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Length: 46493 (0xb59d) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Pile_Controle; with Message_Error; package body Synt_Sem_Cal is procedure Parse_Error (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) is Error : exception; begin Text_Io.Put_Line (" Error .. "); Text_Io.Put_Line (" line : " & Text_Io.Positive_Count'Image (Pile_Lex.Line (Afile))); Text_Io.Put_Line (" col : " & Text_Io.Positive_Count'Image (Pile_Lex.Col (Afile))); raise Error; end Parse_Error; function Parse_Passage_Parametres (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration; Nom_Ssprg : Les_Types.Ptr_String) return Boolean is Nom_Param, Nom_T1 : Les_Types.Ptr_String; Ok : Boolean := True; I : Natural := 1; Val_Param : Table_Symbole.Pobject; Valeur_Variable : Float; Ptr1, Ptr2 : L_Arbre_Abstrait.Pnoeud; function Parse_Descript_Parametre (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) return Boolean; function Parse_Descript_Parametre (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) return Boolean is begin case Lex_Get_Token is when L_Reg => Nom_Param := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Table_Symbole.Rechercher (Nom_Param, Object_Inconnu, Ok); if Ok then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Registre => Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Produit_Cartesien, L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Registre, null), Ptr1); Val_Param := new Table_Symbole.Object (Registre); Parse_Expr (Ok, Valeur_Variable, Afile, Atime); Table_Symbole.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); Val_Param.Valeur := Valeur_Variable; Table_Symbole.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); when Structure => if Ok then Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Object_Inconnu.Le_Type, Object_Inconnu.L_Arbre_Abstrait, Ptr1); else Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Produit_Cartesien, L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Vide, null), Ptr1); end if; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when Effet => Parse_Expr (Ok, Valeur_Variable, Afile, Atime); Pile_Controle.A.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); Val_Param.Valeur := Valeur_Variable; Pile_Controle.A.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); when others => null; end case; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Nom_Param, Object_Inconnu, Ok); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Registre => Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Produit_Cartesien, L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Registre, null), Ptr1); Val_Param := new Table_Symbole.Object (Registre); Parse_Expr (Ok, Valeur_Variable, Afile, Atime); Pile_Controle.A.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); Val_Param.Valeur := Valeur_Variable; Pile_Controle.A.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); when Structure => Pile_Controle.A.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Object_Inconnu, Ok); if Ok then Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Object_Inconnu.Le_Type, Object_Inconnu.L_Arbre_Abstrait, Ptr1); else Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Produit_Cartesien, L_Arbre_Abstrait. Creer_Feuille (Vide, null), Ptr1); end if; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when Effet => Parse_Expr (Ok, Valeur_Variable, Afile, Atime); Pile_Controle.A.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); Val_Param.Valeur := Valeur_Variable; Pile_Controle.A.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); when others => null; end case; end if; end if; when L_Digit => Ptr2 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Produit_Cartesien, L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Registre, null), Ptr1); Val_Param := new Table_Symbole.Object (Registre); Parse_Expr (Ok, Valeur_Variable, Afile, Atime); Pile_Controle.A.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); Val_Param.Valeur := Valeur_Variable; Pile_Controle.A.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom_Ssprg, I, Val_Param, Ok); when others => Ok := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Dp); Parse_Error (Afile); end case; return Ok; end Parse_Descript_Parametre; begin Ptr1 := L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Vide, null); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Open then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); while (Lex_Get_Token /= L_Close) loop if (Parse_Descript_Parametre (Afile, Atime)) then null; else Ok := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; Ptr1 := Ptr2; I := I + 1; if Lex_Get_Token /= L_Close then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); end if; end loop; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Open); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; return True; end Parse_Passage_Parametres; function Adresse_Vers_Chaine (A : Natural) return Les_Types.Ptr_String is P : Les_Types.Ptr_String; begin if 0 <= A and A <= 9 then P := new String'("0" & Natural'Image (A)); else P := new String'(Natural'Image (A)); end if; return P; end Adresse_Vers_Chaine; function Valeur_Vers_Chaine (A : Natural) return Les_Types.Ptr_String is P : Les_Types.Ptr_String; begin if 0 <= A and A <= 9 then P := new String'("000" & Natural'Image (A) (2 .. 2)); else if 10 <= A and A <= 99 then P := new String'("00" & Natural'Image (A)); else if 100 <= A and A <= 999 then P := new String'("0" & Natural'Image (A)); else if 1000 <= A and A <= 9999 then P := new String'(Natural'Image (A)); end if; end if; end if; end if; return P; end Valeur_Vers_Chaine; function Parse_Actions_Preenregistrees (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) return Boolean is La_Station, L_Acteur, Nom_T1 : Les_Types.Ptr_String; Local, Local1 : Les_Types.Type_Value; Ok1 : Boolean; Bool, Val : Table_Symbole.Pobject; Ptr1, Ptr2, Ptr3 : Arbre_Abstrait_Types.L_Arbre_Abstrait.Pnoeud; begin Ok1 := True; case Lex_Get_Token is when L_Activer => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Open then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then La_Station := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then L_Acteur := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Table_Symbole.Lire_Parametre_De (La_Station, L_Acteur, Val, Ok1); Ptr1 := Arbre_Abstrait_Types. L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Noeud (Effet, Arbre_Abstrait_Types. L_Arbre_Abstrait. Creer_Feuille (Val.Le_Type, null), Arbre_Abstrait_Types. L_Arbre_Abstrait.Creer_Feuille (Vide, null)); if Ok1 then null; else Ok1 := True; end if; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then null; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Changer => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Open then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then La_Station := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); L_Acteur := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Table_Symbole.Rechercher (La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then null; if Ok1 then