Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦1127d7032⟧ TextFile

    Length: 37466 (0x925a)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Action;
with Asa_Definitions;
with Calendar;
with Cmvc_Implementation_Errors;
with Database_Operations;
with Diana;
with Directory_Operations;
with Directory;
with Error_Messages;
with Hierarchy;
with Job_Segment;
with Logger;
with Profile;
with Gateway_Object;
with Relocation;
with Simple_Status;
with String_Utilities;
with System;
with Unix_Definitions;
package body Gateways is

    package Asap renames Asa_Definitions.Properties;
    package Asas renames Asa_Definitions.Switches;
    package Cmvce renames Cmvc_Implementation_Errors;
    package Cmvci renames Cmvc_Implementation;
    package Dcp renames Directory.Control_Point;
    package Dir renames Directory;
    package Dna renames Directory.Naming;  
    package Doo renames Directory.Object_Operations;
    package Gwo renames Gateway_Object;  
    package Hchy renames Hierarchy;
    package Ss renames Simple_Status;  
    package Su renames String_Utilities;
    package Unix renames Unix_Definitions;

    function Creation_Message (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) return String is
        return "Created gateway object " &
                  Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway)) &
                  " of class " &
                  Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asap.Class (Gateway));
    end Creation_Message;

    function Same_Properties (Module : in Hchy.Module; Gateway : in Gwo.Handle)
                             return Boolean is
        Same_Requirements : Boolean := True;
        for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop
            if Asap.Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R) /=
               Hchy.Requirement (M => Module, Number => R) then
                Same_Requirements := False;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return Same_Requirements and then Asap.Asa_Node_Number (Gateway) =
                                             Hchy.Node_Number (Module) and then
                  Asap.Asa_Comment (Gateway) = Hchy.Comment (Module);
    end Same_Properties;

    function Tree_Size (Rooted_At : in Hchy.Module) return Positive is
        Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (Rooted_At);
        Result : Positive := 1;
        while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop
            Result := Result + Tree_Size (Hchy.Value (Children));
            Hchy.Next (Children);
        end loop;
        return Result;
    end Tree_Size;

    --                    ----------------
    --                    ( ) CMVC support
    --                    ----------------

    function Relative_Name (Full_Name : in String; Relative_To : in String)
                           return String is
        pragma Assert (Full_Name'Length >= Relative_To'Length and then
                       Full_Name (Full_Name'First ..
                                     Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length - 1) =
        return Full_Name  
                  (Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length + 1 -- Skip the '.'
                       .. Full_Name'Last);
    end Relative_Name;

    procedure Get_Cmvc_Control (Object : in Dir.Object;
                                The_State : in out State;
                                Control : out Cmvc_Control_Kind) is
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        S : Cmvci.Error_Status;
        Configuration_Object : Dir.Object;
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        The_Configuration : Cmvci.Configuration renames The_State.Configuration;
        The_Element : Cmvci.Element;
        The_Version_Set : Cmvci.Version_Set;
        View_Object : Dir.Object;
        use Cmvce;
        Dcp.Parent_World (The_Object => Object,  
                          The_World => View_Object,
                          Status => E);
        Logger.Status (E);

        -- Make sure the configuration associated to the current view is
        -- open.
        if Cmvci.Is_Nil (The_Configuration) then
            Dna.Resolve (Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View_Object) &
                                    "^$$.Configurations." &
                                    Dna.Get_Simple_Name (View_Object),
                         The_Object => Configuration_Object,
                         Status => N,
                         Action_Id => Action_Id);
            Logger.Status (N);

            The_Configuration := Database_Operations.Open_Configuration
                                    (For_Config_Object => Configuration_Object,  
                                     S => The_State.Cmvc);
        end if;

        -- Look at the CMVC database to see if the object being operated
        -- on is controlled.
           (Element_Name =>
               Relative_Name (Full_Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Object),
                              Relative_To => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View_Object)),
            Elem => The_Element,
            Status => S,
            Db => Cmvci.Configuration_Operations.Database_Of
        if S = Cmvce.No_Such_Element then
            Control := Not_Controlled;
        elsif Cmvci.Is_Bad (S) then
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;

