Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦16c57c363⟧ TextFile

    Length: 32954 (0x80ba)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Debug_Tools;  
with Scheduler;  
with Text_Io;
--/ if TeleGen2 and then Unix then
--// with Process_Control;                   -- Unix process control
--/ end if;

with Xload_Icon;  
use Xload_Icon;

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Cursor_Font;  
use Xlbt_Cursor_Font;  
with Xlbt_Event;  
use Xlbt_Event;  
with Xlbt_Font;  
use Xlbt_Font;  
with Xlbt_Gc;  
use Xlbt_Gc;  
with Xlbt_Hint;  
use Xlbt_Hint;  
with Xlbt_Geometry;  
use Xlbt_Geometry;  
with Xlbt_Graphics;  
use Xlbt_Graphics;  
with Xlbt_Key;  
use Xlbt_Key;  
with Xlbt_Misc;  
use Xlbt_Misc;  
with Xlbt_Pointer;  
use Xlbt_Pointer;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;  
with Xlbt_Window;  
use Xlbt_Window;

with Xlbp_Bitmap;  
use Xlbp_Bitmap;  
with Xlbp_Cursor;  
use Xlbp_Cursor;  
with Xlbp_Display;  
use Xlbp_Display;  
with Xlbp_Event;  
use Xlbp_Event;  
with Xlbp_Font;  
use Xlbp_Font;  
with Xlbp_Gc;  
use Xlbp_Gc;  
with Xlbp_Geometry;  
use Xlbp_Geometry;  
with Xlbp_Graphics;  
use Xlbp_Graphics;  
with Xlbp_Hint;  
use Xlbp_Hint;  
with Xlbp_Keyboard_Control;  
use Xlbp_Keyboard_Control;  
with Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
with Xlbp_Sync;  
use Xlbp_Sync;  
with Xlbp_Text;  
use Xlbp_Text;  
with Xlbp_Window;  
use Xlbp_Window;

with Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
use Xlbmt_Network_Types;

with Xlbmp_Environment;  
use Xlbmp_Environment;  
with Xlbmp_Network_Interface;  
use Xlbmp_Network_Interface;

package body Xload_Main is
-- Xload - a version of Mah-Jongg for X Windows
-- Author: Gary E. Barnes        March 1991
-- main.c - The mainline code.
-- 03/14/91 GEB  - Translate to Ada

    Notify : Notify_Complete := new Notify_Complete_Task;

    History      : S_Long_List := new S_Long_Array'(1 .. 1024 => 0);  
    History_Last : S_Natural   := History'Last;  
    Peak         : S_Natural   := History'Last; -- Largest value in History.

    History_Units : constant := 100;   -- level of 1.0 is a value of 100.0

    Window_Height : S_Short   := 40;   -- Actual height/width
    Window_Width  : S_Short   := 40;  
    Base_Height   : S_Short   := 40;   -- Graphed height/width
    Base_Width    : S_Natural := 70;

    Last_Y_Pixel : S_Short := 40;     -- Y coordinate of bottommost pixel.
    Last_Histo   : S_Short := 70;     -- X coordinate of last histogram line

    Dash_Flag     : Boolean := True;   -- Skip the dots next load.
    Need_Redraw   : Boolean := False;  -- Need a partial redraw? (exposure)
    Title_Overall : X_Char_Struct;     -- Extents for our title string

    type Boolean_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of Boolean;

    Levels           : S_Natural := 2;          -- Number of lines across
    Pixels_Per_Level : S_Short_Array (1 .. 20); -- Pixels from line to line
    Levels_Height    : S_Short_Array (1 .. 20); -- Levels * Pixels_Per_Level
    Top_Line         : S_Short_Array (1 .. 20); -- Y coordinate of topmost line
    Title_Overlap    : Boolean_Array (1 .. 20); -- Levels ovelap title
    Levels_History   : S_Long_Array (0 .. 20);  -- Load average for this Levels

--  \f

    procedure Redraw_From_History is
-- Clear the window and redraw everything.
        Seg  : X_Segment_Array (1 .. Base_Width);  
        Pnt  : X_Point_Array (1 .. Base_Width);  
        Load : S_Long;  
        Y    : S_Short;  

----Clear the window.

