Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download
Index: ┃ B T

⟦0ac00cdd6⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2589 (0xa1d)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Action;
with Cmvc_Implementation;
with Cmvc_Implementation_Errors;
with Io;
procedure Try is
    package Ci renames Cmvc_Implementation;
    package Dops renames Cmvc_Implementation.Database_Operations;
    package Cops renames Cmvc_Implementation.Configuration_Operations;
    package Eops renames Cmvc_Implementation.Element_Operations;
    package Vops renames Cmvc_Implementation.Version_Set_Operations;
    package Hops renames Cmvc_Implementation.History_Operations;
    package Iops renames Cmvc_Implementation.Iterator_Operations;

    Action_Id : Action.Id;
    Db : Ci.Database;
    Config : Ci.Configuration;
    Elt : Ci.Element;
    V_Set : Ci.Version_Set;

    Elt_Iter : Iops.Element_Iterator;
    V_Set_Iter : Iops.Version_Set_Iterator;

    Status : Cmvc_Implementation_Errors.Status;
    Action_Id := Action.Start (Task_Id => Machine.Get_Task_Id);
        Action_Id => Action_Id,
        Db => Db,
        Status => Status);

    Cops.Open (Config_Name => "!Users.Pam.Experiment.Ncmvc.Test.Rev1_Working",
               Config => Config,
               Status => Status,
               Db => Db);

    --Iops.Initialize (Config => Config, Iter => Elt_Iter);
    Iops.Initialize (Db, Iter => Elt_Iter);

    while not Iops.Done (Elt_Iter) loop
        Elt := Iops.Value (Elt_Iter);

        Io.Put_Line (Item => Eops.Name_Of (Elem => Elt));
        Io.Put_Line ("   saves source = " &
                     Boolean'Image (Eops.Saves_Source (Elt)));

        Iops.Initialize (Elt, V_Set_Iter);

        while not Iops.Done (V_Set_Iter) loop
            Io.Put_Line ("   name = " & Vops.Name_Of (Iops.Value (V_Set_Iter)));  
            Io.Put_Line ("   external_name = " &
                         Vops.External_Name_Of (Iops.Value (V_Set_Iter)));
            Io.Put_Line ("   who checked out = " &
                         Hops.Who_Checked_Out (Iops.Value (V_Set_Iter)));
            Io.Put_Line ("   who checked in = " &
                         Hops.Who_Checked_In (Iops.Value (V_Set_Iter)));
            Io.Put_Line ("   history = " & Hops.Get (Iops.Value (V_Set_Iter)));

            Iops.Next (V_Set_Iter);
        end loop;

        Iops.Next (Elt_Iter);
    end loop;

    Action.Finish (The_Action => Action_Id,
                   Do_Commit => True,
                   Do_Inform => True);

    when others =>

        Action.Finish (The_Action => Action_Id,
                       Do_Commit => True,
                       Do_Inform => True);
end Try;