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Length: 17241 (0x4359) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦4c85d69e2⟧ └─⟦this⟧
-- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1988 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054-3197 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1988. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- with Literal_Parser; with Numeric_Literals; with Integer_Conversions; with Primitive_Io; -- For debugging only separate (Common_Text_Io) package body Integer_Io is -- This constant should be large enough so that all but really wierd -- integer-valued numeric literals will fit in this many characters. Default_Numeric_Literal_Max_Length : constant := 20; -- procedure Pput (S : in String; -- Abosrb_Output : Boolean := -- Primitive_Io.Global_Absorb_Output) -- renames Primitive_Io.Put_Line; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Visible procedure to GET an INTEGER from a file: -- This is the routine of RM 14.3.7 (5-8), except only for -- SYSTEM_TYPES.LONG_INTEGER, which one hopes is the longest -- integer available on the target: -- -- If the value of the parameter WIDTH is zero, skips any leading -- blanks, line terminators, or page terminators, then reads a -- plus or a minus sign if present, then reads according to the -- syntax of an integer literal (which may be a based literal). -- If a nonzero value of WIDTH is supplied, then exactly WIDTH -- characters are input, or the characters (possibly none) up to -- a line terminator, whichever comes first; any skipped leading -- blanks are included in the count. Returns, in the parameter -- ITEM, the value of type LONG_INTEGER that corresponds to the -- sequence input. The exception DATA_ERROR is raised if the -- sequence input does not have the required syntax or if the -- value obtained is not of the type LONG_INTEGER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out Long_Integer; Width : in Field) is S : Input_State renames State_Handling.Get_Input_State (File).all; B : Buffering.Data_Buffer := Dio.Get (File); Numeric_Literal_Max_Length : Natural := Default_Numeric_Literal_Max_Length; Status : Literal_Parser.Parse_Status; Last : Natural; function "=" (L, R : Literal_Parser.Parse_Status) return Boolean renames Literal_Parser."="; begin -- If Width = 0 then the syntax of the input determines how -- many characters are read, that is, read until you can't -- add the character to a numeric literal. If Width > 0 then -- exactly that many characters or until end-of-line, whichever -- comes first must be read and must be a valid numeric literal. if Width = 0 then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) with Width = 0"); <<Force_Reparse>> null; declare Result : Numeric_Literals.Numeric_Literal (Max_Length => Numeric_Literal_Max_Length); begin loop Next_Buffer (File, S, B); -- ^ Can raise End_Error here declare N : constant Natural := B.Head - B.Tail + 1; S : String (1 .. N); begin -- Too bad we seem to need a copy here! if N > 0 then Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (B.Buffer (B.Tail .. B.Max_Length), S, N); end if; Literal_Parser.Parse_Numeric_Literal (Source => S, Integral => True, Result => Result, Status => Status, Last_Of_Source => Last); exception when Constraint_Error => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Parse_Numeric_Literal raised Constraint_Error"); Status := Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error; when Numeric_Error => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Parse_Numeric_Literal raised Numeric_Error"); Status := Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error; when others => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Parse_Numeric_Literal raised some exception"); Status := Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error; end; -- Check to see if a valid but unusually long numeric -- literal was read from the current buffer. If so, -- then we need to reallocate the Numeric_Literal and -- try to parse it again. if Status = Literal_Parser.Numeric_Literal_Too_Short then Numeric_Literal_Max_Length := Result.L; goto Force_Reparse; end if; -- Since we're in a copy of the source, the following line -- won't work anymore: -- Buffering.Consume (B, Last - B.Tail + 1); Buffering.Consume (B, Last); exit when Status /= Literal_Parser.Empty_Field; -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Empty_Field"); -- Here we may have to skip a terminator next if not Buffering.Is_Empty (B) then declare C : Character := Buffering.Peek (B); begin if C = Line_Terminator then -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) skipping line terminator"); Buffering.Consume (B, 1); New_Line (S); elsif C = Page_Terminator then -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) skipping page terminator"); Buffering.Consume (B, 1); if not Buffering.Is_Empty (B) then C := Buffering.Peek (B); if C = Line_Terminator then Buffering.Consume (B, 1); end if; end if; New_Page (S); else -- and if it isn't a terminator ????????? -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) have " & -- Character'Image (C) & -- " as separator, which is invalid"); raise Data_Error; end if; end; end if; end loop; case Status is when Literal_Parser.Ok => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Ok"); declare Xxx : Long_Integer; begin Xxx := Integer_Conversions.Value (Result); -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get result is " & -- Long_Integer'Image (Xxx)); Item := Xxx; exception when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Numeric_Conversions.Value