        X_Clear_Window (Dpy, Xload);

----We wouldn't be here if we didn't need a redraw.

        Need_Redraw := False;

----Draw the host name.

        X_Draw_Image_String (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                             Gc   => Normal_Gc,  
                             X    => 4,  
                             Y    => 4 + Title_Overall.Ascent,  
                             Text => Xload_Resources.Host.all);

----Compute the histogram.  Seg is the histogram.  Pnt is the tops of the
--  histogram.

        for I in 1 .. Base_Width loop  
            Seg (I).X1 := S_Short (Base_Width - I);  
            Seg (I).X2 := S_Short (Base_Width - I);  
            Seg (I).Y1 := Last_Y_Pixel;  
            if I > History_Last then  
                Load := History (History'Last - (I - History_Last));  
                Load := History (History_Last - I + 1);  
            end if;  
            Seg (I).Y2 := Last_Y_Pixel -  
                             S_Short ((Load *  
                                       S_Long (Pixels_Per_Level (Levels))) /  
            Pnt (I).X  := Seg (I).X2;  
            Pnt (I).Y  := Seg (I).Y2;  
        end loop;

----Draw the histogram.

        X_Draw_Segments (Dpy, Xload.Drawable, Normal_Gc, Seg);

----Draw the load lines across the window.

        Dash_Flag := not Xload_Resources.Use_Dashes;  
        for I in 1 .. Levels loop  
            Y := Last_Y_Pixel - S_Short (I) * Pixels_Per_Level (Levels);  
            X_Draw_Line (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                         Gc => Xor_Gc,  
                         X1 => Last_Histo,  
                         Y1 => Y,  
                         X2 => 0,  
                         Y2 => Y);  
        end loop;

----Redraw the historgram tops just in case the load lines zapped them.

        X_Draw_Points (Dpy, Xload.Drawable, Normal_Gc, Pnt, Coord_Mode_Origin);

    end Redraw_From_History;

--  \f

    procedure Move_Peak (New_Peak  : Boolean;  
                         Do_Layout : Boolean) is  
        Load1 : S_Long;  
        Load2 : S_Long;  
        J     : S_Natural;  
        K     : S_Short;  

----Count the number of samples that we have between "now" and the peak load.

        if Peak > History_Last then  
            J := History'Last - Peak + 1 + History_Last;  
            J := History_Last - Peak + 1;  
        end if;

----See if the old peak is gone or overridden.

        if New_Peak or else  
           J > Base_Width then  
            Load1 := History (History_Last);  
            Peak  := History_Last;  
            for I in 2 .. Base_Width loop  
                if I > History_Last then  
                    J := History'Last - (I - History_Last);  
                    J := History_Last - I + 1;  
                end if;  
                Load2 := History (J);  
                if Load1 < Load2 then  
                    Load1 := Load2;  
                    Peak  := J;  
                end if;  
            end loop;  
            if History (Peak) < History (History_Last) then  
                Peak := History_Last;  
            end if;  
        end if;

----If we aren't redoing the layout then return now.

        if not Do_Layout then  
        end if;

----See if we need to change the number of levels that we are displaying.

        while History (Peak) > Levels_History (Levels) loop  
            Levels      := Levels + 1;  
            Need_Redraw := True;  
        end loop;  
        while History (Peak) <= Levels_History (Levels - 1) and then  
                 Levels > S_Natural (Xload_Resources.Levels) loop  
            Levels      := Levels - 1;  
            Need_Redraw := True;  
        end loop;

    end Move_Peak;

--  \f

    procedure Compute_Layout is
-- Called whenever Base_Height, Base_Width, or Levels is changed.
        Tmp : S_Natural;  

----If we are wider than we can physicall handle then adjust our history array.

