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Length: 7133 (0x1bdd) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦25882cbde⟧ Bits:30000536 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI_RS6000_AIX_IBM 2_0_2 └─ ⟦b8efda8ac⟧ »DATA« └─⟦7061b4ee8⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Log; with Object_Set; with Object_Subclass; with Profile; with Set_Generic; with Simple_Status; package body Extensions_Support is function "=" (L, R : Directory.Subclass) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function Is_View (Obj : Directory.Object) return Boolean is Subclass : Directory.Subclass := Directory.Get_Subclass (Obj); begin return (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Spec_View_Subclass) or else (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Load_View_Subclass) or else (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Combined_View_Subclass); end Is_View; function Get_View (Object : Directory.Object) return Directory.Object is N_Status : Naming.Name_Status; Obj : Directory.Object := Object; E_Status : Directory.Error_Status; Obj_Unit : Directory.Ada.Unit; begin if Is_View (Obj) then return Obj; end if; Directory.Control_Point.Enclosing_World (Obj, Obj_Unit, E_Status); if Directory."/=" (E_Status, Directory.Successful) then return Directory.Nil; end if; Obj := Directory.Ada.Get_Object (Obj_Unit); if Is_View (Obj) then return Obj; else return Directory.Nil; end if; -- if you are here, an error occurred return Directory.Nil; end Get_View; function Get_View (Object_Name : String) return Directory.Object is Obj : Directory.Object; Status : Naming.Name_Status; begin Naming.Resolve (Object_Name, Obj, Status); if Naming."/=" (Status, Naming.Successful) then Log.Put_Line (Object_Name & " not found", Profile.Warning_Msg); return Directory.Nil; end if; return Get_View (Obj); end Get_View; function Get_Object (Object_Name : String) return Directory.Object is Obj : Directory.Object; Status : Naming.Name_Status; begin Naming.Resolve (Object_Name, Obj, Status); if Naming."/=" (Status, Naming.Successful) then return Directory.Nil; end if; return Obj; end Get_Object; function Compute_Reference_Closure (For_View : Directory.Object) return Ci.Unit_List is -- Computes the compilation closure of a given unit package Set_Op is new Set_Generic (Directory.Object); -- Package that supports set operations for a set of -- directory objects. Closure_Set : Set_Op.Set; -- Set used to accumalate all units in closure. This_View : Directory.Object := Get_View (For_View); -- Current view of the unit function Element_Count (S : Set_Op.Set) return Integer is -- Returns the cardinality of the set Element_Iter : Set_Op.Iterator; Count : Integer := 0; begin Set_Op.Init (Element_Iter, S); -- Initialize the set iterator while not Set_Op.Done (Element_Iter) loop Count := Count + 1; Set_Op.Next (Element_Iter); end loop; -- Count all the elements in the set return Count; end Element_Count; function To_Unit_List (S : Set_Op.Set; Element_Count : Integer) return Ci.Unit_List is -- Convert a set of directory objects into a -- unit list of directory objects Units : Ci.Unit_List (Element_Count); Element_Iter : Set_Op.Iterator; Index : Integer := 1; begin Set_Op.Init (Element_Iter, S); -- Initialize the set iterator while not Set_Op.Done (Element_Iter) loop Units.Data (Index) := Set_Op.Value (Element_Iter); Index := Index + 1; Set_Op.Next (Element_Iter); end loop; -- Collect each element in the set into the unit_list -- array Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Units.Condition, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); return Units; exception when others => Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Units.Condition, "", "", Simple_Status.Problem); return Units; end To_Unit_List; function Open_Referencer_Set (For_View : Directory.Object) return Object_Set.Set is Ref_Set : Object_Set.Set; Set_Id : Directory.Object; Status : Directory.Error_Status; begin Set_Id := Get_Object (Naming.Get_Full_Name (Get_View (For_View)) & ".state.referencers"); -- Get the referencer set object that is present in -- every view. Object_Set.Open (Set_Id => Set_Id, The_Set => Ref_Set, Status => Status); -- Open the referencer set return Ref_Set; end Open_Referencer_Set; procedure Close_Referencer_Set (The_Set : Object_Set.Set) is Status : Directory.Error_Status; begin Object_Set.Close (The_Set => The_Set, Status => Status); -- Close the referencer set object end Close_Referencer_Set; procedure Compute_Reference_Closure (For_View : Directory.Object) is -- Given a unit this procedure computes the compilation -- closure of these Curr_Obj : Directory.Object; Obj_Set_Iter : Object_Set.Iterator; Reference_Set : Object_Set.Set := Open_Referencer_Set (For_View => For_View); -- Get the referencer set for this view begin -- -- FOR each view in the reference set of the current view LOOP -- if view not a member of the closure set -- Add it to the closure set -- compute_closure (view) -- end if -- end loop -- Object_Set.Init (Iter => Obj_Set_Iter, The_Set => Reference_Set); while not Object_Set.Done (Obj_Set_Iter) loop Curr_Obj := Object_Set.Value (Obj_Set_Iter); if not Set_Op.Is_Member (Closure_Set, Curr_Obj) then Set_Op.Add (Closure_Set, Curr_Obj); Compute_Reference_Closure (Curr_Obj); end if; Object_Set.Next (Obj_Set_Iter); end loop; Close_Referencer_Set (The_Set => Reference_Set); end Compute_Reference_Closure; begin Set_Op.Initialize (Closure_Set); -- Initialize the referencer closure set Compute_Reference_Closure (For_View => For_View); -- Compute the closure set of the specified unit object return To_Unit_List (Closure_Set, Element_Count (Closure_Set)); -- Convert the closure set to a directory object list and return. end Compute_Reference_Closure; end Extensions_Support;