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Length: 16470 (0x4056) Types: HLP, TextFile Names: »ENP100.HLP«
└─⟦24d56d853⟧ Bits:30000744 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5 SEQ293 └─ ⟦this⟧ »ENP100.HLP« └─⟦9031b0687⟧ Bits:30000407 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦this⟧ »ENP100.HLP«
=>=>=> THIS FILE SUPERSEDED BY NETX_HLP This program is used to test the ENP100 ethernet controller from CMC. This program will use the DFS file TCP_IP_HOST_ID if it exists to determine the IP address of this machine. Ensure that it is the correct value as if it matches another machine on the network, things will go sour on that other machine as soon as this one is downloaded. The file should contain a single line with this machine's ip address in decimal dotted notation e.g. . ENP100 contains a few commands to test the hardware and many commands that are used to do iop firmware regression testing. Commands that are used for hardware testing are: * POUND * TEST_ALL * TEST_RAM * CP_CLIENT * CP_SEVER COMMAND = ACCEPT_TCP Used to do sc_accept to 'complete' a connection. Requires the CHANNEL that is connected to be specified and the PORT number to be listening on for the 'new' open buffer. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, PORT COMMAND = ASSERT_RST Used to assert VME reset by the VMEGEN and leave it asserted. applicapable switches = COUNT, RAM_BASE, SA, VID Used to bind a raw ethernet channel. COMMAND = BIND_ETH Used to bind a raw ethernet channel. The channel is bound to the remote ethernet address for configuration testing protocol. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, EPA COMMAND = BIND_TCP Used to bind a TCP channel. The channel is bound to the specified port. Use SHOW_CHANNEL to see addresses. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, PORT COMMAND = BIND_UDP Used to bind a udp channel. The channel is bound to port = channel. Use SHOW_CHANNEL to see addresses. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = CLOSE Used to close a TCP cchannel. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = COMPARE Used to compare the most current response with RESPONSE and MASK data. COMMAND = CONFIGURE Used to send configure request to controller. See source for channel and tx buffer configurations. (0,0,0,0,0) COMMAND = CONNECT_TCP Used to do an active open to a channel. CHANNEL specifies the active channel number, PORT specifies the port numner to connect to (who is doing the passive open). applicapable switches = CHANNEL, PORT COMMAND = CP_CLIENT Used to invoke the ethernet configuration testing protocol client function. The CP_CLIENT runs one pass and reports the addresses of all echoed packets. It can be invoved simply by entering "cp_client <return>" at the ENP100> prompt in which case the program will prompt the user for the IP address of this machine and will download the default enp100 firmware. One may also inkoke it like "cp_client/ip= <return>" or "cp_client/filename=enpcode_2_6.s/ip= <return>" After downloading and starting the enp controller, the program will prompt the user for physical ethernet address of server. One can use a specific address or the broadcast address. The program sends one packet then 'listens' for responses and announces the physical ethernet address of responders. The rational server is available at !tools.networking.debug.configuration_testing.client applicapable switches = FILENAME, IP, EPA COMMAND = CP_SERVER Used to invoke the ethernet configuration testing protocol server function. The CP_SERVER runs until the user exits. It can be invoved simply by entering "cp_server <return>" at the ENP100> prompt in which case the program will prompt the user for the IP address of this machine and will download the default enp100 firmware. One may also inkoke it like "cp_server/ip= <return>" or "cp_server/filename=enpcode_2_6.s/ip= <return>" After downloading and starting the enp controller, the program will announce the physical ethernet address of the enp controller (in hex and decimal notations) and will idle waiting for configuration testing packets to arive and be forwarded. The user should note the ethernet address and invoke a client to send a packet to this machine. The rational client is available at !tools.networking.debug.configuration_testing.client applicapable switches = FILENAME, IP COMMAND = DEBUG Used to set the debugging level via a single character switch where [V = verbose debugging, D = debugging, I = information, N = normal, P = panic] COMMAND = DOWNLOAD Used to downlaod an 'S_RECORD' file to the controller. applicapable switches = CONSOLE, FILENAME, RAM_BASE, SA, VID COMMAND = DUMP_ENP_RAM Queries for address (in hex) and word count (in decimal). The address should be the 'VME SLAVE' address of the board. like 'dump_enp_ram/sa=1220/long/count=4' to see the ring pointers applicapable switches = COUNT, RAM_BASE, SA, VID COMMAND = DUMP_IOP_RAM Queries for address (in hex) count and display data size. applicapable switches = ASCII, BYTE, COUNT, LONG, SA, WORD COMMAND = FILL_HUGE This is used to fill the huge (0 .. 