Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦1fd805bf2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 11567 (0x2d2f)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 


WITH Calendar;
WITH Byte_Defs;
WITH Interchange_Defs;

PACKAGE Interchange IS

   -- This package defines a collection of types for data interchange.
   -- Each type has some local representation, which is dependent on
   -- the characteristics of the local architecture/compiler; and also
   -- an interchange representation (a canonical byte sequence), which
   -- is machine-independent.  This package provides operations for
   -- converting between the local and interchange representations.

   -- The types provided are similar to types in the Ada predefined
   -- language environment, i.e. packages STANDARD and CALENDAR.

   -- The conversion operations are generic on a procedural byte
   -- stream, so that they may be used on a variety of interchange
   -- media, e.g. communication channels, tapes, and disks.

   -- The algorithms for conversion to and from the interchange form
   -- are extensible to any Ada type except access values and task
   -- types.  The rules for forming new type conversion algorithms
   -- are given below.

   -- The interchange representation does not carry type information,
   -- i.e. the types of the interchanged data must be known a priori
   -- in order to convert them back to the local representation.

   -- The interchange representation mostly follows the rules of
   -- Courier, the Xerox System Integration Standard for a remote
   -- procedure call protocol.  In particular, all interchange
   -- values are a multiple of two bytes (16 bits) in length.

   Constraint_Error : EXCEPTION;

   -- Raised when an interchange conversion procedure encounters
   -- an out-of-range value.

   SUBTYPE Byte        IS Byte_Defs.Byte;
   SUBTYPE Byte_String IS Byte_Defs.Byte_String;

   TYPE    Short_Integer  IS RANGE -(2 ** 14) - (2 ** 14) ..
                                      (2 ** 14) + ((2 ** 14) - 1);
   SUBTYPE Short_Natural  IS Short_Integer RANGE 0 .. Short_Integer'Last;
   SUBTYPE Short_Positive IS Short_Integer RANGE 1 .. Short_Integer'Last;

   TYPE    Integer  IS NEW Interchange_Defs.Longest_Integer
                              RANGE -(2 ** 30) - (2 ** 30) ..
                                       (2 ** 30) + ((2 ** 30) - 1);
   SUBTYPE Natural  IS Integer RANGE 0 .. Integer'Last;
   SUBTYPE Positive IS Integer RANGE 1 .. Integer'Last;

   TYPE    Long_Integer  IS NEW Interchange_Defs.Longest_Integer;
   SUBTYPE Long_Natural  IS Long_Integer RANGE 0 .. Long_Integer'Last;
   SUBTYPE Long_Positive IS Long_Integer RANGE 1 .. Long_Integer'Last;

   -- The range of long_integer is machine-dependent.  Each
   -- implementation should choose the largest possible range.
   -- The interchange form (which is machine-independent),
   -- can express values up to +- 2 ** (2 ** 16 - 1) - 1.

   TYPE Float IS NEW Interchange_Defs.Float;

   TYPE Long_Float IS NEW Interchange_Defs.Long_Float;

   SUBTYPE Nanosecond_Count IS Interchange.Natural RANGE 0 .. 10 ** 9 - 1;

   TYPE Duration IS
         Seconds     : Interchange.Integer;
         Nanoseconds : Interchange.Nanosecond_Count;

   FUNCTION Convert (X : Standard.Duration) RETURN Interchange.Duration;

   FUNCTION Convert (X : Interchange.Duration) RETURN Standard.Duration;

   SUBTYPE Year_Number  IS Interchange.Short_Integer;
   SUBTYPE Month_Number IS Interchange.Short_Integer RANGE 1 .. 12;
   SUBTYPE Day_Number   IS Interchange.Short_Integer RANGE 1 .. 31;
   SUBTYPE Day_Duration IS Interchange.Duration;

   TYPE Time IS
         Year    : Year_Number;
         Month   : Month_Number;
         Day     : Day_Number;
         Seconds : Day_Duration;

   FUNCTION Convert (X : Calendar.Time) RETURN Interchange.Time;

   FUNCTION Convert (X : Interchange.Time) RETURN Calendar.Time;


      -- Identifies an interchange medium.

      WITH PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Byte_String) IS <>;

      -- Put the given DATA into the given stream.

      WITH PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Byte_String) IS <>;

      -- Get the first DATA'LENGTH bytes from the given stream.

      -- The interchange medium must not lose bytes, and must
      -- preserve byte ordering.  Also, it must fragment and
      -- reassemble.  That is, the sequence of calls:
      --     PUT (STREAM, DATA (1 .. N));
      --     PUT (STREAM, DATA (N + 1 .. LAST));
      -- must have the same effect as the single call
      --     PUT (STREAM, DATA (1 .. LAST));
      -- for all values of N in the range 1 .. LAST.
      -- Similarly, the sequence of calls
      --     GET (STREAM, DATA (1 .. N));
      --     GET (STREAM, DATA (N + 1 .. LAST));
      -- must have the same effect as the single call
      --     GET (STREAM, DATA (1 .. LAST));
      -- for all values of N in the range 1 .. LAST.

