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⟦1d2057465⟧ TextFile

    Length: 15461 (0x3c65)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦db1c56801⟧ Bits:30000748 8mm tape, Rational 1000, TESTMATE 2_2_0
    └─ ⟦866d14df1⟧ »DATA« 


with Testmate_Preferences;

package Testmate is
  -- This package contains those commands that you use to:
  --   * Create and manage test cases and sets
  --   * Generate test scripts
  --   * Invoke and manipulate the test run editors

  procedure Edit (The_Object : String  := "<SELECTION>";
                  In_Place   : Boolean := False);
  -- Invokes a TestMate editor on the specified object. The object must
  -- be recognized by TestMate as a Test Run, Test Run Group, Test Case,
  -- or Test Set.
  -- The_Object:
  --   Must resolve to a single file that is recognized by TestMate as one
  --   of the following:
  --     Test Run
  --     Test Run Group
  --     Test Case
  --     Test Set
  --   Object names are resolved relative to the current Environment
  --   default context.
  -- In_Place:
  --   Specifies whether the current frame should be used to display the
  --   image. The default specifies that the least recently used frame
  --   should be used.

  procedure Edit_Run_Group (The_Objects : String  := ">>NAMING EXPRESSION<<";
                            Group_Name  : String  := "<TEMPORARY>";
                            In_Place    : Boolean := False);
  -- Edit_Run_Group invokes the test run editor with a group of test
  -- runs. It can also create a Test Run Group file; this allows the
  -- grouping to be easily re-edited (by invoking Testmate.Edit on the
  -- Test Run Group file).
  -- Within the test run editor, the results from the various test runs
  -- can be compared.
  -- The_Objects:
  --   An environment naming expression that is resolved relative to the
  --   current Environ ment context. The expression should yield one or
  --   more Testmate test run results files.
  -- Group_Name:
  --   If this parameter is left defaulted ("<TEMPORARY>"), a test run
  --   group file will not be created. The group name specified here will
  --   be resolved relative to the Test_Run_Loc component of the current
  --   test context file (specified by the library's Testmate.Test_Context
  --   switch).
  -- In_Place:
  --   Specifies whether the current frame should be used to display the
  --   image. The default specifies that the least recently used frame
  --   should be used.

  procedure Create_Test_Case (Name     : String  := ">>FILE NAME<<";
                              In_Place : Boolean := False);

  -- Create_Test_Case invokes the test case editor for a new test case.
  -- Name:
  --   This parameter is used to specify the desired test case name. If an
  --   absolute filename is supplied, the test case will be created in the
  --   specified location. Otherwise, the test case will be resolved
  --   relative to the Test_Case_Loc component of the current test context
  --   file (specified by the library's Testmate.Test_Context switch). If
  --   this command is issued from within a subdirectory of the
  --   Test_Case_Loc, the newly created test case will go into that
  --   subdirectory instead of into the Test_Case_Loc directory.
  -- In_Place:
  --   Specifies whether the current frame should be used to display the
  --   image. The default specifies that the least recently used frame
  --   should be used.

  procedure Create_Test_Set (Name       : String  := ">>FILE NAME<<";
                             Test_Cases : String  := ">>NAMING EXPRESSION<<";
                             In_Place   : Boolean := False);
  -- Creates a test set composed of the named test cases, and invokes
  -- the test set editor on the set. Test scripts are generated from
  -- test set files.
  -- Name:
  --   This parameter is used to specify the desired test set name. If an
  --   absolute filename is supplied, the test set will be created in the
  --   specified location. Otherwise, the test set will be resolved
  --   relative to the Test_Set_Loc component of the current test con text
  --   file (specified by the library's Testmate.Test_Context switch).
  -- Test_Cases:
  --   An environment naming expression that is resolved relative to the
  --   current Environ ment context. The expression should yield one or
  --   more Testmate test case files.
  -- In_Place:
  --   Specifies whether the current frame should be used to display the
  --   image. The default specifies that the least recently used frame
  --   should be used.