3071] byte buffer for large tcp transfers. Filling starts at location specified by SA and COUNT copies of the DATA are entered. The size of the huge buffer is variable and is determined by the last byte entered. one can enter multiple slices as long as the last is the highest. appplicapable switches = COUNT, DATA, SA COMMAND = GET_ETH_CHANNEL Used to get a channel id from the raw ethernet group. applicapable switches = RESUME COMMAND = GET_UDP_CHANNEL Used to get a channel id from the udp group. applicapable switches = RESUME COMMAND = GET_TCP_CHANNEL Used to get a channel id from the tcp group. applicapable switches = RESUME COMMAND = LP_CP_CLIENT Like CP_CLIENT but loops for a user supplied iterations. Like CP_CLIENT, it is possible for a busy server to ignore the echo resuests of the client. The test reports if any packets are lost and will stop if there are any data compare errors. For each iteration of the loop, the clock and power margins are changed so all combinations of clock and power margins are tested. If one uses the NO_MARGIN switch, the margins are not touched so one could use FRU to set a particular margin set then use LP_CP_CLIENT to test at that margin alone. applicapable switches = NO_MARGIN COMMAND = LP_RAM_RD Queries for location and loops a read. Reports data value if it should change. Forces the first report. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = LP_RAM_WRT Queries for location and loops a write of 16#1234. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = HARD_RST Used to reset the board by asserting then negating the VME SYSRESET line. Monitors SYSFAIL to verify it gets asserted then negated. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = MASK Sets the 16 byte EXPECTED_RESPONSE_MASK variable. appplicapable switches = DATA COMMAND = OPEN_ETH Does an active open on a raw ethernet channelto put the channel in the connected state. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, EPA COMMAND = PO_TCP Brings up a passive open on the specified channel listening on the specified port. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, PORT, HOLD COMMAND = POUND This chains together all tests and loops forever. It runs at all settings of clock and power. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = RAM_WRITE Writes a single enp ram word. prompts the user for the address and data. COMMAND = RECEIVE Requires a channel to be specified and establishes a single credit for the channel. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, CREDITS, TDB_COUNT COMMAND = RECEIVE_CP Recieves a configuration testing protocol packet. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = READ_256 Reads a 256 byte block from enp base (E00000). Loops until stopped. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = RESPONSE Sets the 16 byte EXPECTED_RESPONSE variable. appplicapable switches = DATA COMMAND = RESERVE_ETH Reserves the specified raw ethernet channel. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = RESERVE_TCP Reserves the specified TCP channel. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = RESERVE_UDP Reserves the specified UDP channel. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = R1K_RAM_TEST Uses the R1K interface to the ENP100 driver to check out reset, read and write commands to the controller. Various boundary conditions are checked. This is intended to be used for regression testing of the driver firmware. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = R1K_RESET This uses the normal enp100 driver functions to reset the controller. COMMAND = SET_RAM Used to specify the base address of the RAM space on the ENP100 board. Will query for the base address if not specified. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE COMMAND = SET_VMEGEN Used to specify the ID of the VMEGEN board. Will query for the VMEGEN ID if not specified. applicapable switches = VID COMMAND = SHOW_ADDRS Used to display addresses of VMEGEN registers and SPACES on the ENP100i board. If VID or RAM_BASE switches are specified, the new address settings are applied before being displayed. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = SHOW_CHANNEL Used to display the IOP and ENP channel state. Requires the decimal channel number. applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = SHOW_EPA Used to display the ethernet address of the board. Should only be called after DOWNLOAD and CONFIGURE else the results may be erroneous. COMMAND = TEST_ALL This chains together all tests. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = TEST_RAM Used to test out the entire (almost) ram space. The reserved portions of ram at the base of the space on the ENP100 and at the top of useable ram as well as the interrupt and reset mailboxes on the ENP100 are also not tested. This tests ram based on the RAM_BASE address so be sure that the RAM_BASE is properly set. The RAM_BASE should be 0 for HAWK and E00000 for ENP_100. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID COMMAND = TERMINATE Ends the program gracefully. COMMAND = TRANSMIT_UDP Used to transmit udp ethernet packet. Requires channel number and data and port number. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, DATA, PORT COMMAND = TRANSMIT_TCP Used to transmit TCP data. Requires channel number and data. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, DATA COMMAND = TX_FULL_TCP Used to send a full TCP page (1K byte) of data where the data is 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 ... 01FF applicapable switches = CHANNEL COMMAND = TX_HUGE_ETH Used to send the HUGE ETH datapreviously filled with FILL_HUGE commands. The FFO switch is used to send the FIRST_FRAGMENT_ONLY for diagnostic testing. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, FFO, RESUME COMMAND = TX_HUGE_TCP Used to send the HUGE TCP page previously filled with FILL_HUGE commands. The FFO switch is used to send the FIRST_FRAGMENT_ONLY for diagnostic testing. applicapable switches = CHANNEL, FFO, RESUME COMMAND = WRITE_256 Writes a 256 byte block to enp base (E00000). Loops until stopped. applicapable switches = RAM_BASE, VID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWITCH = ASCII Specifies byte character quanta size. SWITCH = BYTE Specifies byte quanta size. SWITCH = COUNT=D Specifies a decimal count. SWITCH = CHANNEL=D Specifies a decimal channel number. Currently (0 .. 63). SWITCH = CONSOLE Specifies that the console flag bit in SHARED_INITIALIZATION_BLOCK should be set to enable the CMC console port. SWITCH = CREDITS=DDD Specifies a decimal number of credits to be set for the channel 0 .. 127. SWITCH = DATA=00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF Specifies 16 byte value for response mask and response data variables. Can also be used with verify to specify a single byte of data and with transmits to specify payload data. SWITCH = EPA=11-22-EF-D3-44-AA Specifies a remote ethernet physical address. Expects hex nibble pairs. SWITCH = FFO The first fragment only switch is used by TX_HUGE to send the first part only of a large buffer for diagnostic testing. SWITCH = FILENAME=FOOBAR.S Specifies the name of an 'S record' format file to be downloaded to the controller. SWITCH = HOLD Specifies that the IOP does NOT enter the command on the H_TONET ring. SWITCH = IP Specifies IP address in dotted notation e.g. IP= SWITCH = LONG Specifies long word (32 bits) quanta size. SWITCH = NO_MARGIN Supresses auto margining of the IOP when running LP_CP_CLIENT. SWITCH = PORT Specifies UDP port to send data to. SWITCH = RAM_BASE=H startup default = E00000 Specifies the base address of the shared ram on the ENP100 board where 'H' is the base address specified in hex. For example /RAM_BASE=E00000 -- standard address for board. SWITCH = RESUME Specifies that the 'resume' flag be set in the cooresponding command. SWITCH = SA=H Specifies starting address in hex. For example /SA=E00000 -- standard address for board. Can also be used with verify to specify the compare offset in the received data page. SWITCH = TDB_COUNT=DDD Specifies the type dependent count to be sent in a receive command. Usage is TDB_COUNT=DDD where DDD is a decimal count 0 .. 255. SWITCH = VID=D startup default = 1 Specifies the ID of the VMEGEN board where 0 <= D <= 6. SWITCH = WORD Specifies word (16 bits) quanta size. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMANDS ACCEPT_TCP, ASSERT_RST, BIND_ETH, BIND_UDP, CLOSE, COMPARE, CONFIGURE, CONNECT_TCP, CP_CLIENT, CP_SERVER, DEBUG, DOWNLOAD, DUMP_ENP_RAM, FILL_HUGE, GET_ETH_CHAN, GET_UDP_CHAN, GET_TCP_CHAN, HARD_RST, LP_CP_CLIENT, LP_RAM_RD, LP_RAM_WRT, MASK, OPEN_ETH, POUND, READ_256, RECEIVE, RESERVE_ETH, RESERVE_UDP, RESPONSE, R1K_RAM_TEST, R1K_RESET, SET_RAM, SET_VMEGEN, SHOW_ADDRS, SHOW_CHANNEL, SHOW_EPA, TEST_ALL, TEST_RAM, TERMINATE, TRANSMIT_TCP, TRANSMIT_UDP, TX_FULL_TCP, TX_HUGE_TCP, WRITE_256 SWITCHES ASCII, BYTE, CHANNEL, CONSOLE, COUNT, CREDITS, D, DATA, EPA, FFO, FILENAME, HOLD, I, IP, LONG, N, NO_MARGIN, P, PORT, RESUME, RAM_BASE=H, SA=H, TDB_COUNT, V, VID=D, WORD