Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦1965325c2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8487 (0x2127)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


--      Copyright (c) 1990 Meridian Software Systems, Inc.      --
with Mac_Types;
use Mac_Types;
with Quickdraw;
package Controls is

    Pushbutproc : constant := 0;
    Checkboxproc : constant := 1;
    Radiobutproc : constant := 2;
    Usewfont : constant := 8;
    Scrollbarproc : constant := 16;
    Inbutton : constant := 10;
    Incheckbox : constant := 11;
    Inupbutton : constant := 20;
    Indownbutton : constant := 21;
    Inpageup : constant := 22;
    Inpagedown : constant := 23;
    Inthumb : constant := 129;
    Noconstraint : constant := 0;
    Haxisonly : constant := 1;
    Vaxisonly : constant := 2;
    Drawcntl : constant := 0;
    Testcntl : constant := 1;
    Calccrgns : constant := 2;
    Initcntl : constant := 3;
    Dispcntl : constant := 4;
    Poscntl : constant := 5;
    Thumbcntl : constant := 6;
    Dragcntl : constant := 7;
    Autotrack : constant := 8;
    Cframecolor : constant := 0;
    Cbodycolor : constant := 1;
    Ctextcolor : constant := 2;
    Cthumbcolor : constant := 3;

    type Controlrecord;
    type Controlptr is access Controlrecord;
    type Controlhandle is access Controlptr;
    type Varcontrolhandle is access Controlhandle;
    type Controlrecord is
            Nextcontrol : Controlhandle;
            Contrlowner : Quickdraw.Windowptr;
            Contrlrect : Rect;
            Contrlvis : Byte;
            Contrlhilite : Byte;
            Contrlvalue : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Contrlmin : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Contrlmax : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Contrldefproc : Handle;
            Contrldata : Handle;
            Contrlaction : Procptr;
            Contrlrfcon : Longint;
            Contrltitle : Str255;
        end record;

    type Array0_3colorspec is array (0 .. 3) of Quickdraw.Colorspec;
    type Ctlctab is
            Ccseed : Longint;
            Ccrider : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ctsize : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Cttable : Array0_3colorspec;
        end record;
    type Cctabptr is access Ctlctab;
    type Cctabhandle is access Cctabptr;

    type Auxctlrec;
    type Auxctlptr is access Auxctlrec;
    type Auxctlhndl is access Auxctlptr;
    type Varauxctlhndl is access Auxctlhndl;
    type Auxctlrec is
            Acnext : Auxctlhndl;
            Acowner : Controlhandle;
            Acctable : Cctabhandle;
            Acflags : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Acreserved : Longint;
            Acrefcon : Longint;
        end record;

    function Newcontrol (Thewindow : Quickdraw.Windowptr;
                         Boundsrect : Rect;
                         Title : Str255;
                         Visible : Boolean;
                         Value : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Min : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Max : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Procid : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Refcon : Longint) return Controlhandle;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Newcontrol, "16#A954#");

    procedure Setctitle (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Title : Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctitle, "16#A95F#");

    procedure Getctitle (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Title : in out Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getctitle, "16#A95E#");

    function Getnewcontrol
                (Controlid : Mac_Types.Integer; Owner : Quickdraw.Windowptr)
                return Controlhandle;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getnewcontrol, "16#A9BE#");

    procedure Disposecontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Disposecontrol, "16#A955#");

    procedure Killcontrols (Thewindow : Quickdraw.Windowptr);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Killcontrols, "16#A956#");

    procedure Hidecontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Hidecontrol, "16#A958#");

    procedure Showcontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Showcontrol, "16#A957#");

    procedure Drawcontrols (Thewindow : Quickdraw.Windowptr);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Drawcontrols, "16#A969#");

    procedure Draw1control (Thecontrol : Controlhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Draw1control, "16#A96D#");

    procedure Hilitecontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                             Hilitestate : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Hilitecontrol, "16#A95D#");

    procedure Updtcontrol (Thewindow : Quickdraw.Windowptr;
                           Updatergn : Quickdraw.Rgnhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Updtcontrol, "16#A953#");

    procedure Movecontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           H : Mac_Types.Integer;
                           V : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Movecontrol, "16#A959#");

    procedure Sizecontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           W : Mac_Types.Integer;
                           H : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sizecontrol, "16#A95C#");

    procedure Setctlvalue (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           Thevalue : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctlvalue, "16#A963#");

    function Getctlvalue (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getctlvalue, "16#A960#");

    procedure Setctlmin (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                         Minvalue : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctlmin, "16#A964#");

    function Getctlmin (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getctlmin, "16#A961#");

    procedure Setctlmax (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                         Maxvalue : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctlmax, "16#A965#");

    function Getctlmax (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getctlmax, "16#A962#");

    procedure Setcrefcon (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Data : Longint);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setcrefcon, "16#A95B#");

    function Getcrefcon (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Longint;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getcrefcon, "16#A95A#");

    procedure Setctlaction (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Actionproc : Procptr);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctlaction, "16#A96B#");

    function Getctlaction (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Procptr;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getctlaction, "16#A96A#");

    procedure Dragcontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           Startpt : Point;
                           Limitrect : Rect;
                           Sloprect : Rect;
                           Axis : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Dragcontrol, "16#A967#");

    function Testcontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Thept : Point)
                         return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Testcontrol, "16#A966#");

    function Trackcontrol (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           Thepoint : Point;
                           Actionproc : Procptr) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Trackcontrol, "16#A968#");

    function Findcontrol (Thepoint : Point;
                          Thewindow : Quickdraw.Windowptr;
                          Thecontrol : Varcontrolhandle)
                         return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Findcontrol, "16#A96C#");

    procedure Setctlcolor (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                           Newcolortable : Cctabhandle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setctlcolor, "16#AA43#");

    function Getauxctl (Thecontrol : Controlhandle; Achndl : Varauxctlhndl)
                       return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getauxctl, "16#AA44#");

    function Getcvariant (Thecontrol : Controlhandle) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getcvariant, "16#A809#");

        with procedure Routine;
    procedure Userindicatorroutine;

        with procedure Routine (Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                                Partcode : Mac_Types.Integer);
    procedure Useractionroutine;

        with function Routine (Varcode : Mac_Types.Integer;
                               Thecontrol : Controlhandle;
                               Message : Mac_Types.Integer;
                               Data : Longint) return Longint;
    procedure Usercontrolroutine;

end Controls;