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Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

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⟦d1da0da4a⟧ ERRMESS, TextFile

    Length: 7525 (0x1d65)
    Types: ERRMESS, TextFile
    Names: »P2CSA.ERRMESS«


└─⟦24d56d853⟧ Bits:30000744 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5 SEQ293
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »P2CSA.ERRMESS« 
└─⟦9031b0687⟧ Bits:30000407 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »P2CSA.ERRMESS« 


0	Phase II CSA tests passed.
1	Type register file addressing error in either TOP, BOT or
	CSA_OFFSET addressing of the TYPE_BOARD register file.
2	VAL register file addressing error in either TOP, BOT or
	CSA_OFFSET addressing of the VAL_BOARD register file.
3	TYPE board standalone CSAPROM test failed.  This error is
	local to the TYPE board.
4	NAME_MATCH error most likely because of a problem in the NAME
	MATCH circuit on the FIU_BOARD.  This could also be caused by a
	problem on the CSA_CNTL(0:2) which are driven by both the 
	TYPE and FIU boards.
5	NAME_MATCH error in the upper five bits of the MAR OFFSET
	This problem is local to the FIU board.
6	NAME_MATCH error in the MAR SPACE bits.  This problem is local
	to the FIU board.
7	CONTROL_TOP_REGISTER parity error.  If the ADDRESS_BUS test has passed
	then this problem should be local to the FIU board.
8	Error in the FPDT~ signal driven by the TYPE board.  The TYPE board
	has driven this signal and the FIU has received correctly ;however,
	the TYPE board has received a different value.
9	Error in the FPDT~ signal driven by the TYPE board.  The TYPE board
	has driven this signal and received it correctly ;however, the
	FIU board has received a different value.  This could be a bad
	connection to the backplane on either the TYPE or FIU board.
10	Error in the FPDT~ signal driven by the TYPE board.  The TYPE board
	has driven this signal and both the FIU and TYPE boards have received
	the wrong value.
11	Error in the CONTROL_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE calculation on the FIU
	board. This problem is local to the FIU.
12	Error in the IN_RANGE calculation on the FIU board. This problem is
	local to the FIU.
13	Error on the HIT_OFFS(0:3) wires.  The FIU has been able to drive
	these wires and the TYPE board has received them correctly;however,
	the FIU has received them incorrectly.  This problem in itself should
	not interfere with normal machine operation, but may indicate some
	other problem with reading data from the FRAME_ADDRESS_REGISTER.
14	Error on the HIT_OFFS(0:3) wires.  The FIU has been able to drive and
	correctly receive these wires but the TYPE board has not received them
	correctly.  This is a problem with the TYPE board or a backplane
	connection to either the TYPE or FIU boards.
15	Error on the HIT_OFFS(0:3) wires.  The FIU has driven these wires
	and both the TYPE and FIU boards have received the wrong value.
	The problem could be on either the TYPE or FIU.
16	Error on the internal FIU CSA_HIT signal.  This problem is local
	to the FIU board.
17	Error on the CSA_HIT~ signal.  The FIU has driven this signal, the
	SYSBUS has received it correctly and the TYPE board has received
	the wrong value.  This problem is most likely on the TYPE board.
18	Error on the CSA_HIT~ signal.  The FIU has driven this signal, the
	TYPE has received it correctly and the SYSBUS board has received
	the wrong value.  This problem is most likely on the SYSBUS board.
19	Error on the CSA_HIT~ signal.  The FIU has driven this signal, the
	TYPE and SYSBUS have received it incorrectly.  This problem could be
	on the FIU, TYPE, VAL, or SYSBUS boards.
20	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	the FIU and SEQUENCER have received the incorrectly.  This really
	smells like a backplane problem because the TYPE board has been able
	to drive and receive the signals correctly.