        if Base_Width > History'Length then  
                Na   : S_Long_List :=  
                   new S_Long_Array (1 .. (Base_Width + 255) / 256 * 256);  
                His1 : S_Natural   := History_Last;  
                His2 : S_Natural   := History'Last - History_Last;  
                Na0  : S_Natural   := Na'Last - History'Last;  
                Na (Na'Last - Na0 + 1 .. Na'Last) := (others => 0);  
                Na (1 .. His2) := History (History_Last + 1 .. History'Last);  
                Na (His2 + 1 .. His2 + History_Last) :=  
                   History (1 .. History_Last);  
                History_Last := History'Last;  
                History := Na;  
                Move_Peak (New_Peak => True, Do_Layout => False);  

----If we are narrower than before, is our peak now off screen?

            if Peak > History_Last then  
                Tmp := History'Last - Peak + History_Last + 1;  
                Tmp := History_Last - Peak + 1;  
            end if;  
            if Tmp > Base_Width then  
                Move_Peak (New_Peak => True, Do_Layout => False);  
            end if;  
        end if;

----Recompute the number of pixels we use per level and such.

        Levels_History (0) := -1;  
        for I in Pixels_Per_Level'Range loop  
            Pixels_Per_Level (I) :=  
               (Base_Height + S_Short (I) - 1) / S_Short (I);  
            if Pixels_Per_Level (I) >= 2 then  
                Title_Overlap (I) := False;  
                Pixels_Per_Level (I) := 2;  
                Title_Overlap (I)    := True;  
            end if;  
            Top_Line (I)       := Window_Height -  
                                     Pixels_Per_Level (I) * S_Short (I) - 1;  
            Levels_Height (I)  := S_Short (I) * Pixels_Per_Level (I) + 1;  
            Levels_History (I) :=  
               S_Long (I) * History_Units +  
                  History_Units / S_Long (Pixels_Per_Level (I)) - 1;  
        end loop;

        Last_Y_Pixel := Window_Height - 1;  
        Last_Histo   := Window_Width - 1;

    end Compute_Layout;

--  \f

    procedure Load_Sample is
-- Get the latest load average.  If we need to reconfigure the display in
-- order to increase/decrease the number of levels of display then we do that
-- also.
        use Scheduler;  
        Last      : Load_Factor;  
        Minute    : Load_Factor;  
        Minute_5  : Load_Factor;  
        Minute_15 : Load_Factor;  
        Last_Y    : S_Short;  
        Tmp       : S_Long;  

----Get the latest load average.

        Scheduler.Get_Run_Queue_Load (Last, Minute, Minute_5, Minute_15);  
        if History_Last = History'Last then  
            History_Last := 1;  
            History_Last := History_Last + 1;  
        end if;  
        if Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 0 then  
            History (History_Last) := S_Long (Last);  
        elsif Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 1 then  
            History (History_Last) := S_Long (Minute);  
        elsif Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 5 then  
            History (History_Last) := S_Long (Minute_5);  
            History (History_Last) := S_Long (Minute_15);  
        end if;  
        if History (History_Last) >= History_Units *  
                                        (Pixels_Per_Level'Last + 1) then  
            History (History_Last) := History_Units *  
                                         (Pixels_Per_Level'Last + 1) - 1;  
        end if;

----See if the old peak is gone or overridden.

        Move_Peak (New_Peak => False, Do_Layout => True);

----Draw the new load average on the screen.

        if not Need_Redraw then

            X_Copy_Area (Dpy, Xload.Drawable, Xload.Drawable,  
                         Gc            => Normal_Gc,  
                         Source_X      => 1,  
                         Source_Y      => Top_Line (Levels),  
                         Width         => U_Short (Window_Width - 1),  
                         Height        => U_Short (Levels_Height (Levels)),  
                         Destination_X => 0,  
                         Destination_Y => Top_Line (Levels));

            if Title_Overlap (Levels) then  
                X_Draw_Image_String (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                                     Gc   => Normal_Gc,  
                                     X    => 4,  
                                     Y    => 4 + Title_Overall.Ascent,  
                                     Text => Xload_Resources.Host.all);  
            end if;

