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⟦261c69e93⟧ TextFile

    Length: 27249 (0x6a71)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


--    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
--    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
--                Copyright 1988 by Rational.
--                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
--    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
--    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
--    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
--                Rational
--                3320 Scott Boulevard
--                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197

with Primitive_Io;  -- For debugging only

package body Literal_Parser is

    -- procedure Trace
    --              (S : String;
    --               Absorb_Output : Boolean := Primitive_Io.Global_Absorb_Output)
    --     renames Primitive_Io.Put_Line;

    -- Should these constants be here???

    Line_Terminator : constant Character := Ascii.Cr;
    --*** Line_Terminator : constant Character := Ascii.Lf;
    Page_Terminator : constant Character := Ascii.Ff;

    --                           u
    --                       +-----------\
    --                       |            \   D
    --                .      v      d      \ /            e
    --          +----------> 10 ---------> 11* -----------------------+
    -- B        |                                                     |        D
    -- |   d    |    #       x        .        x        #         e   v   d    |
    -- 1 -----> 2 -----> 3 -----> 4 -----> 5 -----> 6 -----> 7* ----> 8 -----> 9*
    -- |s     / ^ \      ^       / \       ^       / \                |      / ^
    -- |    u/  |  D     |   u  /   D      |   u  /   X              s|   u /  |
    -- v    /   |        +------           +------                    |    /   |
    -- +<---    |                                                     v   /    |
    -- |        |                                                     +<--     |
    -- v   d    |                                                     |        |
    -- 12 ------+                                                     v    d   |
    --                                                               13 -------+

    -- The diagram above defines a finite state machine to recognize Ada real
    -- constants in TEXT_IO.  There are 13 states, numbered 1-13.  The start state
    -- is 1; accept states are marked with an asterisk.  The characters that cause
    -- state transitions are:
    --   d,D   a decimal digit, one of 0123456789
    --   x,X   an extended digit, either a decimal digit or a letter (either case)
    --   u     an underscore
    --   s    a sign, either + or -
    --   #     a pound sign or a colon
    --   .     a radix point
    --   e     either E or e
    --   B     a space, tab, line terminator, or page terminator
    -- The letters D, B, and X are used to indicate self-loops, which are difficult
    -- to draw in this medium.  Pounds signs can be replaced with colons, but the
    -- replacement must be uniform; you can't have one of each.

    --                           e
    --           +------------------------------------+
    -- B         |                                    |                 D
    -- |   d     |    #        x        #        e    v   s        d    |
    -- 1 ------> 2* -----> 3 ----> 4 ------> 5* ----> 6 -----> 7 -----> 8*
    -- |       / ^ \      ^       / \                 |        ^       /^
    -- |s    u/  |  D     |   u  /   X                |        |  u   / |
    -- |     /   |        +------                     |        +------  |
    -- v    /    |                                    |   d             |
    -- +<---     |                                    +-----------------+
    -- |         |
    -- v    d    |
    -- 9 --------+

    -- This diagram defines the syntax of an Ada integer literal.  The same
    -- conventions are used.  The difference between an integer and real literal
    -- is that a radix point is required in a real constant and forbidden in
    -- an integer constant.  Also, integer literals may not have negative
    -- exponents, but that is considered by the AJPO Language Laywers to be a
    -- "semantic restriction" that should not effect how things are parsed.

    -- B         X
    -- |   a     |     u
    -- 1 ------> 2* -------> 3
    -- |         ^           |
    -- |q        |     x     |
    -- |         +-----------+
    -- |
    -- v    g          q
    -- 4  ------> 5  ----------> 6*

    -- The above is a machine to recognize enumeration literals, which are either
    -- identifers or character literals.  The new notation used is:
    --  a   an alphabetic (letter)
    --  q   a quote
    --  g   any graphic character

    S01 : constant := 1;
    S02 : constant := S01 + 2;
    S03 : constant := S02 + 4;
    S04 : constant := S03 + 4;
    S05 : constant := S04 + 6;
    S06 : constant := S05 + 4;
    S07 : constant := S06 + 6;
    S08 : constant := S07 + 1;
    S09 : constant := S08 + 2;
    S10 : constant := S09 + 2;
    S11 : constant := S10 + 1;
    S12 : constant := S11 + 3;
    S13 : constant := S12 + 1;
    Szz : constant := S13 + 1;

    T01 : constant := Szz;
    T02 : constant := T01 + 2;
    T03 : constant := T02 + 4;
    T04 : constant := T03 + 4;
    T05 : constant := T04 + 6;
    T06 : constant := T05 + 1;
    T07 : constant := T06 + 2;
    T08 : constant := T07 + 1;
    T09 : constant := T08 + 2;
    Tzz : constant := T09 + 1;

