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⟦1f015b9d2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 136012 (0x2134c)
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└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 



                   Rational Environment Release Information

                               Release D_12_7_3



       Copyright  1992 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003207-007

       November 1992 (Software Release D_12_7_3)

       IBM is a registered trademark and RISC System/6000 is a trademark
       of International Business Machines Corporation.

       OSF/Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc.

       PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems

       Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks and Rational
       Environment is a trademark of Rational.

       Sun Workstation is a registered trademark and OpenLook, NeWS, and
       SunOS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

       UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.

       VMS is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.

       X Window System is a trademark of MIT.

                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       1.  Overview

       The D_12_7_3 release of the Rational Environment is primarily a
       maintenance release that:

       *  Supports installation of Environment releases over a network
          (section 6.1).

       *  Simplifies the process of crash analysis and recovery (sections
          6.2, 6.3, 7.6).

       *  Introduces a new release of the Rational X Interface (RXI)
          (section 6.5).

       *  Introduces Rational Access, an OSF/Motif-based graphical user
          interface for the Environment. Access runs as an X Window
          System application on a UNIX workstation. It features:

          -  The OSF/Motif mouse, menu, and dialog box paradigm.

          -  Many new "full service" commands, which combine several
             lower-functionality Environment operations.

          -  A comprehensive, menu-based online help facility.

          -  Platform-independent key and mouse bindings.

          -  Full support for existing Environment features such as
             "item-operation" combinations and command windows.

          For complete information, see the Rational Access User's Guide
          and Rational Access Release Information delivered with this

       *  Fixes a large number of problems from previous releases,
          enabling existing commands to work correctly. Some of these
          fixes introduce new features (see section 6); other fixes
          involve changed features (see section 7).

       *  Introduces a new, up-to-date System Manager's Guide,
          containing combined information for Series 200, 300, and 400
          system (see section 8.1).

       *  Introduces new online help for each of the packages described
          in the Debugging book (Volume 3) and the Project Management
          book (Volume 11) of the Rational Environment Reference Manual
          (see section 8.2).

       Note: This release information can be found online in the
       !Machine.Release.Release_Notes world in line-printer
       (Environment_Release12_7_3_Lpt) and PostScript
       (Environment_Release12_7_3_Ps) formats.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      1\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       2.  Supported Configurations and Upgrades

       D_12_7_3 supports the following configurations of the R1000:

       *  Series 200 (Models 10, 20, and 40)

       *  Series 300 System (300S)

       *  Series 300 Coprocessor (300C) for the IBM RISC System/6000
          and Sun Workstation servers

       *  Series 400 System (400S)

       *  Series 400 Coprocessor (400C) for the IBM RISC System/6000 and
          Sun Workstation servers

       D_12_7_3 supports two kinds of tape drive:

       *  The 9-track tape drive, which is standard on the Series 100
          and 200, and an optional upgrade to the Series 300S

       *  The 8-millimeter tape drive, which is standard on the Series
          300S, 300C, 400S, and 400C, and an optional upgrade to the
          Series 200

       D_12_7_3 also supports the optional expansion of memory from 32
       megabytes to 64 megabytes to improve system performance. This
       upgrade applies to all series except the Series 100. The
       combinations of configurations and upgrades supported by D_12_7_3
       are shown in Table 1.

          Table 1   Configurations and Upgrades Supported by D_12_7_3
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |          |  8-mm  |9-Track | 32-Mb  |  64-Mb |
              |Configurat|  Tape  |  Tape  | Memory |  Memory|
              |    on    | Drive  | Drive  |        |        |
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |Series 200|Upgrade |Standard|Standard| Upgrade|
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |Series    |Standard|Upgrade |Standard| Upgrade|
              |300S      |        |        |        |        |
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |Series    |Standard|N/A     |Standard| Upgrade|
              |300C      |        |        |        |        |
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |Series    |Standard|N/A     |Standard| Upgrade|
              |400S      |        |        |        |        |

       2                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

          Table 1   Configurations and Upgrades Supported by D_12_7_3
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |          |  8-mm  |9-Track | 32-Mb  |  64-Mb |
              |Configurat|  Tape  |  Tape  | Memory |  Memory|
              |    on    | Drive  | Drive  |        |        |
              |          |        |        |        |        |
              |Series    |Standard|N/A     |Standard| Upgrade|
              |400C      |        |        |        |        |

       3.  Compatibility

       D_12_7_3 is fully compatible with all production versions of
       Rational layered-software products (Table 2).

                     Table 2   Compatibility with D_12_7_3
                      |                    |          |
                      |                    |Compatible|
                      |  Rational Product  | Release  |
                      |                    |          |
                      |CDF: Mc68020_Bare   |5_1_2 or  |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |CDF: Mc68020_Os2000 |6_1_3 or  |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |CDF: Mc68020_Hp_Unix|6_2_4 or  |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Design Facility:    |6_0_7*or  |
                      |2167                |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Design Facility:    |6_2_5*or  |
                      |2167A               |later     |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      3\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

              Table 2   Compatibility with D_12_7_3  (continued)
                      |                    |          |
                      |                    |Compatible|
                      |  Rational Product  | Release  |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Design Tools        |10_2_9 or |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Documentation Tools |10_2_9 or |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Insight             |1_3_0     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Mail                |11_4_5 or |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Access     |1_0_1     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Publishing |1_0_2 or  |
                      |Interface           |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Teamwork   |2_1_2 or  |
                      |Interface           |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational X Interface|10_5_2 or |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Rational Windows    |10_1_1 or |
                      |Interface           |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Remote Compilation  |1_1_1 or  |
                      |Facility            |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |RCF: Ibm_Rs6000_Aix |1_1_0 or  |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |RPC                 |1_0_2 or  |
                      |                    |later     |

       4                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

              Table 2   Compatibility with D_12_7_3  (continued)
                      |                    |          |
                      |                    |Compatible|
                      |  Rational Product  | Release  |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Software Analysis   |6_0_0 or  |
                      |Workstation         |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |Target Build Utility|10_0_3 or |
                      |                    |later     |
                      |                    |          |
                      |TestMate            |2_0       |

         As delivered, D_12_7_3 is compatible only with Design
       Facility:2167A release 7_2_1. However, other releases and
       customizations can be made compatible by recompiling them with
       the new LRM Interface (see section 7.11).

       4.  Upgrade Impact

       The Environment can be upgraded from to D_12_7_3 without forcing
       you to Archive.Save and Archive.Restore your applications. You
       will not have to modify or recompile any of your own tools, with
       the possible exception of:

       *  Tools, Rational Design Facility releases, or Rational Design
          Facility customizations written again the LRM Interface. In
          particular, changes made to the Declaration_Kinds,
          Attribute_Designator_Kinds, or Pragma_Kinds enumerations may
          result in compilation or runtime errors. See section 7.11 for

          The procedure Find_Lrm_Change_Candidates, located in the
          Pdl_Commands subsystem, can be used to assist in identifying
          potential compatibility problems that are not caught by the

       *  Tools written against the unit specifications listed in "Impact
          of Specification Changes," below.

       *  Customizations of unit bodies listed in "Impact of
          Implementation Changes," below.

       The new declarations listed in section 6 are all installed
       upward-compatibly and therefore have no impact on user-written

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      5\f

       Rational Environment Release Information


       Rational does not provide tools for reverting to previous
       releases of the Environment. You will be able to revert to the
       previous release, however, if you make a complete backup of the
       Environment, including the Diagnostic File System (DFS), before
       you upgrade.

       4.1.  Impact of Specification Changes

       The installation process for D_12_7_3 changes several Environment
       specifications. The installation process attempts to make all
       changes incrementally; however, if incremental changes fail, the
       installation process overwrites the necessary specifications.
       Overwriting these specifications will cause the demotion of any
       customer-created tools written against them. The installation
       process tries to recompile such tools automatically; however,
       depending on the nature of the tools, some may require
       modification before they can be recompiled. Units that cannot be
       recompiled during installation are listed in the installation

       The unit specifications that are overwritten depend on the release
       from which you are upgrading.

       4.1.1.  Upgrading from D_12_6_5 or Later

       The following unit specifications are changed when you upgrade
       from D_12_6_5, D_12_6_6, or D_12_6_7 to D_12_7_3:

       *  !Implementation.Activity_Implementation'Spec

       *  !Commands.Cmvc'Spec

       4.1.2.  Upgrading from D_12_5_0

       In addition to the unit specifications overwritten when upgrading
       from D_12_6_5 (or later), upgrading from D_12_5_0 overwrites the
       following unit specifications:

       *  !Commands.Library'Spec

       *  !Commands.System_Backup'Spec

       *  !Tools.Access_List_Tools'Spec

       *  !Tools.Code_Segment_Object_Editor'Spec

       *  !Tools.Library_Object_Editor'Spec

       If you are upgrading from D_12_5_0, you should also read the
       release information for D_12_6_5; release information is located

       6                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       online in !Machine.Release.Release_Notes.

       4.1.3.  Upgrading from D_12_2_4

       In addition to the unit specifications overwritten when upgrading
       from D_12_6_5 (or later) and D_12_5_0, upgrading from D_12_2_4
       overwrites the following unit specifications:

       *  !Commands.Abbreviations.Print'Spec

       *  !Commands.Access_List'Spec

       *  !Commands.Archive'Spec

       *  !Commands.Queue'Spec

       *  !Commands.Remote_Passwords'Spec

       *  !Tools.Networking.Tcp_Ip_Boot'Spec

       *  !Tools.Networking.Transport'Spec

       *  !Tools.Networking.Transport_Defs'Spec

       *  !Tools.Networking.Transport_Name'Spec

       Furthermore, the units in !Machine.Initialize@ are either demoted
       or moved to other locations to accommodate the D_12_5_0
       mechanisms for initializing an R1000; for complete details, see
       Appendix E, "Machine Initialization," in the System Manager's
       Guide delivered with this release or the online information in

       If you are upgrading from D_12_2_4, you should also read the
       release information for D_12_5_0 and D_12_6_5; release
       information is located online in !Machine.Release.Release_Notes.