            X_Clear_Area (Dpy, Xload,  
                          X         => Last_Histo,  
                          Y         => Top_Line (Levels),  
                          Width     => 1,  
                          Height    => U_Short (Levels_Height (Levels)),  
                          Exposures => False);

            Last_Y := Last_Y_Pixel -  
                         S_Short ((History (History_Last) *  
                                   S_Long (Pixels_Per_Level (Levels))) /  
            X_Draw_Line (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                         Gc => Normal_Gc,  
                         X1 => Last_Histo,  
                         Y1 => Last_Y_Pixel,  
                         X2 => Last_Histo,  
                         Y2 => Last_Y);

            if Xload_Resources.Use_Dashes and then  
               Dash_Flag then  
                Dash_Flag := False;  
                Dash_Flag := Xload_Resources.Use_Dashes;  
                for I in 1 .. Levels loop  
                       (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                        Gc => Xor_Gc,  
                        X  => Last_Histo,  
                        Y  => Last_Y_Pixel -  
                                 S_Short (I) * Pixels_Per_Level (Levels));  
                end loop;  
                X_Draw_Point (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                              Gc => Normal_Gc,  
                              X  => Last_Histo,  
                              Y  => Last_Y);  
            end if;

        end if;

    end Load_Sample;

--  \f

    procedure Reconfigure (Event : X_Event) is
-- The window has changed size or something.  Rearrange our internal
-- data structures.
        Height : S_Short;  

----Compute the new Base_Height/Width.

        Height := S_Short (Event.Configure.Height);  
        if Height < 1 then  
            Height := 1;  
        end if;  
        Window_Height := Height;  
        Height        := Height - 4 - 2 * (Title_Overall.Ascent +  
                                           Title_Overall.Descent) - 4;  
        if Height < 2 * S_Short (Levels) then  
            Height                 := 2 * S_Short (Levels);  
            Title_Overlap (Levels) := True;  
            Title_Overlap (Levels) := False;  
        end if;  
        Base_Height := Height;

        Base_Width := S_Natural (Event.Configure.Width);  
        if Base_Width < 1 then  
            Base_Width := 1;  
        end if;  
        Window_Width := S_Short (Base_Width);

----Refigure the layout and redraw the image.


    end Reconfigure;

--  \f

    procedure Change_Load_Average is
-- We got a Button3 click.  Change the load average that we are monitoring.

----Change source of the load average.

        if Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 0 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 1;  
        elsif Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 1 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 5;  
        elsif Xload_Resources.Which_Load = 5 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 15;  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 0;  
        end if;

----Recompute our title and its size.

        Xload_Resources.Host :=  
           new X_String'(X_Env_Get_Host_Name &  
                         To_X_String (Natural'Image  
            Dir          : X_Font_Direction;  
            Font_Ascent  : S_Short;  
            Font_Descent : S_Short;  
            X_Text_Extents (Xload_Resources.Font,  
                            Dir, Font_Ascent, Font_Descent, Title_Overall);  

----Reconfigure our layout, if necessary.

            Event : X_Configure_Notify_Event;  
            Event.Configure.Width  := U_Short (Window_Width);  
            Event.Configure.Height := U_Short (Window_Height);  
            Reconfigure (Event);  
        Need_Redraw := True;

    end Change_Load_Average;

--  \f

    procedure Gc_Setup is
-- Set up the GC's that we will be using for drawing.
        Gcv : X_Gc_Values;  
        Pix : X_Pixel;  

----Xor_GC - fg = black, bg = white, func = xor

        Gcv.Funct              := Gx_Xor;  
        Gcv.Foreground         := Xload_Resources.Foreground xor  
        Gcv.Background         := Xload_Resources.Background;  
        Gcv.Font               := Xload_Resources.Font.Font_Id;  
        Gcv.Graphics_Exposures := True;  
        Gcv.Line_Style         := Line_On_Off_Dash;  
        Gcv.Dash_Offset        := 1;  
        Gcv.Dashes             := 1;  
        if Xload_Resources.Use_Dashes then  
            Xor_Gc :=  
                  (Dpy, Xload.Drawable,  
                      (Gc_Function | Gc_Font | Gc_Foreground |  
                       Gc_Background | Gc_Graphics_Exposures |  
                       Gc_Line_Style | Gc_Dash_Offset | Gc_Dash_List => True,  
                       others => False), Gcv);  
            Xor_Gc := X_Create_Gc  
                             (Gc_Function | Gc_Font | Gc_Foreground |  
                              Gc_Background | Gc_Graphics_Exposures => True,  
                              others => False),  
        end if;

