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⟦093f1330c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4464 (0x1170)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »RXI.tmp«


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./RXI.tmp« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./RXI.tmp« 


# March 28, 1991
# !Machine.Release.X_Interface.Release10_9_0.
# XSun3 80x80

!---Default values for the various control resources for rxi menus.

!---Keyboard specific control values.
!   recognition 	- What kind of keyboard am I?
!   vt100.geometry	- What is my default screen/window size?
!   menu.envMenuFile	- Where is the Environment menu definition file?

*recognition:    xsun3
*vt100.geometry:    80x80
*menu.envMenuFile:    /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/RXI_Env_Menu

!---Normal, Bold, and Menu fonts to use on screen

*vt100.font:		fixed-screen-r-11
*vt100.boldFont:	fixed-screen-b-11
*vt100.menuFont:	fixed-screen-r-11

!---Special controls; usually defaulted.

!*reverseVideo:		TRUE
!*autoResize:		TRUE

!---This is how you attach special actions to keys when the input focus is in
!   the main RXI window.  This example shows how to use the Select and Insert
!   keys to set up for (one form of) keyboard based cut-and-paste.

!*vt100.translations: #override \
!  Shift <KeyPress> Select: select-cursor-start() \
!			   select-cursor-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
!  Shift <KeyPress> Insert: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0)

!---How many pixels do we drag before we get a response?  How much response
!   (in columns or lines) do we get when we get one?

*horizDragTrigger:	60
*horizDragAmount:	5
*vertDragTrigger:	4
*vertDragAmount:	2

!---Should main Environment menu always be mapped?  Should we warp pointers to
!   the (sub)menus when they pop up from a <Btn3> press?  What is the
!   maximum time (in milliseconds) we should wait for a double-click?

*menu.permanent:	FALSE
*menu.warp:		TRUE
*multiClickTime:	250

!---Should titles be shown on main menus or sub menus?

*menu.menuLabels:	TRUE
*menu.submenuLabels:	TRUE

!---Menus should have borders this wide, have this much space between items,
!   and have this much padding space between the items and the menu sides.

*menu.menuBorder:	2
*menu.menuSpace:	0
*menu.menuPad:	1

!---Menu items should have borders this wide.  Submenu selectors ("=>") should
!   have borders this wide.  Submenu selectors should be separated from their
!   respective menu item labels by this much space.  Should submenu selectors
!   "slide" to the right edge of the menu?

*menu.itemBorder:	0
*menu.subBorder:	0
*menu.subDistance:	0
*menu.subSlide:	TRUE

!---Environment menu - user items and user submenus.
!   Note: A given menu cannot have both itemN and menuN active; there are 10
!	  "user slots" in each menu, they are numbered 0..9; each slot is
!	  empty (and invisible), a clickable item, a submenu, or a clickable 
!	  submenu.
!---Define '*' (clickable) items in Environment (or other) menu.
!   This example defines 2 clickable items that appear in the Environment menu.
!   Their labels in the menu are "Menu Item 0" and "Menu Item 1".
!*env.item0:		Menu Item 0	- transmits Menu_Pick.'0'
!*env.item1:		Menu Item 1	- transmits Menu_Pick.'1'
! etc.; item0..item9 allowed
!---Define simple submenus in Environment menu.
!   This example defines 2 submenus that appear in the Environment menu.
!   The one labelled "Menu Submenu 0" has 2 clickable items in it.  The one
!   labelled "Menu Submenu 0" has 1 clickable item in it.
!*env.menu0:		Menu Submenu 0	- transmits nothing; creates submenu
!*env.menu0.item0:	Sub0 Item 0	- transmits Menu_Pick.'0'.'0'
!*env.menu0.item1:	Sub0 Item 1	- transmits Menu_Pick.'0'.'1'
!*env.menu3:		Menu Submenu 3	- transmits nothing; creates submenu
!*env.menu3.item4:	Sub3 Item 4	- transmits Menu_Pick.'3'.'4'
! etc.; item0..item9 allowed in each of menu0..menu9
!---Define '*' (clickable) submenus in Environment menu.
!   This example defines 1 clickable submenu that appears in the Environment
!   menu.  It is labeled by the env.item4 entry; the character it transmits is
!   defined by the env.menu4 entry (it is the X11 KeySym name for a key on
!   the keyboard, we recommend using only lower case letter; a, b, c, etc.).
!   The menu will have two items within.
!*env.menu4:		a		- creates menu; transmits Menu_Pick.'a'
!*env.item4:		Menu Submenu 4	- gives title to menu
!*env.menu4.item0:	Sub4 Item 0	- transmits Menu_Pick.'4'.'0'
!*env.menu4.item1:	Sub4 Item 1	- transmits Menu_Pick.'4'.'1'
! etc.; item0..item9 allowed;
!---User defined submenus may have submenus in turn; up to a depth of 4.
!*env.menu0:			 Submenu 0
!*env.menu0.menu0:		 Submenu 0.0
!*env.menu0.menu0.menu0:	 Submenu 0.0.0