       4.1.4.  Upgrading from D_12_1_1

       In addition to the unit specifications overwritten when upgrading
       from D_12_6_5 (or later), D_12_5_0, and D_12_2_4, upgrading from
       D_12_1_1 overwrites the following unit specification:

       *  !Implementation.Work_Order_Implementation'Spec

       If you are upgrading from D_12_1_1, you should also read the
       release information for D_12_2_4, D_12_5_0, and D_12_6_5; release
       information is located online in !Machine-

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      7\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       4.2.  Impact of Implementation Changes

       Because unit bodies may contain user customizations, an
       overwritten unit body's contents are saved in a text file in the
       same library as the overwritten body. The name of the file is of
       the form Unit_Name_Vnn, where nn is the unit's default version
       number. These customizations then can be transferred to the new

       The unit bodies that are overwritten by the D_12_7_3 installation
       depends on the release from which you are upgrading.

       4.2.1.  Upgrading from D_12_6_5 or Later

       No unit bodies are overwritten when you upgrade from D_12_6_5,
       D_12_6_6, or D_12_6_7 to D_12_7_3.

       4.2.2.  Upgrading from D_12_5_0, D_12_2_4, or D_12_1_1

       Upgrading from D_12_5_0, D_12_2_4, or D_12_1_1 overwrites the
       following unit body:

       *  !Commands.Abbreviations.Print'Body

       5.  Known Problems

       There are no known problems introduced by this D_12_7_3 release.

       6.  New Environment Features

       D_12_7_3 provides new interfaces and features, including:

       *  New ability to install Environment releases over the network
          (see section 6.1).

       *  New ability to specify who, if anyone, the system is to notify
          after a crash (section 6.2).

       *  New procedures in package Dfs for setting Failure Reboot
          options (section 6.3).

       *  New procedures in the System_Maintenance subsystem for
          displaying configuration information and displaying the session
          associated with a job (section 6.4).

       *  A new release of the Rational X Interface (RXI) (section 6.5).

       *  New world containing additional Network_Public sessions to be
          used by the Archive Server to alleviate token problems
          (section 6.6).

       8                                      November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       6.1.  Network Installation

       The D_12_7_3 release is distributed with a set of network
       installation tools. This feature is only of interest to those
       sites that have multiple machines connected via a network, and
       only at the time the D_12_7_3 release is installed.

       In previous releases, the installation tapes for a new
       Environment release had to be separately loaded on each machine
       that was to be upgraded. With the D_12_7_3 release, the
       installation tapes only have to be loaded on one machine on the
       network. All of the other machines can be upgraded over the

       Refer to the D_12_7_3 Installation Procedure for details.

       6.2.  Crash Notification

       Since the introduction of tombstone files in the D_12_5_0 release,
       the system has produced an analysis of the previous outage; this
       analysis is written to the system error log. In D_12_7_3, system
       managers can specify additional distribution of the analysis
       output in a new control file. The pathname of this file is:


       This file contains information about who to notify by mail after
       the system reboots and where to put or send information about the
       failure. For more information about this file and other changes
       made to the process of crash analysis and recovery, see section
       7.6 or Appendix B, "Diagnostic Crash Procedures for Release
       D_12_7_3" in the System Manager's Guide deliverd with this

       6.3.  New Procedures in Package Dfs

       In D_12_7_3, the system can be configured to reboot following a
       failure as long as no hard failure has been detected. This
       feature is known as Failure Reboot.

       New procedures in package !Machine.Dfs'Spec_View.Units.Dfs
       control the Failure Reboot feature. They are described in the
       following subsections.

       For more information about the new Failure Reboot feature, see
       section 7.6 or Appendix B, "Diagnostic Crash Procedures for
       Release D_12_7_3" in the System Manager's Guide distributed with
       this release.

       6.3.1.  Reboot_On_Failure

       procedure Reboot_On_Failure (Enabled : Boolean := True)

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                      9\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       Sets whether the R1000 will automatically reboot after a failure.
       If True, the system attempts to automatically reboot after a
       system failure.

       6.3.2.  Reboot_On_Failure_Interval

       procedure Reboot_On_Failure_Interval (Number_Of_Days : Integer :=

       Sets the number of days that must pass between two crashes for
       the system to allow automatic reboot.

       6.3.3.  Quiesce_Reboot_On_Failure

       procedure Quiesce_Reboot_On_Failure

       Temporarily disables the Reboot_On_Failure feature for the next
       crash. The option is reset to enabled after the next crash or if
       Reboot_On_Failure is used to reenable the option.

       It is possible to quiesce only if Failure Reboot is currently
       enabled. If Failure Reboot is disabled, quiescing has no effect.

       6.3.4.  Reboot_On_Failure_Settings

       procedure Reboot_On_Failure_Settings

       Displays the current settings for Failure Reboot options. The
       value of Failure Reboot is shown as ENABLED, DISABLED, or
       QUIESCED. For example:

          The current value for the reboot interval is  1
          The reboot feature is currently: ENABLED

       6.4.  New Procedures in System_Maintenance

       D_12_7_3 includes two new procedures in the
       !Commands.System_Maintentance subsystem.

       6.4.1.  Show_Elaborated_Configuration

       procedure Show_Elaborated_Configuration;

       Displays the configuration currently elaborated on this R1000. The
       configuration is the versions on the operating system subsystems
       that make up an Environment release. This procedure displays the
       name of the current configuration, the subsystems and their
       versions that the configuration contains, and the microcode
       version that is running.

       10                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       This information may be helpful to Rational personnel when they
       are investigating a problem on the machine. Running this command
       will not cause any harm to the R1000, but the output will have
       very little meaning to the end users.

       6.4.2.  Show_Session_Of_Job

       procedure Show_Session_Of_Job (Job : Machine.Job_Id :=

       Displays the Session Id of the specified job. If no value is
       specified for the Job parameter, then the job that is calling this
       procedure is used. This procedure displays the job number and
       name, the user identity that the job is running under, the base
       session name that the job is running under, and the full session
       name that the job is running under. This procedure is useful in
       determining who started a given job, or under what identity a
       given job is executing.

       6.5.  Rational X Interface Enhancements

       D_12_7_3 includes a new release (10_10_1) of the Rational X
       Interface (RXI). This release includes the following

       *  A terminal type and key binding procedures have been added for
          XSun101 and XNews101 to support the Sun 101 keyboard. If you
          use these terminal types, you should use the IBM RS/6000 RXI
          supplement and keyboard overlays.

       *  An upgrade to SunOS 4.1.2, VMS 5.4, Sun NeWS/OpenLook 3.0,
          and MIT X Window System X11R5.

       *  A new directory containing PostScript copies of all RXI
          keyboard overlays. This directory is
          !Machine.Editor_Data.Keyboard_Overlays. To print a keyboard
          overlay from the Environment, specify the Original_Raw option
          to the Print command.

       The basic behavior and features of RXI have not been changed.

       6.6.  New World Network_Public_Archive_Server_Sessions

       The new world !Machine.Network_Public_Archive_Server_Sessions
       contains objects for seven new sessions to be used by the Archive
       Server. These sessions are called Network_Public_Session_1
       through Network_Public_Session_7. For more information about
       these sessions and changes to the Archive Server, see section

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     11\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       7.  Changes from D_12_6_5

       This section describes the changes, enhancements, and
       user-visible problem fixes that D_12_7_3 makes to existing
       features of the Environment. The information in this section is
       presented in roughly the same order in which it would be found in
       the Rational Environment Reference Manual (ERM).

       *  Basic editing operations such as selection and definition (EI
          and EST) (section 7.1)

       *  Session and job management (SJM)-specifically, package What
          (section 7.2)

       *  Library-management (LM), including changes to archive (section
          7.3), compilation (7.4), and other library-management
          facilities such as access control (7.5)

       *  System-management (SMU), including changes to crash analysis
          (section 7.6, printing, and messages (7.7)

       *  Subsystems, CMVC, and activities (PM) (sections 7.8 and 7.9)

       *  Networking facilities such as Telnet and FTP (section 7.10)

       *  LRM Interface (section 7.11)

       7.1.  Changes to Package Common

       7.1.1.  Selection in Environment Menus

       Selection of entire Environment menus has been fixed. In previous
       releases, selecting something in a menu would fail if:

       *  You had two menus displayed on your screen, and

       *  One menu was selected completely, and

       *  You attempted to select anything in the other menu.

       For example, if an obsolescence menu and an xref menu were
       displayed and all of the entries in the obsolescence menu were
       selected, you could not select anything in the xref menu. In
       D_12_7_3, the new selection occurs and the other menu is
       deselected. PRS numbers 2115837-Etoi-Phl and 8995225-Shei-Jst.

       7.1.2.  Locks and Program_Errors

       The Environment no longer generates a Program_Error message in
       the following two cases:

       12                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       *  If an object is locked and being written to by another job or
          user and you attempt to execute a search command in the image
          of that object. PRS number 5098655-Mago-Sdj.

       *  If you execute Common.Definition on a large text file and
          attempt to perform an operation in that image before it is
          completely displayed. PRS number 8957642-Cook-Swb.

       In both of the above cases the Environment now generates an
       appropriate lock message.

       7.2.  Changes to Package What

       When What.Locks is applied to a deleted unit, it no longer fails
       with an undecipherable message. The new error message correctly
       identifies the problem. PRS numbers 10464-Star and

       When What.Object is executed on a window that does not correspond
       to a library object (such as an I/O window or a mail message), it
       now fails with an appropriate message: What.Object failed -
       <IMAGE> does not refer to a directory object. PRS number

       What.Object no longer fails when:

       *  It is executed on a window that contains the image of an
          associated file (indicated in the library display by pointy
          brackets). PRS number 167263-Clem-Marl.

