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Length: 9653 (0x25b5) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with As; with Devices; with Files; with Mac_Types; with Memory; with Resources; with Resource_Constants; with Serial; with System; with Toolutils; with Unchecked_Conversion; package body Serial_Communication is type Ports is (Port_A, Port_B); type Resource_Communication_Info is record Link_Info : Mac_Types.Integer; Buffer_Size : Mac_Types.Integer; Port : Ports; Xon : Boolean; Cts : Boolean; Dtr : Boolean; end record; type Resource_Communication_Info_Ptr is access Resource_Communication_Info; type Resource_Communication_Info_Handle is access Resource_Communication_Info_Ptr; Communication_Info : Resource_Communication_Info_Handle := null; -- Communication tasks task Receiver is entry Start; entry Available (Avail : out Boolean); entry Get (Entity : out Frame.Message); end Receiver; task Sender is entry Start; entry Put (Entities : Frame.Message_Array); end Sender; -- Communication methods procedure Initialize_From_Resource (Resource_Number : Mac_Types.Integer) is Resource_Type : constant Mac_Types.Restype := 16#43494E46#; -- CINF function As_Resource_Communication_Info_Handle is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Mac_Types.Handle, Target => Resource_Communication_Info_Handle); function As_Handle is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Resource_Communication_Info_Handle, Target => Mac_Types.Handle); Resource_Name : Mac_Types.Str255; begin Communication_Info := As_Resource_Communication_Info_Handle (Resources.Getresource (Resource_Type, Resource_Number)); if Communication_Info = null then Communication_Info := As_Resource_Communication_Info_Handle (Memory.Newhandle (Resource_Communication_Info'Size / 8)); Communication_Info.all.Link_Info := Serial.Baud9600 + Serial.Data8 + Serial.Stop20 + Serial.Noparity; Communication_Info.all.Buffer_Size := 64; Communication_Info.all.Port := Port_A; Communication_Info.all.Xon := False; Communication_Info.all.Cts := False; Communication_Info.all.Dtr := False; Resource_Name (0) := Mac_Types.Nul; Resources.Addresource (As_Handle (Communication_Info), Resource_Type, Resource_Number, Resource_Name); end if; Receiver.Start; Sender.Start; end Initialize_From_Resource; procedure Open is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; Name : Mac_Types.Str255; In_Refnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Out_Refnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Serial_Buffer_Ptr : Mac_Types.Ptr; Flags : Serial.Sershk; begin case Communication_Info.all.Port is when Port_A => Toolutils.Getindstring (Name, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Names_Id, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Name_Ain); Err := Devices.Opendriver (Name, As.As_Varinteger (In_Refnum'Address)); Toolutils.Getindstring (Name, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Names_Id, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Name_Aout); Err := Devices.Opendriver (Name, As.As_Varinteger (In_Refnum'Address)); when Port_B => Toolutils.Getindstring (Name, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Names_Id, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Name_Bin); Err := Devices.Opendriver (Name, As.As_Varinteger (In_Refnum'Address)); Toolutils.Getindstring (Name, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Names_Id, Resource_Constants.String_List_Device_Name_Bout); Err := Devices.Opendriver (Name, As.As_Varinteger (In_Refnum'Address)); end case; if Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr then raise Device_Error; end if; Serial_Buffer_Ptr := Memory.Newptrclear (Memory.Size (Communication_Info.all.Buffer_Size)); if Mac_Types."=" (Serial_Buffer_Ptr, null) then raise Device_Error; end if; Err := Serial.Sersetbuf (In_Refnum, Serial_Buffer_Ptr, Communication_Info.all.Buffer_Size); Err := Serial.Serreset (In_Refnum, Communication_Info.all.Link_Info); Err := Serial.Serreset (Out_Refnum, Communication_Info.all.Link_Info); if Communication_Info.all.Xon then Flags.Fxon := 1; else Flags.Fxon := 0; end if; if Communication_Info.all.Cts then Flags.Fcts := 1; else Flags.Fcts := 0; end if; Flags.Xon := Mac_Types.Dc1; Flags.Xoff := Mac_Types.Dc3; Flags.Errs := 0; Flags.Evts := 0; if Communication_Info.all.Xon then Flags.Finx := 1; else Flags.Finx := 0; end if; if Communication_Info.all.Dtr then Flags.Fdtr := 1; else Flags.Fdtr := 0; end if; if Err = Mac_Types.Noerr then Err := Serial.Serhshake (In_Refnum, Flags); end if; if Err = Mac_Types.Noerr then Err := Serial.Serhshake (Out_Refnum, Flags); end if; if Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr then raise Device_Error; end if; end Open; function Entity_Available return Boolean is Avail : Boolean; begin Receiver.Available (Avail); return Avail; end Entity_Available; procedure Get (Entity : out Frame.Message) is begin Receiver.Get (Entity); end Get; procedure Put (Entity : Frame.Message) is Entities : Frame.Message_Array (0 .. 0) := (0 => Entity); begin Sender.Put (Entities); end Put; procedure Put (Entities : Frame.Message_Array) is begin Sender.Put (Entities); end Put; procedure Close is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; begin case Communication_Info.all.Port is when Port_A => Err := Devices.Closedriver (Serial.Ainrefnum); Err := Devices.Closedriver (Serial.Aoutrefnum); when Port_B => Err := Devices.Closedriver (Serial.Binrefnum); Err := Devices.Closedriver (Serial.Boutrefnum); end case; end Close; -- Private methods function Get_In_Port_Refnum return Mac_Types.Integer is begin case Communication_Info.all.Port is when Port_A => return Serial.Ainrefnum; when Port_B => return Serial.Binrefnum; end case; end Get_In_Port_Refnum; function Get_Out_Port_Refnum return Mac_Types.Integer is begin case Communication_Info.all.Port is when Port_A => return Serial.Aoutrefnum; when Port_B => return Serial.Boutrefnum; end case; end Get_Out_Port_Refnum; task body Receiver is Sleep_Time : constant Duration := 0.5; Empty : Boolean := True; procedure Read (Entity : out Frame.Message) is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; Count : Mac_Types.Longint := 1; Buffer : Frame.Message_Array (0 .. 1); begin Err := Files.Fsread (Get_In_Port_Refnum, As.As_Varlongint (Count'Address), As.As_Ptr (Buffer (Buffer'First)'Address)); -- Treat Error ? Entity := Buffer (0); end Read; function Is_In_Port_Empty return Boolean is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; Count : Mac_Types.Longint; begin Err := Serial.Sergetbuf (Get_In_Port_Refnum, As.As_Varlongint (Count'Address)); return Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr or else Count = 0; end Is_In_Port_Empty; begin accept Start; loop Empty := Is_In_Port_Empty; select accept Available (Avail : out Boolean) do Avail := not Empty; end Available; or when not Empty => accept Get (Entity : out Frame.Message) do Read (Entity); end Get; or delay Sleep_Time; end select; end loop; end Receiver; task body Sender is procedure Write (Entities : Frame.Message_Array) is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; Count : Mac_Types.Longint := Entities'Length; begin Err := Files.Fswrite (Get_Out_Port_Refnum, As.As_Varlongint (Count'Address), As.As_Ptr (Entities (Entities'First)'Address)); -- Treat Error ? end Write; begin accept Start; loop accept Put (Entities : Frame.Message_Array) do Write (Entities); end Put; end loop; end Sender; end Serial_Communication;