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⟦01c408d47⟧ TextFile

    Length: 14701 (0x396d)
    Types: TextFile


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


 @node !Commands.Cmvc.Compare

 procedure Compare (Destination           : String  := "<CURSOR>";
                    Source                : String  := "<REGION>";
                    Compare_Both          : Boolean := True;
                    Show_New_Uncontrolled : Boolean := True;
                    Show_New_Controlled   : Boolean := True;
                    Show_Uncontrolled     : Boolean := True;
                    Show_Severed          : Boolean := True;
                    Show_Modified         : Boolean := True;
                    Show_Equal            : Boolean := False;
                    Ada_Units             : Boolean := True;
                    Files                 : Boolean := True;
                    Response              : String  := "<PROFILE>");


 Compares a pair of views and reports various kinds of information about

 This procedure is especially useful when you want an overview of the
 differences between:

 *  Two releases made at different times.  (Note that configuration releases
    can be compared as well as released views.)

 *  A working view and a release that was made from it.

 *  Two joined working views in different development paths.

 *  Two joined working views in the same development path-for example, the
    main working view and a subpath.  (Note that comparing two working
    views can help you assess the impact of accepting changes from one view
    into the other. You can use the Accept_Changes_Effort command, which
    renames the Compare command, for this purpose.)

 By default, this procedure produces a report in the current output window
 that lists:

 *  New objects in each view-that is, the objects (both controlled and
    uncontrolled) that exist in one view but not the other.

 *  Modified objects in each view-that is, the controlled objects that are
    joined across both views but have a different generation in each view.

 *  The controlled objects that are common to both views but severed.

 *  The uncontrolled objects that are common to both views.

 By default, the comparison is symmetrical-that is, the source view is
 compared to the destination view and vice versa. In this case, the
 procedure reports new and modified objects in the destination view as well
 as those in the source view. However, setting the Compare_Both parameter
 to false causes the procedure to report only the new and modified objects
 in the source view.

 By default, information is included in the report about Ada units and
 files. However, setting the Ada_Units or Files parameter to false causes
 the procedure to ignore Ada units or files, respectively.

 By default, the procedure does not report the joined objects that are the
 same in both views. However, setting the Show_Equal parameter to true
 causes the procedure to include such objects in the report.

 The Accept_Changes_Effort command, which renames the Compare procedure,
 can be used to assess the effect of accepting changes from a source view
 into a destination view.


 Destination : String := "<CURSOR>";

 Specifies the view or configuration against which the source view or
 configuration is to be compared. The Destination parameter must name a
 single view or configuration. The default is the view or configuration
 designated by the cursor.

 Source : String := "<REGION>";

 Specifies the view or configuration to be compared against the destination
 view or configuration. The Source parameter must name a single view or
 configuration. The default is the highlighted view or configuration.

 Compare_Both : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether the comparison should be symmetrical. When true (the
 default), the comparison is symmetrical, so that the source view is
 compared to the destination view and vice versa. In this case, the
 procedure reports new and modified objects in both the destination and
 source views.

 When false, the procedure compares the source view against the destination
 view and reports only the source view's new and modified objects.

 Show_New_Uncontrolled : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report new uncontrolled objects.  The exact effect of
 this parameter depends on the value of the Compare_Both parameter. When
 both parameters are true (the default), the report includes the list of
 uncontrolled objects that are in one view but not the other. When
 Show_New_Uncontrolled is true and Compare_Both is false, the report lists
 only the uncontrolled objects in the source view that are not also in the
 destination view. When Show_New_Uncontrolled is false, information about
 new uncontrolled objects is omitted altogether, regardless of the value of

 Show_New_Controlled : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report new controlled objects.  The exact effect of
 this parameter depends on the value of the Compare_Both parameter. When
 both parameters are true (the default), the report includes the list of
 controlled objects that are in one view but not the other. When
 Show_New_Controlled is true and Compare_Both is false, the report lists
 only the controlled objects in the source view that are not also in the
 destination view. When Show_New_Controlled is false, information about new
 controlled objects is omitted altogether, regardless of the value of

 Show_Uncontrolled : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report uncontrolled objects common to both views. When
 true (the default), the report includes the list of uncontrolled objects
 that are common to both views. When false, this list is omitted.

 Show_Severed : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report severed objects.  When true (the default), the
 report includes the list of controlled objects that are common to both
 views but severed.  When false, this list is omitted.

 Show_Modified : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report modified objects. The exact effect of this
 parameter depends on the value of the Compare_Both parameter. When both
 parameters are true (the default), the report includes the list of
 controlled objects that are joined across both views but have a different
 generation in each view. When Show_Modified is true and Compare_Both is
 false, the report lists only the joined objects that have a more
 up-to-date generation in the source view. When Show_Modified is false,
 information about modified objects is omitted altogether, regardless of the
 value of Compare_Both.

 Show_Equal : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether to report unmodified objects. When true, the report
 includes the list of controlled objects that are joined across both views
 and have the same generation in each view. When false (the default), this
 list is omitted.

 Ada_Units : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to include information about Ada units in the report.
 When true (the default), such information is included.  When false, such
 information is omitted.

 Files : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to include information about files in the report.  When
 true (the default), such information is included.  When false, such
 information is omitted.

 Response : String := "<PROFILE>";

 Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what
 activities to use during the execution of this command. The default is the
 job response profile.