       *  It is executed in a text file and the cursor is located inside
          a selection within that file. PRS number 4317752-Clem-Marl.

       The output from the What.Users command now contains two or more
       entries for the identity Network_Public. One entry contains all
       of the jobs that were traditionally run under the session
       !Machine.Network_Public_Session, such as the Print Queue Server
       and the Mail Distribute Server. The additional entries each
       contain only one job, an Archive Sever job. These additional
       Network_Public entries are the result of changes to the Archive
       Server (see section 7.3.6). In order to determine the session
       under which a particular job (such an Archive Server job) is
       running, see the new Show_Session_Of_Job command (section 6.4).

       7.3.  Changes to Archive

       7.3.1.  Archiving into Subsystems

       The Archive.Copy and Archive.Restore commands no longer allow you
       to create:

       *  A subsystem within an existing subsystem

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     13\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       *  A world within a subsystem view

       If an attempt is made to Copy or Restore a subsystem within a
       subsystem, the command is terminated with the error Bad Subsystem
       Structure. Note that when copying a subsystem from one R1000 to
       another across the network, if the restore part on the target
       fails with this bad subsystem structure error, then the restore
       part of the archive terminates -- however, the sending part of
       the Archive operation continues sending units until it realizes
       that the receiver has terminated. At that point, the sender
       terminates with a connection broken error. You must look earlier
       in the log to see the "real" error message indicating that you
       are not allowed to create subsystems within subsystems.

       If an attempt is made to Copy or Restore a world into a subsystem
       view, the command now converts the world into a directory before
       copying or restoring it. PRS number 0-0298-0.

       7.3.2.  Archiving Loaded Main Programs

       In previous releases, the Archive.Copy command failed if you
       attempted to copy a loaded main program (Load_Proc or Load_Func)
       to another location or another machine where:

       *  A coded older version of that loaded main program already
          existed, and

       *  The archive job did not have full access to replace the
          existing loaded main program. but had enough access to demote
          the existing loaded main program

       In such a case, the copy would fail but the existing version of
       the loaded main program would be left in archived state and in
       some cases could not be promoted back to coded state.

       In D_12_7_3, the Archive job checks the target where a loaded
       main program is to be restored and makes sure that the identity
       of the archive job has enough access to the enclosing world and
       the existing object to create a new version of the object, before
       it demotes the existing object to archived state. If the job does
       not have appropriate access then the Copy command fails with a
       detailed error message explaining the problem. PRS number
       9123690-0158-2 and CSR number 5079.

       7.3.3.  Archiving Searchlists

       In previous releases, the Archive.Copy command failed if you
       attempted to copy a searchlist to another machine on the network
       and the entries in the searchlist could not be resolved on the
       target machine. The Copy command failed with a misleading error
       message saying that the subclass of the restored object could not
       be set to searchlist.

       14                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       In D_12_7_3, the Archive.Copy command writes a message saying
       that the searchlist could not be properly restored on the target
       machine because it contains entries that are not resolvable on
       the target machine.

       The searchlist is copied as a text file onto the target machine.
       You can then log into the target machine and edit the text file so
       that all the entries are resolvable and then execute the command
       Search_List.Revert to make the text file into a valid search list.
       PRS number 9123690-0183-5 and CSR number 6426.

       7.3.4.  Archiving Ventures

       When used on ventures that contain string fields, the Archive.Copy
       command no longer inserts extra quotation marks into those
       strings. PRS number 1005010-Etoi-Ksch.

       7.3.5.  Archiving to Tape Across a Network

       In a recent release of the Environment the capability to do an
       Archive.Save to a remote machine's tape drive across the network
       was added. However, there was a bug in this capability such that
       the tape would not be unloaded from the remote tape drive when
       the Archive.Save was finished. This has been fixed and the tape is
       unloaded unless otherwise specified. PRS number 747500-Gato-Rjg.

       7.3.6.  Archive Server and Session Tokens

       The Archive Server is a job that is started each time the system
       boots. This job exists to process requests from other R1000's
       that are attempting to Archive.Copy or Archive.Restore objects
       onto the current R1000 across the network. The Archive Server
       also processes Remote.Run jobs that are sent from other R1000's
       on the network. The Archive Server works in the following way:

       1. It receives an incoming request to process.

       2. It spawns another Archive.Server job, which waits for another
          request from a remote R1000.

       3. It (the original Archive Server job) takes the initial remote
          request and processes it.

       In previous releases, the Archive Server jobs all ran under the
       same session (!Machine.Network_Public_Session). This caused a
       problem because some remote requests require that the Archive
       Server consume a layered-product token to accomplish the request.
       Tokens are session-based and are not released until the session
       is logged out or terminated. Unfortunately, since there is always
       a Archive Server job running, the session never terminates, so
       the token was never released.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     15\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       In this D_12_7_3 release, the Archive Server jobs cycle through
       seven new sessions. When an Archive Server job finishes, the
       session terminates and the token is released to be scavenged when
       it is needed.

       The problem described above was only a problem on token-based
       R1000's but the changes will appear on all R1000s so you should
       not be surprised when you see this different behavior. The new
       behavior you will notice is as follows:

       *  The output from the What.Users command contains two or more
          entries for the identity Network_Public:

          -  One entry contains all of the jobs that were traditionally
             run under the session !Machine.Network_Public_Session, such
             as the Print Queue Server and the Mail Distribute Server.

          -  The additional entries for the identity Network_Public each
             contain only one job, an Archive Sever job.

          To determine the session under which a particular job (such as
          an Archive Server job) is running, see the new
          Show_Session_Of_Job command (section 6.4).

       *  The new world !Machine.Network_Public_Archive_Server_Sessions
          contains objects for seven new sessions to be used by the
          Archive Server. These sessions are called
          Network_Public_Session_1 through Network_Public_Session_7.

       *  The first time the system is booted after D_12_7_3 has been
          installed, you will see messages that indicate that the new
          sessions have been created. It will look something like the

          19:01:29 !!! Predefined_Users User_create_failed : Public:
                       already exists
          19:01:30 !!! Predefined_Users Prohibit_login_failed Delete
                       for Public S_1 : NAME_ERROR
          19:01:30 !!! Predefined_Users User_create_failed :
                       User already exists
          19:01:30 !!! Predefined_Users Prohibit_login_failed Delete
                       for Network_Public.S_1 : NAME_ERROR
          19:01:30 !!! Predefined_Users User_create_failed : Operator:
                       already exists
          19:01:30 --- Predefined_Users Created_group : Privileged
          19:01:30 --- Predefined_Users Created_group : Mailer
          19:01:31 --- Predefined_Users Created_group : Spooler
          19:01:31 !!! Predefined_Users User_create_failed : Rational:

       16                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

                       already exists
          19:01:31 --- Boot Running "!Machine.Initialization".Start
          19:01:31 --- Predefined_Users Created_group : System
          19:01:31 --- Boot Running Destroy deleted Ada/Link objects
          19:01:33 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session
          19:01:33 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session
          19:02:55 +++ Predefined_Users Created_World !Machine.
          19:02:55 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:02:56 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:02:56 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:02:58 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:02:58 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:02:59 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:02:59 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:03:00 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:03:00 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:03:01 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:03:01 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session
          19:03:02 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.
          19:03:03 +++ Predefined_Users Attempting_to_create_session

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     17\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          19:03:03 +++ Predefined_Users Created_Session !Machine.

       7.4.  Compilation Changes

       In previous releases, status messages produced during the
       compilation of objects contained the version of the object being
       compiled (e.g., !Users.Geb.Bug_Regressions.Pass-
       _Deferred_Private'Body'V(1).). The 'V(n) part was determined to
       be extraneous and sometimes confusing. In D_12_7_3, compilation
       messages contain only the full path name of the object (e.g.,
       !Users.Geb.Bub_Regressions.Pass_Deferred_Private'Body.). PRS
       number 2911238-Jude-Geb.

       7.4.1.  Installing Units

       In previous releases, if a package contained both a with clause
       referencing package System and a variable named System, then the
       variable declaration would hide the with to package System and
       constructs such as representation specifications would not code,
       saying that there was no visibility to package System. In
       D_12_7_3, the R1000 compilation system locates the "with System"
       clause directly, without relying on visibility. PRS number

       Renaming a field in a constant no longer fails with an error
       indicating that something was not fully constrained. In D_12_7_3,
       constants are fully constrained and fully renamable. PRS number

       The semantic checker now flags as ambiguous a series of derived
       types and procedures that use those types as parameters. PRS
       number 4711901-Rati-Pbk.

       In previous releases, if the completion type of a forward
       declaration was in a package body and that type was a
       discriminant record type, the semantic checker did not always find
       semantic errors in the completion record type. In D_12_7_3,
       two-part records are semantically checked in the same manner
       regardless of whether they exist in separate declaration contexts
       or the same declaration context. PRS number 5844095-Aria-Sbur.

       In accordance with LRM 7.4(4), the semantic checker no longer
       allows the declaration of a deferred constant for a private type
       that has been declared in another unit. (LRM 7.4(4) states that
       "a deferred constant declaration and the declaration of the
       corresponding private type must both be declarative items of the
       visible part of the same package.") PRS number 6370093-Etoi-Phl.

       In D_12_7_3, the semantic checker now flags as ambiguous a
       function call that returns an array type when:

       18                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       *  The function has a single integer parameter, and

       *  The declaration of the integer parameter includes a default
          value (such as function X (Int : Integer => 6) return array),

       *  That integer parameter is specified without an explicit
          assignment. For example, X(2) is ambiguous, but X(Int => 2) is

       X(2) should be flagged as ambiguous because it does not specify
       whether the argument is to be the parameter passed into the
       function or an index into the returned array type. In previous
       releases, the semantic checker assumed that it was an index into
       the return array and the value for the parameter was given its
       default value. PRS number 7762494-Rati-Pbk.

