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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦1ccfd9bd4⟧ TextFile

    Length: 21258 (0x530a)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »SCG_LIST«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


                                                ;    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
                                                ;    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
                                                ;                Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational.
                                                ;                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
                                                ;    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
                                                ;    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
                                                ;    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
                                                ;                Rational
                                                ;                3320 Scott Boulevard
                                                ;                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197
                                                ;   PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL;
                                                ;   USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION
                                                ;   IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS
                                                ;   AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF
                                                ;   1976.  CREATED 1988, 1989, 1990.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                    .module "CALL_ASM"
                                                        .sect   ada_runtime_data,DATA,READONLY,RELOCATABLE,ALIGNMENT:=4
                                                        .sect   ada_runtime_code,CODE,RELOCATABLE,ALIGNMENT:=2
                                                ;  Entry points 
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_VALUE_SIZE         
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_INIT
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_INIT_WITH_TASKS
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_ALLOCATE
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_ALLOCATE_WITH_TASKS
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_ASSIGN
                                                        .gbl.a  __CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_SATISFIES
                                                        .sect   ada_runtime_code
                                                ; function   CALL_VALUE_SIZE  (Subp         : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                              Type_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                              Exp          : Expression;
                                                ;                              Exp_kind     : Expression_Kind) return Integer;
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                    .align      2
        00000000                                __CALL_VALUE_SIZE:            
        00000000   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)
        00000002   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame 
        00000006   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1
        0000000E   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Expression_Kind            
        00000012   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Expression
        00000016   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type Descriptor
        0000001A   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address
        00000020   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        00000022   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        00000024   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   
        00000026   4E740010                             rtd     #16                     ; Exit with parameter pop
                                                ; procedure  CALL_INIT (Subp         : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                       Type_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                       Dest_Address : System.Address);
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                        $locals'size            equ     0
                                                    .align      2
        0000002A                                __CALL_INIT:            
        0000002A   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)                   ; Dummy exception handler
        0000002C   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame
        00000030   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1
        00000038   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Dest_address
        0000003C   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        00000040   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address 
        00000046   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        00000048   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        0000004A   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   ; Pop exception handler
        0000004C   4E74000C                             rtd     #12                     ; Exit with parameter pop
                                                ; procedure  CALL_INIT_WITH_TASKS (Subp             : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                                  Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                                  Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                                                ;                                  Master_Layer     : System.Address;
                                                ;                                  Activation_Group : System.Address);
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                        $locals'size            equ     0
                                                    .align      2
        00000050                                __CALL_INIT_WITH_TASKS:            
        00000050   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)                   ; Dummy exception handler
        00000052   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame
        00000056   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1
        0000005E   2F2E001C                             move.l  (28,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Activation_Group
        00000062   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Master_Layer
        00000066   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Dest_Address
        0000006A   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        0000006E   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address 
        00000074   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        00000076   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        00000078   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   ; Pop exception handler
        0000007A   4E740014                             rtd     #20                     ; Exit with parameter pop
                                                ; function   CALL_ALLOCATE (Subp              : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                           Type_Desc         : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                           Collection_Or_Heap: System.Address;
                                                ;                           Is_Collection     : Boolean;
                                                ;                           Is_Homogeneous    : Boolean)
                                                ;                        return System.Address;
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                    .align      2
        0000007E                                __CALL_ALLOCATE:            
        0000007E   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)
        00000080   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame 
        00000084   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1
        0000008C   2F2E001C                             move.l  (28,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Is_Homogeneous flag
        00000090   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Is_Collection flag
        00000094   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Collection_Or_Heap
        00000098   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        0000009C   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address
        000000A2   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        000000A4   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        000000A6   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   
        000000A8   4E740014                             rtd     #20                     ; Exit and pop parameters
                                                ; function   CALL_ALLOCATE_WITH_TASKS
                                                ;                          (Subp               : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                           Type_Desc          : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                           Collection_Or_Heap : System.Address;
                                                ;                           Is_Collection      : Boolean;
                                                ;                           Is_Homogeneous     : Boolean;
                                                ;                           Master_Layer       : System.Address;
                                                ;                           Activation_Group   : System.Address)
                                                ;                        return System.Address;
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                    .align      2
        000000AC                                __CALL_ALLOCATE_WITH_TASKS:            
        000000AC   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)
        000000AE   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame 
        000000B2   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1
        000000BA   2F2E0024                             move.l  (36,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Activation_Group
        000000BE   2F2E0020                             move.l  (32,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Master_Layer
        000000C2   2F2E001C                             move.l  (28,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Is_Homogeneous flag
        000000C6   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Is_Collection flag
        000000CA   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Collection_Or_Heap
        000000CE   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        000000D2   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address
        000000D8   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        000000DA   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        000000DC   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   
        000000DE   4E74001C                             rtd     #28                     ; Exit and pop parameters
                                                ; procedure  CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_ASSIGN (Subp           : Subprogram_variable;
                                                ;                                       Type_Desc      : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                                       Source         : Expression;
                                                ;                                       Source_Kind    : Expression_Kind;
                                                ;                                       Dest           : Expression;
                                                ;                                       Dest_Kind      : Expression_kind)
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                    .align      2
        000000E2                                __CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_ASSIGN:            
        000000E2   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)
        000000E4   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame 
        000000E8   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1   
        000000F0   2F2E0020                             move.l  (32,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Dest_Kind
        000000F4   2F2E001C                             move.l  (28,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Dest
        000000F8   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Source_Kind
        000000FC   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Source
        00000100   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        00000104   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address
        0000010A   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp with dest_address
        0000010C   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        0000010E   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   
        00000110   4E740018                             rtd     #24                     ; Exit and pop parameters
                                                ; function CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_SATISFIES 
                                                ;                            (Subp           : Subprogram_Variable;
                                                ;                             Type_Desc      : Type_Descriptor;
                                                ;                             Exp            : Expression;
                                                ;                             Exp_Kind       : Expression_Kind)
                                                ;             return Boolean;
                                                ;    subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.frame+2#00000001_00010000#
                                                    .align      2
        00000114                                __CALL_DSCRMT_RECORD_SATISFIES:            
        00000114   42A7                                 clr.l   -(a7)
        00000116   4E560000                             link    A6,#0                   ; Build empty frame 
        0000011A   22760162000C0004                     movea.l ([12,a6],4),a1          ; Pass static link thru A1   
        00000122   2F2E0018                             move.l  (24,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Expression_Kind
        00000126   2F2E0014                             move.l  (20,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Exp
        0000012A   2F2E0010                             move.l  (16,a6),-(a7)           ; Push Type_Descriptor
        0000012E   20760161000C                         movea.l ([12,a6]),a0            ; Load subprogram address
        00000134   4E90                                 jsr.l   (a0)                    ; Call subp 
        00000136   4E5E                                 unlk    A6                      ; Remove frame
        00000138   588F                                 addq.l  #4,A7                   
        0000013A   4E740010                             rtd     #16                     ; Exit and pop parameters

      Program Section Name       Kind   Length   Patches Fixups
-------------------------------- ---- ---------- ------- -------
ADA_RUNTIME_CODE                  Rel        318       0       0
ADA_RUNTIME_DATA                  Rel          0       0       0

Standard include file: <none>
Object module version: 11

        Assembled 220 lines in  3.073 elapsed,  2.778 CPU.
         4296 lines per elapsed minute.
         4752 lines per CPU minute.
         13 disk waits for this job.
         6591 bytes of heap used by this job.