 Assume that you are developing a subsystem called
 !Programs.Mail.Mail_Tools and you want an overview of the differences
 between the current working view (Rev11_Working) and a configuration
 release (Rev11_1_0) that was made from it.  The following command,
 executed from the context !Programs.Mail.Mail_Tools, accomplishes this:

  Cmvc.Compare (Destination => "Configurations.Rev11_1_0",
                Source => "Rev11_Working");

 This command, which uses the default parameter values, produces the
 following report in the current output window:

  Comparison of Source View and Destination Configuration


  Controlled  New Source Objects  Path Name
  ==========  ==================  ===========
      No        Design_Doc        Units

  There are no new objects in the destination configuration

  There are no uncontrolled objects that exist in both views

  There are no severed objects

  Source Gen  Dest Gen     Modified Source Objects       Path Name
  ==========  ========  ==============================  ================
      10          9     Access_Control_Checks'Body      Units.Acl_Tools
       7          6     Access_Control_Checks'Spec      Units.Acl_Tools
       7          5     Access_Control_Tools'Body       Units.Acl_Tools
       8          7     Directory_Operations'Body       Units
       3          2     Subsystem_Operations'Body       Units

  There are no modified objects in the destination configuration

 According to this report, the source view contains one new uncontrolled
 object (Design_Doc) that was created since the configuration release was
 made. The view and configuration share no uncontrolled objects and no
 controlled objects have been severed. Five objects have been modified in
 the working view since the release was made; the report lists the current
 generation of each modified object. As expected, the configuration release
 contains no new or modified objects. Note that objects are listed by their
 simple names. A separate field gives the rest of their pathnames within the
 view (that is, the name of the subdirectory in the view that contains the


 procedure Accept_Changes_Effort

 @node !Commands.Cmvc.Accept_Changes_Effort

 procedure Accept_Changes_Effort
              (Destination           : String  := "<CURSOR>";
               Source                : String  := "<REGION>";
               Compare_Both          : Boolean := False;
               Show_New_Uncontrolled : Boolean := False;
               Show_New_Controlled   : Boolean := True;
               Show_Uncontrolled     : Boolean := False;
               Show_Severed          : Boolean := False;
               Show_Modified         : Boolean := True;
               Show_Equal            : Boolean := False;
               Ada_Units             : Boolean := True;
               Files                 : Boolean := True;
               Response              : String := "<PROFILE>") renames


 Reports the effect of accepting changes from the source view into the
 destination view, without actually performing the accept-changes

 The report is displayed in the current output window.

 This procedure lists the objects that would be affected by executing the
 Accept_Changes command to update the specified destination view from the
 specified source view or configuration. In particular, the procedure lists:

 *  New controlled objects that would be copied from the source view or
    configuration into the destination view.

 *  Modified controlled objects whose modifications would be propagated from
    the source view or configuration into the destination view.

 The Accept_Changes_Effort command renames the Compare command and reports
 a subset of the information provided by the Compare command.  Note that no
 information about uncontrolled objects is reported because the
 Accept_Changes command affects only controlled objects.


 Destination : String := "<CURSOR>";

 Specifies the view into which changes will potentially be accepted. The
 Destination parameter must name a single view. The default is the view
 designated by the cursor.

 Source : String := "<REGION>";

 Specifies the view or configuration from which changes will potentially be
 accepted. The Source parameter must name a single view or configuration.
 The default is the highlighted view or configuration.

 Compare_Both : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether the comparison should be symmetrical. When false (the
 default), the comparison is not symmetrical, so that the procedure reports
 new and modified objects only from the source view.

 When true, the source view is compared to the destination view and vice
 versa. In this case, the procedure reports new and modified objects in both
 the destination and source views.

 Show_New_Uncontrolled : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether to report new uncontrolled objects. When false (the
 default), the report omits the information about uncontrolled objects
 (because the accept-changes operation ignores uncontrolled objects). When
 true, information about uncontrolled objects is included.

 Show_New_Controlled : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report new controlled objects. When true (the
 default), the report includes the list of controlled objects that are in
 the source view but not in the destination view. When false, this list is

 Show_Uncontrolled : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether to report uncontrolled objects common to both views. When
 false (the default), the report omits the information about uncontrolled
 objects (because the accept-changes operation ignores uncontrolled
 objects). When true, information about uncontrolled objects is included.

 Show_Severed : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether to report severed objects. When false (the default), the
 report omits the list of controlled objects that are common to both views
 but severed. When false, this list is included.

 Show_Modified : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to report modified objects. When true (the default), the
 report includes the list of controlled objects that are joined across both
 views but have a more up-to-date generation in the source view. When
 false, this list is omitted.

 Show_Equal : Boolean := False;

 Specifies whether to report unmodified objects. When true, the report
 includes the list of controlled objects that are joined across both views
 and have the same generation in each view. When false (the default), this
 list is omitted.

 Ada_Units : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to include information about Ada units in the report.
 When true (the default), such information is included. When false, such
 information is omitted.

 Files : Boolean := True;

 Specifies whether to include information about files in the report. When
 true (the default), such information is included. When false, such
 information is omitted.

 Response : String := "<PROFILE>";

 Specifies how to respond to errors, how to generate logs, and what
 activities to use during execution of this command. The default is the job
 response profile.


 procedure Accept_Changes
 procedure Compare