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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦2585ef1ac⟧ TextFile

    Length: 43012 (0xa804)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Shared_Code_Generic_Support is
    pragma Suppress_All;

    function "=" (X, Y : System.Address) return Boolean renames System."=";

    function "=" (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean renames Target."=";
    function ">" (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean renames Target.">";
    function "<" (X, Y : Integer) return Boolean renames Target."<";
    function "+" (X, Y : Integer) return Integer renames Target."+";
    function "-" (X, Y : Integer) return Integer renames Target."-";
    function "*" (X, Y : Integer) return Integer renames Target."*";
    function "/" (X, Y : Integer) return Integer renames Target."/";

    type Byte is range 0 .. 2 ** Target.Bits_Per_Byte - 1;
    for Byte'Size use Target.Bits_Per_Byte;
    -- The basic unit of storage

    Extension_Byte : constant array (Boolean) of Byte :=
       (True => Byte'Last, False => 0);
    -- This array is indexed by an Is_Negative boolean.  It provides
    -- the byte to be used for sign extension when a small integer is
    -- to be widened.

    High_Bit_Only : constant Byte := 2 ** (Target.Bits_Per_Byte - 1);
    -- This is a byte with only the high bit turned on.  It is used to
    -- determine if an Exp is negative.

    type Data is array (Positive range <>) of Byte;
    pragma Pack (Data);
    -- Data is after all a packed stream of bytes

    subtype Word is Data (1 .. Target.Bytes_Per_Integer);
    -- A word is the unit of storage that an integer or an address fits in.

    type Dope_Vector_Element is
            Size  : Integer;
            First : Integer;
            Last  : Integer;
        end record;
    for Dope_Vector_Element use
        record at mod 4;  
            Size  at 0 range 0 .. 31;
            First at 4 range 0 .. 31;
            Last  at 8 range 0 .. 31;
        end record;
    -- Layout of a dope vector element.  See type Dope_Vector for detailed
    -- explanation of these fields.

    Bytes_Per_Dope_Vector_Element : constant := Target.Bytes_Per_Integer * 3;
    -- The size of a dope vector element

    type Dope_Vector is array (Positive range <>) of Dope_Vector_Element;
    -- A Dope_Vector is an array of dope vector elements, having tthe
    -- format:
    --     (Size_0 First_1, Last_1)
    --     (Size_1, First_2, Last_2)
    --     ...
    --     (Size_n-1, First_n, Last_n)
    -- where the array has n dimensions.  Size_i, First_i, Last_i are
    -- interpreted as follows:
    --     Size_i   : the size of the i'th dimension in bytes.  i=0 means
    --                    the entire array.
    --     First_i  : the lower bound of the i'th dimension
    --     Last_i   : the upper bound of the i'th dimension
    -- Note that Size_i = (Last_i - First_i + 1) * byte size of i'th dim

    type Unconstrained_Descriptor_Ref is access Unconstrained_Descriptor;
    for Unconstrained_Descriptor_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => Expression,
                             Target => Unconstrained_Descriptor_Ref);
    -- To convert an Expression to point to an Unconstrained_Descriptor.

    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,
                             Target => Unconstrained_Descriptor_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to an Unconstrained_Descriptor.

    type Integer_Ref is access Integer;
    for Integer_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,  
                             Target => Integer_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to an Integer

    type Boolean_Ref is access Boolean;
    for Boolean_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;  
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,  
                             Target => Boolean_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to a Boolean

    type Long_Float_Ref is access Long_Float;
    for Long_Float_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;  
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,  
                             Target => Long_Float_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to a Long_Float

    type Subprogram_Variable_Ref is access Subprogram_Variable;
    for Subprogram_Variable_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;  
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,  
                             Target => Subprogram_Variable_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to a Subprogram_Variable

    type Expression_Ref is access Expression;
    for Expression_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;  
    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                            (Source => System.Address,  
                             Target => Expression_Ref);
    -- To convert a System.Address to point to an Expression for assignment

    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Word,  
                                               Target => Expression);
    -- To convert a Word into an Expression.  Note that both have the
    -- same size.

