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Length: 16209 (0x3f51) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
--/ if R1000 then with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; with Text_Io; with Transport_Name; --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// with C_Library_Interface; --// with System; --// with Unix_Base_Types; --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// with System; --// with Unchecked_Conversion; --// with Unix_Implementation_Types; --// with Unix_Types; --// with Ui_Environment; --/ end if; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; --/ if Record_Rep_Clauses then --// with Xlbmt_Parameters; --// use Xlbmt_Parameters; --/ end if; package body Xlbmp_Environment is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Machine Dependent Environment Support -- -- Xlbmp_Environment - Machine-Dependent support for environmental inquiry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f function X_Env_Concat_Dir_File (Dir : X_String; File : X_String) return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dir - Specifies a "path" to some "place" in a directory structure -- File - Specifies a "file" in the directory -- -- Called to attach a file name to a directory name. -- e.g. -- R1000 "!Foo.Bar.Gorp" and "Blat" => "!Foo.Bar.Gorp.Blat" -- Unix "/foo/bar/gorp" and "blat" => "/foo/bar/gorp/blat" -- Vms "Foo:[Bar.Gorp]" and "Bl.at" => "Foo:[Bar.Gorp]Bl.at" -- -- The Dir does not have any "separator" syntax after the name of the -- path/directory. The File does not have any "separator" syntax at the front. -- This routine supplies any "glue" syntax required between the Dir and the -- File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin --/ if R1000 then return Dir & '.' & File; --/ elsif Unix then --// --// return Dir & '/' & File; --// --/ else --// return Need_Something_Here; --/ end if; end X_Env_Concat_Dir_File; --\f function X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable (Var : X_String) return X_String_Pointer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Var - Specifies the name of the variable -- -- Returns None_X_String_Pointer if the variable does not exist or if -- this environment/operating-system/run-time does not support any such -- concept as environment variables. -- -- Don't forget to free the string result with Free_X_String_Pointer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if R1000 then Env : Text_Io.File_Type; Env_Name : constant String := System_Utilities.Home_Library (User => System_Utilities.User_Name) & "." & System_Utilities.Session_Name & "_Environment." & To_String (Var); Env_Ptr : X_String_Pointer; function Read_Env return X_String is ----Read one line from Env; regardless of the length of the -- line. Line : String (1 .. 1024); Length : Natural; begin Text_Io.Get_Line (Env, Line, Length); if Length = Line'Length and then Text_Io.">" (Text_Io.Col (Env), 1) then return To_X_String (Line) & Read_Env; else return To_X_String (Line (1 .. Length)); end if; end Read_Env; begin ----Open the Environment Variable file. Read the first line. Close the file. -- Return that line as the value. begin Text_Io.Open (Env, Text_Io.In_File, Env_Name); exception when others => return None_X_String_Pointer; end; begin Env_Ptr := new X_String'(Read_Env); Text_Io.Close (Env); return Env_Ptr; exception when others => begin -- Just in case. Free_X_String_Pointer (Env_Ptr); Text_Io.Close (Env); exception when others => null; end; return None_X_String_Pointer; end; --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// --// begin --// declare --// V : constant X_String := Var & Nul; --// begin --// return new X_String'(To_X_String --// (Unix_Base_Types.To_String --// (C_Library_Interface.Shell.Getenv --// (Unix_Base_Types.To_Char_Ptr --// (V (V'First)'Address))))); --// exception --// when Constraint_Error => --// ----Getenv raises this when the variable does not exist. --// return None_X_String_Pointer; --// end; --// --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// --// begin --// --// begin --// return new X_String'(To_X_String (Ui_Environment.Getenv ( --// To_String (Var)))); --// exception --// when Constraint_Error => --// ----Getenv raises this when the variable does not exist. --// return None_X_String_Pointer; --// end; --// --/ else --// --// begin --// --// return Need_Something_Here; --// --/ end if; end X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable; --\f function X_Env_Get_Host_Name return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called to obtain the name of the machine we are running upon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if Cdf_Hpux then --// function Get_Host_Name --// (Name : System.Address; Namelen : S_Long) return S_Long; --// pragma Interface (C, Get_Host_Name); --// pragma Import_Function (Internal => Get_Host_Name, --// External => "_gethostname", --// Parameter_Types => (System.Address, S_Long), --// Mechanism => (Value, Value), --// Result_Type => S_Long); --// --// Buffer : X_String (1 .. 256); --// --// --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// function Get_Host_Name (Name : System.Address; --// Namelen : S_Long) return S_Long; --// pragma Interface (Unix, Get_Host_Name); --// pragma Linkname (Get_Host_Name, "gethostname"); --// --// Buffer : X_String (1 .. 