    -- These constants are used to define the states of the three machines.
    -- Notes that in each expression Xnn + mm, mm is the number of
    -- different arcs coming out of state nn.

    type State is range S01 .. Tzz - 1;

    type Character_Class is (Upper_Case_Extended,-- Must be in this order
                             Upper_Case_Letter,  --
                             Lower_Case_Letter,  --
                             Letter_E,           --
                             Digit,              -- End of must be in this order
                             Separator, Terminator, Irrelevant_Character);

    subtype Alphabetic is Character_Class range Upper_Case_Extended .. Letter_E;
    subtype Alphanumeric is Character_Class range Upper_Case_Extended .. Digit;

    type Class_Map_Type is array (Character) of Character_Class;

    Class_Map : constant Class_Map_Type :=
       Class_Map_Type'('0' .. '9' => Digit,

                       'a' .. 'd' => Lower_Case_Extended,
                       'e' => Letter_E,
                       'f' => Lower_Case_Extended,
                       'g' .. 'z' => Lower_Case_Letter,

                       'A' .. 'D' => Upper_Case_Extended,
                       'E' => Letter_E,
                       'F' => Upper_Case_Extended,
                       'G' .. 'Z' => Upper_Case_Letter,

                       '#' | ':' => Pound,
                       '+' | '-' => Sign,

                       '_' => Underscore,
                       '.' => Point,

                       ' ' | Ascii.Ht => Separator,

                       Line_Terminator | Page_Terminator => Terminator,

                       others => Irrelevant_Character);

    -- The state table consists of triples:
    --   If_Class_Is: Character_Class;
    --   Then_New_State_Is: State;
    --   Last_Rule: Boolean;

    If_Class_Is : constant array (State) of Character_Class :=

       -- The machine to recognize Real Literals
       (S01 + 0 => Digit,
        S01 + 1 => Sign,

        S02 + 0 => Digit,
        S02 + 1 => Point,
        S02 + 2 => Pound,
        S02 + 3 => Underscore,

        S03 + 0 => Digit,
        S03 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        S03 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        S03 + 3 => Letter_E,

        S04 + 0 => Digit,
        S04 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        S04 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        S04 + 3 => Letter_E,
        S04 + 4 => Point,
        S04 + 5 => Underscore,

        S05 + 0 => Digit,
        S05 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        S05 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        S05 + 3 => Letter_E,

        S06 + 0 => Digit,
        S06 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        S06 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        S06 + 3 => Letter_E,
        S06 + 4 => Pound,
        S06 + 5 => Underscore,

        S07 + 0 => Letter_E,

        S08 + 0 => Digit,
        S08 + 1 => Sign,

        S09 + 0 => Digit,
        S09 + 1 => Underscore,

        S10 + 0 => Digit,

        S11 + 0 => Digit,
        S11 + 1 => Letter_E,
        S11 + 2 => Underscore,

        S12 + 0 => Digit,

        S13 + 0 => Digit,

        -- The Machine that recognizes an Integer
        T01 + 0 => Digit,
        T01 + 1 => Sign,

        T02 + 0 => Digit,
        T02 + 1 => Letter_E,
        T02 + 2 => Pound,
        T02 + 3 => Underscore,

        T03 + 0 => Digit,
        T03 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        T03 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        T03 + 3 => Letter_E,

        T04 + 0 => Digit,
        T04 + 1 => Upper_Case_Extended,
        T04 + 2 => Lower_Case_Extended,
        T04 + 3 => Letter_E,
        T04 + 4 => Pound,
        T04 + 5 => Underscore,

        T05 + 0 => Letter_E,

        T06 + 0 => Digit,
        T06 + 1 => Sign,

        T07 + 0 => Digit,

        T08 + 0 => Digit,
        T08 + 1 => Underscore,

        T09 + 0 => Digit);

    Then_New_State_Is : constant array (State) of State :=

       -- The machine to recognize Real Literals
       (S01 + 0 => S02,
        S01 + 1 => S12,

        S02 + 0 => S02,
        S02 + 1 => S10,
        S02 + 2 => S03,
        S02 + 3 => S12,

        S03 + 0 => S04,
        S03 + 1 => S04,
        S03 + 2 => S04,
        S03 + 3 => S04,

        S04 + 0 => S04,
        S04 + 1 => S04,
        S04 + 2 => S04,
        S04 + 3 => S04,
        S04 + 4 => S05,
        S04 + 5 => S03,