    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Expression,  
                                               Target => Word);
    -- To convert an Expression into a Word.  Note that both have the
    -- same size.

    function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Word,  
                                               Target => Integer);
    -- To convert an Word into an Integer.  Note that both have the
    -- same size.

    type Data_Kind is (Undefined, Value, Data_Ptr, Dv_Data_Ptr,
    -- Data_Kind identifies three different kinds of data in an Expression.
    -- It refers to the table entries in the table in the spec for the po-
    -- ssible layouts of a value of a formal private type.  Meanings are:
    --  Undefined:
    --     Expression is meaningless.
    --     Table entry is "Illegal".
    --  Value:
    --     Expression is the value in 1 word.
    --     Table entry is "1 word".
    --  Data_Ptr:
    --     Expression points to the data.
    --     Table entry is "@data".
    --  Dv_Data_Ptr:
    --     Expression points to a contiguous areay having (dope vector, data).
    --     Table entry is "@(dv,data)".
    --  Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr:
    --     Expression points to an Unconstrained_Descriptor for an array.
    --     Table entry is "@(@data,@dv)".
    --  Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr:
    --     Expression points to an Unconstrained_Descriptor for a record.
    --     Table entry is "@(@data,cnstrnd?)
    -- The Data_Kind_Of array implements the Data Kind Table in the spec
    Data_Kind_Of :
       constant array (Formal_Type_Kind, Expression_Kind) of Data_Kind :=
       (Scalars | Accesses | Tasks    =>  
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Value,  
            Formal_Object                  => Value,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Data_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Allocator                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Undefined),

        Long_Scalars | Simple_Records =>  
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object                  => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Data_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Allocator                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Undefined),

        Constrained_Records           =>  
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object                  => Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Allocator                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Data_Ptr),

        Constrained_Arrays            =>  
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object                  => Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Allocator                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Dv_Data_Ptr),

        Unconstrained_Arrays          =>  
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object                  => Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Unconstrained_Array_Desc_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Undefined,  
            Allocator                      => Dv_Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Undefined,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Dv_Data_Ptr),

        Unconstrained_Records         =>
           (Nil_Kind                       => Undefined,  
            Local_Object                   => Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object                  => Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr,  
            Formal_Object_Ref              => Unconstrained_Record_Desc_Ptr,  
            Component                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Allocator                      => Data_Ptr,  
            Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => Undefined,  
            Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => Data_Ptr));

    Can_Be_Trusted : constant array (Expression_Kind) of Boolean :=
       (Local_Object                   => True,
        Component                      => True,
        Allocator                      => True,
        Nil_Kind                       => False,
        Formal_Object                  => False,
        Formal_Object_Ref              => False,
        Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator   => True,
        Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator => False);
    -- Certain Expression_Kind's can be trusted to satisfy the constraints
    -- of the private type.  However, Formal_Object, and Formal_Allocator's
    -- cannot.

    -- Instantiating this generic establishes the dope vector subtype
    -- for a type descriptor
        Dope_Vector_Size : Integer;
    package Establish_Dope_Vector_Subtype is
        subtype Actual_Dope is  
           Dope_Vector (1 .. Positive (Dope_Vector_Size /

        type Dope_Ref is access Actual_Dope;
        for Dope_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;

        function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                                (Source => Expression,  
                                 Target => Dope_Ref);
        -- To convert an Expression to point to Actual_Dope

        function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                                (Source => System.Address,  
                                 Target => Dope_Ref);
        -- To convert a System.Address to point to Actual_Dope

    end Establish_Dope_Vector_Subtype;
    pragma Generic_Policy (Establish_Dope_Vector_Subtype, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Establish_Dope_Vector_Subtype);

    -- Instantiating this generic establishes a Data subtype
        Data_Size : Integer;
    package Establish_Data_Subtype is

        subtype Actual_Data is Data (1 .. Data_Size);
        -- Data is after all a stream of bytes

        type Data_Ref is access Actual_Data;
        for Data_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;

        function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                                (Source => Expression,  
                                 Target => Data_Ref);
        -- To convert an Expression to point to Actual_Data

        function Cnvt is new Unchecked_Conversion  
                                (Source => System.Address,  
                                 Target => Data_Ref);
        -- To convert a System.Address to point to Actual_Data

    end Establish_Data_Subtype;
    pragma Generic_Policy (Establish_Data_Subtype, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Establish_Data_Subtype);