        Cmvci.Version_Set_Operations.Open (Elem => The_Element,
                                           Set => The_Version_Set,
                                           Status => S,
                                           Config => The_Configuration);

        if S = Cmvce.Element_Not_In_Configuration then
            Control := Not_Controlled;
        elsif Cmvci.History_Operations.Is_Checked_Out (The_Version_Set) then
            Control := Controlled_Checked_Out;
            Control := Controlled_Checked_In;
        end if;
    end Get_Cmvc_Control;

    procedure Make_Controlled (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle;
                               Save_Source : in Boolean;
                               Comments : in String;
                               The_State : in out State) is
        Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway);
        Database_Operations.Control_Parent (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                                            Set => Relocation.Null_Parameter,
                                            The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
           (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
            Version_Set_Name => "<AUTO_GENERATE>",
            Save_Source => Save_Source,
            Comments => Comments,
            Command => "MAKE_CONTROLLED",
            The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
        when Constraint_Error =>
               ("Gateway object " & Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object) &
                " could not be controlled because its parent isn't");
    end Make_Controlled;

        with procedure Do_Update (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle);
    procedure Updater (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State);

    procedure Updater (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State) is  
        Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway);
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object,
                          The_State => The_State,
                          Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control);

        if Gateway_Cmvc_Control = Controlled_Checked_In then
               (Objects => Directory_Operations.Singleton
                              (Gateway_Object, The_State.Cmvc),
                Expected_Check_In_Time => Calendar.Clock,
                Comments => Comments,
                Allow_Demotion => False,
                Allow_Accept_Changes => True,
                The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
        end if;

        if not Gwo.Is_Main_Object_Open_For_Update (Gateway) then
            Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
            Logger.Status (S);

            Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Object,
                                  H => Gateway,
                                  Update => True,
                                  Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                  Errors => S);
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;

        Do_Update (Gateway);

        Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
        Logger.Status (S);

        if Gateway_Cmvc_Control = Controlled_Checked_In then
            Database_Operations.Check_In (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                                          Comments => Comments,
                                          The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
        end if;
    end Updater;

    --                    -------------------------------
    --                    ( ) Individual gateway creation
    --                    -------------------------------

    procedure Create_Model_Gateway (Gateway_Name : in String;
                                    Last_Id : in Natural;
                                    For_Module : in Hchy.Module;
                                    Host : in String;
                                    Model : in String;
                                    Update_Time : in Calendar.Time;
                                    Comments : in String;
                                    The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        use Asas;
        Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name,
                    H => Gateway,
                    Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image
                    Action_Id => Action_Id,
                    Errors => S);
        Logger.Status (S);

        Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway,  
                         Value => 1);
        Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Id (H => Gateway,  
                              Value => Last_Id);
        Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (H => Gateway,  
                                  Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module));
        Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (H => Gateway,  
                              Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module));
        Asap.Set_Asa_Update_Time (H => Gateway,  
                                  Value => Update_Time);
        Asap.Set_Data_Context (H => Gateway,  
                               Value => Unix.Enclosing_Directory (Model));
        Asap.Set_Data_Host (H => Gateway,  
                            Value => Host);
        Asap.Set_Data_Name (H => Gateway,  
                            Value => Unix.Local_Name (Model));
        for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop
               (H => Gateway,
                Number => R,
                Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R));
        end loop;

        Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway));

        if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_Model then
            Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway,
                             Save_Source => False,
                             Comments => Comments,
                             The_State => The_State);
        end if;

        Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
        Logger.Status (S);
    end Create_Model_Gateway;

    procedure Create_Module_Gateway (Gateway_Name : in String;
                                     Parent_Name : in String;  
                                     Id : in Positive;
                                     For_Module : in Hchy.Module;
                                     Comments : in String;
                                     The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        use Asas;
        Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name,
                    H => Gateway,
                    Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image
                    Action_Id => Action_Id,
                    Errors => S);
        Logger.Status (S);

        Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway,  
                         Value => Id);
        Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (H => Gateway,  
                                  Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module));
        Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (H => Gateway,  
                              Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module));
        Asap.Set_Parent_Name (H => Gateway,  
                              Value => Parent_Name);
        for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop
               (H => Gateway,
                Number => R,
                Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R));
        end loop;

        Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway));

        if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_Modules then
            Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway,
                             Save_Source => False,
                             Comments => Comments,
                             The_State => The_State);
        end if;

        Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
        Logger.Status (S);
    end Create_Module_Gateway;

    procedure Create_Requirement_Gateway
                 (Gateway_Name : in String;
                  Parent_Name : in String;  
                  Id : in Positive;
                  Requirement_Kind : in Requirements.Non_Functional;
                  Requirement_Text : in String;
                  Comments : in String;
                  The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        S : Ss.Condition;
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        use Asas;
        Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name,
                    H => Gateway,
                    Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image
                    Action_Id => Action_Id,
                    Errors => S);
        Logger.Status (S);

        Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway,  
                         Value => Id);
        Asap.Set_Parent_Name (H => Gateway,  
                              Value => Parent_Name);
        Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement_Kind (H => Gateway, Value => Requirement_Kind);
        Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement_Text (H => Gateway, Value => Requirement_Text);

        Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway));

        if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_All then
            Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway,
                             Save_Source => True,
                             Comments => Comments,
                             The_State => The_State);
        end if;

        Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
        Logger.Status (S);
    end Create_Requirement_Gateway;

    --                    --------------------
    --                    ( ) Module hierarchy
    --                    --------------------

    procedure Create (For_Module : in Hchy.Module;  
                      In_Library : in String;
                      Root_Id : in Positive;
                      Comments : in String;
                      The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module);
        Child : Hchy.Module;
        Parent : constant Hchy.Module := Hchy.Parent_Of (For_Module);
        Nb_Of_Children : constant Natural := Hchy.Size (Children);
        Next_Id : Positive := Root_Id + 1;
        use Hierarchy;
           (Gateway_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module),
            Parent_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (Parent),
            Id => Root_Id,
            For_Module => For_Module,
            Comments => Comments,
            The_State => The_State);
        for C in 1 .. Nb_Of_Children loop
            Child := Hchy.Value (Children);
            Create (For_Module => Child,
                    In_Library => In_Library,
                    Root_Id => Next_Id,
                    Comments => Comments,
                    The_State => The_State);
            Next_Id := Next_Id + Tree_Size (Child);
            Hchy.Next (Children);
        end loop;
    end Create;

    procedure Augment (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module;  
                       In_Library : in String;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State) is
        Gateway_Full_Name : constant String :=
           In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module);

        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator;  
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;
        Root_Gateway : Gwo.Handle;  
        Root_Module : Hchy.Module;
        Id : Positive;
        S : Ss.Condition;

        procedure Do_Set_Properties (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is
            Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (Gateway,
                                      Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module));
            Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module));
            for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop
                   (H => Gateway,
                    Number => R,
                    Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R));
            end loop;
            Logger.Positive ("Updated properties of " & In_Library &
                             '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module));
        end Do_Set_Properties;

        procedure Set_Properties is new Updater (Do_Set_Properties);

        procedure Do_Set_Last_Id (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is
            Id := Asap.Asa_Last_Id (Gateway) + 1;
            Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id);
        end Do_Set_Last_Id;

        procedure Set_Last_Id is new Updater (Do_Set_Last_Id);

        use Hchy;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Full_Name,
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);

        if Ss.Error (S) then

            -- This is a new module.  Create a gateway object to represent
            -- it.  Extract the id from the root and update the last id.
            Root_Module := For_Module;
            while Hchy.Parent_Of (Root_Module) /= Hchy.Nil loop
                Root_Module := Hchy.Parent_Of (Root_Module);
            end loop;

                Root_Full_Name : constant String :=
                   In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (Root_Module);
                Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Root_Full_Name,
                                      H => Root_Gateway,
                                      Update => False,
                                      Action_Id => Action_Id,
                                      Errors => S);
                Logger.Status (S);

