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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦130b6ddbd⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2073 (0x819)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »RM_060_LOG«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


=== Test Section => Rule_1: The attribute of the name and class must match.

Adding " true"
("", ".Rule_1.Bar") => no value

=== Test Section => Rule_2: Tight bindings override loose bindings.

Adding "rule_2.-2-: tight"
Adding "rule_2*-2-: loose"
Adding "*-2-: very_loose"
("rule_2.-2-", "Rule_2.-2-") => "tight"

=== Test Section => Rule_3: Names override classes.

Adding "* name"
Adding "*Rule_3.Foo: class"
("", "Rule_3.Foo") => "name"

=== Test Section => Rule_4: Explicit attributes override implicit ones.

Adding "rule_4*foo*bar: qualified"
Adding "rule_4*bar: unqualified"
("", "Rule_4.Foo.Bar") => "qualified"

=== Test Section => Rule_5: Left components override right components.

Adding "*foo*rule_5: foo"
Adding "*bar*rule_5: bar"
("", "Foo.Bar.Rule_5") => "foo"

=== Test Section => Rule_6: Tight binding is implicit for the first component.

Adding "rule_6: foo"
Adding "*rule_6: bar"
(".rule_6", ".Rule_6") => "foo"

=== Test Section => Mixed_Attributes: Names and classes may be mixed.

Adding "xmh*bg:          red"
Adding "*cmd.font:       8x13"
Adding "*         blue"
Adding "*Cmd.Fg:         green"
Adding "xmh.toc*Cmd.aFg: black"
(".xmh.toc.msgf.incl.aFg", ".Xmh.VPaned.Box.Cmd.Fg") => "black"

=== Test Section => Precedence: The lowest numbered rule wins conflicts.

Adding ".a.B:         Rule 2 vs. 3"
Adding "*a.b:         Rule 3 vs. 2"
(".a.b", ".A.B") => "Rule 2 vs. 3"

Adding ".a*c:         Rule 2 vs. 4"
Adding "*a.b.c:       Rule 4 vs. 2"
(".a.b.c", ".A.B.C") => "Rule 2 vs. 4"

Adding ".a*c*d:       Rule 2 vs. 5"
Adding "*a*b*d:       Rule 5 vs. 2"
(".a.b.c.d", ".A.B.C.D") => "Rule 2 vs. 5"

Adding "a*c:          Rule 3 vs. 4"
Adding "A.B.C:        Rule 4 vs. 3"
(".a.b.c", ".A.B.C") => "Rule 3 vs. 4"

Adding "a*c*d:        Rule 3 vs. 5"
Adding "A*b*d:        Rule 5 vs. 3"
(".a.b.c.d", ".A.B.C.D") => "Rule 3 vs. 5"

Adding "a*c*d:        Rule 4 vs. 5"
Adding "*b*d:         Rule 5 vs. 4"
(".a.b.c.d", ".A.B.C.D") => "Rule 4 vs. 5"

End of log.