        S05 + 0 => S06,
        S05 + 1 => S06,
        S05 + 2 => S06,
        S05 + 3 => S06,

        S06 + 0 => S06,
        S06 + 1 => S06,
        S06 + 2 => S06,
        S06 + 3 => S06,
        S06 + 4 => S07,
        S06 + 5 => S05,

        S07 + 0 => S08,

        S08 + 0 => S09,
        S08 + 1 => S13,

        S09 + 0 => S09,
        S09 + 1 => S13,

        S10 + 0 => S11,

        S11 + 0 => S11,
        S11 + 1 => S08,
        S11 + 2 => S10,

        S12 + 0 => S02,

        S13 + 0 => S09,

        -- The Machine that recognizes an Integer
        T01 + 0 => T02,
        T01 + 1 => T09,

        T02 + 0 => T02,
        T02 + 1 => T06,
        T02 + 2 => T03,
        T02 + 3 => T09,

        T03 + 0 => T04,
        T03 + 1 => T04,
        T03 + 2 => T04,
        T03 + 3 => T04,

        T04 + 0 => T04,
        T04 + 1 => T04,
        T04 + 2 => T04,
        T04 + 3 => T04,
        T04 + 4 => T05,
        T04 + 5 => T03,

        T05 + 0 => T06,

        T06 + 0 => T08,
        T06 + 1 => T07,

        T07 + 0 => T08,

        T08 + 0 => T08,
        T08 + 1 => T07,

        T09 + 0 => T02);

    Last_Rule : constant array (State) of Boolean :=

       -- The machine to recognize Real Literals
       (S01 + 0 => False,
        S01 + 1 => True,

        S02 + 0 => False,
        S02 + 1 => False,
        S02 + 2 => False,
        S02 + 3 => True,

        S03 + 0 => False,
        S03 + 1 => False,
        S03 + 2 => False,
        S03 + 3 => True,

        S04 + 0 => False,
        S04 + 1 => False,
        S04 + 2 => False,
        S04 + 3 => False,
        S04 + 4 => False,
        S04 + 5 => True,

        S05 + 0 => False,
        S05 + 1 => False,
        S05 + 2 => False,
        S05 + 3 => True,

        S06 + 0 => False,
        S06 + 1 => False,
        S06 + 2 => False,
        S06 + 3 => False,
        S06 + 4 => False,
        S06 + 5 => True,

        S07 + 0 => True,

        S08 + 0 => False,
        S08 + 1 => True,

        S09 + 0 => False,
        S09 + 1 => True,

        S10 + 0 => True,

        S11 + 0 => False,
        S11 + 1 => False,
        S11 + 2 => True,

        S12 + 0 => True,

        S13 + 0 => True,

        -- The Machine that recognizes an Integer
        T01 + 0 => False,
        T01 + 1 => True,

        T02 + 0 => False,
        T02 + 1 => False,
        T02 + 2 => False,
        T02 + 3 => True,

        T03 + 0 => False,
        T03 + 1 => False,
        T03 + 2 => False,
        T03 + 3 => True,

        T04 + 0 => False,
        T04 + 1 => False,
        T04 + 2 => False,
        T04 + 3 => False,
        T04 + 4 => False,
        T04 + 5 => True,

        T05 + 0 => True,

        T06 + 0 => False,
        T06 + 1 => True,

        T07 + 0 => True,

        T08 + 0 => False,
        T08 + 1 => True,

        T09 + 0 => True);


    procedure Parse_Numeric_Literal (Source         : in     String;
                                     Integral       : in     Boolean;
                                     Result         : in out Numeric_Literal;
                                     Status         : out    Parse_Status;
                                     Last_Of_Source : out    Natural) is

        Source_First : Natural; -- Not Source'First, but 1st char of the numlit
        Source_Index : Natural          := Source'First;
        Source_Last  : constant Natural := Source'Last;

        Current_State : State;
        -- The state of the finite-state machine

        Pound_Info : Character;
        -- If we are between pound signs, Pound_Info contains the character
        -- being used to represent a pound sign ('#' or ':').  If we are not
        -- between pound signs, Pound_Info contains a blank.