                Set_Last_Id (Gateway => Root_Gateway,
                             Comments => Comments,
                             The_State => The_State);

                Gwo.Close (Root_Gateway, S);
                Logger.Status (S);

                Create (For_Module => For_Module,
                        In_Library => In_Library,
                        Root_Id => Id,
                        Comments => Comments,
                        The_State => The_State);

        elsif not Same_Properties (Module => For_Module,  
                                   Gateway => Gateway) then

            -- There is already a gateway object representing this module,
            -- but same property has changed.
            Set_Properties (Gateway => Gateway,
                            Comments => Comments,
                            The_State => The_State);
            Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;

        Children := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module);
        while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop
            Augment (For_Module => Hchy.Value (Children),
                     In_Library => In_Library,
                     Comments => Comments,
                     The_State => The_State);
            Hchy.Next (Children);
        end loop;  
    end Augment;

    procedure Destroy (Gateway_Object : in Dir.Object;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Change_Impact : Dir.Ada.Roots;
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        Errors : Error_Messages.Errors;
        Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind;
        Modified_Units : Diana.Temp_Seq;
        Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object,
                          The_State => The_State,
                          Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control);
        if Gateway_Cmvc_Control >= Controlled_Checked_Out then
            Database_Operations.Check_In (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                                          Comments => Comments,
                                          The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
        end if;
        if Gateway_Cmvc_Control >= Controlled_Checked_In then
            Database_Operations.Make_Uncontrolled (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                                                   Comments => Comments,
                                                   The_State => The_State.Cmvc);
        end if;
        Doo.Destroy (The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                     Errors => Errors,
                     Change_Impact => Change_Impact,
                     Modified_Units => Modified_Units,
                     Status => E,
                     Limit_Type => Dir.Any_Object,
                     Action_Id => Action_Id);
        Logger.Status (E);
    end Destroy;

    procedure Reduce (Gateway_Object : in Dir.Object;
                      Candidate_Modules : in out Hierarchy.Module_Iterator;
                      Comments : in String;
                      The_State : in out State) is  
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Heap : System.Segment renames The_State.Cmvc.Heap;
        E : Dir.Error_Status;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        Candidate_Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator;
        Candidate_Module : Hchy.Module;
        Gateway_Child : Dir.Object;
        Gateway_Children : Dna.Iterator;  
        Gateway_Object_Full_Name : constant String :=
           Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object);
        Gateway_Object_Simple_Name : constant String :=
           Dna.Get_Simple_Name (Gateway_Object);
        Must_Remain : Boolean;
        use Dna;
        Must_Remain := False;
        while not Hchy.Done (Candidate_Modules) loop
            Candidate_Module := Hchy.Value (Candidate_Modules);
            if Su.Equal (Gateway_Object_Simple_Name,
                         Hchy.Simple_Name (Candidate_Module)) then
                Must_Remain := True;
            end if;
            Hchy.Next (Candidate_Modules);
        end loop;

        if Must_Remain then

            -- There is a module for this gateway object, so it must be
            -- kept.
            Logger.Note ("Gateway " & Gateway_Object_Full_Name &
                         " corresponds to module " &
                         Hchy.Full_Name (Candidate_Module));

            Dna.Resolve (Iter => Gateway_Children,
                         Source => Gateway_Object_Full_Name & ".@'C(~Text)",
                         Status => N,
                         Heap => Heap,
                         Action_Id => Action_Id);
            if N /= Dna.Undefined then
                Logger.Status (N);

                while not Dna.Done (Gateway_Children) loop
                    Candidate_Children := Hchy.Children_Of (Candidate_Module);

                    Dna.Get_Object (Iter => Gateway_Children,
                                    The_Object => Gateway_Child,
                                    Status => E);
                    Logger.Status (E);

                    Reduce (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Child,
                            Candidate_Modules => Candidate_Children,
                            Comments => Comments,
                            The_State => The_State);
                    Dna.Next (Gateway_Children);
                end loop;
            end if;

            -- There is no longer a corresponding module for this gateway
            -- object.  We first check that the object has no
            -- non-functional requirements, and then delete it.

