DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 9284 (0x2444) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦306851c02⟧ └─⟦this⟧
separate (Puz_Main) procedure Setup (Display : X_String; Geometry : X_String) is Arrow_Cross_Cursor : X_Cursor; Min_Width : S_Long; Min_Height : S_Long; Visual : X_Visual; Xgcv : X_Gc_Values; Size_Hints : X_Size_Hints; Success : X_Status; begin -- /*******************************************/ -- /** let the puzzle code initialize itself **/ -- /*******************************************/ Initialize; Output_Logging := True; Fg_Pixel := X_Black_Pixel (Dpy, Screen); Bg_Pixel := X_White_Pixel (Dpy, Screen); Title_Win_Height := Title_Window_Height; Boundary_Height := C_Boundary_Height; Min_Width := Min_Tile_Width * Puzzle_Width; Min_Height := Min_Tile_Height * Puzzle_Height + Title_Window_Height + C_Boundary_Height; -- /*************************************/ -- /** configure the window size hints **/ -- /*************************************/ declare X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; Width : S_Long; Height : S_Long; Tile_Height : S_Long; Tile_Width : S_Long; Flags : X_Parse_Geometry_Flags; begin Size_Hints.Flags := X_Size_Hints_Flags' (P_Min_Size | P_Position | P_Size | P_Resize_Inc => True, others => False); Size_Hints.Min_Width := S_Long (Min_Width); Size_Hints.Min_Height := S_Long (Min_Height); Size_Hints.Width := S_Long (Min_Width); Size_Hints.Height := S_Long (Min_Height); Size_Hints.X := 100; Size_Hints.Y := 300; Size_Hints.Width_Inc := S_Long (Puzzle_Width); Size_Hints.Height_Inc := S_Long (Puzzle_Height); if Geometry /= "" then declare Xx, Yy : S_Short := 0; Ww, Hh : U_Short := 0; begin X_Parse_Geometry (Geometry, Xx, Yy, Ww, Hh, Flags); X := S_Long (Xx); Y := S_Long (Yy); Width := S_Long (Ww); Height := S_Long (Hh); end; if Flags (Width_Value) then Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Size) := True; if S_Long (Width) > Size_Hints.Min_Width then Size_Hints.Width := S_Long (Width); end if; end if; if Flags (Height_Value) then Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Size) := True; if S_Long (Height) > Size_Hints.Min_Height then Size_Hints.Height := S_Long (Height); end if; end if; if Flags (X_Value) then if Flags (X_Negative) then X := S_Long (X_Display_Width (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) + X - S_Long (Size_Hints.Width); end if; Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Position) := True; Size_Hints.X := S_Long (X); end if; if Flags (Y_Value) then if Flags (Y_Negative) then Y := S_Long (X_Display_Height (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) + Y - S_Long (Size_Hints.Height); end if; Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Position) := True; Size_Hints.Y := S_Long (Y); end if; Tile_Height := (S_Long (Size_Hints.Height) - Title_Win_Height - Boundary_Height) / Puzzle_Height; Size_Hints.Height := S_Long (Tile_Height * Puzzle_Height + Title_Win_Height + Boundary_Height); Tile_Width := S_Long (Size_Hints.Width) / Puzzle_Width; Size_Hints.Width := S_Long (Tile_Width * Puzzle_Width); end if; end; -- /*******************************************************************/ -- /** create the puzzle main window and set its standard properties **/ -- /*******************************************************************/ Visual := Copy_From_Parent_Visual; if not Geb_Server_Bug then Puzzle_Root := X_Create_Simple_Window (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen), S_Short (Size_Hints.X), S_Short (Size_Hints.Y), U_Short (Size_Hints.Width), U_Short (Size_Hints.Height), Puzzle_Border_Width, Fg_Pixel, Fg_Pixel); else declare Xswa : X_Set_Window_Attributes; begin Xswa.Background_Pixel := Fg_Pixel; Xswa.Border_Pixel := Fg_Pixel; Xswa.Event_Mask := X_Event_Mask'(Exposure_Mask | Visibility_Change_Mask => True, others => False); Puzzle_Root := X_Create_Window (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen), S_Short (Size_Hints.X), S_Short (Size_Hints.Y), U_Short (Size_Hints.Width), U_Short (Size_Hints.Height), Puzzle_Border_Width, 0, Copy_From_Parent, Copy_From_Parent_Visual, (Cw_Back_Pixel | Cw_Border_Pixel | Cw_Event_Mask => True, others => False), Xswa); end; end if; X_Set_Wm_Properties (Dpy, Puzzle_Root, "puzzle", "Puzzle", (1 .. 0 => None_X_String_Pointer), Size_Hints, None_X_Wm_Hints, None_X_Class_Hint, Success); Xgcv.Foreground := Fg_Pixel; Xgcv.Background := Bg_Pixel; Xgcv.Line_Width := 1; Gc := X_Create_Gc (Dpy, Puzzle_Root.Drawable, (Gc_Foreground | Gc_Background | Gc_Line_Width => True, others => False), Xgcv); -- /*********************************/ -- /** load the arrow-cross cursor **/ -- /*********************************/ declare Ac_Mask : X_Pixmap; Ac_Pixmap : X_Pixmap; Ac_Cursor : X_Cursor; Fg_Color : X_Color; Bg_Color : X_Color; begin Fg_Color.Red := 0; Fg_Color.Green := 0; Fg_Color.Blue := 0; Bg_Color.Red := 16#FFFF#; Bg_Color.Green := 16#FFFF#; Bg_Color.Blue := 16#FFFF#; Ac_Pixmap := X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen).Drawable, Ac_Bits, Ac_Width, Ac_Height); Ac_Mask := X_Create_Bitmap_From_Data (Dpy, X_Root_Window (Dpy, Screen).Drawable, Ac_Mask_Bits, Ac_Mask_Width, Ac_Mask_Height); Ac_Cursor := X_Create_Pixmap_Cursor (Dpy, Ac_Pixmap, Ac_Mask, Fg_Color, Bg_Color, Ac_X_Hot, Ac_Y_Hot); if "=" (Ac_Cursor, None_X_Cursor) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Unable to store Arrow_Cross_Cursor."); end if; X_Define_Cursor (Dpy, Puzzle_Root, Ac_Cursor); end; -- /*****************************************/ -- /** allocate the fonts we will be using **/ -- /*****************************************/ Title_Font_Info := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, Title_Font_Name); if "=" (Title_Font_Info, None_X_Font_Struct) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Could not open font " & To_String (Title_Font_Name) & "; opening 'fixed' instead?"); Title_Font_Info := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, "fixed"); if "=" (Title_Font_Info, None_X_Font_Struct) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Could not open font " & To_String (Title_Font_Name) & " or font 'fixed'?"); raise Terminate_Program; end if; end if; Tile_Font_Info := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, Tile_Font_Name); if "=" (Tile_Font_Info, None_X_Font_Struct) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Could not open font " & To_String (Tile_Font_Name) & "; opening 'fixed' instead?"); Tile_Font_Info := X_Load_Query_Font (Dpy, "fixed"); if "=" (Tile_Font_Info, None_X_Font_Struct) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Could not open font " & To_String (Tile_Font_Name) & " or font 'fixed'?"); raise Terminate_Program; end if; end if; if not Geb_Server_Bug then X_Select_Input (Dpy, Puzzle_Root, (Exposure_Mask | Visibility_Change_Mask => True, others => False)); end if; X_Map_Window (Dpy, Puzzle_Root); end Setup;