       The semantic checker now handles representation specifications for
       Long_Integer types. In previous releases, the semantic checker
       would sometimes fail with a Numeric_Error (Overflow). PRS number

       In accordance with Ada Issue AI-00438/09, the semantic checker
       now allows functions that rename enumeration literals, rather
       than flagging them as not static. (Ada Issue AI-00438/09 states:
       "A function call whose function name denotes an enumeration
       literal, a predefined operator, or a function that is a
       language-defined attribute of a static subtype is allowed as a
       primary in a static expression if the value of each parameter is
       given by a static expression.") PRS number 8480408-Gato-Gbd.

       The semantic checker no longer flags as erroneous the following

       *  A generic package contains a type declaration and a subtype
          declaration of that type, and

       *  There is an instantiation of the generic, and

       *  There is a procedure that withs that instantiation and
          contains declared variables of both the type and the subtype,

       *  There is an attempt to assign those variables to one another.

       PRS number 9123690-0184-6 and CSR number 6625.

       Improved Messages:

       In D_12_7_3, the semanticist no longer generates a garbled
       message with the real error explanation when a semantic error
       occurs due to an invalid representation specification. Only the
       real error message is shown. PRS number 12862-Star.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     19\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       In previous releases, if a record type contained a field that was
       not semantically correct or not defined and that type had a
       representation specification, then the rep spec would be flagged
       with a non-meaningful error message. In version, this has been
       fixed and the actual problem is flagged and described correctly.
       PRS number 3496838-Gato-Rjg.

       In D_12_5_0 and later releases, the error message was formatted
       badly when a semantic error was flagged indicating that a call
       was made to a nonexistent procedure or function. The format has
       now been fixed. PRS number 9072739-Shei-Swb.

       7.4.2.  Coding Units

       The R1000 code generation now generates correct code when a type
       completion of a forward declaration is a derived type. PRS number

       In previous releases, the R1000 code generator would fail to code
       a subprogram containing an enumerated type of characters that had
       a representation specification when a string literal of a string
       type was declared with this enumeration type of character.
       Instead, the code generator raised the internal error
       Unimplemented: Element type of string literal has non-static
       size. This problem has been fixed and the correct code is
       generated. PRS number 6969167-Gato-Gbd.

       7.4.3.  Loading and Executing Units

       In previous releases, a program would raise a Type_Error when
       executing a Return statement if the function executing the Return
       contained a variable that was code-optimized incorrectly. The
       locally declared variable that was being returned would get
       popped from the control stack when the Return was executed, and
       its type was lost. This has been fixed and the type of the
       variable being returned is preserved until the return is
       complete. PRS number 4290910-Sier-Geb.

       Unhandled exceptions from the Environment that result from errors
       in user programs now contain the string name of the exception. In
       the D_12_5_0 release, there were some cases in which the
       Environment displayed the internal numeric representation for the
       exception rather than the string name. PRS number

       7.4.4.  Incremental Compilation

       Incrementally adding a type completion now produces the same
       DIANA as recompiling the object in batch mode. In previous
       releases, if a type completion of a forward declaration was
       incrementally inserted into a package, the DIANA was left in an
       inconsistent state and did not indicate that the forward

       20                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       declaration had been completed. PRS number 426364-Shei-Jst.

       7.5.  Miscellaneous Library Management Changes

       The Library.Space command no longer fails with a Numeric_Error
       (Overflow) message. PRS number 12612-Star.

       The logs generated by the Access_List.Set and
       Access_List.Set_Default commands now echo the value of the
       Response parameter. PRS number 523289-Sier-Geb.

       Delete access is no longer required to the destination world to
       copy or move an Ada package specification and body in a single
       operation. This change fixes a problem introduced in D_12_5_0 in
       which attempts to copy or move Ada unit bodies and specifications
       to a world for which the user did not have Delete access copied
       (or moved) the body but failed to copy (or move) the
       specification, saying that Write access was required. PRS number

       7.6.  Changes to Crash Analysis

       The D_12_7_3 release of the Environment includes several major
       changes to crash analysis. In particular:

       *  Much of the process has been automated so that the system
          captures as much information as possible and allows system
          managers to set the system to reboot automatically after a

       *  The system now automatically performs the basic crash analysis
          and tests that previously required user intervention. The
          system writes the results of these tests to files that can be
          sent or faxed to Rational after the system reboots. When
          necessary, the system stops at a menu and offers a recommended
          action as the default.

       *  The system now automatically notifies users after a system
          failure and reboot, using electronic mail and a list of users
          in a new reboot configuration file.

       For information about how to respond to the crash of a D_12_7_3
       system, see Appendix B, "Diagnostic Crash Procedures for Release
       D_12_7_3" in the System Manager's Guide delivered with this
       release. The following sections describe the Failure Reboot and
       Automatic Notification features. Descriptions of these features
       are also found in the new System Manager's Guide.

       7.6.1.  Failure Reboot

       In previous releases, the machine, when properly configured, would
       automatically reboot following normal shutdowns. If the machine

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     21\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       crashed due to a hardware or software error, it would require the
       operator to respond to prompts for the machine to boot.

       In D_12_7_3, the system can be configured to reboot following a
       failure as long as no hard failure has been detected. This
       feature is known as Failure Reboot.

       As a safeguard, the Failure Reboot feature allows the
       specification of an interval; if two crashes occur during the
       specified interval, the system does not automatically reboot, but
       rather awaits a response from the operator. This allows single,
       isolated crashes to be dealt with in a timely manner, but ensures
       that, if more than one crash occurs during a given interval, a
       closer investigation can take place.

       Four new procedures in package !Machine.Dfs'Spec_View.Units.Dfs
       control the Failure Reboot feature (see section 6.3 for

       *  Reboot_On_Failure

       *  Reboot_On_Failure_Interval

       *  Quiesce_Reboot_On_Failure

       *  Reboot_On_Failure_Settings

       As part of the Failure Reboot, the system, when applicable,
       automatically runs the confidence tests. If these tests detect a
       hard failure, the system does not reboot and prompts the operator
       to notify Rational of the failure.

       In the cases where no hard failure can be detected, and
       Reboot_On_Failure is enabled, the system reboots. At the
       completion of the boot, the initialization procedure
       Log_Previous_Outage_Start analyzes the tombstone file produced
       during the most recent failure.

       The system writes the output of this analysis to the system error
       log, as well as to the file specified by the Analysis option in the
       Previous_Outage_Configuration file (see the following subsection).
       The output of this analysis can then be reviewed and sent to
       Rational to determine the action, if any, to be taken. Possible
       actions could be to change the values of the Failure Reboot
       interval, disable Failure Reboot, use the
       Quiesce_Reboot_On_Failure procedure to allow the explicit
       creation of a crash-dump tape after the next crash, or other
       operations recommended by Rational.

       In the D_12_7_3 release, the Failure Reboot feature is disabled
       by default. The system manager or operator should enable the
       feature with a recommended interval of 14 days. With these
       settings, the system automatically reboots on the first crash,
       producing an analysis of the crash after the machine boots. If
       any subsequent crash occurs within 14 days, the system suspends

       22                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       rebooting and, where applicable, requests the creation of a
       crash-dump tape for a more complete analysis.

       7.6.2.  Automatic Notification

       After a system failure occurs, the system produces an analysis of
       the failure and writes it to the system error log. In addition,
       system managers can specify additional distribution of the
       analysis output in a new control file. The pathname of this file


       The file contains five fields:

       *  Message => <<Pathname for message file>>

          Specifies a pathname to a file that will have a brief
          description of the previous outage written to it. The default
          for this field is !Machine.Error_Logs.Crash-
          _Message. Only one pathname can be specified, or the field can
          be left blank.

       *  Analysis => <<Pathname for analysis file>>

          Specifies a pathname to a file that will have a copy of the full
          analysis of the previous outage written to it. The default for
          this field is !Machine.Error_Logs.Crash- _Analysis. Only one
          pathname can be specified, or the field can be left blank.

       *  Boots => <<list of mail users>>

          Specifies a list of users, separated by commas and optionally
          on multiple lines, who will be sent a copy of a brief
          description of the previous outage via R1000 mail. Mail is
          sent for all outages, including normal shutdowns. By default,
          this field is blank.

       *  Crashes => <<list of mail users>>

          Specifies a list of users, separated by commas and optionally
          on multiple lines, who will be sent a copy of a brief
          description of the previous outage via R1000 mail. Mail is not
          sent for normal shutdowns. By default, this field is blank.

       *  Full => <<list of mail users>>

          Specifies a list of users, separated by commas and optionally
          on multiple lines, who will be sent a copy of the full
          analysis of the previous outage via R1000 mail. Mail is not
          sent for normal shutdowns. If the address for Rational support
          ( is specified with the proper network
          access, a copy of the full analysis is sent to Rational. By
          default, this field is blank.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     23\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       7.7.  Miscellaneous Changes to System Management

       The Message.Send command no longer sends unnecessary error
       messages to the sender when wildcard characters are used in the
       Who parameter. In previous releases, if the Who parameter
       contained wildcards, an error message would be generated to the
       sender, but the message would be sent properly. PRS number
       9123690-0180-9 and CSR number 6106.

       The Abbreviations.Print command now deletes the temporary file it
       creates when it is used to print a mail message or other image
       that does not correspond to an Environment object. These
       temporary files are located in !Machine.Temporary, and in previous
       releases, were not deleted automatically. PRS number

       7.8.  Changes to CMVC

       7.8.1.  Make_Controlled and the State Directory

       The Cmvc.Make_Controlled command now works properly if the State
       directory of a view and/or the State directory's contents are
       specified. In particular:

       *  Attempts to control the State directory now fail with the
          message The State directory cannot be controlled.

       *  Attempts to control objects in the State directory succeed
          without generating error messages.

       PRS number 6289037-Gilg-Cmd.

