Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦1f9bb92ae⟧ TextFile

    Length: 30010 (0x753a)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »EXPERT_S«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with text_io;

package expertSystem is

  type reference    is private;

   nullReference     :  constant expertSystem.reference;

   subtype className    is string(1..10);
   subtype objectName   is string(1..10);
   subtype ruleName     is string(1..15);
   subtype contextName  is string(1..10);
   subtype strategyName is string(1..5);

   subtype ruleId       is natural range 0..30;
   subtype contextId    is natural range 0.. 8;

   type strategy             is (LEX, MEA, LRU, FIRST);
   subtype restrict_strategy is strategy range LRU..FIRST;

   classSize         :  constant positive := 200 ;
   ANY               :  constant := 0;

   procedure put     ( anInteger : integer);

   procedure put     ( aChar     : character) renames text_io.put;

   procedure get     ( aChar : out character) renames text_io.get;

   procedure put     ( aString   : string) renames text_io.put;

   procedure put_line( aString   : string) renames text_io.put_line;

   package collection is

      type object(size : positive := 20) is private;

      function defaultName(aRef : expertSystem.reference) return objectName;

	 with  function predicate(aRef : Reference)          return boolean;
      function restrict (theCollection : collection.object; 
			 quantity      : natural := ANY) 
	       return   collection.object;

	 with  function predicate(aRef : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function findOne  (theCollection : collection.object )     return expertSystem.reference;

	 with  function predicate(aRef : expertSystem.reference)  return boolean;
      function notExist (theCollection : collection.object )      return boolean;

	 with  function predicate(aRef : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function exist  (theCollection : collection.object )       return boolean;

	 with  function predicate( theBest  : expertSystem.reference ;
				   anyOther : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function theMost( theCollection       : collection.object)      return expertSystem.reference;

      function cardinality( theCollection : collection.object)        return natural;
      function isNull     ( theCollection : collection.object)        return boolean;
      function isNotNull  ( theCollection : collection.object)        return boolean;
      function isNull     (aRef           : expertSystem.reference)   return boolean;
      function isNotNull  (aRef           : expertSystem.reference)   return boolean;

      procedure add   (theCollection : in out collection.object;
		       aRef          : in     expertSystem.reference);      

      procedure remove(theCollection : in out collection.object;
		       aRef          : in     expertSystem.reference);

      procedure upDate(theCollection : in out collection.object;
                       aRef          : in     expertSystem.reference);
      procedure upDate(theCollection : in out collection.object;
                       aRef          : in     expertSystem.reference;
		       withDate      : in     long_integer);
      procedure upDateAll(theCollection : in out collection.object);

      procedure clear (theCollection : in out collection.object);

      function union(    collection1 : collection.object ;
		         collection2 : collection.object)
	       return collection.object;
      function "+" (    collection1 : collection.object ;
		         collection2 : collection.object)
	       return collection.object renames union;

      function intersection(collection1 : collection.object ;
			    collection2 : collection.object) 
	       return collection.object;
      function "*"(collection1 : collection.object ;
			    collection2 : collection.object) 
	       return collection.object renames intersection ;

      function difference(collection1 : collection.object ; 
			  collection2 : collection.object)
	       return collection.object;
      function "-"(collection1 : collection.object ; 
		   collection2 : collection.object)
	       return collection.object renames difference;

      function member(theCollection : collection.object; 
		      aRef          : expertSystem.reference)
	       return boolean;

      function isInclude(collection1 : collection.object ;
			 collection2 : collection.object)
	       return boolean;
      function "<" (collection1 : collection.object ;
		    collection2 : collection.object)
	       return boolean renames isInclude;
      function "<=" (collection1 : collection.object ;
		    collection2 : collection.object)
	       return boolean renames isInclude;
      function ">" (collection1 : collection.object ;
         	    collection2 : collection.object)
	       return boolean;
      function ">=" (collection1 : collection.object ;
		     collection2  : collection.object)
	       return boolean renames ">";

      function asObject(aRef : expertSystem.reference) return collection.object;

      function get     (theCollection : collection.object; 
		        number        : positive :=1) 
	       return expertSystem.reference;

      function get(theCollection : collection.object;
			fromPos       : positive :=1;
			toPos         : positive)    
	       return collection.object;

      function first(theCollection : collection.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function rest (theCollection : collection.object) return collection.object;

	 with procedure action(aRef   : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure forAll( theCollection : collection.object);

 	 with function "<"(refOne, refTwo : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      procedure sort(  theCollection      : in out collection.object);

      badClass : exception;

      package iterator is
	 illegalAccess : exception;

	 type iter is private;