    -- This generic is designed to be instantiated in a procedure frame,
    -- with actuals to deal with expressions in the various formats.  See
    -- the exported function Satisfies for a canonical use.
        with procedure Unary_Value_Op (Exp : Expression);
        with procedure Unary_Data_Op  (Exp_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Unary_Unconstrained_Array_Op  
                          (Exp_Dope :        Dope_Vector;  
                           Exp_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Unary_Unconstrained_Record_Op  
                          (Exp_Constrained :        Boolean;  
                           Exp_Data        : in out Data);
        with function  Get_Value_Size
                         (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                          Value      : Expression;  
                          Value_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Integer;
    procedure Unary_Dispatch (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                              Exp       : Expression;
                              Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind);
    pragma Generic_Policy (Unary_Dispatch, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Unary_Dispatch);
    -- pragma Inline (Unary_Dispatch);

    -- This generic is designed to be instantiated in a procedure frame,
    -- with actuals to deal with expressions in the various formats.  See
    -- the exported function Equal for a canonical use.
        with procedure Binary_Value_Op      (Exp_1 : Expression;  
                                             Exp_2 : Expression);
        with procedure Binary_Data_Op       (Exp_1_Data : in out Data;  
                                             Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Value_Data_Op (Exp_1      :        Expression;  
                                             Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Data_Value_Op (Exp_1_Data : in out Data;  
                                             Exp_2      :        Expression);
        with procedure Binary_Unconstrained_Array_Op  
                          (Exp_1_Dope :        Dope_Vector;
                           Exp_1_Data : in out Data;
                           Exp_2_Dope :        Dope_Vector;
                           Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Unconstrained_Record_Op
                          (Exp_1_Constrained :        Boolean;
                           Exp_1_Data        : in out Data;
                           Exp_2_Constrained :        Boolean;
                           Exp_2_Data        : in out Data);
        with function  Get_Value_Size
                         (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                          Value      : Expression;  
                          Value_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Integer;
    procedure Binary_Dispatch (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                               Exp_1      : Expression;
                               Exp_1_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                               Exp_2      : Expression;
                               Exp_2_Kind : Expression_Kind);
    pragma Generic_Policy (Binary_Dispatch, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Binary_Dispatch);
    -- This generic is designed to be instantiated in a procedure frame,
    -- with actuals to deal with expressions in the various formats.  See
    -- the exported function Equal for a canonical use.
        with procedure Binary_Value_Op (Exp_1 : Expression; Exp_2 : Expression);
        with procedure Binary_Data_Op
                          (Exp_1_Data : in out Data; Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Value_Data_Op
                          (Exp_1 : Expression; Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Data_Value_Op
                          (Exp_1_Data : in out Data; Exp_2 : Expression);
        with procedure Binary_Unconstrained_Array_Op (Exp_1_Dope : Dope_Vector;
                                                      Exp_1_Data : in out Data;
                                                      Exp_2_Dope : Dope_Vector;
                                                      Exp_2_Data : in out Data);
        with procedure Binary_Unconstrained_Record_Op
                          (Exp_1_Constrained :        Boolean;
                           Exp_1_Data        : in out Data;
                           Exp_2_Constrained :        Boolean;
                           Exp_2_Data        : in out Data);
        with function  Get_Value_Size
                         (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                          Value      : Expression;
                          Value_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Integer;

    procedure Two_Kind_Binary_Dispatch (Type_Desc_1 : Type_Descriptor;
                                        Exp_1       : Expression;
                                        Exp_1_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                                        Type_Desc_2 : Type_Descriptor;
                                        Exp_2       : Expression;
                                        Exp_2_Kind  : Expression_Kind);
    pragma Generic_Policy (Two_Kind_Binary_Dispatch, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Two_Kind_Binary_Dispatch);
    -- pragma Inline (Two_Kind_Binary_Dispatch);
    -- pragma Inline (Binary_Dispatch);