       7.8.2.  Destroy_View and Frozen Objects

       The Cmvc.Destroy_View now unfreezes access-control files in the
       Configurations.Configuration_Name_State directory of the view, if
       necessary. PRS number 6626937-Flor-Jst.

       7.8.3.  Naming Conflicts when Copying or Building Views

       In D_12_7_3, if you attempt to use Cmvc.Copy (or a similar CMVC
       command) to copy a view in which there is a naming conflict
       between a unit in the view and a unit in the view's imports, the
       Copy command maintains the internal link to the local unit and
       generates a warning message describing the naming conflict. In
       previous releases, if the view to be copied contained such a
       naming conflict, the Copy command failed, saying that the
       imported link conflicted with the existing internal link. All
       copying to that point was be lost. PRS number 2778001-Sier-Geb.

       24                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       Similarly, in D_12_7_3, if you attempt to build a view from a
       configuration in which there is a naming conflict between a unit
       in the configuration and a unit in the new view's imports, the
       command maintains the internal link to the local unit and
       generates a warning message describing the naming conflict. The
       build completes successfully. PRS number 9496712-Wood-Ken.

       7.8.4.  Default Parameter Values for Make_Spec_View

       The default value of the Level parameter of the
       Cmvc.Make_Spec_View procedure has been changed from zero (0) to
       one (1). The new specification is:

       procedure Make_Spec_View
       (From_Path            : String                 := "<CURSOR>";
        Spec_View_Prefix     : String                 := ">>PREFIX<<";
        Level                : Natural                := 1;
        View_To_Modify       : String                 := "";
        View_To_Import       : String                 :=
        Only_Change_Imports  : Boolean                := True;
        Remake_Demoted_Units : Boolean                := True;
        Goal                 : Compilation.Unit_State :=
        Comments             : String                 := "";
        Work_Order           : String                 := "<DEFAULT>";
        Volume               : Natural                := 0;
        Response             : String                 := "<PROFILE>");

       7.8.5.  Consecutive Calls to Release

       In previous releases, consecutive calls to the Cmvc.Release
       command produced non-sequential release numbering. This has been
       fixed and release numbers are generated sequentially. CSR number

       7.8.6.  Cmvc_Access_Control

       The Cmvc_Access_Control.Check command no longer fails if it is
       used on and attempts to update an entry in a full access list
       (one that contains seven entries). In previous releases, the
       Check command failed because it tried to add the correct entries
       before removing the incorrect entries; thus, it would report that
       there were too many entries and would fail. The Check command now
       removes the incorrect entries before added the correct entries,
       and, thus, works successfully. PRS number 3461738-Gilg-Cmd.

       When the name of a subsystem is specified to the View_Or_Subsystem
       parameter of the Cmvc_Access_Control.Check command, the command
       now checks the subsystem itself and all the views in that
       subsystem. In previous releases, the command would only check the
       subsystem. PRS number 7842145-Gilg-Geb.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     25\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       Users that belong to a group with Developer access to a subsystem
       can now create new objects within that subsystem. In previous
       releases, only members of groups with Owner access were permitted
       to create objects within a subsystem. PRS number

       7.8.7.  Log Messages

       The Cmvc.Replace_Model command has been made more robust and
       error messages have been improved. In previous releases, the
       Replace_Model command would sometimes fail if the
       View.State.Last_Release_Name file was not formatted correctly and
       could not be parsed. In such cases, the error messages generated
       were not helpful. The error messages have been rewritten and the
       command now handles many minor errors that would have caused it
       to fail in the past. PRS number 9123690-0153-5 and CSR number

       The messages generated by the Cmvc_Maintenance.Check_Consistency
       command now include the actual CMVC database object, rather than
       just the subsystem, when the command fails because the database
       for a subsystem cannot be opened. PRS number 5641327-Sier-Geb.

       7.8.8.  Work Orders

       In previous releases, executing Common.Definition on a very large
       work order failed with a Storage_Error from the work order
       editor. In D_12_7_3, the work order editor has been improved to
       handle larger work orders. PRS number 9123690-0199-1 and CSR
       number 7751.

       7.9.  Changes to Activity_Implementation

       The !Implementation.Activity_Implementation package and its
       contents are not intended for use by customer-defined programs;
       they are for use by Environment-defined subprograms and packages.
       Information about changes to Activity_Implementation, however,
       are provided on the chance that some sites may have found it
       necessary to build tools against it.

       The Default_Handle function has been removed from the
       specification of package Activity_Implementation. This function
       was never meant to be visible and generated unhandled exceptions.
       PRS number 6527216-Gato-Bas.

       In the D_12_6_5 release, the specification of package
       Activity_Implementation was out of sync with the implementation,
       resulting in !Lrm.System.Operand_Class_Error messages being
       generated by some procedures. This has been fixed, and the
       procedures in package Activity_Implementation should work as
       advertised. PRS number 9123690-0174-1 and CSR number 6022.

       26                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       7.10.  Networking Changes

       In previous releases, some Telnet operations were extremely slow
       on the Series 400 processor. The slow performance was caused by
       the CMC Ethernet Controller (new on the 400's) interpreting the
       bit pattern 16#FF# as a packet terminator and sending one packet
       for each such bit pattern. This behavior lead to much unneeded
       packet traffic and even timeouts on the network. This problem has
       been fixed; Telnet performance is back to normal. PRS number

       Connections from an R1000 to a UNIX workstation via Ftp.Connect
       or Telnet.Connect have been made more reliable. In previous
       releases, the R1000 sometimes echoed the login request to the
       UNIX workstation when it should not have. The UNIX workstation
       could not handle this echo, so the connections used to fail. PRS
       number 9123690-0187-0.

       In previous releases, Series 200 or 300 systems would sometimes
       crash with a !Lrm.System- .Assertion_Error from the Tcp_Ip_Driver
       software. In particular, the system would crash if:

       *  An application called Transport.Connect to make a passive
          connection on the network, and

       *  This connection timed out before completion, and

       *  The application immediately tried the passive connection

       This problem was determined to be a timing problem between the
       R1000 Kernel software and the Network board in the R1000. The
       Kernel software has been updated to handle this short timing
       discrepancy and the crash no longer occurs. This was never a
       problem with the Series 400 because it has a different Network
       board. PRS number 9057421-Back-Rfg.

       7.11.  LRM Interface Changes

       The D_12_7_3 release of the Environment includes a new release of
       the LRM Interface. If you are already running Rational Design
       Facility release 7_2_1, this change will not affect you; the new
       LRM Interface was delivered with that release.

       If you are upgrading to the LRM release included in D_12_7_3,
       note that changes made to the Declaration_Kinds,
       Attribute_Designator_Kinds, and Pragma_Kinds enumerations may
       result in compilation or runtime errors (see subsections 7.11.20
       and 7.11.24 for details).

       The procedure Find_Lrm_Change_Candidates, located in the
       Pdl_Commands subsystem, can be used to assist in identifying
       potential compatibility problems that are not caught by the

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     27\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       7.11.1.  Discriminated Type Function Changes

       Type_Information.Is_Discriminated and
       Type_Information.Discriminants have been changed to work on
       generic formal types, private types, limited private types and
       incomplete type. To handle incomplete types, these functions now
       accept type declarations as well as type definitions.

          function Is_Discriminated
              (A_Type : Type_Definition_Or_Declaration) return Boolean;
          -- This function applies to private, limited private,
          incomplete or
          -- record types. It returns True if this type has
          -- It may be applied to type declaration to handle the case of
          -- incomplete types.

          function Discriminants (A_Type :
              return Discriminant_Iterator;
          -- Returns a list of discriminants of the type. These elements
          -- then be manipulated with the functions provided in package
          -- Declarations.

       Note that the name of the formal parameter has been changed from
       Record_Type to A_Type. This is because the former was a misnomer.
       Record types are not the only types with discriminants.

       7.11.2.  New Aggregate Range Function

       The following function has been added to package

          function Aggregate_Range (An_Aggregate : Expression)
              return Discrete_Range
          -- For an array aggregate, returns a range specifying the
          bounds of
          -- the aggregate.Associations

       7.11.3.  Declarations.Kind Change

       Declarations.Kind has been changed to be consistent with the kind
       operations of other packages. That is, it now checks the
       element's major kind and returns Not_A_Declaration if the major
       kind is not a declaration.

       7.11.4.  New Associations Package

       A new package called Associations is now available. This package
       may be used to analyze procedure, entry and function calls,
       generic instantiations and pragma arguments. The Associations

       28                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       package exports the following services:

          type Association_Kinds is (Named_Association,

          function Association_Kind
              (An_Association : Association) return Association_Kinds;
          -- Returns the kind of an association.

          function Formal_Parameter (An_Association : Association)
              return Identifier_Definition;
          -- Returns the identifier of the formal name for the given
          -- association. This function tries hard to return an
          -- definition. However, in the case of a pragma argument, only
          -- reference can be returned.

          function Actual_Parameter
              (An_Association : Association) return Name_Expression;
          -- Returns the actual name or expression for the given

       7.11.5.  Lexical Typing of Iterators

       Lexical typing of iterators has been added. Lexical typing is the
       practice of using subtype name to reflect the kind of major
       elements that they can contain. The following declarations have
       been added to Ada_Program:

          subtype Association_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Choice_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Compilation_Unit_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Context_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_
              Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is
          subtype Expression_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Name_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Representation_Clause_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Statement_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          subtype Type_Definition_Iterator is Element_Iterator;
          -- Note that some of the iterators can mix items of different
          -- kinds. Their name attempts to convey this information. For
          -- instance a declarative part can contain, besides
          -- context clauses (viz. use clauses), representation clauses

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     29\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          -- pragmas.

       Many subprogram specifications have been changed, in all packages,
       to take advantage of the new names. A number of local iterator
       names have also been introduced to shorten the identifiers or to
       denote specific constructs.

