DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software. |
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Length: 3954 (0xf72) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
WITH Messages; WITH Mailboxes; WITH Destinations; WITH Io; WITH Lines; WITH Message; WITH Time_Utilities; WITH String_Utilities; WITH Symbolic_Display; PACKAGE BODY Command_Utilities IS PACKAGE Su RENAMES String_Utilities; PACKAGE Tu RENAMES Time_Utilities; Unknown_Command : CONSTANT Command := (Unknown, 0); FUNCTION Get_Natural_Argument (Kind : Command_Kind; Command : String) RETURN Natural; PROCEDURE New_Line; PROCEDURE Display IS NEW Symbolic_Display (Io.Put, New_Line); PROCEDURE New_Line IS BEGIN Io.New_Line; END New_Line; FUNCTION Get_Natural_Argument (Kind : Command_Kind; Command : String) RETURN Natural IS Start_Of_Argument : Natural := Su.Reverse_Locate (" ", Command); Number : Natural; Was_A_Number : Boolean; BEGIN Su.String_To_Number (Command (Start_Of_Argument .. Command'Last), Number, Was_A_Number); IF NOT Was_A_Number THEN RAISE Constraint_Error; END IF; RETURN Number; END Get_Natural_Argument; FUNCTION Get_Command RETURN Command IS -- Syntax: <command name> [" " <natural number>] BEGIN Io.Put ("MM> "); DECLARE Command : CONSTANT String := Su.Strip (Io.Get_Line); BEGIN FOR I IN Command_Kind'First .. Command_Kind'Last LOOP BEGIN IF Su.Equal (Command_Kind'Image (I), Command (Command'First .. Command'First + Command_Kind'Image (I)'Length - 1), Ignore_Case => True) THEN CASE I IS WHEN Headers | Send | Quit | Unknown => RETURN (I, 0); WHEN Read | Delete => RETURN (I, Get_Natural_Argument (I, Command)); END CASE; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Constraint_Error => NULL; END; END LOOP; RETURN Unknown_Command; END; EXCEPTION WHEN Constraint_Error => RETURN Unknown_Command; END Get_Command; FUNCTION Get_Message RETURN Messages.Message IS Temp : Messages.Message := Messages.Make; Text : Lines.Lines_Type := Lines.Make; BEGIN Io.Put ("To: "); Messages.Set_To (Destinations.Lookup (Io.Get_Line), Temp); Messages.Set_Date (Tu.Get_Time, Temp); Io.Put ("Subject: "); Messages.Set_Subject (Io.Get_Line, Temp); Io.Put_Line ("Text: "); DECLARE Input_File : Io.File_Type := Io.Current_Input; BEGIN LOOP Lines.Add (Io.Get_Line, Text); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN Io.End_Error => Messages.Set_Text (Text, Temp); Io.Reset (Input_File); Io.New_Line; RETURN Temp; END; END Get_Message; PROCEDURE Display_Message (Message : Messages.Message) IS BEGIN Display (Message); END Display_Message; PROCEDURE Display_Headers (Mailbox : Mailboxes.Mailbox) IS BEGIN FOR I IN 1 .. Mailboxes.Last_Message (Mailbox) LOOP Io.Put (Natural'Image (I) & " "); IF Mailboxes.Get_Read_Flag (I, Mailbox) THEN Io.Put ("R "); END IF; Io.Put (Destinations.Image (Messages.Get_From (Mailboxes.Get_Message (I, Mailbox)))); Io.New_Line; END LOOP; END Display_Headers; PROCEDURE Notify_Of_Receipt (Sending_User : Destinations.User; Receiving_User : Destinations.User) IS BEGIN Message.Send (Destinations.Image (Receiving_User), "message received from " & Destinations.Image (Sending_User)); END Notify_Of_Receipt; END Command_Utilities;