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└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Expertsystem; with Robot_New, Brick_New; procedure Mise_En_Casier is package Robotetbrique is procedure Miseenboite; end Robotetbrique; package body Robotetbrique is Casier : Natural := 0; A_Brick, A_Robot : Expertsystem.Reference; function Peutmettreenboite return Boolean is begin Regle_Caser: -- (classe => robot, tache => deposer, case => <c>) -- (classe => brique, lieu => pince) ------------------------------------------------------ declare function Robot_Match (R : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Robot_New.Is_The_Task (Of_Robot => R, The_Task => Robot_New.Deposer); end Robot_Match; function Brick_Match (B : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Brick_New.Is_The_Place (Of_Brick => B, The_Place => Brick_New.Pince); end Brick_Match; function Robot_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Robot_Match); function Brick_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Brick_Match); begin A_Robot := Robot_Ok (Robot_New.All_Robots); A_Brick := Brick_Ok (Brick_New.All_Bricks); if Expertsystem.Collection.Isnotnull (A_Robot) and Expertsystem.Collection.Isnotnull (A_Brick) then Brick_New.Modify (A_Brick, The_Place => Brick_New.Boite); Robot_New.Modify (A_Robot, The_Task => Robot_New.Prendre); Robot_New.Modify (A_Robot, The_Box => Robot_New.Last_Box); Brick_New.Modify (A_Brick, The_Box => Robot_New.Box_Number (A_Robot)); Expertsystem.Put_Line ("RegleCaser : " & Robot_New.Name (A_Robot) & " depose la brique dans la case" & Integer'Image (Robot_New.Box_Number (A_Robot))); Expertsystem.Put_Line (" "); Robot_New.Modify (A_Robot, The_Occupation => False); return True; end if; end Regle_Caser; Regle_Saisir: -- (classe => robot, tache => prendre) -- (classe => brique, lieu => tas, taille=> <x> ) -- !(classe => brique, lieu => tas, taille=> (> <x>)) -------------------------------------------------------- declare function Robot_Match (R : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Robot_New.Is_The_Task (Of_Robot => R, The_Task => Robot_New.Prendre) and then not Robot_New.Is_Occupied (The_Robot => R); end Robot_Match; function Brick_Match (B : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Brick_New.Is_The_Place (Of_Brick => B, The_Place => Brick_New.Tas) and then Brick_New.The_Greatest_On_Heap (Brick => B); end Brick_Match; function Robot_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Robot_Match); function Brick_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Brick_Match); begin A_Brick := Brick_Ok (Brick_New.All_Bricks); A_Robot := Robot_Ok (Robot_New.All_Robots); if Expertsystem.Collection.Isnotnull (A_Robot) and Expertsystem.Collection.Isnotnull (A_Brick) then Robot_New.Modify (A_Robot, The_Occupation => True); Brick_New.Modify (A_Brick, The_Place => Brick_New.Pince); Robot_New.Modify (A_Robot, The_Task => Robot_New.Deposer); Expertsystem.Put_Line ("RegleSaisir : " & Robot_New.Name (A_Robot) & " prend brique (taille=" & Integer'Image (Brick_New.Size (A_Brick)) & " / couleur = " & Brick_New.Tcolor'Image (Brick_New.Color (A_Brick))); Expertsystem.Put_Line (" "); return True; end if; end Regle_Saisir; Regle_Arreter: -- (classe => robot, tache => prendre) -- !(classe => brique, lieu => tas) ----------------------------------------- declare function Robot_Match (R : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Robot_New.Is_The_Task (Of_Robot => R, The_Task => Robot_New.Prendre); end Robot_Match; function Brick_Match (B : Expertsystem.Reference) return Boolean is begin return Brick_New.Is_The_Place (Of_Brick => B, The_Place => Brick_New.Tas); end Brick_Match; function Robot_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Robot_Match); function Brick_Ok is new Expertsystem.Collection.Findone (Brick_Match); begin A_Brick := Brick_Ok (Brick_New.All_Bricks); A_Robot := Robot_Ok (Robot_New.All_Robots); if Expertsystem.Collection.Isnull (A_Brick) and Expertsystem.Collection.Isnotnull (A_Robot) then Expertsystem.Put_Line ("RegleArreter : " & Robot_New.Name (A_Robot) & (" se suicide (plus de briques)")); Expertsystem.Put_Line (" "); Robot_New.Suicide (Of_Robot => A_Robot); return True; end if; end Regle_Arreter; return False; end Peutmettreenboite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Mettreenboite is begin loop exit when not Peutmettreenboite; end loop; end Mettreenboite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Miseenboite is begin Robot_New.Create; Brick_New.Create; loop Mettreenboite; -- autres contextes a traiter exit; end loop; end Miseenboite; end Robotetbrique; begin Robotetbrique.Miseenboite; end Mise_En_Casier;