  procedure Filter (Filter_Command : String := ">>FILTER KIND => VALUE<<");
  -- Filter is used from within the test-set and test-run editors to
  -- prune the displayed information.
  -- When used from within the test-set editor, filtering can be applied
  -- to subject-program names and test-case keywords. This can be done
  -- to remove blocks of test cases--all test cases that have a
  -- "Development" keyword, for instance.
  -- Filter is used in the test-run editor to remove test cases from the
  -- display that have a particular status. You may wish to remove all
  -- failed tests, for instance. You can print the filtered display, or
  -- you can generate a new test set from it. This allows you to create
  -- a reduced set of test cases--all those that have failed, for
  -- instance (by filtering out all tests that passed) that can be
  -- re-run.
  -- Filter_Command:
  --   The following examples illustrate the three kinds of filters that
  --   can be applied to a test set:
  --     Testmate.Filter ("Include_Subject_Program => My_Program@");
  --     Testmate.Filter ("Exclude_Subject_Program => My_Program_#");
  --     Testmate.Filter ("Keyword => Development");
  --   The value field can contain Environment wildcard characters.
  --   The following examples show the two filter kinds that can be
  --   applied to the test cases in a test run or group of test runs:
  --     Testmate.Filter ("Exclude_Status => Pass");
  --     Testmate.Filter ("Status => Fail");
  -- When filtering is done within the test-run editor, the VALUE field
  -- can take on one of the following values:
  --  * Pass
  --  * Fail
  --  * Fail_With_Exception
  --  * Timeout

  type Differential_Kinds is new Natural;
  Test_Runs : constant := 1;
  Coverage  : constant := 2;

  -- Defines the types of differential display that can be invoked for a
  -- test run. Differential displays are invoked using the
  -- Testmate.Show_Differential command.
  -- Test_Runs:
  --   Highlights the differences in test case results for any number of
  --   selected test runs.
  -- Coverage:
  --   Compares the difference in coverage between two selected test runs.

  procedure Show_Differential (Kind : Differential_Kinds := Test_Runs);
  -- Show_Differential is used from within the Test Run Group Editor to
  -- display the differences between multiple test runs. Differential
  -- displays can be produced that either highlight the differences
  -- between test case results (for any number of test runs) or between
  -- coverage (for two test runs only).
  -- Show_Differential produces its display for selected test runs. From
  -- within a test run editor that was invoked with two or more test
  -- runs, runs are selected by placing the cursor on the row containing
  -- the test run results and pressing [Promote].
  -- Kind:
  --   This parameter is used to specify the type of differential display
  --   desired. The default, Test_Runs, compares the test cases that make
  --   up each selected test run. If Kind is set to Testmate.Coverage, a
  --   coverage differential display will be produced.

  procedure Filtered_Test_Run_Image;
  -- Filtered_Test_Run_Image is used to filter a test run image,
  -- removing all test cases that do not exercise a selected unit or
  -- subprogram. This operation only works from within the coverage
  -- explain editor; the coverage explain editor is the window that
  -- appears after [Explain] is used on a coverage editor image with a
  -- particular unit or subprogram selected.
  -- Once the Filtered_Test_Run_Image command has been issued, the test
  -- run can be further explored. Generate_Test_Set can be used on the
  -- filtered image to produce a test set of test cases that exercise a
  -- particular unit or subprogram.

  procedure Generate_Test_Set (With_Name : String := ">>FILE NAME<<");
  -- Generate_Test_Set is used to create a new test set from the test
  -- run editor after the test cases in the run have been filtered
  -- and/or sorted. A new test script can then be generated from the new
  -- test set.
  -- With_Name:
  --   This parameter is used to specify the desired test set name. If an
  --   absolute filename is supplied, the test set will be created in the
  --   specified location. Otherwise, the test set will be resolved
  --   relative to the Test_Set_Loc component of the current test context
  --   file (specified by the library's Testmate.Test_Context switch).

  package Test_Case_Ops is
    -- Package Test_Case_Ops provides routines for modifying Test_Case
    -- fields from the Test_Case Editor.  These routines are automatically
    -- brought up in the command window on [Edit] on designated lines in
    -- the Test_Case Editor.

    procedure Set_Value (Value : String := ">>ADA UNIT or PARAMS<<");
    -- This procedure is used to modify each field in the test case
    -- except the Termination Control fields.