----Normal_GC - fg = black, bg = white, func = copy

        Gcv.Funct              := Gx_Copy;  
        Gcv.Foreground         := Xload_Resources.Foreground;  
        Gcv.Background         := Xload_Resources.Background;  
        Gcv.Font               := Xload_Resources.Font.Font_Id;  
        Gcv.Graphics_Exposures := True;  
        Normal_Gc              :=  
               X_Gc_Components'(Gc_Function | Gc_Font | Gc_Foreground |  
                                Gc_Background | Gc_Graphics_Exposures => True,  
                                others => False),  

    end Gc_Setup;

--  \f

    procedure Set_Size_Hints (Hints : in out X_Size_Hints;  
                              Geom  :        X_String) is
--  Hints   - Receives the X/Y/Width/Height values from the Geometry string
--  Geom    - Specifies the string specified by the user for the geometry
-- Parses the geometry string (if any) and takes care of setting the X/Y and
-- the Width/Height fields in the Hints structure.
        Geom_Result : X_Parse_Geometry_Flags;  

        Hints.X     := 0;  
        Hints.Y     := 0;  
        Geom_Result := None_X_Parse_Geometry_Flags;  
        if Geom /= "" then  
            X_Parse_Geometry (Geom,  
                              S_Short (Hints.X), S_Short (Hints.Y),  
                              U_Short (Hints.Width), U_Short (Hints.Height),  
            if Geom_Result (Width_Value) and then  
               Geom_Result (Height_Value) then  
                Hints.Width            := Max (Hints.Width, Hints.Min_Width);  
                Hints.Height           := Max (Hints.Height, Hints.Min_Height);  
                Hints.Flags (U_S_Size) := True;  
            end if;  
            if Geom_Result (X_Value) and then  
               Geom_Result (Y_Value) then  
                Hints.Flags (U_S_Position) := True;  
            end if;  
        end if;  
        if not Hints.Flags (U_S_Size) then  
            Hints.Width          := Hints.Min_Width;  
            Hints.Height         := Hints.Min_Height;  
            Hints.Flags (P_Size) := True;  
        end if;  
        if not Hints.Flags (U_S_Position) then  
            Hints.X                  := 0;  
            Hints.Y                  := 0;  
            Hints.Flags (P_Position) := True;  
        end if;

        if Geom_Result (X_Negative) then  
            Hints.X := S_Long (X_Display_Width (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) +  
                          Hints.X - S_Long (Hints.Width);  
        end if;  
        if Geom_Result (Y_Negative) then  
            Hints.Y := S_Long (X_Display_Height (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) +  
                          Hints.Y - S_Long (Hints.Height);  
        end if;

    end Set_Size_Hints;

--  \f

    procedure Main (Display    : X_String;  
                    Geometry   : X_String := "70x40";  
                    Which_Load : Natural  := 1;  
                    Interval   : Positive := 10;  
                    Levels     : Positive := 2;  
                    Font       : X_String := "*cour*med*r*norm*--10*";  
                    Use_Dashes : Boolean  := False) is
-- Our Main-Line Code.
        Error       : X_Error_String;  
        Class_Hint  : X_Class_Hint;  
        Size_Hints  : X_Size_Hints;  
        Wm_Hints    : X_Wm_Hints;  
        Attr        : X_Set_Window_Attributes;  
        Mask        : X_New_Window_Attributes := None_X_New_Window_Attributes;  
        Screen      : X_Screen_Number;  
        Success     : X_Status;  
        Icon_Window : X_Window                := None_X_Window;  
        Env         : constant X_String       :=  
           X_Display_Name (Display);  
        Event       : X_Event;  
        Length      : X_Raw_Data_Index;  

----Open a display connection.

