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Rational R1000/400

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⟦f7e5bd170⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 11264 (0x2c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Calendar, package body Local_Time, seg_04cdd8


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with System;
with V_I_Time;
package body Calendar is

    type Time_Float is digits 9;

    package Local_Time is
        function Clock return Time;
        Seconds_From_Gmt : Time_Float;
        function Daylight_Savings
                    (Year, Julian_Day : Integer) return Time_Float;
    end Local_Time;

    Seconds_Per_Day : constant := 86400.0;

    function Is_Leap_Year (Year : Year_Number) return Boolean is
        return Year mod 4 = 0;
    end Is_Leap_Year;

    function Days_In_Month (Month : Month_Number; Of_Year : Year_Number)
                           return Day_Number is
        case Month is
            when 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 .. 8 | 10 | 12 =>
                return 31;
            when 2 =>
                if Is_Leap_Year (Of_Year) then
                    return 29;
                    return 28;
                end if;
            when others =>
                return 30;
        end case;
    end Days_In_Month;

    function Clock return Time is
        return Local_Time.Clock;
    end Clock;

    function Year (Date : Time) return Year_Number is
        Year : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day : Day_Number;
        Seconds : Day_Duration;
        Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds);
        return Year;
    end Year;

    function Month (Date : Time) return Month_Number is
        Year : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day : Day_Number;
        Seconds : Day_Duration;
        Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds);
        return Month;
    end Month;

    function Day (Date : Time) return Day_Number is
        Year : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day : Day_Number;
        Seconds : Day_Duration;
        Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds);
        return Day;
    end Day;

    function Seconds (Date : Time) return Day_Duration is
        Year : Year_Number;
        Month : Month_Number;
        Day : Day_Number;
        Seconds : Day_Duration;
        Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Seconds);
        return Seconds;
    end Seconds;

    function Julian_Day_Of
                (Year : Year_Number; Month : Month_Number; Day : Day_Number)
                return Integer is
        J, M, Y, C, Ya : Integer;
        if Month > 2 then
            M := Month - 3;
            Y := Year;
            M := Month + 9;
            Y := Year - 1;
        end if;
        C := Y / 100;
        Ya := Y - 100 * C;
        return (146097 * C) / 4 + (1461 * Ya) / 4 +
                  (153 * M + 2) / 5 + Day + 1721119;
    end Julian_Day_Of;

    procedure Date_From_Julian_Day (Jday : Integer;
                                    Year : out Year_Number;
                                    Month : out Month_Number;
                                    Day : out Day_Number) is
        J : Integer := Jday - 1721119;
        Y : Integer := (4 * J - 1) / 146097;
        D, M : Integer;
        J := 4 * J - 1 - 146097 * Y;
        D := J / 4;
        J := (4 * D + 3) / 1461;
        D := 4 * D + 3 - 1461 * J;
        D := (D + 4) / 4;
        M := (5 * D - 3) / 153;
        D := 5 * D - 3 - 153 * M;
        Day := (D + 5) / 5;
        Y := 100 * Y + J;
        if M < 10 then
            Month := M + 3;
            Year := Y;
            Month := M - 9;
            Year := Y + 1;
        end if;
    end Date_From_Julian_Day;

    procedure Split (Date : in Time;
                     Year : out Year_Number;
                     Month : out Month_Number;
                     Day : out Day_Number;
                     Seconds : out Day_Duration) is
        S : Time_Float := Time_Float (Date.Sec);
        Jday : Integer := Date.Julian_Day;
        Y : Integer;
        S := Time_Float (Date.Sec) - Local_Time.Seconds_From_Gmt;
        if S < 0.0 then
            Jday := Jday - 1;
            S := S + Seconds_Per_Day;
        end if;
        Date_From_Julian_Day (Jday, Y, Month, Day);
        S := S + Local_Time.Daylight_Savings (Y, Jday);
        if S >= Seconds_Per_Day then
            Jday := Jday + 1;
            S := S - Seconds_Per_Day;
            Date_From_Julian_Day (Jday, Y, Month, Day);
        end if;
        Seconds := Duration (S);
        Year := Y;
    end Split;

