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Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

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⟦8b950292c⟧ HLP, TextFile

    Length: 5120 (0x1400)
    Types: HLP, TextFile
    Names: »DISKMD.HLP«


└─⟦b4205821b⟧ Bits:30000743 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3 SEQ288
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISKMD.HLP« 
└─⟦b434774df⟧ Bits:30000528 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISKMD.HLP« 
└─⟦bc1274df5⟧ Bits:30000750 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS backup from PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISKMD.HLP« 



The DISKMD program is a DFS based disk utility which is useful for a
wide range of disk problems.  It is USER_INTERFACE based and has commands
that allow lo-level operations with disk drives. The program has two
1024 byte (R1000 disk block size) buffers, a read and a write buffer. All
reads are done into the read buffer, all writes are from the write buffer.

    BYE     Exits DISKMD.

    COPY    Copies the contents of the read buffer into the write buffer.
    CORRECTABL Requires 3 arguments, the cylinder, head and sector address
            of a 512 byte sector to read. It then reads that sector and 
            determines if it was 
                read error free or 
                read with a correctable error or 
                read with an uncorrectable error 
            This is only supported for 200 and 300S processors.

    CSTATUS Displays present status of current unit. This is only accurate
            for 200 and 300S processors.

    CTS     The CTS command requires a single decimal argument which
            is converted into cylinder, track, and sector and then
            inserted into the macro evaluation buffer. For example, to
            read the first page of bad block information do "rd [cts 5]".

    DATA    The DATA command requires a single hex argument which is
            truncated to 16 bits and used to fill the write buffer.

    DBN     The DBN command requires three decimal arguments which
            are converted into a disk block number and inserted into
            then macro evaluation buffer. This can be used to find the 
            physical location of a block on the disk. 

    DISPLAY The DISPLAY command displays the contents of the read buffer.

    EDIT    The EDIT command requires two hex arguments.  The first
            is used as a word address in the write buffer and the second
            is a 16 bit data word which is inserted into the write
            buffer at the specified address. The write buffer has 100 (hex)
            16 bit words starting at address 0.

    FIXUP   This will use the error pattern and offset stored from the last 
            read and the data in the read buffer to create 'corrected' data
            in the write buffer. You can then use the FORMATS command to 
            write the corrected sector back to the disk.
            This is only supported for 200 and 300S processors.
    FORMATS Format Sector requires three decimal arguments : cylinder,
            head and sector. It then formats the single specified sector
            with good user and manufacturer flags and data from the first
            half of the write buffer.

    HELP    Displays this text on the console.

    RD      The RD command requires three decimal arguments which
            are the cylinder, track, and sector of a 1KB disk block
            to be read from the current unit into the read buffer.
            If any errors are encountered during the read the buffer
            will only contain data from sector successfully read,
            the other half of the read buffer will remain unchanged.

    RS      Like RD above only it reads a single 512 byte sector into the
            first half of the read buffer.

    SEEK    The SEEK command requires a single decimal argument, the
            cylinder number.  The heads of the currently selected drive
            are positioned to that cylinder but no transfer is done.

    STATUS  Displays the status from the last error for the current unit.
            If no errors have occurred the displayed status is invalid.

    UNIT    The UNIT command requires a single decimal argument which
            is used for all disk specific I/O from then on.  The UNIT
            command software write protects the newly selected disk
            until the WRENABLE command is issued.

    VERIFY  Compares the read buffer with the write buffer.  Differences
            are displayed on the console.

    WR      The WR command requires three decimal arguments, a cylinder,
            track, and sector number.  A 1KB transfer from the write
            buffer to that sector is stored on the current unit.  If
            any errors occur the transfer is aborted. Doesn't write header.

    WRENABLE The WRENABLE command is issued to write-enable the current
            unit.  It remains in effect until the UNIT command is issued.