Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦024b7f542⟧ EM, TextFile

    Length: 2547 (0x9f3)
    Types: EM, TextFile
    Names: »READ_IOC_WCS.EM«


└─⟦24d56d853⟧ Bits:30000744 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5 SEQ293
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »READ_IOC_WCS.EM« 
└─⟦9031b0687⟧ Bits:30000407 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »READ_IOC_WCS.EM« 


set iocuir [xeq ioc read_wcs [eq,%1%,][read micro pc =,][else]%1%[end],0];
set iocuir [arg 1 [var iocuir]];
[#case,[#extract,[var iocuir],33,5]]
 [when 00]set rand noop;
 [when 01]set rand load transfer address;
 [when 02]set rand spare encoding 16#02#;
 [when 03]set rand spare encoding 16#03#;
 [when 04]set rand write request queue tail;
 [when 05]set rand read response queue head;
 [when 06]set rand load slice timer;
 [when 07]set rand load delay timer;
 [when 08]set rand read and clear rtc;
 [when 09]set rand read timers/checkbits/errorid;
 [when 0A]set rand clear slice event;
 [when 0B]set rand clear delay event;
 [when 0C]set rand enable slice timer;
 [when 0D]set rand disable slice timer;
 [when 0E]set rand enable delay timer;
 [when 0F]set rand disable delay timer;
 [when 10]set rand load checkbit register;
 [when 11]set rand disable ecc events;
 [when 12]set rand exit function pop below tcb event enable;
 [when 13]set rand set cpu running;
 [when 14]set rand clear cpu running;
 [when 15]set rand clear transfer parity error;
 [when 16]set rand stage data register;
 [when 17]set rand force type bus receivers;
 [when 18]set rand drive diagnostic checkbits;
 [when 19]set rand ecc bench testing random;
 [when 1A]set rand spare encoding 16#26#;
 [when 1B]set rand spare encoding 16#27#;
 [when 1C]set rand read ioc memory and increment address;
 [when 1D]set rand read ioc memory;
 [when 1E]set rand write ioc memory and increment address;
 [when 1F]set rand write ioc memory;
write random,,,,,,,,,,,,,=,[var rand];
kill rand;
[#case,[#extract,[var iocuir],38,2]]
 [when 0]set bus fiu;
 [when 1]set bus val;
 [when 2]set bus typ;
 [when 3]set bus seq;
write address bus source,=,[var bus];
[#case,[#extract,[var iocuir],3A,2]]
 [when 0]set bus fiu;
 [when 1]set bus val;
 [when 2]set bus typ;
 [when 3]set bus seq;
write fiu bus source,,,,,=,[var bus];
[#case,[#extract,[var iocuir],3C,4]]
 [when 0]set bus typ/val;
 [when 1]set bus typ/fiu;
 [when 2]set bus fiu/val;
 [when 3]set bus fiu/fiu;
 [when 4]set bus ioc/ioc;
 [when 5]set bus seq/seq;
 [when 6]set bus reserved encoding 16#6#;
 [when 7]set bus reserved encoding 16#7#;
 [when 8]set bus typ/mem;
 [when 9]set bus typ/mem;
 [when A]set bus fiu/mem;
 [when B]set bus fiu/mem;
 [when C]set bus rdr;
 [when D]set bus rdr;
 [when E]set bus rdr;
 [when F]set bus rdr;
write typ/val bus source,=,[var bus];
kill bus;
[#eq,0,[#extract,[var iocuir],32,1]]
write load wdr,,,,,,,,,,,=,load;
write load wdr,,,,,,,,,,,=,hold;