if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then null; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Close); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Virg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok1 then if Ok1 then if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then null; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Close); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Virg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Structure => null; when others => null; end case; end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Reg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Virg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Reg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Open); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Evoluer => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Open then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then La_Station := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Reg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); L_Acteur := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Table_Symbole.Rechercher (La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then null; if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then null; if Ok1 then null; if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then null; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok1 then Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Pile_Controle.B. Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Virg then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then null; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Pile_Controle.B. Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, La_Station, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Parse_Error (Afile); end if; end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Reg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Virg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Reg); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Open); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when others => Parse_Error (Afile); end case; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); return True; end Parse_Actions_Preenregistrees; function Parse_Inst (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : in Duration) return Boolean is T1 : Duration; Local : Type_Value; Reg, Nom_T1 : Les_Types.Ptr_String; Element : Table_Symbole.Pobject (Effet); Etiq_Retour, Etiq_Debut, Etiq_Apres : Natural := 0; Ok1, Valeur_Boolean : Boolean; Token_Courant : Token; I : Integer; Label_Get1, Label_Get2, Label_Get3 : Natural; begin Ok1 := True; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; case Token_Courant is when L_A => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); T1 := Duration (Local); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Faire then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Parse_Inst (Afile, T1 + Atime) then null; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Faire); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Debut => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); I := 0; while (Lex_Get_Token /= L_Fin and I < 10) loop if (Parse_Inst (Afile, Atime) = True) then null; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; I := I + 1; end loop; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when L_Activer => Ok1 := Parse_Actions_Preenregistrees (Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else null; end if; when L_Changer => Ok1 := Parse_Actions_Preenregistrees (Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else null; end if; when L_Evoluer => Ok1 := Parse_Actions_Preenregistrees (Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else null; end if; when L_Reg => Reg := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Eq then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Table_Symbole.Rechercher (Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Registre => Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Object_Inconnu.Valeur := Local; when others => null; end case; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Registre => Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Object_Inconnu.Valeur := Local; when others => null; end case; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Registre => Object_Inconnu.Valeur := Local; Table_Symbole.Modifier_Parametre_De (Nom, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); when others => null; end case; else Object_Inconnu := new Object (Registre); Object_Inconnu.Nom := new String'(Reg.all); Object_Inconnu.Le_Type := Registre; Object_Inconnu.Valeur := Local; Table_Symbole.Inserer (Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Object_Inconnu := new Object (Registre); Object_Inconnu.Valeur := 3.14; Table_Symbole.Rechercher (Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; if Lex_Get_Token = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Prt => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; if Token_Courant = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Separ); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Retourne => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); Object_Inconnu := new Object (Registre); Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Valeur_Retour_De (Nom, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then Object_Inconnu.Valeur := Local; Pile_Controle.B.Modifier_Valeur_Retour_De (Nom, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Valeur_Retour_De (Nom, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); end if; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; if Token_Courant = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Separ); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Separ => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when L_Executer => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; if Token_Courant = L_Separ then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Separ); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Tant => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Que then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr_Bool (Valeur_Boolean, Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Debut then if (Parse_Inst (Afile, Atime) = True) then null; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Debut); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Que); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Si => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr_Bool (Valeur_Boolean, Afile, Atime); if Lex_Get_Token = L_Alors then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if (Parse_Inst (Afile, Atime) = True) then null; else Ok1 := False; end if; if Lex_Get_Token = L_Sinon then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if (Parse_Inst (Afile, Atime) = True) then null; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Sinon); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Alors); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when others => Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (3); Parse_Error (Afile); end case; return Ok1; end Parse_Inst; procedure Parse_Fact (Ok : out Boolean; Value : out Les_Types.Type_Value; Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) is Element : Table_Symbole.Pobject (Fonction); Etiq_Retour, Etiq_Debut, Etiq_Apres : Natural := 0; Herited, Local : Les_Types.Type_Value; Reg, Nom_T1, Nom_T2 : Les_Types.Ptr_String; Ok1, Ok2 : Boolean; Token_Courant : Token; begin Ok1 := True; Herited := 0.0; Local := 0.0; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; case Token_Courant is when L_Open => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Local; if Lex_Get_Token = L_Close then Lex_Next_Token (Afile); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (L_Close); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Sqrt => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Sqrt (Local); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Log => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Log (Local); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Exp => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Exp (Local); else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; when L_Sin => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Sin (Local); else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Cos => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Cos (Local); else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Arctan => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Arctan (Local); else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Reg => Reg := new String'(Lex_Get_Value.all); Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object; Table_Symbole.Rechercher (Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Les_Types.Registre => Local := Object_Inconnu.Valeur; when Les_Types.Effet => Pile_Controle.A.Empiler (Reg, Ok1); Etiq_Debut := Object_Inconnu.Etiquette; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); if (Parse_Passage_Parametres (Afile, Atime, Reg)) then null; end if; Pile_Controle.Depile_De_A_Empile_Sur_B; Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Reg); Pile_Lex.Prg_Lire_Posi_Iterateur (Etiq_Retour); Pile_Entiers.Empiler (Stack, Etiq_Retour); Pile_Lex.Prg_Iterateur_A_Position (Etiq_Debut); Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Object_Inconnu := null; Object_Inconnu := new Table_Symbole.Object (Registre); Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Valeur_Retour_De (Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Local := Object_Inconnu.Valeur; Pile_Controle.B.Depiler; Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Reg); Pile_Entiers.Depiler (Stack, Etiq_Retour); Pile_Lex.Prg_Iterateur_A_Position (Etiq_Retour - 1); when others => null; end case; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Les_Types.Registre => Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Local := Object_Inconnu.Valeur; when others => null; end case; else Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); Addresseur.Depiler (Stacka, Nom_T2); Table_Symbole.Recherche_Si_Parametre_De (Nom_T2, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T2); Addresseur.Empiler (Stacka, Nom_T1); if Ok1 then case Object_Inconnu.Le_Type is when Les_Types.Registre => Pile_Controle.B.Lire_Parametre_De (Nom_T1, Reg, Object_Inconnu, Ok1); Local := Object_Inconnu.Valeur; when others => null; end case; else Message_Error.Affiche (L_Reg); Message_Error.Affiche (6); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; end if; end if; Herited := Local + Herited; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when L_Digit => Local := Lex_Get_Value_Float; Herited := Local; Lex_Next_Token (Afile); when others => Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end case; Value := Herited; Ok := Ok1; end Parse_Fact; procedure Parse_Term (Ok : out Boolean; Value : out Les_Types.Type_Value; Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) is Herited, Local : Les_Types.Type_Value; Reg : Les_Types.Ptr_String; Ok1 : Boolean; Token_Courant : Token; begin Ok1 := True; Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Local; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; while ((Lex_Get_Token = L_Star or Lex_Get_Token = L_Div or Lex_Get_Token = L_Mod) and Ok1) loop case Lex_Get_Token is when L_Star => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited * Local; else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Div => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited / Local; else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Mod => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Fact (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited; else Ok1 := False; end if; when others => null; end case; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; end loop; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; Value := Herited; Ok := Ok1; end Parse_Term; procedure Parse_Expr (Ok : out Boolean; Value : out Les_Types.Type_Value; Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) is Herited, Local : Les_Types.Type_Value; Ok1 : Boolean; Token_Courant : Token; begin Ok1 := True; Parse_Term (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Local; Token_Courant := Lex_Get_Token; while ((Lex_Get_Token = L_Plus or Lex_Get_Token = L_Moins) and Ok1) loop case Lex_Get_Token is when L_Plus => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Term (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited + Local; else Ok1 := False; end if; when L_Moins => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Term (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then Herited := Herited - Local; else Ok1 := False; end if; when others => null; end case; end loop; else Ok1 := False; Message_Error.Affiche (1); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; Value := Herited; Ok := Ok1; end Parse_Expr; procedure Parse_Expr_Bool (Val_Boolean : in out Boolean; Afile : Text_Io.File_Type; Atime : Duration) is Local, Local1 : Les_Types.Type_Value; Ok1 : Boolean := True; begin Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local, Afile, Atime); if Ok1 then case Lex_Get_Token is when L_Lt => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if not Ok1 then Ok1 := False; end if; if (Local < Local1) then Val_Boolean := True; else Val_Boolean := False; end if; when L_Gt => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if not Ok1 then Ok1 := False; end if; if (Local > Local1) then Val_Boolean := True; else Val_Boolean := False; end if; when L_Geq => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if not Ok1 then Ok1 := False; end if; if (Local >= Local1) then Val_Boolean := True; else Val_Boolean := False; end if; when L_Eq => Lex_Next_Token (Afile); Parse_Expr (Ok1, Local1, Afile, Atime); if not Ok1 then Ok1 := False; end if; if (Local = Local1) then Val_Boolean := True; else Val_Boolean := False; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; if not Ok1 then Parse_Error (Afile); Message_Error.Affiche (2); Parse_Error (Afile); end if; end Parse_Expr_Bool; end Synt_Sem_Cal;