	 function open (theCollection : collection.object)           return iter;
	 function get  (theCollection : collection.object; i : iter) return expertSystem.reference;
	 function next (theCollection : collection.object; i : iter) return iter;
	 function atEnd(theCollection : collection.object; i : iter) return boolean;

	    type iter is range natural'FIRST .. natural'LAST;
      end iterator;

      type CollArray is array(integer range <>) of expertSystem.reference;

      type object(size  : positive  := 20) is record
                  cells : CollArray (1..size);		
                  count : natural   := 0;		
                  unity : positive  := 1;		
      end record;

   end collection;

package classIdentity is

   function unknownClassName ( aRef   : expertSystem.reference) return className;
   function unknownObjectName( aRef   : expertSystem.reference) return objectName;

end classIdentity;

      type element is private;
      surname : in className := "NONAME    ";
      taille  : in positive := classSize;
      with function refName(aRef : expertSystem.reference) return objectName is collection.defaultName;
   package classBehavior is

      function  allocate(initValue : element) return expertSystem.reference;
      procedure allocate(initValue : element);
      procedure dispose (aRef      : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure clear;
      procedure mask     (aRef : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure maskAll;
      procedure unmask   (aRef : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure unmaskAll;

      function instances      return collection.object;
      function allInstances   return collection.object;
      function cardinality    return natural;
      function name           return className;
      function name(aRef      : expertSystem.reference) return objectName;

      function  get(aRef      : expertSystem.reference) return element;
      procedure set(aRef      : expertSystem.reference; 
		    withValue : element);

      badClass, badReference, classFull : exception ;

   end classBehavior;

   package tuple is
      type object(size : positive := 20) is private;

      function cardinality(theTuple : tuple.object) return natural;
      function isNull     (theTuple : tuple.object) return boolean;
      function isNotNull  (theTuple : tuple.object) return boolean;

	 with procedure action(aRef   : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure forAll(theTuple : tuple.object);

      function first  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function second (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function third  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function fourth (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function fifth  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function sixth  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function seventh(theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function eighth (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function ninth  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;
      function tenth  (theTuple : tuple.object) return expertSystem.reference;

      function  get(theTuple : tuple.object; 
		    item     : positive := 1)   return expertSystem.reference;

      procedure add(theTuple : in out tuple.object;
		    aRef     : expertSystem.reference);
      procedure merge(theTuple : in out tuple.object;
   		      r1       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r2       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r3       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r4       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r5       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r6       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r7       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r8       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r9       : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference;
   		      r10      : expertSystem.reference :=nullReference);

      function asObject(aRef   : expertSystem.reference) return tuple.object;

 	 with function "<"(refOne, refTwo : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      procedure sort(  theTuple           : in out tuple.object);

      type CollArray is array(integer range <>) of expertSystem.reference;

      type object(size : positive  := 20) is record
                cells  : CollArray (1..size);
                count  : natural   := 0;
                unity  : positive  := 1;
      end record;
   end tuple;

   package tupleCollection is
      type object(size : positive := 20) is private;

      function cardinality(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object) return natural;
      function isNull     (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object) return boolean;
      function isNotNull  (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object) return boolean;

	 with  function match(r1 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join1(c1 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1)
      return   tupleCollection.object;

	 with  function match(r1, r2 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join2(c1, c2 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1)
      return   tupleCollection.object;

	 with  function match(r1, r2, r3 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join3(c1, c2, c3 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1)
      return   tupleCollection.object;

	 with  function match(r1, r2, r3, r4 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join4(c1, c2, c3, c4 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1) 
	       return tupleCollection.object;

	 with  function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join5(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1) 
	       return tupleCollection.object;

	 with  function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6 : expertSystem.reference) return boolean;
      function join6(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 : collection.object; quantity : natural := 1) 
	       return tupleCollection.object;

	 with   function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7 : expertSystem.reference) 
	 return boolean;
      function  join7(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 : collection.object;
		      quantity : natural := 1) 
		return tupleCollection.object;

	 with 	function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8 : expertSystem.reference)
	 return boolean;
      function  join8(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 : collection.object;
		      quantity : natural := 1) 
		return tupleCollection.object;

	 with   function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 : expertSystem.reference) 
	 return boolean;
      function  join9(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 : collection.object;
		      quantity : natural := 1)
	 	return tupleCollection.object;

	 with   function match(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10: expertSystem.reference)
	 return boolean;
      function  join10(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 : 
		       collection.object; quantity : natural := 1) 
		return tupleCollection.object;

	 with   function predicate(theBest  : tuple.object ;
				   anyOther : tuple.object) 
	 return boolean;
      function  theMost( theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object) 
		return   tuple.object;

