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Length: 11264 (0x2c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Unit_Interface, pragma Module_Name 4 4137, seg_014157
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Calendar; with Directory; with Profile; with Simple_Status; package Unit_Interface is type String_Result (Size : Natural) is record Condition : Simple_Status.Condition; Result : String (1 .. Size); end record; function Remote_Unit_Name (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; The_Unit : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Get) return String_Result; function Full_Remote_Unit_Name (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; The_Unit : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return String_Result; function Full_Remote_Unit_Name (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; Remote_Simple_Name : String; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return String_Result; procedure Set_Remote_Unit_Name (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; The_Unit : Directory.Object; The_Name : String; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Get); procedure Local_Update_Time (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; The_Unit : Directory.Object; The_Time : out Calendar.Time; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Get); procedure Set_Local_Update_Time (View : String := "<CURSOR>"; The_Unit : Directory.Object; The_Time : Calendar.Time; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Get); --| SECONDARY operations |-- procedure Get_Secondary_Local_Update_Time (Secondary_Referencer_Obj : Directory.Object; Update_Time : out Calendar.Time; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Gets the host saved remote update time for the secondary text -- associated with the given secondary referencer.This is valid -- only with a DTIA customizations since with telnet customizations -- we dont get back any remote update time. procedure Set_Secondary_Local_Update_Time (Secondary_Referencer_Obj : Directory.Object; The_Time : Calendar.Time; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Set the remote update time for the secondary text associated -- with the given secondary referencer. procedure Create_Secondary (Host_Directory : Directory.Object; Secondary_File_Name : String; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Creates a secondary text file and freezes it. The text file is -- created only if it does not already exist. If a secondary text file -- already exists then return error if it is associated -- with a primary procedure Create_Secondary_Referencer (Primary_Object : Directory.Object; Secondary_Remote_Command : String; Secondary_File_Name : String; Secondary_Remote_Name : String; Process_Primary : Boolean; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Creates a secondary referencer that associates a primary -- (ADA object) unit with a secondary text file. The secondary referencer -- is created as "Primary_unit.<secondary_non_ada_unit>" and frozen. procedure Remove_Secondary_Referencer (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Removes the specified secondary referencer . Also remove the -- secondary state file when the last referencer is deleted. procedure Has_Secondary (Ada_Unit : Directory.Object; Result : out Boolean; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Returns True if ADA_unit has any secondary file associated with it. -- Returns errors if a non ada unit is specified procedure Is_Secondary_Referencer (The_Unit : Directory.Object; Associated_Primary_Object : out Directory.Object; Result : out Boolean; Number_Of_Secondaries : out Integer; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Passes back a value of true in "result" if "the_unit" -- is a secondary referencer. Also passes back the -- primary of this referencer and the total number of -- referencers associated with this primary function Secondary_Referencer_Exists (Primary_Unit : Directory.Object; Secondary_Text_File_Name : String; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the given given ADA primary unit is -- associated with the given secondary text file through a -- secondary referencer. procedure Get_Secondary_File (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Secondary_File_Object : out Directory.Object; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Returns the secondary text file object associated with the specified -- secondary referencer. procedure Secondary_Units (Primary_Unit : Directory.Object; Result : out Directory.Naming.Iterator; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Returns an iterator for all Secondary units associated with the -- primary unit. function Secondary_Remote_Command (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return String_Result; -- Returns the secondary remote command associated with the -- given secondary referencer function Secondary_Remote_Name (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return String_Result; -- Returns the the secondary remote name associated with the -- given secondary referencer. function Process_Primary (Primary_Unit : Directory.Object; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) return Boolean; -- Returns the process primary flag associated with the given primary procedure Set_Process_Primary_Flag (Primary_Unit : Directory.Object; Value : Boolean := False; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Set the process primary flag for the specified primary unit. If the -- flag is set to true the primary unit is also downloaded and processed procedure Set_Secondary_Remote_Command (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Remote_Command : String; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Associate a remote command with the secondary unit procedure Set_Secondary_Remote_Name (Secondary_Referencer : Directory.Object; Remote_Name : String; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Set the secondary remote name for the given secondary referencer procedure Secondary_To_Text (Path : String := ""; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile; Make_Controlled : Boolean := False); -- Flatten out all secondary referencer pointy files present in the -- given directory and all the directories within it to text files -- For eg: a referencer file like A.<secondary_B> will -- be converted to A_secondary_B. procedure Text_To_Secondary (Path : String := ""; Condition : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Response : Profile.Response_Profile); -- Folds back secondary referencer files that were previously flattened -- (using "secondary_to_text") to secondary referencers . -- Deletes the flattened text files . For eg: A_secondary_B -- will be folded back to A.<secondary_B> pragma Module_Name (4, 4137); pragma Bias_Key (32); end Unit_Interface;
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