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⟦03cc9c4d5⟧ TextFile

    Length: 27558 (0x6ba6)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Rm;  
use Xlbt_Rm;  
with Xlbt_Rm2;  
use Xlbt_Rm2;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;  
with Xlbt_Univ_Ptr;  
use Xlbt_Univ_Ptr;

package Xlbp_Rm is
-- X Library Resource Manager
-- Xlbp_Rm - Manager of application/window/object resources
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
-- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
-- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
--                          Cambridge, Massachusetts.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, or Rational
-- not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of
-- the software without specific, written prior permission.
-- Digital, MIT, and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this
-- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness,
-- in no event shall Digital, MIT, or Rational be liable for any special,
-- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from
-- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence
-- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or
-- performance of this software.


-- Resource Manager Functions - Database Query

    function X_New_Rm_Database return X_Rm_Database;
-- Called to obtain a newly allocated, completely empty database.  Free the
-- database after use with Free_X_Rm_Database.

    procedure X_Rm_Get_Resource (Database       :     X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Names          :     X_String;  
                                 Classes        :     X_String;  
                                 Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                                 Value          : out X_Rm_Value);
--  Database      - Specifies the database to use for the lookup.
--  Names         - Specifies the fully qualified name of the value; e.g. a.b.c
--  Classes       - Specifies the fully qualified class of the value; e.g. A.B.C
--  Representation- Receives the representation of the value
--  Value         - Receives the entry from the database or None_X_Rm_Value
-- If successful (Value /= None_X_Rm_Value) then Value has received an
-- X_Rm_Value from within the database.  Any heap based data returned is shared
-- with the database (and possibly other databases) so do not attempt free the
-- data contained within the value.
-- Will raise Constraint_Error if either Names or Classes contains
-- illegal characters.

    procedure X_Rm_Get_Resource (Database       :     X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Names          :     X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                                 Classes        :     X_Rm_Class_Array;  
                                 Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                                 Value          : out X_Rm_Value);
--  Database  - Specifies the database to use for the lookup.
--  Names     - Specifies the fully qualified name of the value.
--  Classes   - Specifies the fully qualified class of the value.
--  Representation- Receives the representation of the value
--  Value         - Receives the entry from the database or None_X_Rm_Value
-- If successful (Value /= None_X_Rm_Value) then Value has received an
-- X_Rm_Value from within the database.  Any heap based data returned is shared
-- with the database (and possibly other databases) so do not attempt free the
-- data contained within the entry.


-- Resource Manager Functions - Database Update

    procedure X_Rm_Put_Resource (Database       : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Bindings       :        X_Rm_Binding_Array;  
                                 Names          :        X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                                 Representation :        X_Rm_Representation;  
                                 Value          :        X_Rm_Value;  
                                 Db_Owner       :        Boolean := True);  
    procedure X_Rm_Put_Resource (Database       : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Bindings       :        X_Rm_Binding_Array;  
                                 Classes        :        X_Rm_Class_Array;  
                                 Representation :        X_Rm_Representation;  
                                 Value          :        X_Rm_Value;  
                                 Db_Owner       :        Boolean := True);  
    procedure X_Rm_Put_Resource (Database       : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Bindings       :        X_Rm_Binding_Array;  
                                 Quarks         :        X_Rm_Quark_Array;  
                                 Representation :        X_Rm_Representation;  
                                 Value          :        X_Rm_Value;  
                                 Db_Owner       :        Boolean := True);
--  Database        - Specifies the database to modify; if None_X_Rm_Database
--                    then a new database record will be created.
--  Bindings        - Specifies a list of binding types.
--  Names/Classes/Quarks - Specifies the partial name, class, or quark list
--                    of the resource.
--  Representation  - Specifies the type of the resource.
--  Value           - Specifies the value of the resource.
--  Db_Owner        - Specifies True if the database is to be responsible for
--                    deallocating any heap storage utilized by Value once the
--                    last database entry for this Value is overwritten or
--                    released.
-- Place an X_Rm_Value into the database.
-- To "remove" a value from the database simply pass an X_Rm_Value'(Kind =>
-- Is_None) in as Value.  The database storage space will not grow if the
-- indicated value was not there to begin with and it will shrink (by a tiny
-- amount) if the value is eliminated by an Is_None assignment.
-- If Db_Owner is True (the default) then any heap storage represented by
-- the Value becomes the "property" of the database and it must not be
-- subsequently modified or freed.  If several entries in one database (or
-- individual entries in multiple databases) are all to be given entries
-- which will all have the same heap-using Value then either a) none of the
-- database entries should be made with Db_Owner => True (meaning that the
-- application is responsible for releasing the heap storage), or b) only
-- one database entry should have Db_Owner => True and that database must
-- be deallocated last of any databases sharing this value.
-- Note that if Value is an Is_X_Universal_Pointer then Db_Owner has no affect
-- if the Free routine within the Value is None_X_Universal_Pointer.  A database
-- cannot free a Universal pointer when no Free routine has been provided.