256); --// --/ end if; begin --/ if R1000 then return To_X_String (Transport_Name.Local_Host_Name ("TCP/IP")); --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// --// if Get_Host_Name (Buffer (Buffer'First)'Address, Buffer'Length) < 0 then --// return ""; --// end if; --// for I in Buffer'Range loop --// if Buffer (I) = Nul then --// return Buffer (Buffer'First .. I - 1); --// end if; --// end loop; --// return Buffer; --// --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// --// if Get_Host_Name (Buffer (Buffer'First)'Address, Buffer'Length) < 0 then --// return ""; --// end if; --// for I in Buffer'Range loop --// if Buffer (I) = Nul then --// return Buffer (Buffer'First .. I - 1); --// end if; --// end loop; --// return Buffer; --// --/ else --// return Need_Something_Here; --/ end if; exception when others => return ""; end X_Env_Get_Host_Name; --\f function X_Env_Get_Home_Dir return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Called to obtain a string containing the user's home directory. It does -- *not* have any trailing separator syntax. ie. It returns something -- like "/usr/home/foobar" and not "/usr/home/foobar/" or else -- "!Users.Foobar" rather than "!Users.Foobar.". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if R1000 then begin return To_X_String (System_Utilities.Home_Library (System_Utilities.User_Name)); --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// begin --// return To_X_String (Unix_Base_Types.To_String --// (C_Library_Interface.Shell.Getenv --// (Unix_Base_Types.To_Char_Ptr --// ("HOME" & Ascii.Nul)))); --// --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// --// use Unix_Implementation_Types; --// use Unix_Types; --// subtype Integer_32 is Unix_Types.Integer_32; --// --// type Passwd_Struct is --// record --// Pw_Name : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw_Passwd : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw_Uid : Integer_32; --// Pw_Gid : Integer_32; --// Pw_Quota : Integer_32; --// Pw_Comment : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw_Gecos : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw_Dir : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw_Shell : C_String_Pointer; --// end record; --// --// for Passwd_Struct use --// record --// Pw_Name at 0 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Passwd at 1 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Uid at 2 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Gid at 3 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Quota at 4 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Comment at 5 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Gecos at 6 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Dir at 7 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// Pw_Shell at 8 * X_Word range X_Word0a .. X_Word0b; --// end record; --// --// type Passwd is access Passwd_Struct; --// --// function Get_Env (Name : C_String_Pointer) return C_String_Pointer; --// pragma Interface (Unix, Get_Env); --// pragma Linkname (Get_Env, "getenv"); --// --// function Get_Pw_Nam (Name : C_String_Pointer) return Passwd; --// pragma Interface (Unix, Get_Pw_Nam); --// pragma Linkname (Get_Pw_Nam, "getpwnam"); --// --// function Get_Pw_Uid (Uid : Integer_32) return Passwd; --// pragma Interface (Unix, Get_Pw_Uid); --// pragma Linkname (Get_Pw_Uid, "getpwuid"); --// --// function Get_Uid return Integer_32; --// pragma Interface (Unix, Get_Uid); --// pragma Linkname (Get_Uid, "getuid"); --// --// function Cvt is new Unchecked_Conversion (Passwd, Integer_32); --// --// begin --// --// ----First we try the easy way; check the HOME environment variable. --// -- If it is defined (not null) and if it has a non-zero length then return --// -- the contents of that string as our result. --// --// declare --// Home : C_String_Pointer; --// begin --// Home := Get_Env (Ada_String_To_C_String_Pointer ("HOME")); --// if Home /= Null_C_String_Pointer then --// declare --// Home_Str : constant String := --// C_String_Pointer_To_Ada_String (Home); --// begin --// if Home_Str'Length > 0 then --// return To_X_String (Home_Str); --// end if; --// end; --// end if; --// end; --// --// ----The HOME variable is not useable. See if the USER variable is useable. --// -- If it is then we try getting the system's user information. --// --// declare --// User : C_String_Pointer; --// Pw : Passwd; --// begin --// User := Get_Env (Ada_String_To_C_String_Pointer ("USER")); --// if User /= Null_C_String_Pointer then --// Pw := Get_Pw_Nam (User); --// if Cvt (Pw) = 0 then --// Pw := Get_Pw_Uid (Get_Uid); --// end if; --// else --// Pw := Get_Pw_Uid (Get_Uid); --// end if; --// --// ----Unix NULL is a 0 so compare the result of our queries to 0. If we got --// -- something then return the directory name. If not then return "". --// --// if Cvt (Pw) = 0 then --// return ""; --// else --// return To_X_String --// (C_String_Pointer_To_Ada_String (Pw.Pw_Dir)); --// end if; --// end; --// --/ else --// return Need_Something_Else; --/ end if; end X_Env_Get_Home_Dir; --\f function X_Env_Strip_Program_Name (Program : X_String) return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Program - Specifies the full/complex/whatever program name -- -- Called with a string that contains the program name. On a Unix system this -- is a string that contains the program name complete with possible path -- information. The string came from the command line. On VMS this would -- just be the name of the command verb that ran the program. On an R1000 this -- is whatever string the user wanted to provide. -- -- The purpose of this routine is to do whatever operating-system specific -- actions may be necessary to transform the string into a simple name for -- the purposes of resource lookup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start : S_Natural; Stop : S_Natural; begin --/ if R1000 then Start := Program'First; Stop := Program'Last; for I in reverse Program'Range loop if Program (I) = ''' then Stop := I - 1; elsif Program (I) = '.' then Start := I + 1; exit; end if; end loop; return To_X_String (String_Utilities.Lower_Case (To_String (Program (Start .. Stop)))); --/ elsif Unix then --// --// for I in reverse Program'Range loop --// if Program (I) = '/' then --// return Program (I + 1 .. Program'Last); --// end if; --// end loop; --// return Program; --// --/ else --// Need_Something_Here; --/ end if; end X_Env_Strip_Program_Name; --\f end Xlbmp_Environment;