            Dna.Resolve (Iter => Gateway_Children,
                         Source => Gateway_Object_Full_Name & ".@'C(Text)",
                         Status => N,
                         Heap => Heap,
                         Action_Id => Action_Id);
            if N = Dna.Undefined then
                Destroy (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object,
                         Comments => Comments,
                         The_State => The_State);
                   ("Gateway object " & Gateway_Object_Full_Name &
                    " has been destroyed because it has no longer " &
                    "a corresponding module");
                Logger.Warning ("The gateway object " &
                                Gateway_Object_Full_Name &
                                " couldn't be destroyed because it has " &
                                "subobjects representing non-functional " &
                                "requirements.  Use Asa.Move_Requirement " &
                                "to move these objects, and then run " &
                                "Asa.Accept_Changes again to complete " &
                                "change propagation");
            end if;
        end if;
    end Reduce;

    --                    ----------------------------------
    --                    ( ) Bodies of external subprograms
    --                    ----------------------------------

    function Cmvc_Control (Gateway_Name : in String) return Cmvc_Control_Kind is
        Gateway_Object : Dir.Object;
        Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        The_Action : Action.Id;
        The_State : State;
        The_Action := Action.Start;
        Initialize (The_State => The_State,
                    Action_Id => The_Action,
                    Work_Order => "");

        Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name,
                     The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => The_Action);
        Logger.Status (N);

        Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object,
                          The_State => The_State,
                          Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control);
        Finalize (The_State);
        Action.Finish (The_Action => The_Action, Do_Commit => True);
        return Gateway_Cmvc_Control;
    end Cmvc_Control;

    procedure Initialize (The_State : out State;
                          Action_Id : in Action.Id;  
                          Work_Order : in String) is
        Result : State;
        The_Filter : Profile.Log_Filter := Profile.Filter;
        The_Heap : constant System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
        The_Filter (Profile.Auxiliary_Msg) := False;

        Result := (Cmvc => new State_Operations.State_Record,
                   Configuration => Cmvci.Nil);
        pragma Heap (The_Heap);

        Result.Cmvc.Action_Id := Action_Id;
        Result.Cmvc.Heap := The_Heap;
        Result.Cmvc.Current_Profile :=
           Profile.Raise_Exception (Filter => The_Filter);
           (Result.Cmvc.Database_Map, The_Heap);
           (Result.Cmvc.String_Map, The_Heap);
        --[should open work-order]
        The_State := Result;
    end Initialize;

    procedure Finalize (The_State : in out State) is
        Database_Operations.Close (The_State.Cmvc);
    end Finalize;

    procedure Augment (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module;  
                       In_Library : in String;
                       Host : in String;
                       Model : in String;
                       Update_Time : in Calendar.Time;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State) is
        Gateway_Full_Name : constant String :=
           In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module);

        S : Ss.Condition;  
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator;  
        Gateway : Gwo.Handle;

        procedure Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is
            Asap.Set_Asa_Update_Time (Gateway, Value => Update_Time);
            if not Same_Properties (Module => For_Module,
                                    Gateway => Gateway) then
                   (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module));
                Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (Gateway,
                                      Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module));
                for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop
                       (H => Gateway,
                        Number => R,
                        Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R));
                end loop;
                Logger.Positive ("Updated properties of " & In_Library &
                                 '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module));
            end if;
        end Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties;

        procedure Set_Update_Time_And_Properties is
           new Updater (Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties);

        use Hchy;
        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Full_Name,
                              H => Gateway,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);

        if Ss.Error (S) then

            -- This is a new model.  Create a gateway object to represent
            -- it.
            Create (For_Module => For_Module,
                    In_Library => In_Library,
                    Host => Host,
                    Model => Model,
                    Update_Time => Update_Time,
                    Comments => Comments,
                    The_State => The_State);
            Set_Update_Time_And_Properties (Gateway => Gateway,  
                                            Comments => Comments,
                                            The_State => The_State);