    -- Actual code to copy an Expression from Source to Dest_Address, which
    -- is the address of an Expression.  Chk is only used in the case of
    -- an Unconstrained_Arrays.  This is a generic to deal with the Return_
    -- Value function that already has a Value_Size in the case of the No
    -- Copy Down model.
        with function Get_Value_Size
                         (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                          Value      : Expression;  
                          Value_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Integer;
    procedure Copy_Expression_Generic (Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                                       Source           : Expression;
                                       Source_Kind      : Expression_Kind;
                                       Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                                       Dest_Kind        : Expression_Kind;
                                       Dest_Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                                       Chk              : Copy_Check_Kind);
    pragma Generic_Policy (Copy_Expression_Generic, Replicated);
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Copy_Expression_Generic);
    -- pragma Inline (Copy_Expression_Generic);

    package Asm_Interface is
        function Value_Size (Subp      : Subprogram_Variable;
                             Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                             Exp       : Expression;
                             Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind) return Integer;
        -- To call Value_Size_Subp in the Type_Descriptor

        procedure Init (Subp         : Subprogram_Variable;
                        Type_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                        Dest_Address : System.Address);
        -- To call Init_Subp in the Type_Descriptor

        procedure Init_With_Tasks (Subp             : Subprogram_Variable;
                                   Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                                   Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                                   Master_Layer     : System.Address;
                                   Activation_Group : System.Address);
        -- To call Init_Subp in the Type_Descriptor, passing a Master_
        -- Layer and an Activation_Group when the type has tasks.

        function Allocate (Subp               : Subprogram_Variable;
                           Type_Desc          : Type_Descriptor;
                           Collection_Or_Heap : System.Address;
                           Is_Collection      : Boolean;
                           Is_Homogeneous     : Boolean) return System.Address;
        -- To call Allocate_Subp in the Type_Descriptor

        function Allocate_With_Tasks
                    (Subp               : Subprogram_Variable;
                     Type_Desc          : Type_Descriptor;
                     Collection_Or_Heap : System.Address;
                     Is_Collection      : Boolean;
                     Is_Homogeneous     : Boolean;
                     Master_Layer       : System.Address;
                     Activation_Group   : System.Address) return System.Address;
        -- To call Allocate_Subp in the Type_Descriptor, passing a Master_
        -- Layer and an Activation_Group when the type has tasks.

        procedure Dscrmt_Record_Assign  
                     (Subp        : Subprogram_Variable;
                      Type_Desc   : Type_Descriptor;
                      Source      : Expression;
                      Source_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                      Dest        : Expression;
                      Dest_Kind   : Expression_Kind);
        -- To call Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp in the Type_Descriptor

        function Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies  
                    (Subp      : Subprogram_Variable;
                     Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                     Exp       : Expression;
                     Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind) return Boolean;
        -- To call Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp in the Type_Descriptor.
        -- Does ONLY a subtype check.

        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Value_Size);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Allocate);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Allocate_With_Tasks);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Dscrmt_Record_Assign);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies);

        pragma Interface (Asm, Init);
        pragma Import_Procedure (Internal  => Init,
                                 External  => "__CALL_INIT",
                                 Mechanism => (Reference, Reference, Value));

        pragma Interface (Asm, Init_With_Tasks);
        pragma Import_Procedure
           (Internal  => Init_With_Tasks,
            External  => "__CALL_INIT_WITH_TASKS",
            Mechanism => (Reference, Reference, Value, Value, Value));
    end Asm_Interface;

    package Satisfies_Ops is
        function Satisfies_Value  
                    (Type_Desc   : Type_Descriptor;
                     Exp         : Expression;
                     Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                     Type_Kind   : Formal_Type_Kind;
                     Size        : Integer;
                     Chk         : Check_Kind) return Boolean;

        function Satisfies_Data  
                    (Type_Desc   : Type_Descriptor;
                     Exp_Data    : Data;  
                     Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                     Type_Kind   : Formal_Type_Kind;
                     Size        : Integer;
                     Chk         : Check_Kind) return Boolean;

        function Satisfies_Unconstrained_Array  
                    (Exp_Dope    : Dope_Vector;
                     Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                     Chk         : Check_Kind) return Boolean;
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Satisfies_Value);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Satisfies_Data);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check,
                         On => Satisfies_Unconstrained_Array);
    end Satisfies_Ops;

    package Short_Pointer_Ops is
        function Short_To_Long (Dat : Data) return Expression;

        procedure Copy_Value_To_Data (Source_Exp   : Expression;  
                                      Dest_Address : System.Address);

        procedure Copy_Data_To_Value (Source_Data  : Data;  
                                      Dest_Address : System.Address);

        procedure Copy_Data_To_Data (Source_Data  : Data;  
                                     Dest_Address : System.Address);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Short_To_Long);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Copy_Value_To_Data);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Copy_Data_To_Value);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Copy_Data_To_Data);
    end Short_Pointer_Ops;

