is entry Ok_Message_Is_Received (A_Message : in Message.Type_Of_Message); end Run_Task; -- ============================= task body Is_Publication_Ok is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; begin accept Publication_Ok; loop Text_Io.Put_Line ("attente demande de fonction"); Communication.Connect_Receive (The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Receiver (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); Text_Io.Put_Line ("un message est recu"); Run_Task.Ok_Message_Is_Received (The_Message); -- si il n'y a plus de machine on sort -- =================================== if Is_The_End then exit; end if; end loop; end Is_Publication_Ok; -- ============================= task body Run_Task is The_Answer : Our_String.Variable_String; begin loop accept Ok_Message_Is_Received (A_Message : in Message.Type_Of_Message) do case A_Message.The_Command is when The_Request => Text_Io.Put_Line ("lancement de la fonction "); Text_Io.Put (Our_String.Image (A_Message.Data) (1 .. Length_Of_Contract_Name)); Text_Io.Put_Line (" en cours"); -- appel de la procedure de traitement -- =================================== Run.Treatment (Our_String.Image (A_Message.Data) (1 .. Length_Of_Contract_Name), The_Answer); -- retour de la reponse -- ==================== Text_Io.Put_Line ("traitement effectue"); Return_Task.Ok_Return (A_Message, The_Answer); when The_Unregistration => Text_Io.Put ("unregistration en cours de l'object "); Text_Io.Put (Natural'Image (Natural (The_Id_Machine))); Is_The_End := True; Return_Task.Ok_End; Text_Io.Put_Line ("finie"); when others => null; end case; end Ok_Message_Is_Received; -- si il n'y a plus de contract on sort -- ==================================== if Is_The_End then exit; end if; end loop; end Run_Task; -- ============================= task body Return_Task is The_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; begin loop select accept Ok_Return (A_Message : Message.Type_Of_Message; A_Answer : Our_String.Variable_String) do Text_Io.Put_Line ("renvoi de la reponse a l'orb"); The_Message.Data := A_Answer; The_Message.The_Host_Machine_Receive := A_Message.The_Host_Machine_Send; The_Message.The_Socket_Receive := A_Message.The_Socket_Send; Communication.Connect_Transmit (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Transmitter (The_Message, The_Connection_Machine); Communication.Disconnect (The_Connection_Machine); end Ok_Return; or accept Ok_End do null; -- end Ok_End; end select; if Is_The_End then exit; end if; end loop; end Return_Task; end Little_Orb;
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