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Length: 6364 (0x18dc) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦4c85d69e2⟧ └─⟦this⟧
-- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1988 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054-3197 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1988. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- with Primitive_Io; -- For debugging only with Io_Parameters; pragma Elaborate (Io_Parameters); separate (Common_Text_Io) procedure Fill_Buffer (File : File_Type; S : in out Input_State; B : in out Buffering.Data_Buffer; Undo_Eof : Boolean := False) is Slide_Amount : Integer; Count : Natural; Line_Terminator_Detected : Boolean; Line_Last_Data_Index : Natural; Line_Terminator_Present : Boolean; Empty_Buffer : constant Boolean := Buffering.Is_Empty (B); Use_Block_Moves : Boolean renames Io_Parameters.Use_Block_Moves; -- procedure Pput (S : in String; -- Absorb_Output : Boolean := -- Primitive_Io.Global_Absorb_Output) -- renames Primitive_Io.Put_Line; begin -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer, Empty_Buffer = " & Boolean'Image (Empty_Buffer)); case S.Eof_Encountered is when False => if Buffering.Is_Full (B) then return; end if; when True => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has Eof_Encountered on entry"); return; -- there are no characters to get when Simulated_False => -- EOF has already happened, but we are pretending that is -- hasn't -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has Simulated_False Eof on entry"); if Undo_Eof then null; -- Imagine that we get the EOF and then put it back. else -- Do Normal EOF processing S.Eof_Encountered := True; New_Page (S); end if; return; end case; -- Make all possible room in the buffer. Slide_Amount := B.Tail - 1; if Empty_Buffer then Buffering.Clear (B); else Buffering.Slide (B); end if; -- Adjust line start for amount of slide S.Line_Start := S.Line_Start - Slide_Amount; -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer buffer after sliding"); -- Buffering.Display_Buffer (B); begin -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer calling Dio.Read"); Dio.Read (File => File, Item => B.Buffer (B.Head + 1 .. B.Max_Length), Count => Count, Line_Terminator_Detected => Line_Terminator_Detected, Line_Last_Data_Index => Line_Last_Data_Index, Line_Terminator_Present => Line_Terminator_Present, Already_Locked => True); exception when End_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has End_Error after Dio.Read; Undo_Eof = " & -- Boolean'Image (Undo_Eof)); if Undo_Eof or else not Empty_Buffer then S.Eof_Encountered := Simulated_False; else -- Do Normal EOF processing S.Eof_Encountered := True; New_Page (S); end if; return; when others => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has some exception after Dio.Read"); raise; end; -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has" & Integer'Image (Count) & -- " bytes, Line_Terminator_Detected = " & -- Boolean'Image (Line_Terminator_Detected)); -- Pput (" Line_Terminator_Present = " & -- Boolean'Image (Line_Terminator_Present) & -- ", line_last_data_index =" & Integer'Image (Line_Last_Data_Index)); -- This version of Fill_Buffer will put a Line_Terminator at the -- end of every line. if Line_Terminator_Detected then Buffering.Bump (B, Count); -- We will insert Line_Terminators into the buffer where -- needed, but will take care to preserve the notion that -- a Page_Terminator is also a Line_Terminator. if not Line_Terminator_Present then if Buffering.Is_Empty (B) or else Buffering.Peek_At_Last (B) /= Page_Terminator then -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer adding Line_Terminator"); Buffering.Stuff (B, Line_Terminator); end if; end if; S.Eob_Is_Eol := Empty_Buffer and Use_Block_Moves; -- Buffering.Display_Buffer (B); else -- If we didn't find a line terminator, then we assert that -- we have at least one character. if Count = 0 then raise Use_Error; end if; Buffering.Bump (B, Count); -- Buffering.Display_Buffer (B); -- for I in B.Tail .. B.Head loop -- Pput ("Have character " & Buffering.To_Character (B.Buffer (I))); -- end loop; S.Eob_Is_Eol := False; end if; -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer Eob_Is_Eol = " & Boolean'Image (S.Eob_Is_Eol)); -- Pput (" Line_Start =" & Integer'Image (S.Line_Start)); exception when Constraint_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has Constraint_Error"); raise Iof.Input_Value_Error; when Numeric_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has Numeric_Error"); raise Iof.Input_Value_Error; when Use_Error | Data_Error | Layout_Error | Status_Error => -- Pput ("Cti.Fill_Buffer has Use_, Data_, Layout_, or Status_Error"); raise; when others => -- Pput -- ("Cti.Fill_Buffer: Some exception raised, reflecting Device_Error"); raise Device_Error; end Fill_Buffer;