       In Declarations:

          subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is

          subtype Subprogram_Formal_Parameter_Iterator is

          subtype Generic_Formal_Parameter_Or_Pragma_Iterator is

       In Names_And_Expressions:

          subtype Aggregate_Component_Iterator is

       In Representation_Clauses:

          subtype Record_Component_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is

       In Statements:

          subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is

          subtype Statement_Part_Iterator is

          subtype If_Statement_Arm_Iterator is

          subtype Case_Statement_Alternative_Iterator is

          subtype Exception_Handler_Arm_Iterator is

          subtype Select_Alternative_Iterator is

       In Type_Information:

          subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is

       30                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3


          subtype Discrete_Range_Iterator is

          subtype Discriminant_Association_Iterator is

          subtype Discriminant_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator;

          subtype Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator is

          subtype Variant_Or_Pragma_Iterator is

       7.11.6.  Compilation Unit Pragmas

       The following function was added to package Compilation_Units:

          function Attached_Pragmas
              (To_Compilation_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return
          -- Returns the list of pragmas attached to a compilation unit.
          -- those pragmas that follow the compilation unit are returned
          -- Pragmas that precede the compilation unit are part of the
          -- clause.

       7.11.7.  Operations on Generic Instantiations

       In Declarations, the following operations have been modified so
       that, when applied to a generic instantiation, they analyze the
       un-rooted tree to report information of the instance:

          function Visible_Part_Declarations
              (Package_Specification : Package_Declaration)
                  return Declarative_Part_Iterator;
          -- Returns a list of all declarations, representation
          -- specifications, and pragmas in the visible part of a
          package in
          -- the order of appearance. When applied to a package
          -- instantiation, this operation yields the instance's visible
          -- declarations.

          function Private_Part_Declarations
              (Package_Specification : Package_Declaration)
                  return Declarative_Part_Iterator;
          -- Returns a list of all declarations, representation
          -- specifications, and pragmas in the private part of the

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     31\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          package in
          -- order of appearance. When applied to a package
          -- this operation yields the instance's private declarations.

          function Subprogram_Parameters (Subprogram_Or_Entry :
              return Subprogram_Formal_Parameter_Iterator;
          -- Returns an ordered list of formal parameter declarations.
          -- Use IS_INITIALIZED and INITIAL_VALUE to query
          -- the information related to the presence of the default
          -- initialization, and use TYPE_MARK to obtain the parameter
          type mark.
          -- When applied to a subprogram instantiation, this operation
          -- the instance's parameters.

          function Return_Type (Of_Function : Function_Declaration)
              return Name_Expression;
          -- Returns the name expression of the return type, selectors
          -- NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS can then be used to extract more
          -- When applied to a function instantiation, this operation
          -- the instance's return type.

       In Declarations, the following subprograms have been added or
       modified to improve support of generic instantiations:

          function Generic_Unit_Declaration
              (Generic_Instantiation_Or_Unit_Declaration : Declaration)
                  return Declaration;
          -- Returns the declaration of the generic unit being

          function Generic_Instantiation_Parameters
              (Generic_Instantiation : Declaration) return
          -- Returns an ordered list of parameter associations of a
          -- instantiation. The operations defined in package
          -- can be used to decompose them.

          function Generic_Actual_Parameters (Generic_Instantiation :
              return Association_Iterator
                  renames Generic_Instantiation_Parameters;
          -- Use of this form is discouraged.

       32                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       7.11.8.  Functions and Enumeration Literal Renames

       In Names_And_Expressions, the following comments have been added
       to document the fact that a function call may be a renaming of an
       enumeration literal:

          -- FUNCTION CALLS
          -- Note that references to enumeration literals renamed as
          -- are treated as genuine function calls

       7.11.9.  Constants versus Variables

       In order to be able to distinguish between constant and variable
       objects, the following function was added to

          function Is_Constant (A_Name : Name) return Boolean;
          -- Returns True if the given name is constant. The name must
          -- of a syntactic form suitable for the left hand side of an
          -- assignment (ie. not an attribute, a character, etc.).

       7.11.10.  Task Entries versus Subprograms

       In consistency with the LRM 6(2), Declarations.Is_Subprogram has
       been changed to return False on an entry.

       7.11.11.  Comments in Declaration Names

       Declarations.Name no longer return same line comments. It is the
       equivalent of applying Ada_Program.String_Name to the result of
       the Declarations.Identifiers.

       7.11.12.  New Labels Function

       The following function has been added to package Statements:

          function Labels (A_Statement : Statement) return
          -- Returns an iterator on the names of the labels of a
          statement. A
          -- statement can have several labels.Declarations

       7.11.13.  Limited Private Generic Formal Parameters

       The enumeration type in package Declarations that defines generic
       parameter kinds was changed to handle limited private formal
       types. The behavior of function Generic_Parameter_Kind has been
       changed accordingly.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     33\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          type Generic_Parameter_Kinds is (Subprogram,

       7.11.14.  Change to Renaming Declarations Function

       Declarations.Is_Renaming_Declaration has been changed so that, if
       given an identifier definition, it goes to the corresponding
       declaration. This makes it consistent with all of the Is_@
       functions in this package.

       7.11.15.  Renamed Declarations

       The first function below has been added to Declarations. The
       second has been documented and restricted to avoid returning
       meaningless information:

          function Renamed_Name
              (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Name_Expression;
          -- Returns the name of the entity being renamed. It can be a
          -- name, an operator symbol, an indexed component, a slice, a
          -- selected component or an attribute.

          function Renamed_Declaration
              (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Declaration;
          -- If applied to the renaming of a simple name, an operator
          -- or an expanded name, returns the name's declaration.
          Returns nil
          -- element otherwise. Use of this function is discouraged.

       7.11.16.  Subunits Without Bodies

       Declarations.Unit_Body now returns Ada_Program.Nil_Element when
       passed the specification of a subunit for which there is no body
       object in the library rather than raising the exception

       34                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       7.11.17.  Subunits Without Specs

       When Declarations.Specifications is passed a subunit stub or body
       identifier, it will now return the stub declaration, regardless of
       whether or not the subunit has a specification.

       Previously, this function returned the specification, if one
       existed for the subunit. In cases where a the subunit had no
       spec, the stub was returned when passed the identifier from the
       Is_Separate clause but a Nil_Element was returned when passed the
       identifier of the subunit body.

       This behavior is consistent with LRM 6.3(3). This is also the
       change with minimal impact, since few programs should depend on
       the Nil_Element. Note however that this behavior is somewhat
       inconsistent with Is_Spec, which returns False on a

       7.11.18.  Declarations.Is_Initialized Change

       Declarations.Is_Initialized has been changed to test the nature
       of its third child, returning True if it is a true initial value,
       and raising Inappropriate_Program_Element if it is a renaming.

       7.11.19.  New Function for Incomplete Types

       The following function has been added to the Declarations

          function Full_Type_Declaration
              (Type_Declaration_Or_Id : Declaration) return
          -- Given the declaration of an incomplete type, returns the
          -- corresponding full type declaration. A nil element is
          -- if the full type declaration is not yet compiled. NOTE:
          this is
          -- the identity function if given a non-incomplete type

       7.11.20.  Implementation-Dependent Attributes and Pragmas

       Attribute handling in Names_And_Expressions has been changed to
       better handle implementation specific attributes. Attribute
       handling now looks like:

          type Attribute_Designator_Kinds is (

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     35\f

       Rational Environment Release Information


           function Attribute_Designator_Kind
               (Attribute : Name) return Attribute_Designator_Kinds;
           -- Returns the kind of an attribute. If the attribute is
           -- implementation-specific, Not_A_Predefined_Attribute is

           function Attribute_Designator_Name (Attribute : Name) return
           -- This is the preferred way to analyze an
           -- attribute. It returns an uppercase string for the
           -- simple name.

           function Attribute_Designator_Name (Attribute : Name) return

       36                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

           -- The Simple_Name returned here is only intended for use by
           -- ADA_PROGRAM.STRING_NAME. Use of this function is

       In addition, package Pragmas has been changed to better handle
       implementation specific pragmas. It now looks like:

          function Is_Predefined (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return

          type Pragma_Kinds is (Controlled,

          Unknown : constant Pragma_Kinds := Not_A_Predefined_Pragma;

          function Kind (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return Pragma_Kinds;
           -- Returns the kind of a pragma. Returns
          Not_A_Predefined_Pragma on
           -- implementation-specific pragmas.

          function Name (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return String;
           -- Returns the uppercase simple name of any pragma. This is
          the way
           -- to analyze implementation-specific pragmas.

          function Arguments (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage)
              return Association_Iterator;
           -- Returns a list of the arguments to a pragma. Operations
           -- package ASSOCIATIONS can be used to decompose them.

       Note that R1000-specific pragmas have been removed from the
       Pragma_Kinds. The names of these and other implementation specific
       pragmas can be used to analyze them.

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     37\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

       7.11.21.  Return Type of Function Instantiations

       Declaration.Return_Type has been changed to yield the instance
       return type when applied to a function instantiation. Note that
       this return type will be a subtype renaming the true actual type.

       7.11.22.  Block and Loop Names

       The following functions have been added to package Statements in
       order to query for loop and block names.

          function Is_Named_Statement (A_Statement : Statement) return
          -- Returns true if applied to a loop or block that has a name.

          function Statement_Name (A_Statement : Statement) return Name;
          -- Returns the name of a block or loop. Returns Nil_Element if
          -- a block or loop, or if no name is present.

       7.11.23.  Enumeration Literal Queries

       In Names_And_Expressions, Is_Literal, Position_Number and
       Representation_Value have been changed to work on an enumeration
       literal specifications. Previously, they worked only on a
       reference to an enumeration literal.

       7.11.24.  Record Discriminant and Component Declarations

       The following literals have been added to type Declaration_Kinds
       in order to differentiate record components from variables.


       Ada_Program.Kind and Declarations.Kind have been modified to
       return these new values when appropriate. Declarations of these
       kinds can be analyzed by Is_Initialized, Initial_Value, and

       8.  Documentation

       The D_12_7_3 release of the Rational Environment is accompanied
       by new and updated printed and online documentation.