    -- Debug utilities
    package Debug is
        function Hex_Image (Dat : Data) return String;
        -- Return the image of Dat in hex.

        function Hex_Image (Exp : Expression) return String;
        -- Return the image of Exp in hex.

        function Indirect_Hex_Image (Address : System.Address;  
                                     Length  : Natural) return String;
        -- Return the image of Length bytes starting at the address
        -- pointed to by Address.

        function Indirect_String_Image (Address : System.Address;  
                                        Length  : Natural) return String;
        -- Return the image of Length bytes starting at the address
        -- pointed to by Address interpreted as a String.

        function Address_Image (Address : System.Address) return String;
        -- Return the image of Address in hex.

        function Expression_Image (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;  
                                   Exp       : Expression;
                                   Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind) return String;
        -- Returns a string for Exp both with and without interpretation.
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Hex_Image); -- Does both
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Indirect_Hex_Image);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Indirect_String_Image);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Address_Image);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, On => Expression_Image);
    end Debug;

    -- Following are a collection of useful utility subprograms

    function "+" (Left  : System.Address;  
                  Right : Integer) return System.Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return System."+" (Left, Standard.Integer (Right));
    end "+";
    -- pragma Inline ("+");

    function To_Address (Int : Integer) return System.Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return System.To_Address (Standard.Integer (Int));
    end To_Address;
    -- pragma Inline (To_Address);

    function Get_Scalar_Lower_Bound
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Constraints.Constraint_1;
    end Get_Scalar_Lower_Bound;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Scalar_Lower_Bound);

    function Get_Scalar_Upper_Bound
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Constraints.Constraint_2;
    end Get_Scalar_Upper_Bound;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Scalar_Upper_Bound);

    function Get_Long_Scalar_Lower_Bound
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return Long_Float is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Cnvt (Constraints.Constraint_1'Address).all;
    end Get_Long_Scalar_Lower_Bound;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Long_Scalar_Lower_Bound);

    function Get_Long_Scalar_Upper_Bound
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return Long_Float is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Cnvt (Constraints.Constraint_3'Address).all;
    end Get_Long_Scalar_Upper_Bound;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Long_Scalar_Upper_Bound);

    function Get_Dope_Vector_Address
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return System.Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return To_Address (Constraints.Constraint_1);
    end Get_Dope_Vector_Address;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Dope_Vector_Address);

    function Get_Dope_Vector_Size
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor) return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Constraints.Constraint_2;
    end Get_Dope_Vector_Size;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Dope_Vector_Size);

    function Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp
                (Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor)
                return Subprogram_Variable is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Cnvt (Constraints.Constraint_2'Address).all;
    end Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp);

    function Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp
                (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor) return Subprogram_Variable is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        if Type_Desc.Type_Kind = Constrained_Records then
            return Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp (Type_Desc.Constraints);
            return Nil_Subprogram_Variable;
        end if;
    end Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp);

    procedure Bogus_Value_Op (Exp : Expression) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        pragma Assert (False);
    end Bogus_Value_Op;

    procedure Bogus_Data_Op (Exp_Data : in out Data) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        pragma Assert (False);
    end Bogus_Data_Op;

    procedure Bogus_Unconstrained_Array_Op (Exp_Dope :        Dope_Vector;  
                                            Exp_Data : in out Data) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        pragma Assert (False);
    end Bogus_Unconstrained_Array_Op;

    procedure Bogus_Unconstrained_Record_Op (Exp_Constrained :        Boolean;  
                                             Exp_Data        : in out Data) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        pragma Assert (False);
    end Bogus_Unconstrained_Record_Op;

    function Get_Value_Size (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                             Value      : Expression;  
                             Value_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (N => Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        case Type_Desc.Type_Kind is  
            when Unconstrained_Arrays | Unconstrained_Records =>

            when Constrained_Arrays | Constrained_Records =>
                case Value_Kind is
                    when Formal_Object | Formal_Object_Ref |
                         Formal_Heterogeneous_Allocator =>

                    when others =>
                        return Type_Desc.Size;
                end case;

            when others =>
                return Type_Desc.Size;
        end case;

        return Asm_Interface.Value_Size  
                  (Subp      => Type_Desc.Value_Size_Subp,
                   Type_Desc => Type_Desc,
                   Exp       => Value,
                   Exp_Kind  => Value_Kind);
    end Get_Value_Size;