    procedure X_Rm_Put_String_Resource  
                 (Database : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                  Bindings :        X_Rm_Binding_Array;  
                  Names    :        X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                  Value    :        X_String);
-- Just like X_Rm_Put_Resource above except it is only for installing string
-- values.

    procedure X_Rm_Put_Resource (Database       : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Specifier      :        X_String;  
                                 Representation :        X_String;  
                                 Value          :        X_Rm_Value;  
                                 Db_Owner       :        Boolean := True);
--  Database        - Specifies the database to modify; if None_X_Rm_Database
--                    then a new database record will be created and returned.
--  Specifier       - Specifies the (may be partial) specification of the
--                    resource.
--  Representation  - Specifies the type of the resource.
--  Value           - Specifies the value of the resource.
--  Db_Owner        - Specifies True if the database is to be responsible for
--                    deallocating any heap storage utilized by Value once the
--                    last database entry for this Value is overwritten or
--                    released.
-- A convenience routine that calls X_Rm_String_To_Representation for the
-- Representation string, calls X_Rm_String_To_Binding_Name_List for the
-- Specifier, and calls X_Rm_Put_Resource above to actually install the
-- resource.
-- Constraint_Error will be raised if the Specifier or Representation
-- contain illegal characters.

    procedure X_Rm_Put_String_Resource (Database  : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                        Specifier :        X_String;  
                                        Value     :        X_String);
-- Just like X_Rm_Put_Resource above except it is only for installing string
-- values.


-- Resource Manager Functions - Database Multi-Query

    function X_Rm_Get_Search_List (Database : X_Rm_Database;  
                                   Names    : X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                                   Classes  : X_Rm_Class_Array)  
                                  return X_Rm_Search_List;
--  Database - Specifies the database to search.
--  Names    - Specifies a list of resource names.
--  Classes  - Specifies a list of class names.
-- Takes a list of names and classes and returns a list of database levels
-- and wildcards where a match might occur.

    procedure X_Rm_Get_Search_Resource  
                 (List           :     X_Rm_Search_List;  
                  Name           :     X_Rm_Name;  
                  Class          :     X_Rm_Class;  
                  Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                  Value          : out X_Rm_Value);
--  List    - Specifies the search list to use.
--  Name    - Specifies a name to look up via the list.
--  Class   - Specifies a class name to look up via the list.
--  Representation- Receives the representation of the value
--  Value         - Receives the entry from the database or None_X_Rm_Value
-- If successful (Value /= None_X_Rm_Value) then Value has received an
-- X_Rm_Value from within the database.  Any heap based data returned is shared
-- with the database (and possibly other databases) so do not attempt free the
-- data contained within the entry.


-- Resource Manager Functions - Database Creation and I/O

    procedure X_Rm_Get_File_Database (Filename :     String;  
                                      Database : out X_Rm_Database;  
                                      Status   : out X_Rm_Status);
--  Filename - Specifies the name of the file to read.
--  Database - Receives the database read or else None_X_Rm_Database
--  Status   - Receives Rm_Successful, Rm_Had_Errors, or Rm_Failed.
-- Opens the specified file and attempts to read it and create a new database.
-- The file must contain lines acceptable to X_Rm_Put_Line_Resource.
-- Status = Rm_Had_Errors or Rm_Failed means that the returned Database, if
-- any, may have missing or incorrect data entries.  The may be the result of
-- bad input data, Storage_Error, or other similar problems.  Rm_Failed is
-- used for more serious errors such as memory or I/O errors.
-- Note: Files created by X Library implementations other than this one
-- may or may not be usable and files written with this X Library
-- implementation may or may not work properly with other implementation
-- unless the resource values consist only of strings.
-- Currently (Sep-1989) this implementation provides a superset of the
-- functionality of the existing C X Library implementation.  This means that
-- this routine can read resource files created by other implementations and
-- other implementations can read files created here as long as only string
-- values are involved.  Compatibility is a goal and as much compatibility as
-- possible will be maintained in the future.