    procedure Set_Term_Control_Value
               (Control            : String := ">>NONE,CLAUSE,DURATION_LIMIT<<";
                Time_Control       : String := "";
                Termination_Clause : String := "";
                Max_Cpu_Limit      : String := "";
                Max_Elapsed_Limit  : String := "");
    -- Set_Term_Control_Value is only used to set the Termination Control
    -- conditions that allow the user to protect against runaway conditions.
    -- The only required field is Control; other fields are needed based
    -- on the value of Control.
    -- Clause -> requires Termination_Clause
    -- Duration_Limit -> requires Time_Control
    --           (Max_Cpu,Max_Elapsed,Duration_And_Elapsed)
    -- Termination_Clause -> Ada Unit
    -- Max_Cpu_Limit,Max_Elapsed_Limit -> Duration

  end Test_Case_Ops;
  package Test_Set_Ops is
    -- Package Test_Set_Ops provides routines for modifying Test_Set
    -- fields from the Test_Set Editor.  These routines are automatically
    -- brought up in the command window on [Insert] on designated lines in
    -- the Test_Set Editor.

    procedure Insert (Test_Case : String := "<REGION>");
    -- Inserts a Test_Case at the current cursor location of a Test_Set

  end Test_Set_Ops;
  procedure Check_Consistency (Of_Test_Set : String := "<SELECTION>");
  -- Check_Consistency verifies that each test case in the named test
  -- set is the same as the test case used to construct the test set. An
  -- informational message is displayed for each test case that has been
  -- altered or not found. A success message is displayed if every test
  -- case in the test set is found to be consistent.
  -- If inconsistencies are detected, Testmate.Make_Consistent can be
  -- used to update the test set so that it contains the most recent
  -- copies of each test case.
  -- Of_Test_Set:
  --   The name of the test set to be checked for consistency. Of_Test_Set
  --   is an environment naming expression that is resolved relative to
  --   the current Environment context.

  procedure Make_Consistent (The_Test_Set : String := "<SELECTION>");
  -- Make_Consistent first verifies that each test case in the named
  -- test set is the same as the test case used to construct the test
  -- set. An informational message is displayed for each test case that
  -- has been altered or not found. After the test set has been checked
  -- for consistency, for each test case that was found to be
  -- inconsistent the test set's internal copy is updated to reflect the
  -- values found in the test case file. An informational message is
  -- generated each time the test set is updated to reflect the new
  -- version of each test case.
  -- A success message is displayed if after the test set has been made
  -- consistent.
  -- Testmate.Make_Consistent can be performed from within a test set by
  -- pressing [Promote].
  -- The_Test_Set:
  --   The name of the test set to be made consistent with each of its
  --   constituent test cases.  The_Test_Set is an environment naming
  --   expression that is resolved relative to the current Environment
  --   context.

  procedure Generate_Test_Script
             (Test_Set_Name : String := "<SELECTION>";
              Script_Name   : String := "<AUTO_GENERATE>";
              Controls      : String := Testmate_Preferences.
              Context       : String := Testmate_Preferences.The_Test_Context);

  -- Generate_Test_Script produces a new test script from the indicated
  -- test set based on the script construction controls. The generated
  -- script will automatically be promoted to the coded state.
  -- Test_Set_Name:
  --   An environment naming expression that is resolved relative to the
  --   current Environment context. The expression should resolve to a
  --   single Testmate test set file.
  -- Script_Name:
  --   The name of the test script that will be generated. If a script
  --   name is not supplied, the script name will be generated by
  --   appending the string "_script" to the simple name of the test set
  --   file. The test script will be stored relative to the Test_Set_Loc
  --   entry in the test context file (see the Context parameter, below);
  --   if there is no Test_Set_Loc entry, or no test context file, the
  --   test script will be stored relative to the current Environment
  --   context.
  -- Controls:
  --   The name of a script construction control file. If this parameter
  --   is set to its default value,
  --   "Testmate_Preferences.The_Script_Construction_Control", TestMate
  --   will attempt to determine the name of the script construction
  --   control file by checking TestMate switches.
  --   TestMate initially checks the
  --   Session_Testmate.Script_Construction_Control session switch. If no
  --   value has been specified for this switch, TestMate then checks the
  --   Testmate.Script_Construction_Control library switch. If no value is
  --   found for this switch, a construction control file is not used
  --   during script construction.
  --   The script construction control filename is resolved relative to
  --   the current Environment context from which the Generate_Test_Script
  --   command was issued.
  -- Context:
  --   This parameter is used to override the value of the
  --   Testmate.Test_Context library switch; if this parameter is left to
  --   its default value, the switch value is used. If no switch value is
  --   found, all TestMate references made to context locations during
  --   script construction are made relative to the current Environment
  --   context from which the Generate_Test_Script command was issued.

  pragma Module_Name (4, 5100);

end Testmate;