        Current_Char  : Character;
        Current_Class : Character_Class;
        Rule          : State;
        -- These are work variables used to update the state

        subtype Sign_Type is Numeric_Literals.Sign_Type;
        Plus  : constant Sign_Type := Numeric_Literals.Plus;
        Minus : constant Sign_Type := Numeric_Literals.Minus;

        Sign : Sign_Type;

        -- Having parsed a numeric literal, put it away in the parameter
        -- that the caller provided.  The only problem is that the caller
        -- may have provided too small of a place to put it.  In that
        -- case, an error status is returned, and Result.V is set so that
        -- the caller knows how much space is needed and can allocate the
        -- proper amount.

        procedure Set_Result is
            Result_Length : constant Integer := Source_Index - Source_First + 1;
            -- Trace ("Lp returning literal of length " &
            --        Integer'Image (Result_Length));

            -- Report the exact length required
            Result.L := Result_Length;

            if Result.Max_Length < Result_Length then
                -- Trace ("Lp literal is too short");
                Status := Numeric_Literal_Too_Short;
                --Trace ("Lp literal is " &
                --       Source (Source_First ..
                --                  Source_First + Result_Length - 1));
                -- Result.V (1 .. Result_Length) :=
                --    Source (Source_First .. Source_First + Result_Length - 1);
                for I in 1 .. Result_Length loop
                    Result.V (I) := Source (Source_First + I - 1);
                end loop;

                Status := Ok;
            end if;

        end Set_Result;

        -- Trace ("Lp.Parse_Numeric_Literal from " & Source);

        -- First, skip whitespace
        -- Whitespace = blanks, tabs, line and page terminators

        Last_Of_Source := Source_Last;  -- anticipate all blanks or tabs

        for I in Source'Range loop
            if Class_Map (Source (I)) /= Separator then
                if Class_Map (Source (I)) = Terminator then
                    Last_Of_Source := I - 1;
                    -- Found non-whitespace
                    Source_Index := I;
                    goto E1;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;

        -- If here, either source is empty or searched the entire string
        -- and found nothing but whitespace

        Status := Empty_Field;
        -- Trace ("Lp empty field - 1");

        <<E1>> null;

        -- Record the first character found of the numeric literal.
        Source_First := Source_Index;

        -- This will be the mantissa or the base, though right now we don't
        -- know which.  Assume not based as default.
        Sign            := Plus;
        Result.Is_Based := False;

        if Integral then
            Current_State := T01;
            Current_State := S01;
        end if;

        Pound_Info := ' ';

                if Source_Index > Source_Last then
                    Current_Class := Irrelevant_Character;
                    exit State_Machine;
                end if;

                Current_Char := Source (Source_Index);
                -- We don't increment Source_Index here because we haven't
                -- yet decided that we want to "keep" the character.

                Current_Class := Class_Map (Current_Char);

                case Current_Class is

                    when Letter_E =>
                        -- The meaning of an E depends on whether it is between
                        -- pound signs.  Either it is an extended digit or the
                        -- beginning of an exponent.

                        if Pound_Info = ' ' then
                            Sign := Plus;
                            -- This will be the exponent
                        end if;

                    when Pound =>

                        if Pound_Info = ' ' then
                            -- This is the first pound sign.
                            Pound_Info := Current_Char;
                            Sign       := Plus;

                        elsif Pound_Info /= Current_Char then
                            -- Oops!  We really shouldn't have considered this
                            -- character to be a pound sign, because it doesn't
                            -- match the first one.  Treat it as if it were
                            -- something else.

                            Current_Class := Irrelevant_Character;
                            -- This is the second pound sign
                            Pound_Info      := ' ';
                            Result.Is_Based := True;
                        end if;

                    when Literal_Parser.Sign =>
                        if Current_Char = '-' then
                            Sign := Minus;
                            -- The default value is Plus
                        end if;

                    when others =>
                end case;

                Rule := Current_State;

                        if If_Class_Is (Rule) = Current_Class then
                            Current_State := Then_New_State_Is (Rule);
                            exit Find_Rule;
                        elsif Last_Rule (Rule) then
                            exit State_Machine;
                        end if;

                        Rule := Rule + 1;
                    end loop Find_Rule;

                -- If there is a transition for the current character and state,
                -- then the character gets "read".

                Source_Index := Source_Index + 1;

            end loop State_Machine;

        -- Let Source_Index point to the last character of the numlit now.
        Source_Index := Source_Index - 1;

        -- Record the last character used in reading the numeric literal
        Last_Of_Source := Source_Index;

        case Current_State is
            when S01 | T01 =>
                -- In this state we have seen only whitespace
                Status := Syntax_Error;

            when S07 | S11 | T02 | T05 =>
                -- Accept states in which no exponent was given.
                -- Simply return the result

            when S09 | T08 =>
                -- Return a bad status if an integer has a negative exponent.
                if Integral and Numeric_Literals."=" (Sign, Minus) then
                    Status := Syntax_Error;
                end if;

            when others =>
                -- Nonaccept states
                Status := Syntax_Error;  
        end case;
    end Parse_Numeric_Literal;


    procedure Parse_Enumeration (Source                  : in  String;
                                 Unprintable_Terminators : in  Boolean;
                                 Result                  : out String;
                                 Last                    : out Natural;
                                 Status                  : out Parse_Status;
                                 Last_Of_Source          : out Natural) is

