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Length: 44032 (0xac00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Rxi_Install, seg_0042b1
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Archive; with Byte_Defs; with Common; with Compilation; with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Editor; with Enable_Product_Keymaps; with File_Transfer; with Ftp_Defs; with Ftp_Profile; with Io; with Library; with Log; with Profile; with Release; with Rxi_String; use Rxi_String; with String_Utilities; with Table_Sort_Generic; with Transport; with Transport_Defs; with Transport_Name; package body Rxi_Install is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Imported Renames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function "=" (A, B : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code) return Boolean renames Ftp_Defs."="; function "=" (A, B : Transport_Defs.Status_Code) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_Am_Confused : exception; ----I give up. Some assumption of the code has changed and the code wasn't -- changed to reflect it. Quit : exception; ----Raised when we want to give up on something. --\x0c function Hs (Str : String) return Heap_String is begin return new String'(Str); end Hs; --\x0c function Release_From_Here return String is Rel : constant String := Release.Info.R1000_Release; Wrk : constant String := Release.Info.R1000_Working; Here : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution ("$")); begin if Here'Length >= Rel'Length - 1 and then Here (Here'First .. Here'First + Rel'Length - 2) = String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Rel (Rel'First .. Rel'Last - 1)) then ----Doing a normal install. return Rel; elsif Here'Length >= Wrk'Length - 1 and then Here (Here'First .. Here'First + Wrk'Length - 2) = String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Wrk (Wrk'First .. Wrk'Last - 1)) then ----Doing a test install from development area return Release.Info.R1000_Working; else Log.Put_Line ("Please connect to: ", Profile.Error_Msg); Log.Put_Line (" " & Rel, Profile.Error_Msg); Log.Put_Line (" or to:", Profile.Error_Msg); Log.Put_Line (" " & Wrk, Profile.Error_Msg); Log.Put_Line (" and try this command again.", Profile.Error_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Cannot run this command from " & Here, Profile.Exception_Msg); raise I_Am_Confused; end if; end Release_From_Here; --\x0c function Ada_Files_Generate (Keyboard : Terminal_Type; Suppress_Rxi_Files : Boolean) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Returns the name(s) of the files in the Editor_Data area to -- compile/transfer for this Keyboard type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Base : constant String := Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Name.all & "_@"; begin if Suppress_Rxi_Files then return Base; else return "[" & Base & ",RXI_@]"; end if; end Ada_Files_Generate; --\x0c procedure Machine_Editor_Data_Files (Keyboard : Terminal_Type; Suppress_Rxi_Files : Boolean := False; Overrides : String := "foo=>FALSE,bar=>true") is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Keyboard - Specifies the RXI-based terminal type being installed. -- Suppress_Rxi_Files - Specifies TRUE if the RXI files are not to be -- included in the installation; perhaps they are already there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ada_Files : constant String := Ada_Files_Generate (Keyboard, Suppress_Rxi_Files); Body_Files : constant String := Ada_Files & "'Body"; Non_Body_Files : constant String := Ada_Files & "['c(File),'Spec]"; Med : constant String := "!Machine.Editor_Data."; Tt_Filename : constant String := Med & "Terminal_Types"; Tr_Filename : constant String := Med & "Terminal_Recognition"; Tt_File : Io.File_Type; Tr_File : Io.File_Type; begin ----Say Hello. Log.Put_Line ("[Install.Machine_Editor_Data_Files(" & Terminal_Type'Image (Keyboard) & "," & Boolean'Image (Suppress_Rxi_Files) & ")]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line (Release_From_Here, Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); ----Try to open the TT file for append. Errors probably indicate non-existence. Log.Put_Line ("Modify the " & Tt_Filename, Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); begin Io.Append (Tt_File, Tt_Filename); exception when Io.Name_Error => ----Try to create the presumably non-existent file. We give up on errors. begin Io.Create (Tt_File, Io.Out_File, Tt_Filename); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception creating " & Tt_Filename & ":" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end; ----Other errors cause us to give up. when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception opening " & Tt_Filename & ":" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end; ----Install our one-liner describing the terminal type. Io.Put (Tt_File, Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Name.all); Io.Put (Tt_File, " XRTERM "); Io.Put (Tt_File, Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Lines); Io.Put (Tt_File, ' '); Io.Put (Tt_File, Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Columns); Io.New_Line (Tt_File); ----Add any extra information that may be required. if Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Tt_Extra /= null then Io.Put_Line (Tt_File, Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Tt_Extra.all); end if; ----Close the file. Io.Close (Tt_File); ----Try to open the TR file for append. Errors probably indicate non-existence. Log.Put_Line ("Modify the " & Tr_Filename, Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); begin Io.Append (Tr_File, Tr_Filename); exception when Io.Name_Error => ----Try to create the presumably non-existent file. We give up on errors. begin Io.Create (Tr_File, Io.Out_File, Tr_Filename); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception creating " & Tr_Filename & ":" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end; ----Other errors cause us to give up. when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception opening " & Tr_Filename & ":" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end; ----Install the one-liner and close the file. declare Id : constant String := Natural'Image (Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Id * 8 + 2); ----Id # as a string with a leading space because it is positive. Id_No : constant String := Id (Id'First + 1 .. Id'Last); ----Id # as a string with no leading space. begin Io.Put (Tr_File, Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Name.all); Io.Put (Tr_File, " " & Ascii.Esc & "[?1;"); Io.Put (Tr_File, Id_No); Io.Put (Tr_File, 'c'); Io.New_Line (Tr_File); end; Io.Close (Tr_File); ----Make sure that any 'Body's that we may be overwriting in !Machine. -- Editor_Data are in the Source state so that we don't waste time promoting -- the 'Body's twice. (Once in the Archive.Copy step and once in the -- Enable_Product_Keymaps step.) Log.Put_Line ("Install the keymap files.", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); begin ----See if any of the objects exist. Library.Resolve (Name_Of => "!Machine.Editor_Data." & Body_Files, Response => "<Quiet> Raise_Error"); ----Demote existing objects. Compilation.Demote (Unit => "!Machine.Editor_Data." & Body_Files, Goal => Compilation.Source, Limit => "<ALL_WORLDS>", Effort_Only => False, Response => "<Verbose> Persevere"); exception ----None of the objects exist. when Library.Error => null; end; ----Use Archive.Copy to create/replace the !Machine.Editor_Data files and to -- guarantee that they end up Source (if new) or Installed/Coded (if replacing -- old ones that were Installed/Coded). Archive.Copy (Objects => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data." & Non_Body_Files, Use_Prefix => "!Machine.Editor_Data", For_Prefix => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data", Options => "ALL_OBJECTS,REPLACE,REMAKE", Response => "<Verbose> Raise_Error"); Archive.Copy (Objects => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data." & Body_Files, Use_Prefix => "!Machine.Editor_Data", For_Prefix => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data", Options => "ALL_OBJECTS,SOURCE", Response => "<Verbose> Raise_Error"); ----Copy the Enable_Product_Keymaps procedure if it is newer than any existing -- such procedure. -- Since this Copy operation is copying a Load_Proc, and since we run the -- Code-Generator in other steps of this procedure, and since there is a bug -- in pre-Delta-3 Environments, we will run this Copy as a separate task -- as a work-around for the bug. declare task Bug_Fix is end Bug_Fix; task body Bug_Fix is begin Archive.Copy (Objects => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data" & ".Enable_Product_Keymaps", Use_Prefix => "!Machine.Editor_Data", For_Prefix => Release_From_Here & "Editor_Data", Options => "CHANGED_OBJECTS,REPLACE,REMAKE", Response => "<Verbose> Raise_Error"); end Bug_Fix; begin null; -- Wait for task to complete. end; ----Turn on/off any product bindings and put the Editor_Data at least in -- the installed state. Log.Put_Line ("Enable product keys in keymaps.", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Enable_Product_Keymaps (Keymap => "!Machine.Editor_Data." & Body_Files, Response => "<Verbose> Raise_Error", Overrides => Overrides); ----All Done. Log.Put_Line ("[end of Install.Machine_Editor_Data_Files(" & Terminal_Type'Image (Keyboard) & "," & Boolean'Image (Suppress_Rxi_Files) & ")]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end Machine_Editor_Data_Files; --\x0c function Get_Host_Id (Name : String) return Transport_Defs.Host_Id is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Specifies the name of some remote host -- Returns the Host_Id of this host or else returns an empty Host_Id if the -- name isn't known. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin return Transport_Name.Host_To_Host_Id (Name); exception when Transport_Name.Undefined => return (1 .. 0 => 0); end Get_Host_Id; --\x0c procedure Status_Ok (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Status - Specifies a status to check -- Complains and raises Quit if the Status != Ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then Log.Put_Line ("Error in Rxi_Install: " & Transport_Defs.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; end Status_Ok; --\x0c procedure Status_Ok (Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Status - Specifies a status to check -- Complains and raises Quit if the Status != Successful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin if Status /= Ftp_Defs.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in Rxi_Install: " & Ftp_Defs.Status_Code'Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; end Status_Ok; --\x0c procedure Response (Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conection - Specifies the connection to check -- Called to read any and all Response text that has been received from the -- On_Machine host in response to any FTP command. The response text is -- send to the Log. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str : String (1 .. 1000); Len : Natural; begin while not File_Transfer.End_Of_Response (Connection) loop File_Transfer.Read_Response (Connection, Str, Len); Log.Put_Line ("Ftp: " & Str (1 .. Len), Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end loop; end Response; --\x0c function Natural_Image (Val : Natural) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Val - Specifies the value -- Turn a natural into a string with no leading blanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Val); begin return Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last); end Natural_Image; --\x0c function Duration_Image (Time : Duration) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Time - Specifies the duration -- Ada doesn't give us a nice way to turn a Fixed quantity into a string so -- we must hack one up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Val : Integer := Integer (Time * Duration (1000.0)); Valsub : Natural := (abs Val) rem 1000; begin if Valsub < 10 then return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & ".00" & Natural_Image (Valsub); elsif Valsub < 100 then return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & ".0" & Natural_Image (Valsub); else return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & "." & Natural_Image (Valsub); end if; end Duration_Image; --\x0c procedure Store (Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id; Local : String; Remote : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conection - Specifies the connection to use -- Local - Specifies the name of an existing local object -- Remote - Specifies the name of a remote object to be created/written -- Called to perform (and check) the transfer of one file from the R1000 to -- the On_Machine host. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; begin ----Inform the log of the impending transfer. Log.Put_Line ("Transfer: " & Local & " => " & Remote, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); ----Set up a new socket connection for the actual transfer. File_Transfer.Send_Data_Port (Connection, Transport_Defs.Null_Host_Id, Transport_Defs.Null_Socket_Id); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----Begin the transfer and wait for it to end. File_Transfer.Start_Store (Connection, Local_Filename => Local, Remote_Filename => Remote, Append => False); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Transfer_Complete then Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; ----Inform the log of a successful transfer. Log.Put_Line ("Done, bytes: " & Natural_Image (File_Transfer.Last_Transfer_Length (Connection)) & ", seconds: " & Duration_Image (File_Transfer.Last_Transfer_Time (Connection)), Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line ("--------------------------------------------------", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end Store; --\x0c procedure Disconnect (Connection : in out File_Transfer.Connect_Id) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Connection - Specifies the connection to destroy -- Called (at any time, in any state) when we must get rid of a connection. -- We try to do it nicely but we are prepared to ignore any errors and to -- simply drop the connection at the worst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; begin ----If the Connection isn't "open" (really means allocated) then we have nothing -- to do. if not File_Transfer.Is_Open (Connection) then return; end if; ----If there is an actual connection then we must try to Quit out of it. if File_Transfer.Is_Connected (Connection) then begin begin File_Transfer.Send_Quit (Connection); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----If the Quit fails