        X_Open_Display (Env, Dpy, Error);  
        if Dpy = null then  
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Unable to open display {" & To_String (Display) &  
                              "}: " & To_String (Err (Error)));  
            raise Abandon;  
        end if;

        Screen := X_Default_Screen (Dpy);

----Initialize the resources.  Do it this way until we have real widgets.

        Xload_Resources.Foreground    := X_Black_Pixel (Dpy, Screen);  
        Xload_Resources.Background    := X_White_Pixel (Dpy, Screen);  
        Xload_Resources.Cursor        := X_Create_Font_Cursor (Dpy, Xc_Hand2);  
        Xload_Resources.Debug         := False;  
        Xload_Resources.Geometry      := new X_String'(Geometry);  
        Xload_Resources.Icon_Geometry := new X_String'("32x32");  
        Xload_Resources.Iconic        := False;  
        Xload_Resources.Icon_Name     := null;  
        Xload_Resources.Reverse_Video := False;  
        Xload_Resources.Use_Dashes    := Use_Dashes;  
        Xload_Resources.Interval      := Interval;

----Which load do we watch?

        if Which_Load = 0 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 0;  
        elsif Which_Load < 5 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 1;  
        elsif Which_Load < 10 then  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 5;  
            Xload_Resources.Which_Load := 15;  
        end if;

----How many levels minimum?

        if Levels in 1 .. Positive (S_Short'Last) then  
            Xload_Resources.Levels := S_Short (Levels);  
            Xload_Resources.Levels := 2;  
        end if;

----Which font do we use?

        Xload_Resources.Font := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, Font);  
        if Xload_Resources.Font = None_X_Font_Struct then  
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Unable to load font :{" &  
                              To_String (Font) & "}.");  
            Xload_Resources.Font := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, "fixed");  
            if Xload_Resources.Font = None_X_Font_Struct then  
                Text_Io.Put_Line ("Unable to load font :{fixed}; exiting.");  
            end if;  
        end if;

----Set the debugging flag?  Use Sync?

        if Xload_Resources.Debug then  
                Void : Proc_Var_X_Synchandler.Pv;  
                Void := X_Synchronize (Dpy, Onoff => True);  
        end if;

----Set up the non-resources.

        Xload_Resources.Host :=  
           new X_String'(X_Env_Get_Host_Name &  
                         To_X_String (Natural'Image  
            Dir          : X_Font_Direction;  
            Font_Ascent  : S_Short;  
            Font_Descent : S_Short;  
            X_Text_Extents (Xload_Resources.Font,  
                            Dir, Font_Ascent, Font_Descent, Title_Overall);

----Set up the various Hints structures for our main window.

            Size_Hints.Min_Width   := S_Long (4 + Title_Overall.Width + 4);  
            Size_Hints.Min_Height  :=  
               4 + S_Long (Title_Overall.Ascent + Title_Overall.Descent) +  
                  4 + S_Long (Xload_Resources.Levels) * 4;  
            Size_Hints.Base_Width  := Size_Hints.Min_Width;  
            Size_Hints.Base_Height := Size_Hints.Min_Height;  
            Size_Hints.Width_Inc   := S_Long (Levels);  
            Size_Hints.Height_Inc  := S_Long (Levels);  
            Size_Hints.Flags       :=  
                  (P_Min_Size | P_Resize_Inc | P_Base_Size => True,  
                   others => False);  
            Set_Size_Hints (Size_Hints, Xload_Resources.Geometry.all);  

        Wm_Hints.Input := True;  
        Wm_Hints.Flags := X_Wm_Hints_Flags'(Input_Hint => True,  
                                            others     => False);

        Class_Hint.Res_Name  := new X_String'("xload");  
        Class_Hint.Res_Class := new X_String'("XLoad");

        Attr.Background_Pixel := Xload_Resources.Background;  
        Attr.Border_Pixel     := Xload_Resources.Foreground;  
        Attr.Cursor           := X_Create_Font_Cursor (Dpy, Xc_Hand2);

        Mask := X_New_Window_Attributes'  
                   (Cw_Background_Pixel | Cw_Border_Pixel | Cw_Cursor => True,  
                    others => False);
----Set up our icon.