    function Time_Of (Year : Year_Number;
                      Month : Month_Number;
                      Day : Day_Number;
                      Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0) return Time is
        Date : Time;
        S : Time_Float := Time_Float (Seconds);
        if Day > Days_In_Month (Month, Year) then
            raise Time_Error;
        end if;
        Date.Julian_Day := Julian_Day_Of (Year, Month, Day);
        if S >= Seconds_Per_Day then
            Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day + 1;
            S := S - Seconds_Per_Day;
        end if;
        S := S - Local_Time.Daylight_Savings (Year, Date.Julian_Day);
        if S < 0.0 then
            Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day - 1;
            S := S + Seconds_Per_Day;
        end if;
        S := Time_Float (S) + Local_Time.Seconds_From_Gmt;
        if S >= Seconds_Per_Day then
            Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day + 1;
            S := S - Seconds_Per_Day;
        end if;
        Date.Sec := Duration (S);
        -- date is now converted to GMT, normalized
        return Date;
    end Time_Of;

    function "+" (A, B : Integer) return Integer is
        if A < 0 and then B < 0 then
            if (Integer'First - A - B) > 0 then
                raise Time_Error;
            end if;
        elsif A > 0 and then B > 0 then
            if (Integer'Last - A - B) < 0 then
                raise Time_Error;
            end if;
        end if;
        return Standard."+" (A, B);
    end "+";

    function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
        Date : Time;
        Check : Year_Number;
        Secs : Duration;
        Date.Julian_Day := Left.Julian_Day;
            Secs := Left.Sec + Right;
            when Numeric_Error | Constraint_Error =>
                Secs := (Left.Sec - Seconds_Per_Day) + Right;
                Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day + 1;
        Date.Sec := Secs;
        if Date.Sec < 0.0 or else Date.Sec >= Seconds_Per_Day then
            while Date.Sec >= Seconds_Per_Day loop
                Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day + 1;
                Date.Sec := Date.Sec - Seconds_Per_Day;
            end loop;
            while Date.Sec < 0.0 loop
                Date.Julian_Day := Date.Julian_Day - 1;
                Date.Sec := Date.Sec + Seconds_Per_Day;
            end loop;
        end if;
        Check := Year (Date);
        return Date;
        when others =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end "+";
    function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time is
        return Right + Left;
    end "+";
    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time is
        return Left + (-Right);
    end "-";
    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration is
        Day_Diff : Integer := Left.Julian_Day - Right.Julian_Day;
        Diff : Duration := Left.Sec + (-Right.Sec);
        return Duration (Day_Diff * Integer (Seconds_Per_Day)) + Diff;
        when Numeric_Error | Constraint_Error =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end "-";

    function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return Left.Julian_Day < Right.Julian_Day or else
                  (Left.Julian_Day = Right.Julian_Day and then
                   Left.Sec < Right.Sec);
    end "<";
    function "<=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return Left.Julian_Day < Right.Julian_Day or else
                  (Left.Julian_Day = Right.Julian_Day and then
                   Left.Sec <= Right.Sec);
    end "<=";
    function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return Left.Julian_Day > Right.Julian_Day or else
                  (Left.Julian_Day = Right.Julian_Day and then
                   Left.Sec > Right.Sec);
    end ">";
    function ">=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean is
        return Left.Julian_Day > Right.Julian_Day or else
                  (Left.Julian_Day = Right.Julian_Day and then
                   Left.Sec >= Right.Sec);
    end ">=";

    procedure Set_Clock
                 (Date : Time;
                  Timer_Support_Arg : System.Address := System.No_Addr) is
        V_I_Time.Set_Time (Date.Julian_Day, Date.Sec, Timer_Support_Arg);
    end Set_Clock;
    pragma External_Name (Set_Clock, "__SET_CLOCK");

    procedure Delay_Until (Date : Time) is
        V_I_Time.Delay_Until (Date.Julian_Day, Date.Sec);
    end Delay_Until;
    pragma External_Name (Delay_Until, "__DELAY_UNTIL");

    package body Local_Time is separate;
end Calendar;

E3 Meta Data

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