then report that but also continue. exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during File_Transfer.Send_Quit:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end; ----Try to disconnect from the remote server. File_Transfer.Disconnect (Connection); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during File_Transfer.Disconnect:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end; end if; ----Finally we close (deallocate) the socket. File_Transfer.Close (Connection); end Disconnect; --\x0c function R1000_Form (Old_Namelc : String) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Old_Namelc - Specifies a name usable by some OS other than the R1000 -- -- Called to convert a non-R1000 name into a name the R1000 can handle. -- We return the converted name. Typically we just convert "strange" -- characters into underscores ("_"). When this is a problem; at the -- beginning of a name, the end of a name, or next to another "_"; we use -- a semi-random letter; actually "A", "B", or "C". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Old_Name : constant String := String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Old_Namelc); New_Name : String (1 .. Old_Name'Length + 2); Oldi : Natural := Old_Name'First; Newi : Natural := New_Name'First; begin ----See if the name begins with an underscore. Prepend an A if necessary. if Old_Name (Oldi) not in 'A' .. 'Z' and then Old_Name (Oldi) not in '0' .. '9' then New_Name (Newi) := 'A'; Newi := Newi + 1; end if; ----Convert all non-letters to underscores. If this would lead to having -- two underscores adjacent then convert every 2nd underscore to a B. while Oldi <= Old_Name'Last loop if Old_Name (Oldi) not in 'A' .. 'Z' and then Old_Name (Oldi) not in '0' .. '9' then if New_Name (Newi - 1) = '_' then New_Name (Newi) := 'B'; else New_Name (Newi) := '_'; end if; else New_Name (Newi) := Old_Name (Oldi); end if; Newi := Newi + 1; Oldi := Oldi + 1; end loop; ----See if the name ends in an underscore. Append a C if necessary. if New_Name (Newi - 1) not in 'A' .. 'Z' and then New_Name (Newi - 1) not in '0' .. '9' then New_Name (Newi) := 'C'; return New_Name (New_Name'First .. Newi); else return New_Name (New_Name'First .. Newi - 1); end if; end R1000_Form; --\x0c procedure Workstation_Files (Keyboard : Terminal_Type; On_Machine : String := Ftp_Profile.Remote_Machine; Username : String := Ftp_Profile.Username; Password : String := Ftp_Profile.Password; Account : String := Ftp_Profile.Account; Rxi_Source_Directory : String := ">>/src/x/clients/rxi<<") is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Keyboard - Specifies the RXI-based terminal type being installed. -- On_Machine - Specifies the name of the workstation -- Username - Specifies a username valid on the workstation -- Password - Specifies the password for the username -- Account - Specifies the account to use on the workstation -- Rxi_Source_Directory- Specifies the directory to contain the RXI C source -- code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id; Td_Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code; Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; Host_Id : constant Transport_Defs.Host_Id := Get_Host_Id (On_Machine); Ascii_Mode : Boolean; ----All of the RXI files will be located in this directory on the R1000. Local_Dir : constant String := Release_From_Here & '.' & Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).R1000_Dir.all & '.'; ----Names for recognition.h Recog_H : constant Release.File_Info := Release.Recognition_File (Keyboard); R1000_Recog_H : constant String := Local_Dir & R1000_Form (Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Name.all & Recog_H.Master_File.all); Ws_Recog_H : constant String := Recog_H.Install_File.all (Recog_H.Install_File'First + 1 .. Recog_H.Install_File'Last) & "h"; Ttws_Recog_H : constant String := Release.Supported_Keyboards (Keyboard).Name.all & Recog_H.Install_File.all & "h"; procedure Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround is ----HP has a silly bug that we have to get-around. -- Assign port numbers until port numbers reach at least 1024. -- The R1000 assigns successive numbers starting at around 511. -- HP and apparently some others cannot accept any number less -- than 1024. Silly bug. C : Transport.Connection_Id; Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code; Done : Boolean := False; begin while not Done loop Transport.Open (C, Status, "TCP/IP"); exit when Transport_Defs."/=" (Status, Transport_Defs.Ok); declare Port : constant Transport_Defs.Socket_Id := Transport.Local_Socket (C); begin Done := Byte_Defs.">=" (Port (Port'First), 4); end; Transport.Close (C); end loop; end Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround; begin ----Make sure that the On_Machine host is known to the R1000. Log.Put_Line ("[Rxi_Install.Workstation_Files(" & Terminal_Type'Image (Keyboard) & ',' & On_Machine & ',' & Username & ',' & Rxi_Source_Directory & ")]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line (Release_From_Here, Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); if Host_Id'Length = 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Host name [" & On_Machine & "] is not in the Transport_Name_Map (Host name undefined).", Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end if; ----Try to get a socket for our use. Log.Put_Line ("Get network socket.