        Icon_Setup (Wm_Hints);

----Create our main window.

        Xload := X_Create_Window  
                    (Dpy, X_Default_Root_Window (Dpy),  
                     S_Short (Size_Hints.X), S_Short (Size_Hints.Y),  
                     U_Short (Size_Hints.Width), U_Short (Size_Hints.Height),  
                     2, X_Default_Depth (Dpy, Screen),  
                     Input_Output, X_Default_Visual_Of_Screen  
                                      (X_Default_Screen_Of_Display (Dpy)),  
                     Mask, Attr);

        X_Set_Wm_Properties (Dpy, Xload, "xload", "XLoad",  
                             (1 .. 0 => None_X_String_Pointer),  
                             Size_Hints, Wm_Hints, Class_Hint, Success);

----Select for certain kinds of events.

           (Dpy, Xload,  
               (Structure_Notify_Mask | Exposure_Mask | Button_Press_Mask =>  
                others => False));  
        X_Map_Window (Dpy, Xload);

----Set up our GC's.


----Give our controls some kind of default initial values.  These will be
--  overridden by the real values almost immediately as RECONFIGURE events
--  come in.

        Pixels_Per_Level := (others => 4);  
        Levels_Height    := (others => 0);  
        Top_Line         := (others => 60);  
        Title_Overlap    := (others => False);

----Now do the real thing.

        Xload_Main.Levels := S_Natural (Xload_Resources.Levels);

----Loop forever.  When we don't have pending events we will queue a read
--  request and wait for it to complete.  Every so many seconds we will wake
--  up and take a load sample while we wait.

            while X_Pending (Dpy) = 0 loop  
                if Need_Redraw then  
                end if;  
                if Dpy.Network.Fd.State /= Pending_Read_Wait then  
                           (Dpy.Input.Used + 1 .. Dpy.Input.Data'Last), Length,  
                end if;  
                if Dpy.Network.Fd.State = Pending_Read_Wait then  
                        delay Duration (Xload_Resources.Interval);  
                        X_Flush (Dpy);  
                    end select;  
                elsif Length > 0 then  
                    Dpy.Input.Used := Dpy.Input.Used + Length;  
                end if;  
            end loop;  
            X_Next_Event (Dpy, Event);

----Handle the event.

            if Event.Window = Xload then  
                case Event.Kind is

----Exposures cause a redraw.

                    when Expose =>  
                        if Event.Expose.Count = 0 then  
                            Need_Redraw := True;  
                        end if;  
                    when Graphics_Expose =>  
                        if Event.Graphics_Expose.Count = 0 then  
                            Need_Redraw := True;  
                        end if;

----Changes in size cause a reconfiguration and a redraw.

                    when Configure_Notify =>  
                        Reconfigure (Event);  
                        Need_Redraw := True;

----Button presses.

                    when Xlbt_Event.Button_Press =>

----Button 1 says do a load sample now.

                        if Event.Button.Button = Button_1 then  

----CM_Button 2 says exit.

                        elsif Event.Button.Button = Button_2 and then  
                              Event.Button.State =  
                                    (Control_Mask | Shift_Mask => True,  
                                     others                    => False) then  

----Button 3 says change the sampled average.

                        elsif Event.Button.Button = Button_3 then  

----Other buttons just ring the bell.

                            X_Bell (Dpy, 0);  
                        end if;

----Ignore anything else.

                    when others =>  
                end case;

----Handle unexpected events for unknown windows.

                Text_Io.Put ("Event for window ");  
                   (Event.Window.Drawable.Id.Number, Base => 16, Width => 0);  
                Text_Io.Put (" kind: ");  
                Text_Io.Put (X_Event_Code'Image (Event.Kind));  
            end if;

        end loop;  
        X_Close_Display (Dpy);

    end Main;

--  \f

end Xload_Main;