    procedure X_Rm_Get_String_Database (Data     :     X_String;  
                                        Database : out X_Rm_Database;  
                                        Status   : out X_Rm_Status);
-- Just like X_Rm_Get_File_database except that it reads a string instead
-- of a file.

    procedure X_Rm_Add_Resource (Database : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                 Line     :        X_String;  
                                 Status   : out    X_Rm_Status);
--  Database - Specifies the database to modify; if None_X_Rm_Database then a
--             new database record will be created.
--  Line     - Specifies the "name:value" string.  The name contains any
--             full or partial resource specification and the value of the
--             resource.
--  Status   - Receives Rm_Successful, Rm_Had_Errors, or Rm_Failed.
-- Called to add one entry to a database.
-- Status = Rm_Had_Errors or Rm_Failed means that the result Database, if
-- any, may have missing or incorrect data entries.  The may be the result of
-- bad input data, Storage_Error, or other similar problems.  Rm_Failed is
-- used for more serious errors such as memory or I/O errors.
-- Scans the string for a ':'.  The "name" is any portion of the scanned
-- string that is not whitespace; leading and trailing whitespace surrounding
-- the name is dropped.
-- The "value" begins with the first non-whitespace character after the colon
-- and continues up to the end of the string or until an embedded Ascii.Lf
-- is found.  If the Ascii.Lf is preceded by "\n" then the "\n"&Ascii.Lf
-- will be replaced in the string value by a single Ascii.Lf and the scan
-- continues.  The value can have aribtary 8 bit embedded values by use of
-- the "\nnn" notation.  These four characters are interpreted as an octal
-- number that must be in the 0..255 range.  That value replaces the four
-- characters in the stored value.

    procedure X_Rm_Put_Line_Resource (Database : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                      Line     :        X_String;  
                                      Status   : out    X_Rm_Status)  
        renames X_Rm_Add_Resource;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

    procedure X_Rm_Put_File_Database (Filename :     String;  
                                      Database :     X_Rm_Database;  
                                      Status   : out X_Rm_Status);
--  Filename  - Specifies the name of the file to write.
--  Database  - Specifies the database to write.
--  Status   - Receives Rm_Successful, Rm_Had_Errors, or Rm_Failed.
-- Opens the specified file and writes the contents of the database in a
-- form acceptable to X_Rm_Put_Line_Resource.
-- Status = Rm_Had_Errors or Rm_Failed means that the new database file, if
-- any, may have missing or incorrect data written to it.  These may be the
-- result of bad input data, Storage_Error, or other similar problems.
-- Rm_Failed is used for more serious errors such as memory or I/O errors.
-- Note: Files created by this X Library implementation may or may not be
-- readable by other X Library implementations unless the resource values
-- consist only of strings.
-- Currently (Sep-1989) this implementation provides a superset of the
-- functionality of the existing C X Library implementation.  This means that
-- this routine can read resource files created by other implementations and
-- other implementations can read files created here as long as only string
-- values are involved.  Compatibility is a goal and as much compatibility as
-- possible will be maintained in the future.

    procedure X_Rm_Merge_Databases (Source      : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                    Destination :        X_Rm_Database;  
                                    Status      : out    X_Rm_Status);
--  Source      - Specifies the source database.
--  Destination - Specifies the target database.
--  Status      - Receives Rm_Successful, Rm_Had_Errors, or Rm_Failed
-- Merges the contents of one database into another.  The original Source
-- database is destroyed by this operation and the Destination database is
-- modified by it.  Values in the original Into database that are replaced by
-- new values of the same name and/or class will cause the old values to be
-- updated.
-- Status = Rm_Had_Errors or Rm_Failed means that the returned Database, if
-- any, may have missing or incorrect data entries.  This may be the result of
-- bad input data, Storage_Error, or other similar problems.  Rm_Failed is
-- used for more serious errors such as memory errors.
-- Note: This update will cause the old values to be freed if they are
-- heap-based values and if the values were placed into the database with
-- Db_Owner => True (always the case if X_Rm_Get_@ or X_Rm_Add_@ routines
-- were used to create the database).  So beware of dangling pointers.
-- For example, if Destination has a Foo value that is an X_Font_Struct pointer,
-- and if Source replaces Foo with a new X_Font_Struct pointer, then the
-- old X_Font_Struct will be freed.  If the application has previously
-- queried the database and has obtained the old value then continued usage
-- of the old value by the application will eventually cause some sort of
-- mysterious failure.