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround; File_Transfer.Open (Connection, Td_Status); Status_Ok (Td_Status); ----Try to call up the On_Machine and see if it will talk to us at all. Log.Put_Line ("Connect to " & On_Machine, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Connect (Connection, Host_Id); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----Try to log in as the Username/Password that was given to us. Log.Put_Line ("Send username.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Username (Connection, Username); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Not_Logged_In then Log.Put_Line ("Username " & Username & " invalid on workstation " & On_Machine, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; elsif Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Need_Password then Log.Put_Line ("Send password.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Password (Connection, Password); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); end if; if Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Not_Logged_In then Log.Put_Line ("Password invalid for username " & Username & " on workstation " & On_Machine, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----Set the account for the logged-in job On_Machine. if Account /= "" and then Account /= " " then Log.Put_Line ("Send account.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Account (Connection, Account); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Command_Not_Implemented then Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; end if; ----Connect to the Rxi_Source_Directory. Log.Put_Line ("Connect to " & Rxi_Source_Directory, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Cwd (Connection, Rxi_Source_Directory); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----We will be working in Stream mode, sending Ascii data, and working in -- units of Files. These should work on all FTP implementations. Log.Put_Line ("Set transfer modes (Stream,Ascii,File).", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Set_Mode (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Stream); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); Ascii_Mode := True; File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); File_Transfer.Set_Structure (Connection, Ftp_Defs.File); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----Send all of the various files. for I in 1 .. Release.Install_Length (Keyboard) loop case Release.Install (Keyboard, I).File_Type is when Release.Text => if not Ascii_Mode then Log.Put_Line ("Set transmission modes (Stream,Ascii,File).", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Ascii_Mode := True; File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; Store (Connection, Local_Dir & R1000_Form (Release.Install (Keyboard, I). Master_File.all), Release.Install (Keyboard, I).Install_File.all); when Release.Binary => if Ascii_Mode then Log.Put_Line ("Set transmission modes (Stream,Image,File).", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Ascii_Mode := False; File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Image); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; Store (Connection, Local_Dir & R1000_Form (Release.Install (Keyboard, I). Master_File.all), Release.Install (Keyboard, I).Install_File.all); end case; end loop; if not Ascii_Mode then Log.Put_Line ("Set transmission modes (Stream,Ascii,File).", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Ascii_Mode := True; File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; Store (Connection, R1000_Recog_H, Ws_Recog_H); Store (Connection, R1000_Recog_H, Ttws_Recog_H); ----We are all done; say "bye", disconnect, and free up the socket. Log.Put_Line ("Disconnect.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Disconnect (Connection); Log.Put_Line ("[end of Rxi_Install.Workstation_Files(" & Terminal_Type'Image (Keyboard) & ',' & On_Machine & ',' & Username & ',' & Rxi_Source_Directory & ")]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); exception ----When we Quit we simply disconnect; error messages have already gone out. when Quit => Disconnect (Connection); raise Library.Error; ----Anything else is simply unexpected. when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during Rxi_Install script:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Disconnect (Connection); end Workstation_Files; --\x0c end Rxi_Install;
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