	 with  function predicate(t : tuple.object) return boolean;
      function restrict(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object; 
                        quantity           : natural :=ANY)
               return tupleCollection.object;

	 with function predicate(t : tuple.object) return boolean;
      function findOne(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object) return tuple.object;

      function get(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object; 
		   number             : positive := 1) 
      return   tuple.object;

      function first(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object)
      return   tuple.object;

      function get     (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object;
			fromPos            : positive :=1;
			toPos              : positive)    
	       return tupleCollection.object;

	 with   procedure action(aTuple   : tuple.object);
      procedure forAll(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object);

      package iterator is
	 illegalAccess: exception;

	 type iter is private;

	 function open (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object)           return iter;
	 function get  (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object; i : iter) return tuple.object;
	 function next (theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object; i : iter) return iter;
	 function atEnd(theTupleCollection : tupleCollection.object; i : iter) return boolean;
	 type iter is range natural'FIRST .. natural'LAST;
      end iterator;

      type CollArray is array(integer range <>) of expertSystem.reference;

      type object(size  : positive  := 20) is record
		  cells : CollArray (1..size);
	          count : natural   := 0;
	          unity : positive  := 1;
      end record;

   end tupleCollection;

   package ruleManager is
      function  isMasked (context : contextName; rule : ruleId) return boolean;
      function  isMasked (context : contextId  ; rule : ruleId) return boolean;
      procedure mask     (context : contextName; rule : ruleId);
      procedure unmask   (context : contextName; rule : ruleId);

      badContext, badRule : exception;
   end ruleManager;

package debugger is

	type debuggingMode is ( text, graphic);
	type itemDebugged is (  contextEntered,

	type itemSet is array(positive range <>) of itemDebugged;

	procedure sendContextEntered(       name : contextName ; 
					  number : contextId);
	procedure sendStrategyUsed(         name : strategyName);
	procedure sendConflictSetStarted;
	procedure sendConflictSetFinished;
	procedure sendConditionEvalued(   name   : ruleName;
					  number : natural;
					  result : boolean;
					  facts  : tupleCollection.object);
	procedure sendChoosedRule(	  number : natural;
					  fact   : tuple.object);
	procedure sendChoosedAction(      name   : ruleName;
					  number : natural;
					  fact   : tuple.object);
	procedure sendNewStep;
	procedure sendFailed;
	function  isDebugged(what : itemDebugged) return boolean;
	procedure setDebugOn(		  item   : itemDebugged);
	procedure setDebugOn(		  item   : itemSet);
	procedure setDebugOff(		  item   : itemDebugged);
	procedure setDebugOff(		  item   : itemSet);
	procedure resetDebug(mode : debuggingMode);
	procedure refreshDebug;
	procedure sendRulesNames( contextNumber : contextId;
				  ctxName       : contextName;
		      name_1 ,name_2 ,name_3 ,name_4 ,name_5 ,name_6 ,name_7,
		      name_8 ,name_9 ,name_10,name_11,name_12,name_13,name_14,
		      name_29,name_30 : ruleName);
end debugger;

   package nothing is
      procedure to_do;
      function  to_give return tupleCollection.object;
      procedure to_do(t : tuple.object);
   end nothing;

      context_name :  in contextName := " UNNAMED  ";
      resolution   : in strategy := LEX;

      name_1 : in ruleName := "Rule number  01";
      with function  condition_1 return tupleCollection.object;
      with procedure action_1(t : tuple.object);

      name_2 : in ruleName := "Rule number  02";
      with function  condition_2 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_2(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_3 : in ruleName := "Rule number  03";
      with function  condition_3 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_3(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_4 : in ruleName := "Rule number  04";
      with function  condition_4 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_4(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_5 : in ruleName := "Rule number  05";
      with function  condition_5 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_5(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_6 : in ruleName := "Rule number  06";
      with function  condition_6 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_6(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_7 : in ruleName := "Rule number  07";
      with function  condition_7 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_7(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_8 : in ruleName := "Rule number  08";
      with function  condition_8 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_8(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_9 : in ruleName := "Rule number  09";
      with function  condition_9 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_9(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_10 : in ruleName := "Rule number  10";
      with function  condition_10 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_10(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_11 : in ruleName := "Rule number  11";
      with function  condition_11 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_11(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_12 : in ruleName := "Rule number  12";
      with function  condition_12 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_12(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_13 : in ruleName := "Rule number  13";
      with function  condition_13 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_13(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_14 : in ruleName := "Rule number  14";
      with function  condition_14 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_14(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_15 : in ruleName := "Rule number  15";
      with function  condition_15 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_15(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_16 : in ruleName := "Rule number  16";
      with function  condition_16 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_16(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_17 : in ruleName := "Rule number  17";
      with function  condition_17 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_17(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_18 : in ruleName := "Rule number  18";
      with function  condition_18 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_18(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_19 : in ruleName := "Rule number  19";
      with function  condition_19 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_19(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_20 : in ruleName := "Rule number  20";
      with function  condition_20 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_20(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_21 : in ruleName := "Rule number  21";
      with function  condition_21 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_21(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_22 : in ruleName := "Rule number  22";
      with function  condition_22 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_22(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_23 : in ruleName := "Rule number  23";
      with function  condition_23 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_23(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_24 : in ruleName := "Rule number  24";
      with function  condition_24 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_24(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_25 : in ruleName := "Rule number  25";
      with function  condition_25 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_25(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_26 : in ruleName := "Rule number  26";
      with function  condition_26 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_26(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_27 : in ruleName := "Rule number  27";
      with function  condition_27 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_27(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_28 : in ruleName := "Rule number  28";
      with function  condition_28 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_28(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_29 : in ruleName := "Rule number  29";
      with function  condition_29 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_29(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      name_30 : in ruleName := "Rule number  30";
      with function  condition_30 return tupleCollection.object is nothing.to_give;
      with procedure action_30(t : tuple.object)                is nothing.to_do;