raised exception"); raise Iof.Input_Value_Error; end; when Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Syntax_Error"); raise Iof.Input_Syntax_Error; when Literal_Parser.Empty_Field => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Empty_Field"); raise Data_Error; -- How can this happen? when Literal_Parser.Numeric_Literal_Too_Short => -- Already taken care of elsewhere null; end case; end; else -- if not Primitive_Io.Absorb_Output then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Width =" & Field'Image (Width)); -- end if; declare Result : Numeric_Literals.Numeric_Literal (Max_Length => Width); Buffer : String (1 .. Width); Buffer_Filled : Natural; Eol, Eop, Eof : Boolean; begin Get_A_Line (File, S, Buffer, Buffer_Filled, False, -- don't skip terminators Eol, Eop, Eof); -- ^ Can raise End_Error Literal_Parser.Parse_Numeric_Literal (Source => Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Filled), Integral => True, Result => Result, Status => Status, Last_Of_Source => Last); case Status is -- If we get this far, we will only return a value or raise -- Data_Error, as per the Ada LRM. when Literal_Parser.Ok => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Ok"); -- Make sure the entire value was read. Any trailing -- junk, including spaces, causes Data_Error. if Last /= Buffer_Filled then -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) except didn't ready everything"); raise Iof.Input_Syntax_Error; end if; declare Xxx : Long_Integer; begin Xxx := Integer_Conversions.Value (Result); -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get result is " & -- Long_Integer'Image (Xxx)); Item := Xxx; exception when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Numeric_Conversions.Value raised exception"); raise Iof.Input_Value_Error; end; when Literal_Parser.Empty_Field => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Empty Field 2"); raise Iof.Input_Syntax_Error; when Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Syntax Error 2"); raise Iof.Input_Syntax_Error; when Literal_Parser.Numeric_Literal_Too_Short => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(file) Too short?"); -- Can't really happen! raise Data_Error; end case; end; end if; Dio.Release (File); exception when others => Dio.Release (File); raise; end Get; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Visible procedure GET an INTEGER from a STRING: -- This procedure reads an Integer from a string, as described in -- RM 14.3.7 (13-15), except that it always reads a Long_Integer. -- One hopes that Long_Integer is the highest-precision integer -- type on the machine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Get (From : in String; Item : out Long_Integer; Last : out Positive) is Result : Numeric_Literals.Numeric_Literal (Max_Length => From'Length); Status : Literal_Parser.Parse_Status; Last_Of_Source : Natural; begin -- if not Primitive_Io.Absorb_Output then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) from '" & From & '''); -- end if; Literal_Parser.Parse_Numeric_Literal (Source => From, Integral => True, Result => Result, Status => Status, Last_Of_Source => Last_Of_Source); case Status is when Literal_Parser.Ok => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Ok"); begin Item := Integer_Conversions.Value (Result); exception when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Numeric_Conversions.Value raised exception"); raise Iof.Input_Value_Error; end; -- if not Primitive_Io.Absorb_Output then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Converted to " & -- Long_Integer'Image (Numeric_Conversions.Value -- (Result))); -- end if; Last := Last_Of_Source; return; when Literal_Parser.Empty_Field => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Empty_Field"); raise End_Error; when Literal_Parser.Syntax_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Syntax_Error"); raise Iof.Input_Syntax_Error; when Literal_Parser.Numeric_Literal_Too_Short => -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Get(string) Too_Short?"); -- Actually, this can't happen raise Data_Error; end case; end Get; procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Long_Integer; Width : in Field; Base : in Number_Base) is S : Output_State renames State_Handling.Get_Output_State (File).all; begin -- if not Primitive_Io.Absorb_Output then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Put(file) putting " & -- Long_Integer'Image (Item) & " in width" & -- Field'Image (Width) & " and base" & Number_Base'Image (Base)); -- end if; Put_Unbroken (File, S, Integer_Conversions.Image (Item, Width, Base)); Dio.Release (File); exception when others => Dio.Release (File); raise; end Put; procedure Put (To : out String; Item : in Long_Integer; Base : in Number_Base) is To_Length : constant Natural := To'Length; begin -- if not Primitive_Io.Absorb_Output then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Put(string) putting " & -- Long_Integer'Image (Item) & " in string of width" & -- Natural'Image (To'Length) & -- " and base" & Number_Base'Image (Base), False); -- end if; declare Image : constant String := Integer_Conversions.Image (Item, 0, Base); Image_Length : constant Natural := Image'Length; Bf_Length : constant Integer := To_Length - Image_Length; begin if Image_Length > To_Length then -- Pput ("Cti.Integer_Io.Put(string) its too long"); raise Iof.Item_Length_Error; end if; if Bf_Length > 0 then Machine_Primitive_Operations.Blank_Fill (To, Bf_Length); end if; To (To'First + Bf_Length .. To'Last) := Image; end; end Put; end Integer_Io;