            Gwo.Close (Gateway, S);
            Logger.Status (S);
        end if;

        Children := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module);
        while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop
            Augment (For_Module => Hchy.Value (M => Children),
                     In_Library => In_Library,
                     Comments => Comments,
                     The_State => The_State);
            Hchy.Next (Children);
        end loop;  
    end Augment;

    procedure Create (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module;  
                      In_Library : in String;
                      Host : in String;
                      Model : in String;
                      Update_Time : in Calendar.Time;
                      Comments : in String;
                      The_State : in out State) is  
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module);
        Child : Hchy.Module;
        Next_Id : Positive;
        Size : constant Positive := Tree_Size (For_Module);
        use Hierarchy;
           (Gateway_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module),
            Last_Id => Size,
            For_Module => For_Module,
            Host => Host,
            Model => Model,
            Update_Time => Update_Time,
            Comments => Comments,
            The_State => The_State);
        Next_Id := 2;
        for C in 1 .. Hchy.Size (Children) loop
            Child := Hchy.Value (Children);
            Create (For_Module => Hchy.Value (Children),
                    In_Library => In_Library,
                    Root_Id => Next_Id,
                    Comments => Comments,
                    The_State => The_State);
            Next_Id := Next_Id + Tree_Size (Child);
            Hchy.Next (Children);
        end loop;
    end Create;

    procedure Create (In_Gateway : in String;
                      Requirement_Name : in String;
                      Requirement_Kind : in Requirements.Non_Functional;
                      Requirement_Text : in String;
                      Comments : in String;
                      The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        Id : Positive;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        Parent : Gwo.Handle;
        Parent_Object : Dir.Object;
        S : Ss.Condition;

        procedure Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is
            Id := Asap.Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway) + 1;
            Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id);
        end Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id;

        procedure Set_Last_Requirement_Id is
           new Updater (Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id);

        use Asa_Definitions;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => In_Gateway,
                     The_Object => Parent_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => Action_Id);
        Logger.Status (N);

        Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Parent_Object,
                              H => Parent,
                              Update => False,
                              Action_Id => Action_Id,
                              Errors => S);
        Logger.Status (S);

        if Asap.Class (Parent) = Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement then
            Logger.Error ("The gateway object " &
                          Dna.Get_Full_Name (Parent_Object) &
                          " does not represent an " &
                          Asa_Definitions.Asa & " module, and thus " &
                          "cannot host non-functional requirements");
        end if;
        Set_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway => Parent,  
                                 Comments => Comments,
                                 The_State => The_State);

        Gwo.Close (Parent, S);
        Logger.Status (S);

            Parent_Full_Name : constant String :=
               Dna.Get_Full_Name (Parent_Object);
               (Gateway_Name => Parent_Full_Name & '.' & Requirement_Name,
                Parent_Name => Parent_Full_Name,
                Id => Id,
                Requirement_Kind => Requirement_Kind,
                Requirement_Text => Requirement_Text,
                Comments => Comments,
                The_State => The_State);

    end Create;

    procedure Destroy (Gateway_Name : in String;
                       Comments : in String;
                       The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        Gateway_Object : Dir.Object;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name,
                     The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => Action_Id);
        Logger.Status (N);

        Destroy (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object,
                 Comments => Comments,
                 The_State => The_State);
    end Destroy;

    procedure Reduce (Gateway_Name : in String;
                      Candidate_Modules : in out Hierarchy.Module_Iterator;
                      Comments : in String;
                      The_State : in out State) is
        Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id;
        N : Dna.Name_Status;
        Gateway_Object : Dir.Object;
        Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name,
                     The_Object => Gateway_Object,
                     Status => N,
                     Action_Id => Action_Id);
        Logger.Status (N);

        Reduce (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object,
                Candidate_Modules => Candidate_Modules,
                Comments => Comments,
                The_State => The_State);
    end Reduce;

end Gateways;