21	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	both the TYPE and SEQUENCER have received them correctly.  The FIU has
	received them incorrectly.
22	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	both the TYPE and FIU have received them correctly.  The SEQUENCER has
	received them incorrectly.
23	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	the TYPE, SEQUENCER, and FIU have received them incorrectly.  The
	problem could be on any of these boards.
24	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	has received them incorrectly.  Of the other two boards that receive
	these signals (FIU and SEQUENCER) one has received them correctly 
	(i.e. hash received the expected value) and the other has received
	them incorrectly.  The problem could be on the TYPE, SEQUENCER, or FIU.
25	Error on the NVE(0:3) wires.  The TYPE board has driven these wires and
	both the SEQUENCER and FIU have received them correctly.  The TYPE has
	received them incorrectly. This problem is probably local to the TYPE
26	Error on the CSA_OFFSET wires.  The TYPE board has correctly driven and
	received these signals and the VAL board has received them incorrectly.
	The problem is either on the VAL board or a bad connection to the 
	backplane on either the VAL or TYPE board.
27	Error on the CSA_OFFSET wires.  The TYPE board has driven these
	signals and the VAL board has received them correctly. The TYPE board
	has received them incorrectly.	The problem is on the TYPE board.
28	Error on the CSA_OFFSET wires.  The TYPE board has driven these
	signals and the VAL and TYPE board have received them incorrectly.
	The problem is either on the VAL or TYPE board.
29	Error on the CSA_OFFSET wires.  The TYPE board has tried to force a 
	one or minus one on the CSA_OFFSET wires by doing a push or pop. The
	problem is on the TYPE board.
30	Error on the CSA_OFFSET wires.  The TYPE board has tried to force a 
	minus one on the CSA_OFFSET wires by forcing the INVALIDATE_CSA~
	signal. The problem is on the TYPE board.
31	Error on either the LOAD_TOP~, LOAD_BOT~, or POP_DOWN~ signal.  The
	TYPE board has driven one of these signals and both the TYPE and
	VAL have received them incorrectly.
32	Error on either the LOAD_TOP~, LOAD_BOT~, or POP_DOWN~ signal.  The
	TYPE board has driven one of these signals and the VAL received it
	correctly, the TYPE received it incorrectly.
33	Error on either the LOAD_TOP~, LOAD_BOT~, or POP_DOWN~ signal.  The
	TYPE board has driven one of these signals and the TYPE received it
	correctly, the VAL received it incorrectly.  This could be a VAL
	board problem or a bad connection to the backplane on either the
	TYPE or VAL board.
34	The SEQUENCER board took a macro_event when it should not have
	in the CSA_MACROEVENT test.
	NVE = %1%.
	VALID = %2%.
	FREE = %3%.
35	The SEQUENCER board did not take a CSA_OVERFLOW macro_event when it
	should have in the CSA_MACROEVENT test.
	NVE = %1%.
	VALID = %2%.
	FREE = %3%.
36	The SEQUENCER board did not take a CSA_UNDERFLOW macro_event when it
	should have in the CSA_MACROEVENT test.
	NVE = %1%.
	VALID = %2%.
	FREE = %3%.
37	The SEQUENCER board took a macro_event when it was expected in the
	CSA_MACROEVENT test ;however, it ended up at the wrong microaddress.
	A CSA_OVERFLOW macro_event was expected which should result in
	a micro_address of 170, the resulting micro_address is %1%.
38	The SEQUENCER board took a macro_event when it was expected in the
	CSA_MACROEVENT test ;however, it ended up at the wrong microaddress.
	A CSA_UNDERFLOW macro_event was expected which should result in
	a micro_address of 178, the resulting micro_address is %1%.
39	Error on the CSA_HIT~ signal.  The FIU has driven this signal, the
	TYPE has received it correctly and the IOC board has received
	the wrong value.  This problem is most likely on the IOC board.
40	Error on the CSA_HIT~ signal.  The FIU has driven this signal, the
	TYPE and IOC have received it incorrectly.  This problem could be
	on the FIU, TYPE, VAL, or IOC boards.