      -- Note that a STREAM_ID is passed as an 'in' parameter.
      -- This simplifies the interchange of unconstrained types
      -- (since they can be returned as the value of a function),
      -- but may require the instantiator to invent a level of
      -- indirection.

   PACKAGE Operations IS

      -- Given a facility for interchanging bytes, this package
      -- provides a facility for interchanging values of other
      -- types.  For each type, PUT and GET operations are
      -- defined: PUT converts any value to a sequence of
      -- bytes, and GET reconstructs the original value.

      -- Exceptions raised by the primitive operations are
      -- propagated to the caller of the derived operations.

      -- A short_integer is represented in 16-bit two's complement,
      -- split into two bytes, most significant byte first.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Short_Integer);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Short_Integer);

      -- An integer is represented in 32-bit two's complement,
      -- split into four bytes, most significant byte first.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Integer);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Integer);

      -- A long_integer is represented in arbitrary
      -- precision two's complement, that is, the two's
      -- complement representation, split into as many bytes as
      -- needed, represented as a BYTE_STRING, most significant
      -- byte first.  See the Put & Get routines for
      -- BYTE_STRINGs, below.

      -- GET may raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR if the local implementation
      -- of long_integer cannot represent a gotten value.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Long_Integer);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Long_Integer);

      -- Floating point types are represented in IEEE format.
      -- A Float (single-precision) occupies 4 bytes, and
      -- a Long_Float (double-precision) occupies 8 bytes.
      -- The sign bit goes in the MSB of the first byte, followed by
      -- the exponent, followed by the fraction, with the LSB of the
      -- fraction going in the LSB of the last byte.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Float);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Float);

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Long_Float);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Long_Float);

      -- The types for time are represented using the rules
      -- for records, described below.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Time);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Time);

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Duration);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Duration);

      -- A Boolean is represented by the value 0 for false and
      -- 1 for true, converted to an interchange.short_natural.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.Boolean);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Standard.Boolean);

      -- A BYTE is represented by its 'pos, converted to an
      -- interchange.short_natural (or, if you like, padded
      -- on the left with a 0 byte).

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Byte);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Byte);

      -- A CHARACTER is represented like a byte.

      PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.Character);
      PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Standard.Character);

      -- The GET operation for an unconstrained type is a function,
      -- rather than a procedure.  This is because Ada rules don't
      -- allow the caller of GET to declare an unconstrained
      -- variable of the type.  Casting GET as a function allows
      -- the caller to declare a constant of the type, and
      -- initialize it with the value of the GET function, e.g.:
      -- declare
      --     S : constant STRING := GET_STRING (STREAM);
      -- begin
      --     ...

      -- A STRING is represented by its 'LENGTH, followed by the
      -- 'POS of each of its elements (in ascending index order),
      -- followed by a 0 byte if required to pad the whole thing to
      -- an even number of bytes.  The 'LENGTH is represented as a
      -- INTERCHANGE.NATURAL.  Each element is represented as one
      -- byte.  This representation loses the 'FIRST of the STRING,
      -- much as does slice assignment.

      PROCEDURE Put_String (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.String);
      FUNCTION  Get_String (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Standard.String;

      -- A BYTE_STRING is represented like a STRING.

      PROCEDURE Put_Byte_String (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Byte_String);
      FUNCTION  Get_Byte_String (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Byte_String;

      -- Interchange forms for other types may be defined using the
      -- following rules.  In some cases, the rules are implemented
      -- by generics.

      -- A record type is represented by the sequence of its fields,
      -- in the order of their declaration.  In discriminated records,
      -- fields which are inaccessible are omitted.

      -- A discrete type (integer subtype or enumeration type)
      -- is represented by its 'POS, converted to a short_integer.

         TYPE Discrete_Type IS (<>);

      PACKAGE Discrete IS

         PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Discrete_Type);

         PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Discrete_Type);

      END Discrete;

      -- A vector (one-dimensional array) is represented by its
      -- 'LENGTH, followed by its elements in index order.  The
      -- 'LENGTH is represented as an Interchange.Natural.  This
      -- representation loses information about the 'FIRST of the
      -- vector, much like slice assignment.

         TYPE Element_Type IS PRIVATE;

         WITH PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Element_Type)     IS <>;
         WITH PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Element_Type) IS <>;

         TYPE Index_Type IS (<>);
         WITH PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Index_Type)     IS <>;
         WITH PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Index_Type) IS <>;

         TYPE Vector_Type IS ARRAY (Index_Type RANGE <>) OF Element_Type;
      PACKAGE Vector IS

         PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Vector_Type);

         FUNCTION Get (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Vector_Type;

      END Vector;

   END Operations;

END Interchange;