Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦185b43dbd⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7221 (0x1c35)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


with Action;
with Directory;

package Activity_Implementation is

    -- An Activity maps a subsystem to a spec view and a non-spec view of
    -- that subsystem.

    pragma Subsystem (Directory, Closed);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 2909);

    subtype Activity_Id  is Directory.Object;
    subtype Subsystem_Id is Directory.Object;
    subtype Spec_View_Id is Directory.Object;
    subtype Load_View_Id is Directory.Object;

    function Null_Activity  return Activity_Id  renames Directory.Nil;
    function Null_Subsystem return Subsystem_Id renames Directory.Nil;
    function Null_Spec_View return Spec_View_Id renames Directory.Nil;
    function Null_Load_View return Load_View_Id renames Directory.Nil;

    type Activity_Handle is limited private;

    function Current return Activity_Id;
    -- returns Activity currently associated with this job; if no Activity
    -- has been associated with this job, then returns Activity currently
    -- associated with this sesssion.

    procedure Set (Activity : Activity_Id);
    -- make Activity the current activity for this job only

    procedure Set_Default (Activity : Activity_Id);
    -- make Activity the current activity for this job and session

    function Nil return Activity_Handle;

    function Is_Nil (Handle : Activity_Handle) return Boolean;

    procedure Open (Activity       :        Activity_Id;
                    Handle         : in out Activity_Handle;
                    Status         : out    Directory.Error_Status;
                    Action_Id      :        Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                    For_Update     :        Boolean   := False;
                    Prevent_Create :        Boolean   := False);

    procedure Close (Handle : in out Activity_Handle;
                     Status : out    Directory.Error_Status);
    -- An open/close protocol is used to deal with the problem of concurrent
    -- access to activities. A new version of the activity will be created
    -- when an Activity_Id is opened For_Update unless Prevent_Create is
    -- set to True

    function Default_Handle
                (Activity : Activity_Id := Current) return Activity_Handle;
    -- for use by loader

    function Enclosing_View (Unit : Directory.Ada.Unit) return Directory.Object;
    -- returns either a Spec_View_Id or a Load_View_Id.

    function Enclosing_Subsystem
                (View_Id : Directory.Object) return Subsystem_Id;
    -- takes either a Spec_View_Id or a Load_View_Id

    procedure Create (New_Activity :     String;
                      Action_Id    :     Action.Id;
                      Status       : out Directory.Error_Status;
                      New_Id       : out Activity_Id);

    type Creation_Mode is (Differential, Exact_Copy, Value_Copy);

    procedure Create (New_Activity :     String;
                      From         :     Activity_Handle;
                      Status       : out Directory.Error_Status;
                      New_Id       : out Activity_Id;
                      Mode         :     Creation_Mode := Exact_Copy);
    -- Create New_Activity based on the contents of From (and using Action_Id
    -- associated with From)

    procedure Add_Subsystem (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id;
                             Load_View : Load_View_Id := Null_Load_View;
                             Spec_View : Spec_View_Id := Null_Spec_View;
                             Handle    : Activity_Handle);
    -- Add a subsystem to the domain of an activity

    procedure Remove_Subsystem
                 (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle);
    -- Remove a subsystem from the domain of an activity

    function Has_Subsystem (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle)
                           return Boolean;
    -- Test subsystem's membership in domain of an activity.

    function Get_Spec_View (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle)
                           return Spec_View_Id;

    function Get_Load_View (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle)
                           return Load_View_Id;

    procedure Set_Spec_View (Spec_View : Spec_View_Id;
                             Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    procedure Set_Load_View (Load_View : Load_View_Id;
                             Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    function Get_Spec_View_Source
                (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle)
                return Activity_Id;

    function Get_Load_View_Source
                (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id; Handle : Activity_Handle)
                return Activity_Id;

    procedure Set_Spec_View_Source (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id;
                                    Source    : Activity_Id;
                                    Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    procedure Set_Load_View_Source (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id;
                                    Source    : Activity_Id;
                                    Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    procedure Get_Spec_Value (Subsystem :     Subsystem_Id;
                              Indirect  : out Boolean;
                              Value     : out Directory.Object;
                              Handle    :     Activity_Handle);

    procedure Get_Load_Value (Subsystem :     Subsystem_Id;
                              Indirect  : out Boolean;
                              Value     : out Directory.Object;
                              Handle    :     Activity_Handle);

    procedure Get_Values (Subsystem     :     Subsystem_Id;
                          Spec_Indirect : out Boolean;
                          Spec_Value    : out Directory.Object;
                          Load_Indirect : out Boolean;
                          Load_Value    : out Directory.Object;
                          Handle        :     Activity_Handle);

    procedure Set_Spec_Value (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id;
                              Indirect  : Boolean;
                              Value     : Directory.Object;
                              Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    procedure Set_Load_Value (Subsystem : Subsystem_Id;
                              Indirect  : Boolean;
                              Value     : Directory.Object;
                              Handle    : Activity_Handle);

    procedure Set_Values (Subsystem     : Subsystem_Id;
                          Spec_Indirect : Boolean;
                          Spec_Value    : Directory.Object;
                          Load_Indirect : Boolean;
                          Load_Value    : Directory.Object;
                          Handle        : Activity_Handle);

    Undefined : exception;

    type Handle_Ref is access Activity_Handle;
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Handle_Ref);

    type Iterator is limited private;
    procedure Init          (Iter : out Iterator; Handle : Handle_Ref);
    procedure Next          (Iter : in out Iterator);
    function  Done          (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean;
    function  Get_Subsystem (Iter : Iterator) return Subsystem_Id;

    function Is_Activity (File : Directory.Object) return Boolean;

    Default_Handle_Undefined : exception;  -- raised by Default_Handle

end Activity_Implementation;