       8.1.  Printed Documentation

       This D_12_7_3 release is accompanied by two printed manuals:

       38                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

       *  An up-to-date System Manager's Guide for the Rational R1000
          Software Development System, Series 200, 300, and 400. This
          document has been tested for accuracy with the D_12_6_5
          release, reorganized, and presented in a new, easier-to-read
          format with red tabs marking emergency procedures. The System
          Manager's Guide is product number 4000-00142.

       *  The Rational Access User's Guide, for use with the Rational
          Access user interface. This document is product number

       You should receive one copy of each manual for every system under
       an active support contract. If you have not received your new
       documentation or if you would like to order additional
       documentation, please contact your Rational representative.

       8.1.1.  Correction to Quick Reference for Parameter-Value

       On the second page of Appendix F, "Quick Reference for
       Parameter-Value Conventions," in the System Manager's Guide, the
       table describing special names for default objects describes the
       special name "<ACTIVITY>" as resolving to the "default activity
       for the current session." This is incorrect. "<ACTIVITY>"
       resolves to the current activity, which is the activity named in
       the job response profile for the current job. Unless you have
       explicitly set the activity for the job, the activity is the same
       as the default activity for the current session.

       This correction also applies to the versions of the "Quick
       Reference for Parameter-Value Conventions" in the Session and Job
       Management, Library Management, and System Management Utilities
       books of the Rational Environment Reference Manual.

       8.2.  Online Documentation

       This D_12_7_3 release of the Environment includes new or updated
       online documentation for:

       *  Rational's online help system. To display this information,
          press [Help on Help] or execute What.Does ("Help_On_Help").

       *  The packages described in the Debugging (DEB) book of the
          Rational Environment Reference Manual:

          -  Package Debug

          -  Package Debug_Maintenance

          -  Package Debug_Tools

       *  The packages described in the Project Management (PM) book:

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     39\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          -  Package Activity

          -  Package Check

          -  Package Cmvc

          -  Package Cmvc_Access_Control

          -  Package Cmvc_Hierarchy

          -  Package Cmvc_Maintenance

          -  Package Work_Order

       An effort has been made to bring the online documentation for the
       Debugging and Project Management packages up-to-date with the
       D_12_7_3 release of the Environment. The new online help for
       these packages also contains parameter-level information,
       examples, and cross references previously not available.

       This D_12_7_3 release also includes online PostScript versions of
       the keyboard overlays for the Rational X Interface. These
       overlays are located in !Machine.Editor_Data.Keyboard_Overlays.
       To print an overlay from the Environment, specify the print
       option Original_Raw.

       9.  Training

       Rational is currently in the process of updating the standard
       Environment training courses to reflect this D_12_7_3 release of
       the Environment and to incorporate the paradigm changes
       introduced by the Rational Access user interface. Rational will
       publicize the availability of these courses when they are

       40                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

                                  Appendix A
                      Problem Reports Closed in D_12_7_3

       This appendix lists the software problem reports and
       customer-service requests closed by the D_12_7_3 release.

       Table A-1 lists the problem reports fixed by D_12_7_3. It includes
       the Problem Reporting System (PRS) number of the problem, the
       Customer Service Request (CSR) number (if applicable), a brief
       description of the problem, and the section of this release
       information in which the problem is discussed in more detail
       (when applicable).

                Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |none          |CSR7334: Consecutive calls to           |7.8.5|
       |              |Cmvc.Release product non-sequential     |     |
       |              |numbering                               |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |10464-Star    |What.Locks fails if applied to a deleted|7.2  |
       |              |unit                                    |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |12612-Star    |Library.Space gets Numeric_Error        |7.5  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |12728-Star    |What.Object does the wrong thing with   |7.2  |
       |              |non-directory objects                   |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |12862-Star    |Semantics blows up when rep spec applied|7.4.1|
       |              |to incomplete type                      |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |0-0298-0      |Archive creates subsystems and worlds   |7.3.1|
       |              |within subsystems                       |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |167263-Clem-  |What.Object on pointy file fails; <IMAGE|7.2  |
       |Marl          |is not defined                          |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |426364-Shei-  |Incremental operations give different   |7.4.4|
       |Jst           |results                                 |     |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     41\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |523289-Sier-  |Access_List.Set@ fails to put Response  |7.5  |
       |Geb           |parameter in log                        |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |747500-Gato-  |Tape Eject behavior inconsistent        |7.3.5|
       |Rjg           |                                        |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |1005010-Etoi- |Archive.[Save,Restore] changes venture  |7.3.4|
       |Ksch          |fields                                  |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |1033878-Gilg- |Abbreviations.Print doesn't delete      |7.7  |
       |Cmd           |temporary files                         |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |2115837-Etoi- |Selection sometimes fails in Environment|7.1.1|
       |Phl           |menus                                   |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |2778001-Sier- |Cmvc.Copy halts when there is a naming  |7.8.3|
       |Geb           |conflict                                |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |2911238-Jude- |Compilation messages should not have    |7.4  |
       |Geb           |'V() in them                            |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3032909-Cook- |R1000 code bug - type completion for    |7.4.2|
       |Swb           |access types                            |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3078226-Gato- |Overloading of name of package System   |7.4.1|
       |Mboy          |and variable name causes confusion      |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3108823-Sier- |Semantics error on renaming a field in a|7.4.1|
       |Geb           |constant                                |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3443626-Suno- |Poor Telnet performance on model 400    |7.10 |
       |Ken           |processor                               |     |

       42                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

          Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3461738-Gilg- |Cmvc_Access_Control.Check fails when    |7.8.6|
       |Cmd           |there are too many extra entries        |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |3496838-Gato- |Erroneous message in semantically       |7.4.1|
       |Rjg           |inconsistent code                       |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |4290910-Sier- |R1000 code generator generates code that|7.4.3|
       |Geb           |raises Type_Error at run time           |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |4317752-Clem- |What.Object fails when cursor is in     |7.2  |
       |Marl          |selection in text image                 |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |4711901-Rati- |Ambiguity undetected by semantics       |7.4.1|
       |Pbk           |                                        |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |5098655-Mago- |Problem searching in an image another   |7.1.2|
       |Sdj           |job has open                            |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |5476876-Voya- |What.Locks fails when given a deleted   |7.2  |
       |Phil          |object                                  |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |5641327-Sier- |Cmvc_Maintenance.Check_Consistency      |7.8.7|
       |Geb           |generates unhelpful message             |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |5844095-Aria- |Incorrect use of discriminant not       |7.4.1|
       |Sbur          |detected                                |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |6289037-Gilg- |Cmvc.Make_Controlled generates bogus    |7.8.1|
       |Cmd           |message when controlling objects in     |     |
       |              |State directory                         |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |6370093-Etoi- |R1000 compiler allows deferred constant |7.4.1|
       |Phl           |for private type                        |     |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     43\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |6527216-Gato- |Activity_Implementation.Default_Handle  |7.9  |
       |Bas           |blows up in D_12_1_1                    |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |6626937-Flor- |Problem with Cmvc.Destroy_View and      |7.8.2|
       |Jst           |frozen access control files             |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |6969167-Gato- |Unimplemented: String literal has       |7.4.2|
       |Gbd           |non-static size                         |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |7762494-Rati- |Ambiguous expression not detected by    |7.4.1|
       |Pbk           |semantic analysis                       |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |7842145-Gilg- |Cmvc_Access_Control.Check on a subsystem|7.8.6|
       |Geb           |does not check view                     |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |8391944-Gato- |Can't semanticize record rep clause with|7.4.1|
       |Gbd           |long_integer base t                     |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |8480408-Gato- |Renamed enumeration literals can be     |7.4.1|
       |Gbd           |static                                  |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |8819874-Capi- |Cmvc_Access_Control: Developer group    |7.8.6|
       |Rati          |can't create new objects                |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |8957642-Cook- |Problem with operations on image before |7.1.2|
       |Swb           |editor is done displaying image         |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |8995225-Shei- |Problem with selection in Environment   |7.1.1|
       |Jst           |menus                                   |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9031863-Gato- |Exceptions not identified when propagate|7.4.3|
       |Gbd           |to Environment                          |     |

       44                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

          Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9057241-Back- |Transport.Connect problem with series   |7.10 |
       |Rfg           |200 and 300                             |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9072739-Shei- |Semantic error message deterioration in |7.4.1|
       |Swb           |new release                             |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0153-5|CSR4843: Cmvc.Replace_Model causing     |7.8.7|
       |              |error                                   |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0158-2|CSR5079: Archive.Copy corrupts existing |7.3.2|
       |              |Load_Proc on failure                    |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0174-1|CSR6022: Operand_Class_Error on         |7.9  |
       |              |Activity_Implementation call            |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0180-9|CSR6106: Message.Send problem           |7.7  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0183-5|CSR6426: Problem with Archive.Copy and  |7.3.3|
       |              |searchlists                             |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0184-6|CSR6625: Ada compilation discrepancy    |7.4.1|
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0187-0|Ftp.Connect/Telnet.Connect to UNIX fail |7.10 |
       |              |due to poor handshaking                 |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0194-1|Delete access required for creating Ada |7.5  |
       |              |units                                   |     |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9123690-0199-1|CSR7751: Storage error with Definition o|7.8.8|
       |              |work orders                             |     |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     45\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

          Table A-1   Software Problems Fixed by D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                        |     |
       |  PRS Number  |              PRS Summary               |Secti|
       |              |                                        | on  |
       |              |                                        |     |
       |9496712-Wood- |Problem with Cmvc.Build and import      |7.8.3|
       |Ken           |conflicts                               |     |

       Table A-2 lists the problem reports that have been investigated
       and closed because of one of the following reasons:

       *  The problem could not be reproduced in D_12_7_3.

       *  The problem has been fixed in a previous Environment release.

