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Length: 17093 (0x42c5) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Constant_String; package body Slot_Bak is function Value (I : Integer) return Object is begin return Object'(Kind => Integer_Value, I_Val => I); end Value; function Value (F : Float) return Object is begin return Object'(Kind => Float_Value, F_Val => F); end Value; function Value (B : Boolean) return Object is begin return Object'(Kind => Boolean_Value, B_Val => B); end Value; function Value (C : Character) return Object is begin return (Object'(Kind => Character_Value, C_Val => C)); end Value; function Value (S : String) return Object is begin return (Object'(Kind => String_Value, S_Val => Constant_String.Value (S))); end Value; function Value (O : Instance.Reference) return Object is begin return (Kind => Class_Value, O_Val => O); end Value; ------------------------------------------------------------ function Get (O : Object) return Integer is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= Integer_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return O.I_Val; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type integer"); end Get; function Get (O : Object) return Boolean is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= Boolean_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return O.B_Val; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type boolean"); end Get; function Get (O : Object) return Float is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= Float_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return O.F_Val; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type float"); end Get; function Get (O : Object) return Character is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= Character_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return O.C_Val; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type character"); end Get; function Get (O : Object) return String is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= String_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return Constant_String.Image (O.S_Val); end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type string"); end Get; function Get (O : Object) return Instance.Reference is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind /= Class_Value then raise Erreur_Type; else return O.O_Val; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("variable n'est pas de type instance.reference"); end Get; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Integer; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = Integer_Value then O.I_Val := To; else if Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else if O.Kind = String_Value then O := Object'(Kind => Integer_Value, I_Val => To); else raise Erreur_Type; end if; end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a une variable de type non entier" & "d'un entier a un champ de type "); end Set; procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Boolean; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = Boolean_Value then O.B_Val := To; else if not Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else -- if O.Kind = String_Value then O := Object'(Kind => Boolean_Value, B_Val => To); -- else -- raise Erreur_Type; -- end if; end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a une variable de type non boolean" & "d'un boolean "); end Set; ---------- procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Float; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = Float_Value then O.F_Val := To; else if not Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else O := Object'(Kind => Float_Value, F_Val => To); end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a une variable de type non reel" & "d'un reel "); end Set; ---------- procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Character; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = Character_Value then O.C_Val := To; else if not Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else O := Object'(Kind => Character_Value, C_Val => To); end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a un champ de type non caractere" & "d'une valeur de typecaractere "); end Set; ---------- procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : String; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = String_Value then O.S_Val := Constant_String.Value (To); else if not Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else O := Object'(Kind => String_Value, S_Val => Constant_String.Value (To)); end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a un champ string d'une valeur " & " de type non string "); end Set; ---------- procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Instance.Reference; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Erreur_Type : exception; begin if O.Kind = Float_Value then O.O_Val := To; else if not Changed_Kind then raise Erreur_Type; else O := Object'(Kind => Class_Value, O_Val => To); end if; end if; exception when Erreur_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("erreur_affectation a un champ de type reference " & "d'une valeur de type different "); end Set; --============================================================ package body Operators is package String_Operators renames Constant_String.Operators; function Is_Same_Type (Left, Right : Object) return Boolean is begin return Left.Kind = Right.Kind; end Is_Same_Type; function "<" (Left, Right : Object) return Boolean is Incompatible_Type : exception; Others_Error : exception; begin if Left.Kind = Right.Kind then case Left.Kind is when Integer_Value => return Left.I_Val < Right.I_Val; when Boolean_Value => return Left.B_Val < Right.B_Val; when Float_Value => return Left.F_Val < Right.F_Val; when Character_Value => return Left.C_Val < Right.C_Val; when String_Value => return String_Operators."