      used_rules : positive :=30;

   package engine is
      function inference( step : natural:=1) return boolean;
   end engine;

      context_name : in contextName := " UNNAMED  ";
      resolution   : in restrict_strategy := FIRST;

      name_1 : in ruleName := "Rule number  01";
      with function  condition_1 return boolean;
      with procedure action_1;

      name_2 : in ruleName := "Rule number  02";
      with function  condition_2 return boolean is FALSE;
      with procedure action_2                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_3 : in ruleName := "Rule number  03";
      with function  condition_3 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_3                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_4 : in ruleName := "Rule number  04";
      with function  condition_4 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_4                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_5 : in ruleName := "Rule number  05";
      with function  condition_5 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_5                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_6 : in ruleName := "Rule number  06";
      with function  condition_6 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_6                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_7 : in ruleName := "Rule number  07";
      with function  condition_7 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_7                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_8 : in ruleName := "Rule number  08";
      with function  condition_8 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_8                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_9 : in ruleName := "Rule number  09";
      with function  condition_9 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_9                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_10 : in ruleName := "Rule number  10";
      with function  condition_10 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_10                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_11 : in ruleName := "Rule number  11";
      with function  condition_11 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_11                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_12 : in ruleName := "Rule number  12";
      with function  condition_12 return boolean is FALSE;
      with procedure action_12                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_13 : in ruleName := "Rule number  13";
      with function  condition_13 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_13                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_14 : in ruleName := "Rule number  14";
      with function  condition_14 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_14                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_15 : in ruleName := "Rule number  15";
      with function  condition_15 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_15                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_16 : in ruleName := "Rule number  16";
      with function  condition_16 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_16                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_17 : in ruleName := "Rule number  17";
      with function  condition_17 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_17                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_18 : in ruleName := "Rule number  18";
      with function  condition_18 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_18                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_19 : in ruleName := "Rule number  19";
      with function  condition_19 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_19                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_20 : in ruleName := "Rule number  20";
      with function  condition_20 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_20                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_21 : in ruleName := "Rule number  21";
      with function  condition_21 return boolean is FALSE;
      with procedure action_21                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_22 : in ruleName := "Rule number  22";
      with function  condition_22 return boolean is FALSE;
      with procedure action_22                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_23 : in ruleName := "Rule number  23";
      with function  condition_23 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_23                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_24 : in ruleName := "Rule number  24";
      with function  condition_24 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_24                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_25 : in ruleName := "Rule number  25";
      with function  condition_25 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_25                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_26 : in ruleName := "Rule number  26";
      with function  condition_26 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_26                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_27 : in ruleName := "Rule number  27";
      with function  condition_27 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_27                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_28 : in ruleName := "Rule number  28";
      with function  condition_28 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_28                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_29 : in ruleName := "Rule number  29";
      with function  condition_29 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_29                   is nothing.to_do;

      name_30 : in ruleName := "Rule number  30";
      with function  condition_30 return boolean is FALSE; 
      with procedure action_30                   is nothing.to_do;

      used_rules : positive := 30;

   package motor is
      function inference(step : natural := 1) return boolean;
   end motor;

   package terminal is
      procedure atXY(x : natural ; y : natural) ;
      procedure clear;
   end terminal;

   subtype idO is natural;
   subtype idC is natural;

   type reference is record
   	idObject : idO;
	idClass  : idC;
        date     : long_integer;
   end record;

   nullReference : constant expertSystem.reference := (1,0,0);

end expertSystem;