       *  There is not enough information about the problem to proceed.

                   Table A-2   Not Reproducible in D_12_7_3
       |              |                                              |
       |  PRS Number  |                 PRS Summary                  |
       |              |                                              |
       |6956-Star     |Directory_Utilities.Get_Containing_Subsystem  |
       |              |                                              |
       |7689-Star     |Archive says "moved" when it means "copied"   |
       |              |                                              |
       |8286-Star     |Bad messages from Compilation.Demote          |
       |              |                                              |
       |8817-Star     |Definition on deleted object gave Version_Erro|
       |              |                                              |
       |9568-Star     |Tape.Write doesn't know when it hits end of   |
       |              |tape                                          |
       |              |                                              |
       |9651-Star     |Library.Resolve gets unhandled exception      |
       |              |                                              |
       |9923-Star     |Common.Complete in installed unit             |

       46                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

             Table A-2   Not Reproducible in D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                              |
       |  PRS Number  |                 PRS Summary                  |
       |              |                                              |
       |10136-Star    |Mail.Send_Message assumes string parameters   |
       |              |start at indice = 1                           |
       |              |                                              |
       |10224-Star    |Common.Edit in an activity without a selection|
       |              |fails                                         |
       |              |                                              |
       |10248-Star    |Suggest adding more functionality to 'C naming|
       |              |attribute                                     |
       |              |                                              |
       |10391-Star    |Tape always unloads even if subsequent read is|
       |              |desired                                       |
       |              |                                              |
       |10491-Star    |Directory_Tools.Naming.Ada_Name always returns|
       |              |null string                                   |
       |              |                                              |
       |10723-Star    |Should be default sort order switch for window|
       |              |directory                                     |
       |              |                                              |
       |10863-Star    |Inconsistency in Directory.Naming             |
       |              |                                              |
       |10974-Star    |Common.Format fails after expunging mailbox   |
       |              |                                              |
       |11048-Star    |System_Report.Generate produces meaningless   |
       |              |report                                        |
       |              |                                              |
       |11132-Star    |Job.Kill crashed machine                      |
       |              |                                              |
       |11306-Star    |Window directory enhancement                  |
       |              |                                              |
       |12380-Star    |Common.Object.Delete of a mailbox failed with |
       |              |Nonexistent_Page_Error                        |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     47\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

             Table A-2   Not Reproducible in D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                              |
       |  PRS Number  |                 PRS Summary                  |
       |              |                                              |
       |12387-Star    |Mail_Internal_Error trying to view unread mail|
       |              |message                                       |
       |              |                                              |
       |12637-Star    |Expunge on a non-main mailbox fails           |
       |              |                                              |
       |12673-Star    |Infinite loop in simplification of 'Width     |
       |              |                                              |
       |12722-Star    |Syntactic completion not as smart as it should|
       |              |be                                            |
       |              |                                              |
       |12766-Star    |Incorrect 'Length                             |
       |              |                                              |
       |0-0377-0      |Strange bug in R1000 compiler                 |
       |              |                                              |
       |2668045-Wood- |Implicit exception reported raised at unknown |
       |Rfg           |location                                      |
       |              |                                              |
       |2775544-Zebr- |Inappropriate warning regarding limited       |
       |Lore          |private types                                 |
       |              |                                              |
       |295703-Cook-  |Debugger displays incorrect values for        |
       |Rcp           |enumeration types                             |
       |              |                                              |
       |320545-Voya-  |Debugger doesn't work well with Definition    |
       |Jim           |                                              |
       |              |                                              |
       |4348467-Gato- |Error when private type address is an access  |
       |Mboy          |type                                          |
       |              |                                              |
       |7178409-Blut- |Cmvc.Show_Image_Of_Generation profile somewhat|
       |Smp           |ignored                                       |
       |              |                                              |
       |7509601-Nati- |Debuggers don't kill themselves properly      |
       |Drk           |                                              |

       48                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3

             Table A-2   Not Reproducible in D_12_7_3 (continued)
       |              |                                              |
       |  PRS Number  |                 PRS Summary                  |
       |              |                                              |
       |7656507-Voya- |Show_Tasks gets exceptions                    |
       |Phil          |                                              |
       |              |                                              |
       |8757197-Shei- |Problem with Common.Complete                  |
       |Swb           |                                              |
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0140-3|Deleted unit shows up as checked out in CMVC  |
       |              |database                                      |
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0158-9|CSR5226: Cmvc problem                         |
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0171-1|CSR5649: Cmvc.Import fails with incompatible  |
       |              |target keys                                   |
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0175-7|CSR6118: Compute_Recoding spews error messages|
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0181-1|CSR6122: Anonymous Ada units causes some CMVC |
       |              |operations to hang                            |
       |              |                                              |
       |9123690-0181-2|CSR6163: Anonymous units cause some CMVC      |
       |              |operations to hang                            |
       |              |                                              |
       |935209-Mago-  |Definition does not accept special names      |
       |Trw           |                                              |

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                     49\f

                                                        Release D_12_7_3


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  Supported Configurations and Upgrades                        2
       3.  Compatibility                                               3
       4.  Upgrade Impact                                              5
          4.1.  Impact of Specification Changes                         6
             4.1.1.  Upgrading from D_12_6_5 or Later                  6
             4.1.2.  Upgrading from D_12_5_0                           6
             4.1.3.  Upgrading from D_12_2_4                           7
             4.1.4.  Upgrading from D_12_1_1                           7
          4.2.  Impact of Implementation Changes                       8
             4.2.1.  Upgrading from D_12_6_5 or Later                  8
             4.2.2.  Upgrading from D_12_5_0, D_12_2_4, or D_12_1_1    8
       5.  Known Problems                                              8
       6.  New Environment Features                                    8
          6.1.  Network Installation                                   9
          6.2.  Crash Notification                                      9
          6.3.  New Procedures in Package Dfs                          9
             6.3.1.  Reboot_On_Failure                                 9
             6.3.2.  Reboot_On_Failure_Interval                       10
             6.3.3.  Quiesce_Reboot_On_Failure                        10
             6.3.4.  Reboot_On_Failure_Settings                       10
          6.4.  New Procedures in System_Maintenance                  10
             6.4.1.  Show_Elaborated_Configuration                     10
             6.4.2.  Show_Session_Of_Job                              11
          6.5.  Rational X Interface Enhancements                     11
          6.6.  New World Network_Public_Archive_Server_Sessions      11
       7.  Changes from D_12_6_5                                      12
          7.1.  Changes to Package Common                             12
             7.1.1.  Selection in Environment Menus                   12
             7.1.2.  Locks and Program_Errors                         12
          7.2.  Changes to Package What                               13
          7.3.  Changes to Archive                                    13
             7.3.1.  Archiving into Subsystems                        13
             7.3.2.  Archiving Loaded Main Programs                   14
             7.3.3.  Archiving Searchlists                            14
             7.3.4.  Archiving Ventures                               15
             7.3.5.  Archiving to Tape Across a Network               15
             7.3.6.  Archive Server and Session Tokens                15
          7.4.  Compilation Changes                                   18
             7.4.1.  Installing Units                                 18
             7.4.2.  Coding Units                                     20
             7.4.3.  Loading and Executing Units                      20
             7.4.4.  Incremental Compilation                          20
          7.5.  Miscellaneous Library Management Changes              21
          7.6.  Changes to Crash Analysis                             21
             7.6.1.  Failure Reboot                                   21
             7.6.2.  Automatic Notification                            23
          7.7.  Miscellaneous Changes to System Management            24
          7.8.  Changes to CMVC                                       24
             7.8.1.  Make_Controlled and the State Directory          24
             7.8.2.  Destroy_View and Frozen Objects                  24
             7.8.3.  Naming Conflicts when Copying or Building Views  24

       RATIONAL     November 1992                                    iii\f

       Rational Environment Release Information

             7.8.4.  Default Parameter Values for Make_Spec_View      25
             7.8.5.  Consecutive Calls to Release                     25
             7.8.6.  Cmvc_Access_Control                              25
             7.8.7.  Log Messages                                     26
             7.8.8.  Work Orders                                      26
          7.9.  Changes to Activity_Implementation                    26
          7.10.  Networking Changes                                   27
          7.11.  LRM Interface Changes                                27
             7.11.1.  Discriminated Type Function Changes             28
             7.11.2.  New Aggregate Range Function                    28
             7.11.3.  Declarations.Kind Change                        28
             7.11.4.  New Associations Package                        28
             7.11.5.  Lexical Typing of Iterators                     29
             7.11.6.  Compilation Unit Pragmas                        31
             7.11.7.  Operations on Generic Instantiations            31
             7.11.8.  Functions and Enumeration Literal Renames       33
             7.11.9.  Constants versus Variables                      33
             7.11.10.  Task Entries versus Subprograms                33
             7.11.11.  Comments in Declaration Names                  33
             7.11.12.  New Labels Function                            33
             7.11.13.  Limited Private Generic Formal Parameters      33
             7.11.14.  Change to Renaming Declarations Function       34
             7.11.15.  Renamed Declarations                           34
             7.11.16.  Subunits Without Bodies                        34
             7.11.17.  Subunits Without Specs                         35
             7.11.18.  Declarations.Is_Initialized Change             35
             7.11.19.  New Function for Incomplete Types              35
             7.11.20.  Implementation-Dependent Attributes and Pragmas35
             7.11.21.  Return Type of Function Instantiations         38
             7.11.22.  Block and Loop Names                           38
             7.11.23.  Enumeration Literal Queries                    38
             7.11.24.  Record Discriminant and Component Declarations 38
       8.  Documentation                                              38
          8.1.  Printed Documentation                                 38
             8.1.1.  Correction to Quick Reference for Parameter-Value
             Conventions                                              39
          8.2.  Online Documentation                                  39
       9.  Training                                                   40
       A  Problem Reports Closed in D_12_7_3                          41

       iv                                     November 1992     RATIONAL\f