<" (Left.S_Val, Right.S_Val); -- when Checked_Enumeration_Value => -- return Left.Ce_Val < Right.Ce_Val; -- when Unchecked_Enumeration_Value => -- return Left.Ue_Val < Right.Ue_Val; -- when Class_Value => -- return Left.O_Val < Right.O_Val; when others => raise Others_Error; end case; else raise Incompatible_Type; end if; exception when Incompatible_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("< interdit avec deux types non identique"); when Others_Error => Text_Io.Put_Line (" erreur- < est permis seulement avec des " & "variables de types entier, reel ou boolean"); end "<"; --------------------- function "<=" (Left, Right : Object) return Boolean is Incompatible_Type : exception; Others_Error : exception; begin if Left.Kind = Right.Kind then case Left.Kind is when Integer_Value => return Left.I_Val <= Right.I_Val; when Boolean_Value => return Left.B_Val <= Right.B_Val; when Float_Value => return Left.F_Val <= Right.F_Val; when Character_Value => return Left.C_Val <= Right.C_Val; when String_Value => return String_Operators."<=" (Left.S_Val, Right.S_Val); when others => raise Others_Error; end case; return Left <= Right; else raise Incompatible_Type; end if; exception when Incompatible_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("<= interdit avec deux types non identique"); when Others_Error => Text_Io.Put_Line (" erreur- <= est permis seulement avec des " & "variables de types entier, reel ou boolean"); end "<="; --------------------- function ">" (Left, Right : Object) return Boolean is Incompatible_Type : exception; Others_Error : exception; begin if Left.Kind = Right.Kind then case Left.Kind is when Integer_Value => return Left.I_Val > Right.I_Val; when Boolean_Value => return Left.B_Val > Right.B_Val; when Float_Value => return Left.F_Val > Right.F_Val; when Character_Value => return Left.C_Val > Right.C_Val; when String_Value => return String_Operators.">" (Left.S_Val, Right.S_Val); when others => raise Others_Error; end case; return Left > Right; else raise Incompatible_Type; end if; exception when Incompatible_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("> interdit avec deux types non identique"); when Others_Error => Text_Io.Put_Line (" erreur- > est permis seulement avec des " & "variables de types entier, reel ou boolean"); end ">"; --------------------- function ">=" (Left, Right : Object) return Boolean is Incompatible_Type : exception; Others_Error : exception; begin if Left.Kind = Right.Kind then case Left.Kind is when Integer_Value => return Left.I_Val >= Right.I_Val; when Boolean_Value => return Left.B_Val >= Right.B_Val; when Float_Value => return Left.F_Val >= Right.F_Val; when Character_Value => return Left.C_Val >= Right.C_Val; when String_Value => return String_Operators.">=" (Left.S_Val, Right.S_Val); when others => raise Others_Error; end case; return Left >= Right; else raise Incompatible_Type; end if; exception when Incompatible_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line (">= interdit avec deux types non identique"); when Others_Error => Text_Io.Put_Line (" erreur- >= est permis seulement avec des " & "variables de types entier, reel ou boolean"); end ">="; --------------------- end Operators; --============================================================ function Image (O : Object) return String is begin case O.Kind is when Integer_Value => return Integer'Image (O.I_Val); when Float_Value => null; when Boolean_Value => return Boolean'Image (O.B_Val); when Character_Value => return Character'Image (O.C_Val); when String_Value => return Constant_String.Image (O.S_Val); when Class_Value => return Instance.Image (O.O_Val); when Checked_Enumeration_Value => return Constant_String.Image (O.S_Val); when Unchecked_Enumeration_Value => return Integer'Image (O.Ue_Val); end case; end Image; --============================================================ package body Enumeration_Facilities is function Value (E : Values) return Object is begin case Checked is when False => return Object'(Kind => Unchecked_Enumeration_Value, Ue_Val => Values'Pos (E)); when True => return Object'(Kind => Checked_Enumeration_Value, Ce_Val => Constant_String.Value (Values'Image (E))); end case; end Value; function Get (O : Object) return Values is begin if not Checked and then O.Kind = Unchecked_Enumeration_Value then return Values'Val (O.Ue_Val); elsif Checked and then O.Kind = Checked_Enumeration_Value then return Values'Value (Constant_String.Image (O.Ce_Val)); end if; end Get; function Image (O : Object) return String is begin return Constant_String.Image (Constant_String.Value (Values'Image (Enumeration_Facilities.Get (O)))); end Image; procedure Set (O : in out Object; To : Values; Changed_Kind : Boolean := False) is Incompatible_Type : exception; begin if Checked then if O.Kind = Checked_Enumeration_Value then O.Ce_Val := Constant_String.Value (Values'Image (To)); else if Changed_Kind then O := Object'(Kind => Checked_Enumeration_Value, Ce_Val => Constant_String.Value (Values'Image (To))); else raise Incompatible_Type; end if; end if; else if O.Kind = Unchecked_Enumeration_Value then O.Ue_Val := Values'Pos (To); else if Changed_Kind then O := Object'(Kind => Unchecked_Enumeration_Value, Ue_Val => Values'Pos (To)); end if; end if; end if; exception when Incompatible_Type => Text_Io.Put_Line ("enumeration_facilities.set ... incompatibles type"); end Set; end Enumeration_Facilities; --============================================================ end Slot_Bak;