    -- This routine packs Dat into an Expression at the proper bytes
    -- appropriate for this target.
    function Data_To_Expression (Dat         : Data;  
                                 Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor)  
                                return Expression is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Is_Signed   : Boolean;
        Is_Negative : Boolean;
        Result      : Word;
        -- A scalar type is signed iff the lower bound of the constraint
        -- is negative.  The value is negative iff the type is signed and
        -- the first byte has the high bit turned on.  We can check for
        -- this by checking that the first byte is greater than or equal
        -- to the value of the byte High_Bit_Only which has only the high
        -- bit turned on.
        Is_Signed   := Get_Scalar_Lower_Bound (Constraints) < 0;
        Is_Negative := Is_Signed and then Dat (Dat'First) >= High_Bit_Only;

        if Target.Bytes_Are_Backwards then
            Result (Result'First .. Result'First + Dat'Length - 1) := Dat;

            for I in Result'First + Dat'Length .. Result'Last loop
                Result (I) := Extension_Byte (Is_Negative);
            end loop;
            for I in Result'First .. Result'Last - Dat'Length loop
                Result (I) := Extension_Byte (Is_Negative);
            end loop;

            Result (Result'Last - Dat'Length + 1 .. Result'Last) := Dat;
        end if;

        return Cnvt (Result);
    end Data_To_Expression;

    -- This function is used to compute the address of the data portion
    -- of a scalar that is stored in an expression.  Note that the scalar
    -- may be stored in the low bytes or high bytes depending on whether
    -- Target.Bytes_Are_Backwards is False or True (respectively).
    -- Note that this function must be given the ADDRESS of an expression,
    -- and not its value as its first parameter.  You may ask why we cannot
    -- implement it by giving a value.  Well, taking the 'Address of the
    -- expression refers to the address of a parameter passed by value (YUK!),
    -- and hence the computation refers to bogus stuff for the caller when
    -- this function has returned.  So, we REQUIRE the caller to call this
    -- function with the 'Address of the value.
    function Get_Scalar_Data_Address
                (Scalar_Value_Address : System.Address;  
                 Scalar_Size          : Positive) return System.Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        if Target.Bytes_Are_Backwards then
            return Scalar_Value_Address;
            -- Note that the parenthesis is important to ensure that we ONLY do
            -- addition of an integer to a System.Address
            return Scalar_Value_Address +
                      (Target.Bytes_Per_Address - Scalar_Size);
        end if;
    end Get_Scalar_Data_Address;
    -- pragma Inline (Get_Scalar_Data_Address);

    -- Compare Size bytes from Left and Right
    function Equal_Indirect (Left  : System.Address;  
                             Right : System.Address;
                             Size  : Integer) return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);

        package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (Size);

        Left_Data_Ref  : constant Data_Subtype.Data_Ref :=  
           Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Left);
        Left_Data      : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data  
            renames Left_Data_Ref.all;
        Right_Data_Ref : constant Data_Subtype.Data_Ref :=  
           Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Right);
        Right_Data     : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data  
            renames Right_Data_Ref.all;
        return Left_Data = Right_Data;
    end Equal_Indirect;

    --[] Currently not used
    procedure Clear_Indirect (Dest : System.Address;  
                              Size : Integer) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);

        package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (Size);

        Dest_Data_Ref : constant Data_Subtype.Data_Ref :=  
           Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Dest);
        Dest_Data     : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data  
            renames Dest_Data_Ref.all;
        -- Faster to assign elements one by one rather than building
        -- an aggregate and copying it.
        for I in Dest_Data'Range loop
            Dest_Data (I) := 0;
        end loop;
    end Clear_Indirect;

    -- Copy Size bytes from Source to Dest
    procedure Copy_Indirect (Dest   : System.Address;
                             Source : System.Address;
                             Size   : Integer) is  
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);

        package Data_Subtype is new Establish_Data_Subtype (Size);