    procedure Free_X_Rm_Database (Database : in out X_Rm_Database);
--  Database - Specifies the database to free
-- Free a database and all dependent storage and objects.

    procedure X_Rm_Destroy_Database (Database : in out X_Rm_Database)  
        renames Free_X_Rm_Database;
-- Support the same name as the C interface.

-- Resource Manager Functions - Misc.

    package Univ_X_Rm_Database is  
       new X_Universal_Pointer_Conversion (X_Rm_Database_Rec,  
-- Package for making/breaking X_Universal_Pointers to databases.

    procedure X_Get_Default (Display        :     X_Display;  
                             Program        :     X_String;  
                             Option         :     X_String;  
                             Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                             Value          : out X_Rm_Value);
--  Display         - Specifies the display to use.
--  Program         - Specifies the program name for the Xlib defaults.
--                    The name must be passed in with the program arguments
--                    (usually as ArgV[ArgV'First]).
--  Option          - Specifies the option name.
--  Representation  - Receives the representation of the value;
--                    None_X_Rm_Representation if the option is not in the
--                    database
--  Value           - Receives the value of the option if Type /= None
-- Returns the representation and the value for the specified option.

    procedure X_Rm_Parse_Command  
                 (Database : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                  Options  :        X_Rm_Option_Desc_Array;  
                  Prefix   :        X_String;  
                  Arg_C    : in out S_Natural;  
                  Arg_V    : in out X_String_Pointer_Array;  
                  Status   : out    X_Rm_Status);
--  Database - Specifies the database to use for the parsing.
--  Table    - Specifies a table of command line argument data.
--  Prefix   - Specifies the application name
--  Arg_C    - Specifies the number of argument strings.
--  Arg_V    - Specifies the argument strings and returns those not used.
--  Status      - Receives Rm_Successful, Rm_Had_Errors, or Rm_Failed
-- Parse command line and store argument values into resource database.
-- Allows any unambiguous abbreviation for an option name, but requires
-- that the table be ordered with any options that are prefixes of
-- other options appearing before the longer option name.


-- Convenient aliases for use by programs being converted from C.

    procedure X_Rm_Q_Get_Resource (Database       :     X_Rm_Database;  
                                   Names          :     X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                                   Classes        :     X_Rm_Class_Array;  
                                   Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                                   Value          : out X_Rm_Value)  
        renames X_Rm_Get_Resource;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

    procedure X_Rm_Q_Put_String_Resource  
                 (Database : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                  Bindings :        X_Rm_Binding_Array;  
                  Names    :        X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                  Value    :        X_String)  
        renames X_Rm_Put_String_Resource;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

    procedure X_Rm_Q_Put_Resource (Database       : in out X_Rm_Database;  
                                   Specifier      :        X_String;  
                                   Representation :        X_String;  
                                   Value          :        X_Rm_Value;  
                                   Db_Owner       :        Boolean := True)  
        renames X_Rm_Put_Resource;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

    function X_Rm_Q_Get_Search_List (Database : X_Rm_Database;  
                                     Names    : X_Rm_Name_Array;  
                                     Classes  : X_Rm_Class_Array)  
                                    return X_Rm_Search_List  
        renames X_Rm_Get_Search_List;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

    procedure X_Rm_Q_Get_Search_Resource  
                 (List           :     X_Rm_Search_List;  
                  Name           :     X_Rm_Name;  
                  Class          :     X_Rm_Class;  
                  Representation : out X_Rm_Representation;  
                  Value          : out X_Rm_Value)  
        renames X_Rm_Get_Search_Resource;
-- A convenient alias for use by programs being converted from C.

end Xlbp_Rm;