        Source_First_Nonblank : Natural;
        Source_Index          : Natural          := Source'First;
        Source_Last           : constant Natural := Source'Last;
        Id_Length             : Natural;
        Result_First          : constant Natural := Result'First;
        Result_Length         : constant Natural := Result'Length;


        -- First, skip whitespace
        -- Whitespace = blanks, tabs, line and page terminators

        Last_Of_Source := Source_Last;  -- anticipate all blanks or tabs

        for I in Source'Range loop
            if Class_Map (Source (I)) /= Separator then
                if Class_Map (Source (I)) = Terminator then
                    Last_Of_Source := I - 1;
                    -- Found non-whitespace
                    Source_Index := I;
                    goto E1;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;

        -- If here, we searched the entire string and found nothing but
        -- whitespace
        Last   := 0;
        Status := Empty_Field;

        <<E1>> null;

        -- Now there are two possibilities.  First, we could be looking
        -- at an identifier.  Second, we could be looking at a character
        -- constant.
        if Source (Source_Index) /= ''' then
            -- We're scanning for an identifier
            Source_First_Nonblank := Source_Index;
            -- First character must be a letter
            if Class_Map (Source (Source_Index)) not in Alphabetic then
                goto E2;
            end if;
            -- We must have letters or digits next, possibly with
            -- interspersed single underscores.
                Source_Index := Source_Index + 1;
                exit when Source_Index > Source_Last;
                    C : constant Character_Class :=
                       Class_Map (Source (Source_Index));
                    if C = Underscore then
                        -- Eat the '_', and there must be something
                        -- following, and it must not be '_'
                        Source_Index := Source_Index + 1;
                        if Source_Index > Source_Last then
                            goto E2;
                        end if;
                        if Class_Map (Source (Source_Index)) not in
                           Alphanumeric then
                            goto E2;
                        end if;
                    elsif C not in Alphanumeric then
                    end if;
            end loop;
            -- Here, we have eaten a full identifier, and Source_Index
            -- is either past the end of the source, or pointing at the
            -- first character past the identifier.
            Id_Length := Source_Index - Source_First_Nonblank;
            if Result_Length >= Id_Length then
                -- The Result will hold the identifier
                -- Result (Result_First .. Result_First - 1 + Id_Length) :=
                --    Source (Source_First_Nonblank .. Source_Index - 1);
                    Src_Indx_Kludge : Natural := Source_First_Nonblank;
                    for I in Result_First .. Result_First - 1 + Id_Length loop
                        Result (I)      := Source (Src_Indx_Kludge);
                        Src_Indx_Kludge := Src_Indx_Kludge + 1;
                    end loop;
                Last   := Result_First + Id_Length - 1;
                Status := Ok;
                -- The Result won't hold the identifier
                Last   := 0;
                Status := Syntax_Error;
            end if;
            Last_Of_Source := Source_Index - 1;
            goto E3;
            <<E2>> null;
            -- Here there has been some screw-up.  Source_Index is pointing
            -- at some bad character, or past the end of the string.
            Last           := 0;
            Last_Of_Source := Source_Index - 1;
            Status         := Syntax_Error;
            <<E3>> null;
            -- Here we have a character constant
            -- We know Source (Source_Index) = '''
            if Source_Index + 1 > Source_Last or else
               Source (Source_Index + 1) not in ' ' .. '~' then
                Last           := 0;
                Last_Of_Source := Source_Index;
                Status         := Syntax_Error;
            elsif Source_Index + 2 > Source_Last or else
                  Source (Source_Index + 2) /= ''' then
                Last           := 0;
                Last_Of_Source := Source_Index + 1;
                Status         := Syntax_Error;
                -- Here we have parsed a character constant
                if Result_Length >= 3 then
                    -- The Result will hold the character constant
                    Result (Result_First .. Result_First + 2) :=
                       Source (Source_Index .. Source_Index + 2);
                    Last := Result_First + 2;
                    Status := Ok;
                    -- The Result won't hold the character constant
                    Last   := 0;
                    Status := Syntax_Error;
                end if;
                Last_Of_Source := Source_Index + 2;
            end if;
        end if;

    end Parse_Enumeration;

end Literal_Parser;