        Dest_Data_Ref   : constant Data_Subtype.Data_Ref :=  
           Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Dest);
        Dest_Data       : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data  
            renames Dest_Data_Ref.all;
        Source_Data_Ref : constant Data_Subtype.Data_Ref :=  
           Data_Subtype.Cnvt (Source);
        Source_Data     : Data_Subtype.Actual_Data  
            renames Source_Data_Ref.all;
        Dest_Data := Source_Data;
    end Copy_Indirect;

    function Get_Expression (Exp_Address : System.Address;  
                             Exp_Kind    : Expression_Kind)  
                            return Expression is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        case Exp_Kind is
            when Nil_Kind =>
                return Nil_Expression;
            when Local_Object | Formal_Object =>
                -- The Expression to dispatch on is referenced by
                -- Exp_Address
                return Cnvt (Exp_Address).all;
            when others =>
                -- Exp_Address is to be interpreted as the address of the
                -- data or the (dv,data) pair.
                return Expression (Exp_Address);
        end case;
    end Get_Expression;

    -- Internal stubs

    package body Asm_Interface is separate;

    procedure Unary_Dispatch (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                              Exp       : Expression;
                              Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind) is separate;

    procedure Binary_Dispatch (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                               Exp_1      : Expression;
                               Exp_1_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                               Exp_2      : Expression;
                               Exp_2_Kind : Expression_Kind) is separate;

    procedure Two_Kind_Binary_Dispatch
                 (Type_Desc_1 : Type_Descriptor;
                  Exp_1       : Expression;
                  Exp_1_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                  Type_Desc_2 : Type_Descriptor;
                  Exp_2       : Expression;
                  Exp_2_Kind  : Expression_Kind) is separate;

    package body Debug is separate;

    package body Satisfies_Ops is separate;

    package body Short_Pointer_Ops is separate;

    procedure Copy_Expression_Generic  
                 (Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                  Source           : Expression;
                  Source_Kind      : Expression_Kind;
                  Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                  Dest_Kind        : Expression_Kind;
                  Dest_Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                  Chk              : Copy_Check_Kind) is separate;

    -- Exported subprograms follow

    procedure Copy (Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                    Source           : Expression;
                    Source_Kind      : Expression_Kind;
                    Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                    Dest_Kind        : Expression_Kind;
                    Dest_Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                    Chk              : Copy_Check_Kind) is separate;

    function Convert (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                      Exp : Expression;
                      Exp_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                      Target_Kind : Conversion_Kind;
                      Uncons_Desc_Address : System.Address;
                      Chk : Check_Kind) return Expression is separate;

    function Satisfies (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                        Exp       : Expression;
                        Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                        Chk       : Check_Kind) return Boolean is separate;

    function Equal (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                    Left       : Expression;
                    Left_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                    Right      : Expression;
                    Right_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Boolean is separate;

    function Allocate (Type_Desc          : Type_Descriptor;
                       Collection_Or_Heap : System.Address;
                       Is_Collection      : Boolean;
                       Is_Homogenous      : Boolean;
                       Initial_Value      : Expression;
                       Initial_Value_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                       Master_Layer       : System.Address;
                       Activation_Group   : System.Address)
                      return System.Address is separate;

    function Return_Value (Type_Desc      : Type_Descriptor;
                           Exp            : Expression;
                           Exp_Kind       : Expression_Kind;
                           Size_Address   : System.Address;
                           Result_Address : System.Address;
                           Result_Kind    : Conversion_Kind)
                          return System.Address is separate;

    procedure Unchecked_Convert (Source         : Expression;
                                 Source_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                 Source_Kind    : Expression_Kind;
                                 Source_Size    : Integer;
                                 Target_Address : System.Address;
                                 Target_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                 Target_Kind    : Expression_Kind;
                                 Target_Size    : Integer) is separate;

    procedure Unchecked_Deallocate (Collection : System.Address;
                                    Cell       : Storage_Management.Address_Ref;
                                    Desc       : Type_Descriptor;
                                    Kind       : Expression_Kind) is separate;
end Shared_Code_Generic_Support;
pragma Export_Elaboration_Procedure ("__SCG_BODY");
pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number         => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit,
                     Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);